Rabbits on the Moon (Sess)


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
"I'm fine."
Enfield's response was immediate, a low growl:



In that moment, James' world would have become one of pain, his vision spinning. If he were to collect himself, he might have seen the wounded Enfield now pulling his one good arm back after delivering a punch to the side of the young man's face that was swift as a lightning bolt - and packed as much power behind it.

"For once... Shut your motor mouth, and listen."

Enfield straightened. Despite the fact that he was clearly in pain, he showed no signs of weakness. His voice was firm, calm... and cold.

"In a crisis situation, you directly engaged an unknown enemy - in a machine that wasn't even fully tested, with you yourself barely trained to handle it."

The Knight of Knight's features contorted into a furious scowl, his voice rising in anger, causing others in the hangar to turn and look at the two men.

"What were you thinking? That you're some kind of hero? That you could win? That you could save me?" - He shook his head in disbelief, practically spitting his next words:

"I've never seen anything so reckless in my entire life."

Sir Enfield exhaled, slowly, letting the anger flow out of his body. He was furious - and he had stripped others of their commission for less, but the boy... Needed to hear this. At length he resumed... Calmer, this time.

"You should have run, and gotten help. Forgotten about me, and focused on denying the enemy's objective - to take the Genion. No matter what... Your duty is always to survive. To live, even in disgrace, is preferable to any honorable death - no matter what anyone else might say.

Today, you got lucky. We got lucky. The enemy attacked alone, and even then we barely drove them off. If they had brought reinforcements - even one more of those machines?" He paused here for a moment, allowing the question to hang in the air before continuing:

"You would be dead."

He closed his eyes, his brow furrowing as he reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose - though whether it was because of his throbbing head, or perhaps something else - was unclear. He continued shortly, bringing a hand up towards the young man, palm upwards, his tone switching from anger... To melancholy, lost in memory.

"I've seen far too many body bags in my time, James. Today, you could very well have joined them."

The discipline lesson was over. He waved a hand, as if clearing the air, and kicked back to float away, saying as he did:

"Reflect on your actions as a Knight of the Moon. That is all."

Hitura Rael

Staff member
Sep 29, 2018
Northeast Ohio
James stumbled away, holding his face where Enfield had struck him. He shut his mouth of course, and stood up at attention as any good little soldier should when being berated by his commanding officer. His mask slipped as Enfield went on though? By the time he was done, he turned his back to Enfield and stalked back toward the hangar, cold and quiet anger burning.

The man had it all wrong, and he had the stupidity to call him reckless? Fine. If he wanted to use James as a scapegoat for his frustration and fears, then James would just remove himself from the situation. The man was lucky he didn't chase after him and give him a taste of his own treatment. Arrogant, pig headed, hasty, jerk. James ignored the technicians around him and went straight for the Genion.

What the hell gave the man the nerve to not even have a proper conversation about the issue?! As if he wanted to be a hero or engage the bastard! Honestly, that shot to the Rapunzel must have knocked him far too hard in the head. It would certainly explain a lot. The cockpit on the Genion opened and James settled into the seat. He closed the hatch and sat in the dark, hand on his throbbing cheek. If that was how Enfield wanted to behave, fine. Time to just avoid the man as long as humanly possible. Unfortunately, it was a long ride back home, but fortunately, James was tired enough to fall asleep once all the adrenaline of the day wore off.