Confidential Report: The Cult of Volkruss


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
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Compiled by: Agent [REDACTED]


This document will detail what we know about the pervasive "Cult" that has managed to worm its tendrils into every aspect of society. While its existence has been suspected for some time, we now have concrete evidence that the corruption taking hold in the Directory's upper ranks is anything but ordinary. What we have uncovered is a threat both ancient, and almost too extraordinary to believe - yet our research is conclusive, and what you are about to read is true.

This report would not be possible without the efforts of countless agents and personnel.

To those that gave their lives, we dedicate this to your memory.

On the honor of Terra Sentinel, we will see to it that your sacrifice was not in vain.​


The organization known informally as the "Cult of Volkruss" has many names and faces, differing by region and the culture in which it takes root. Bizzarre cults are no new occurrence in the history of humankind, but the Cult differs from these, in that its deity is very much real. It is made up of countless smaller organizations, referred to as "Congregations", and while the details of their practices vary, all include some manner of human sacrifice, the summoning of otherworldly entities, and the dabbling in of outlawed alchemic rituals and practices deemed unsafe by the Directory Alchemic Society.

The Cult's influence is not limited simply to these smaller organizations - criminal activity, including human trafficking, intimidation, and even gang warfare - have been found to have ties leading back to the Cult. It is believed that important figures in the Directory are involved with it as well, even as their exact identities are concealed, and that much of the above criminal activity is carried out with their express consent.

Activities engaged in range from simple recruitment, to active harassment and militant violence. Kidnapping is commonplace, but more often the cult is simply able to steer those it wishes to acquire into their clutches through its considerable resources. The ways in which this pervasive influence has damaged our society are innumerable.

No matter the size or function of the Congregation, they contribute to the Cult's true goal: The resurrection of the dark God Shiva Volkruss…

And with it... the end of the world.

Uprooting this dangerous element of Directory Society is a top priority for Terra Sentinel, and we must prepare ourselves to battle with a foe that is ancient, eldritch, and utterly without scruples, for the good of all mankind.


The Cult of Volkruss's various faces all have a unifying theme: Rebirth through destruction. They view death as merely the beginning of a new cycle of constant reincarnation, and that the only way to free themselves from this eternal repetition is through summoning the dark God Volkruss, who will reduce all of existence to nothingness, allowing for the universe to experience a "true" rebirth, free of sin.


The exact numbers of cultists and believes are unknown, but they possibly number in the millions. Because the Cult often operates under the cover of various pseudonyms and otherwise legitimate front organizations (such as charities, new-age religion movements, etc.), uncovering its true nature is extraordinarily difficult - as is separating the masterminds from those simply being manipulated in the scheme. The leadership of the Cult is similarly murky, and only limited information is available on the ringleaders, whose identities are closely guarded secrets. It resembles, by some unverified accounts, a religious organization, with Bishops and Arch Bishops leading various congregations, but specifics are frustratingly scarce.

Identifying top-ranking members of the Cult should be a high priority for any TS Agents, who should expect to receive special training on the subject starting in [REDACTED].


The Cult wishes to revive the Dark God Volkruss, ushering in the end of the world, and with it, a final, utopian rebirth. They believe that the current world is tainted beyond all saving - that our "Original Sin" has damned mankind to eternally repeat his mistakes, much like Sisyphus. Repentance does nothing, as the other Gods are uncaring, and only seek to enjoy torturing their Earthbound subjects. Through Volkruss, the Cult preaches, one may find true rebirth and release for all of mankind.


The central figure in the Cult's mythos. Volkruss, at is commonly known, has many titles "The Great Destroyer", "The End of All Things", "The Final Calamity", and depictions resembling it can be traced back to [REDACTED], indicating that it has been around for millennia. It is commonly depicted as a vast, horned being, with sweeping scythe-like claws, and serpentine limbs. During times when the Cult's power waxes, it has even been able to summon partial avatars of it's God, a still of which can be seen in Incident Report [REDACTED]. It is a sentient, malevolent entity that desires only destruction, and whose influence coils tight around the heart of the Directory, like a foul parasite.

Volkruss is far from a benevolent God. It is death and destruction incarnate. Oddly, even its devotees acknowledge this - it trades power and influence for the souls and service of mortals, as well as boons both physical and mental - many who have turned to Volkruss sought cures for untreatable illness, fame, fortune, and sometimes even love. Supposedly, Volkruss is even able to restore the dead, but this ability is [REDACTED]. Once sworn to Volkruss, the being eternally holds sway over their lives - and when those lives end, it is said their souls become nourishment for Volkruss itself. In this sense, it is extremely difficult to persuade followers to abandon the cult, as the benefits of their association are often considerable, though some apostates, some of whom provided valuable resources for this report, do exist. In a sense, Volkruss is planting "seeds" in its followers, allowing them to grow strong so that its eventual harvest is all the more succulent, thus explaining this behavior.

It was sealed long ago in an event shrouded in mystery - not even the Cult knows the true details of what occurred, but this does not prevent them from feverishly seeking to uncover it. What is known for sure is that Volkruss is imprisoned outside our world, in a "pocket dimension" of sorts that is sustained by the energy the Cult provides. It is prevented from entering our dimension by a series of complex seals, the breaking of which occupies the majority of the Cult's resources. The procurement of ancient grimoires that detail the exact process of unfettering their God is of tantamount importance to the Cult, and it has exerted considerable effort in seeking out these tomes, scrolls - any kind of material that serves their purpose, they will pursue relentlessly.

Needless to say, preventing this occurrence is a top priority for field agents. Any kind of material discovered that may be linked to the cult, or exihibits Class B and above Prana Enhancement is to be immediately quarantined, and an alert issued to any and all local field offices.

No matter what, it cannot be allowed to fall into the Cult's hands.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018

The Cult is known to operate some exclusive Mobile Weapons. Unlike ordinary Elemental Machines, these Jureiki, or "Spirit Machines" as they are referred to, are not blessed by wandering spirits, but channel the very essence of Volkruss itself. This can have a variety of undesirable effects on the pilot, and it is rumored that higher level Jureiki will consume weaker souls whole-cloth, turning them into vengeful spirits eternally bound to their machines.

Code Name: Jiwen
Classification: Mass-Production Type Jureiki
Power Source: Prana-Neutrino Energy
Auxillary Power Source: Twin Annhilation Engine
Height: 29.7 Meters
Weight: 30.2 Meters
Equipment: Prana Convertor
Armament: Claws, mounted on arms; 2x Prana-projection cannon, mounted on undercarriage
Special Attacks: Ancient Light


A mass-produced Jureiki, or Spirit Machine, occasionally employed by the Cult's more well-heeled entities. Its design is over 50 years old - predating the construction of most modern Elemental Machines, but it is more than capable of keeping up with even modern mass-production weapons. The Jiwen does not walk, it hovers, and the design of its armor calls to mind the floral and bestial motifs that are common among monuments constructed to honor Volkruss, perhaps in imitation of the entity itself. Jiwens have been spotted during times of open conflict, or when the Cult is backed into a corner, and forced to abandon secrecy in favor of total destruction, at which time these Spirit Machines make themselves known, gliding onto the battlefield, their claws hungry for fresh sacrifices.

Its claws are ordinarily capable of shredding armor, and the machine itself is quicker than its awkward shape would suggest. Capable pilots are also able to make use of their Prana to further enhance these claws with alchemic energy, giving them a degree of the soul-shredding power of Volkruss itself. For ranged assaults, the Jiwen is capable of firing blasts of skull-shaped energy from the cannons mounted on its underside, making it a well-rounded design.

While the Jiwen is a formidable opponent, it is not without its drawbacks. It can be used by even low-ranking members of the Cult, but it uses a Prana-Neutrino drive to supplement its power, augmenting the strength and performance of the machine - but at the cost of additional exertion to the pilot. To the disciples of Volkruss, this is a mere trivial inconvenience - but it can easily result in the untimely death of its user, if they are careless. To help prevent this, the machine also has a pair of Annihilation Engines that serve as backup power sources, seeking to reduce the strain on the pilot.

It's name is believed to be a mangling of the term "Demon", but whether this is intentional or not is questionable.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Cult of Volkruss Look And Feel:


The Cult of Volkruss is insidious in nature - burrowed deep within the depths of society, awaiting the moment its dark uprising will begin. Members wear the standard guises of their regions - but beneath their clothing, there may lie living tattoos that swirl and churn before the eye on their skin. These markings not only serve to identify the bolder cultists to one another, but also are often inlaid with protective runes that store and amplify prana. To this end, even an average cultist may turn their body into a living conduit of Volkruss' malevolent will.


Another common accompaniment to the cultist's wardrobe are items of jewelry that carry protective spells, essences, or perhaps imprisoned souls - the uses of these devices is limited only by the imagination of their creators. These are not only easy to conceal, but are easily acquired and disposed of, if necessary, serving as powerful magnifiers of a magus's power. With these aids, it becomes possible for the rank and file of the cult to summon the living dead, to manipulate tortured spirits into subservience, and to carry pre-primed spells of their choosing for quick use.


In private company, these cultists wear traditional garbs that are modified versions of those often found in modern alchemic societies. Hoods that obscure the features of the wearer are both common and deliberate, making identifying the exact identities of fellow cultists difficult, even at higher echelons. The creation of this ceremonial attire is, in itself, a process steeped in tradition and mystery, and they serve to further attune the intentions and abilities of their wearer.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Notable Individuals:

Name: Lao Xi Feng
Age: Unknown, appears in his mid forties.
Occupation: Director, Archbishop of the Cult of Volkruss

One of the most powerful individuals in the entire world, the man known as Lao Xi Feng is courteous, polite, and as mild mannered a politician as they come. He has a reputation on the Directory board for his quiet efficiency, soft spoken demeanor, and a sense of humility that often leads him to defer credit for his accomplishments to others. He specializes in the mundane, yet necessary and paperwork-heavy aspects of global policy, using his soft-touch approach to promote renewable energy, encourage a culture of tolerance, and participate in the annual Director's Charity Walk.

However... This pales in comparison to the true power that the otherwise inoffensive Lao wields behind the scenes... As nothing less than the Archbishop of the insidious Cult of Volkruss.

One of, if not the most powerful magus of the age, Lao's administration over the Cult has led to its flourishing, and he has been in charge of it for as long as any of them can remember. Under his steady guidance and measured leadership, the Cult has spread its roots deep, and is stronger than it has ever been - yet the man himself is something of an enigma. Those who have attempted to dig into his past are seldom heard from again, and the section of the - Tesseract Vault, the subterranean storage of ancient tomes, artifacts, and knowledge obtained by the cult - that pertains to him has been relocated to parts unknown.

What is known for certain, however, is that his careful planning is about to come to fruition... The resurrection of Volkruss itself, his grand project, will soon be complete, thanks in no small part due to his endless patience.

...But, is that truly what his heart desires? None can tell, for he keeps his true feelings concealed under an icy mask - one willing to do whatever it takes, for however long it needs, to reach its destination...

Mobile Weapon: Unknown

Name: Esmee Oleander
Age: Unknown, but believed to be over two hundred years old.
Occupation: Necromancer

Some in the Cult of Volkruss - hardly a den of the well-adjusted and socially adept - are reviled and unwelcome, even by their own kind... And none moreso than Esmee Oleander, the Cult's resident Necromancer. The art of Necromancy - manipulation of the dead - has long been considered one of the most foul and invasive uses of Prana, for to dredge the dark for anguished spirits, binding them to one's will, is anything but pleasant work. While many of the Cult's magus employ the use of Spirit Soldiers, the compact made is one of choice by the spirit itself... Not so with Oleander's brand of sorcery, which wrenches souls from beyond the void to serve her own ends, giving them no say in the matter.

Her personality is self-centered, vain, and pretentious - putting on childish airs and deliberately toying with the expectations of others, she regards those around her a little more than disposable pawns, winning her few friends. She has great admiration for men of power, and will shamelessly coo and drape herself over those she favors, all the more eager to make them submit to her smug sense of superiority.

Oleander herself is believed to be over two hundred years old, having perfected the technique of sustaining her youth through Necromancy at some point in her early life. Utterly selfish, she is quick to turn on even her own companions if they fail to meet her standards, as their souls will serve as more useful to her own ends. Notoriously, to be admired by her is to be placed in even more danger, as she is fond of entrapping and keeping the souls of those she adores in various forms, binding them to her side... Forever.

The only one presently capable of keeping her under his thumb is Lao Xi Feng, the Archbishop - who is rumored to keep the secret of her longevity hostage - and even he finds her advances to be repulsive. Her position in the Cult is as his attack dog, by virtue of the fact that her unbelievable strength, knowledge, and prana potency makes her irreplaceable. Many of the Cult's Spirit Machines were directly - or indirectly - designed by her, and her mastery of the techniques required makes her other, less savory habits tolerable in comparison.

Mobile Weapon: Bowen
Description: A Spirit Machine designed by Oleander as the precursor to the Jiwen. It is a hulking, monstrous machine powered by the spirits of the dead, and while it packs truly impressive capabilities, it has not been adopted widely by the cult because of its voracious prana consumption. The average human being will have their soul consumed by the Bowen itself in ten minutes - though whether this is on purpose or on accident is uncertain, adding further infamy to Oleander's already muddied reputation.

Combat Style: Malefic
Strengths: Oleander's centuries of magic experience make her a true terror to behold on the battlefield. Those that fight alongside her do so at their own peril, as their deaths will only be brief reprieve from battle before they are resurrected as her puppets. Every foe, every ally cut down only adds to her arsenal, and she uses every new soul to further bolster her own abilities, employing booby traps, spectral illusions, and even avoiding harm entirely by stepping away briefly into the realm of the dead.
Weaknesses: The unfortunate part of being a Necromancer, it seems, is that one is wholly reliant on the dead to provide backup. Oleander, while capable of fighting on her own, is unfortunately average when deprived of masses of bodies to make use of, and is unable to call on her more impressive feats without the appropriate conditions. Thus, she prefers to set the stage beforehand, tipping the battlefield in her favor - but if caught unawares, or if interrupted, she would quickly find herself being overpowered.
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Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
Name: Vayne “Grampa” Marvis
Age: 75
Gender: Male
Height: 6’7”
Weight: 240 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Ethnicity: Arabic

Little is known of this man's history before joining the Cult, but all members have secrets and mysteries that are better left untold. Vayne is one of the elder members of the cult, and a devout worshiper of Volkruss. despite his occupation though, he is what most people wouldn't think of a cult member. He is a kind man, a great caretaker, and is much more forgiving of others compared to the other elders and senior members of the cult. His age and personality have made him popular with the younger generation of the cult, with many seeing him as a grandfather image, giving him the nickname "Gramps".

His specialty in magic is mind-manipulation and subterfuge. He is skilled with the intricacies of the mind, and is capable of modifying and removing memories, as well as being able to control people's mood by changing what is on their mind. This makes him extremely useful to the cult, since he is able to control the thoughts of others and exert his influence on them to the extent which he sees fit.

However his main role is working with Lao on raising Tian Di, the Vessel of Volkruss, to be a proper catalyst for the resurrection of their god. His mind-manipulation abilities are key in keeping Tian Di's doubts away, and keeping her in line with the Cult's goals.

Mobile Weapon: Unknown

Name: Tiān Di
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6
Weight: 110 lbs
Eye Color: Black, Gold
Hair Color: Black
Ethnicity: Chinese

The Prophesized child of Volkruss, the vessel who will play an integral role in bringing Volkruss back to life. She was a mere five years old when she was taken in by the Cult and her upbringing as a cultist began. Raised mainly by Lao Xi Feng and Vayne Marvis, her upbringing wasn't horrible by any means, until she hit her mid-teens, where she began developing doubts about her situation. She has been in internal turmoil for the past several years, struggling to figure out just who she is, a mere tool of the cult or her own being.

One of the few things she finds solace in is food; her favorite restaurant, The Great Duck, is a staple in her diet, a Michigan 3 star-rated gourmet Chinese restaurant, with an all-you-can-eat buffet course of traditional Chinese cuisine. When eating, she's able to forget all her other worries, solely focusing on the food before her.

Her Prana skills are above average for her age, but the quantity of Prana she can manipulate is absurd compared to others, due to her close ties to Volkruss. She has no specialty in magic though, save for using it to balance and help carry large plates of food. Her position in the cult makes her a celebrity of sorts, and she is worshiped in a way by other cult members.

Mobile Weapon: Granzon
Combat Style: Annihilation