Search results

  1. Hitura Rael

    A Lotus on the River

    Name: Dhriti Shreevant Age: 21 Gender: Female Height: 5'7'' Weight: 173 lb Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Black Ethnicity: Indian Appearance: An image link works fine here too. Other Information: n/a Biography: Dhriti had a traditional upbringing in India, including being placed into an...
  2. Hitura Rael

    The Lion Sleeps Tonight

    Discovering the Gunleon in it's current state was... something. James slipped his helmet off to rub his face with his left hand. His eye lids felt heavy and his mind numb. It had been too long a trip back, thankfully quiet after Merida had recounted the fight. She didn't need to tell him her...
  3. Hitura Rael

    Not What I had in Mind... (Jade)

    James flexed his fingers and exhaled through his mouth, slow and steady. He could do this. It was just like sparring with any other knight. Except this was the leader of the knights group he had looked up to since he was small. Leaving Luna, fighting in far off places, defending the weak as...
  4. Hitura Rael

    Is Fish edits/additions may occur in further sections I havent touched on in the template.
  5. Hitura Rael

    Worldbuilding class Materials

    Worldbuilding Resources Science headlines History Medieval Egyptian African Indian...
  6. Hitura Rael

    Resources to get into your character's head
  7. Hitura Rael

    Junkyard Lion (Theo, Lukas)

    It was bright and early in the Lunar Kingdom. TOO early. Merida pounded on the door to her brother's place with her fist, balancing a container and a cup of coffee in her other hand. She was the exact opposite of a morning person. She was the equivalant of waking a bear up in hibernation if she...
  8. Hitura Rael

    Echidna's Lament

    <placeholder for profile>
  9. Hitura Rael

    Fish Tails

    Long ago the tribe chief had three children. The eldest, his son; and two younger daughters. His son took a wife from within the tribe when he was of age. The middle daughter was promised to the tribe's strongest warrior, and the youngest was promised to a member of a rival tribe as a peace...
  10. Hitura Rael

    SRW Ignition Secret Santa 2020!

    It's that time of year once again! Almost! Time for stocking stuffers and belly stuffers! And what better way than to share the season with friends? Time for the Third Annual Super Robot Wars Ignition Secret Santa! If you're interested, here's the rules and guidelines: What are the limits...
  11. Hitura Rael

    Something we all Forgot

    We're all here to have fun, but when the posting gets tough the brain starts... resisting. We stare at a blank reply box or blank document for ages, struggling to get something onto the 'paper'. We approach burn out, worrying over the quality and if people will like it. Then when we get to this...
  12. Hitura Rael

    Recording performance of PC

    Lately there have been some issues in the community with random crashes of PCs. Here's a guide to record some monitoring and read it. 1) Launch perfmon 2) Select a monitor. There are two system defined ones. Either one would work, diagnostics may be better as it has more monitors...
  13. Hitura Rael

    Personel Log: James Steelheart, Sun-Eater

    [Generating log.... Subject... James Steelheart....] [...] [...] [Access Denied] [... Access override registered] Subject: James Alexander Steelheart.... birth name ||REDACTED|| Birthdate: March 1, 84 Gender: Male Height: 5'9'' Weight: 167 lbs Eye Color: Sapphire Blue Hair Color: Brown...
  14. Hitura Rael

    Font Size Test

    Normal Bigger 3.5
  15. Hitura Rael

    Abdication in Advance

    The world passed by in an unfocused blur of light and shadow to James. He stared out the window as he always had on the ride home, but this time, his mind was elsewhere. His discussion with the queen was out of his mind at this point, as well as his plans for the future. His mind was set...
  16. Hitura Rael

    NaNoWriMo Prep

    Everyone has their own way to prepare for NaNoWriMo. You could not prepare at all and fly by the seat of your pants. (This is why the term is Pantser) You could plan everything out. (Planner) Or you can have a vague idea and go where the wind takes you (Plantser) Something that I have found...
  17. Hitura Rael

    NaNoWriMo interest check

    In the last few days there has been a lot of discussion in a group participation in National Novel Writing Month. NaNoWriMo is a yearly event occurring in November, designed to challenge writers to settle down and write that book. It gives a deadline to work against, people in your area to...
  18. Hitura Rael

    The Bowels of Charybdis

    Lights flickered uncontrollably with the rise and fall of am electrical hum. The very colony rocked and shook, metal groaning in protest. Outside the stars faded away in a growing swath, consumed by the spreading darkness, pulling everything around it to its crushing embrace, to be consumed by...
  19. Hitura Rael

    20,000 characters into the post

  20. Hitura Rael

    Taken Listing 3.0

    Still in progress but here's some teasing!