Through the Ages, Across Dimensions (Sess)


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
Crescentia, Somewhere within The World’s Edge

The World’s Edge. A metaphorical ‘end of times’ landscape that covered near half the world. In the same space naught but 2000 years ago, the Tyrannical Giants ruled over mankind with an iron fist. Their ruthless subjugation eventually led to their downfall, for when mankind rose up against them under the banner of Five Legendary Heroes, They were sealed away indefinitely. Though what was the origin of these Giants? Where did they come from? Why did they suddenly desire to rule the world? Naught but few know of the true reasoning behind their existence, their motives.


The nigh-omnipotent being whom created the world and all things within it. The Giants were of no exception, being of his spawn as well. Over time, the Giants grew to become jealous of mankind, coveting the freedoms they possessed, and sought to turn against their creator. Or as legends tell. They shattered Aberon into several pieces, and many considered him all but wiped from existence. Some theorized otherwise though, thinking that there may be some of him that “remains” perhaps floating in the sea of aether.

Many would kill to possess omnipotence, the knowledge of all and everything. A Supreme being to rule over the rest. Such temptation is what led the Giants down their path, proving that even higher beings aren’t immune to such desires.


“We’re almost there…” A man cloaked in black garb rode atop a silver mech, cruising through the Null-Zone of The World’s Edge. following him were three similar mech, all in a V-formation. “Once we reach the point, we’ll begin the ritual.”

A robotic-sounding voice replied in kind, originating from the lead mech.

“Let’s just hope the Guardians don’t catch on to what we’re doing…” the man gave a sheepish grin.

They eventually arrived at a mountainous rock formation, which seemed out of place in the ruined wasteland that surrounded it. None-the-less, this was one of the most important spots in Crescentia. While normally under the watchful eye of the Guardians of Eden, the timing was just right as no one else was there.

“Let’s set up.” The man spoke. The mechs moved around the rock formation, and pressed their hands together, beginning a chant of sorts.

The ritual would take some time, but if luck was on their side, they’d finish before the Guardians returned.

Hitura Rael

Staff member
Sep 29, 2018
Northeast Ohio
Luck is well known to be a fickle mistress. Today, she seemed to be on no ones side. Every year, the Aquarians tribes ventured forward on a pilgramage to these sacred stones, where they would make the journey to strengthen the seals they had guarded for time immemorium. Today's journey though, it was special, occuring once a generation if Aberon smiled upon them. Today, Amka stepped down. Today, Sedna sacrificed her future to become one with the Goddess.

She walked with her people, clad in a silvered silk dress that crushed her chest and waist. Deep breaths were physically impossible as the binding scantly gave a hairs breadth to her motions. It was impossible to bend over in the thing, giving her no choice but to continue onward. Thankfully, it lacked proper sleeves, exposing her bare arms to the air, save for where the sheer pale lace touched her, stretched from the coral bands around her upper arms to the coral bands shackling her wrists. Each was intricately designed with flowing, wavy patterns. Her feet throbbed, supported by sandals with worn weather straps over the top of her foot and around the back of her heels, traditional footware, literally worn by the first maiden who had been given to the Goddess.

She kept her hands folded in front of her, resting over her belly button, just below the looping gold belt adorning her hips. Shells and bells jingled in her hair with each step, woven through the silken tresses carefully, precisely, perfectly. It was the last day that she would be a member of the tribe before her new life began as servant to the Goddess until the day her future neice or nephew was born. Then, she would train them to take her place and make this journey again, clad far more humbly in white satins and far more gold and silver than the entire tribe would ever see again in their lifetime.

She opened her dark eyes as they drew nearer the stone formation. An uneasy murmur ran through her people. The corners of her aunt's lips turned down. "We will go ahead. We are not alone child. Be ready."

Sedna nodded to Amka and followed the older woman closely, but, unfortunately, not quietly.


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
Perhaps it was a coincidence that the two would meet on this day, at this time. Or maybe it was fate which ruled the ways of the world. Even unbeknownst to the individuals at the formation, this moment in time was one in which the borders between dimensions were by far the thinnest they’ve been since the two worlds split apart. This, was partly due to the happenings on the Moon. A massive generator of Dimensional energy exploding on itself, letting spew forth the DAMON that ever so lurk the border between reality and the great beyond. This was no isolated incident, however, as its effects would ripple and shred throughout the multiverse, perhaps even affecting those stuck in isolation… Regardless, a catalyst nonetheless would be needed to actually maneuver between the borders, which is what this stone formation is perfectly suitable for.

No one knew just what exactly it was, all they knew was what it could do. It served as a gate between Crescentia and Earth, and only two of them exist entirely. Peculiar as they are, with the proper know-how they can effectively create a gate between any dimension, something many would kill for. And many have.

As the individuals continued their chant, in some far off location, a waking presence could be noticed. Something that hadn’t been stirred in millenia, an anomaly that existed beyond the boundaries, locked in isolation since time immemorial. For the first time in a long time, this being was able to breathe. No longer feeling the constraints of the void he was bound to, he could ‘move’ his incorporeal form. In the distance, he could see what he hadn’t seen in some 2,000-odd years. Light.

As the chant continued, a ‘gate’ began to open, as dark swirling entry point expanding from thin-air, a two-way connection between ‘here’ and ‘there’.

But where is ‘there’?


A being slowly encroached his way through the portal, first having no form, but as his ‘body’ made contact with the air, a physical form slowly begun to take shape as well, flesh forming from the aether surrounding. First an arm, then a leg. The head came out next, taking the form of a man, perhaps in his late 30s, with stark white hair, and a rather chiseled face. His eyes glowed to life in a myriad of prismatic colors, looking left and right slowly, attuning himself to his surroundings.

“He is here…!” The man in the black garb widened his eyes at this being’s appearance realizing instantly who this ‘man’ was. Rather, he was no man, he wasn’t mortal. What stood before him was a being that transcended humanity.

A God.

By this time, Sedna’s group would have arrived within eyesight of this event, and the people they saw surely weren’t the Guardians of Eden.

“Haaah…” The White-haired ‘man’ looked at the scenery that surrounded him, and could only give a look of disappointment. “It seems things have gone to shit since I have been away…” Crescentia as he knew it was no more. ‘Twas only half the planet he remembered it being. Though at the same time, he could sense a presence which hadn’t existed before, a new world, bearing strong connections to Crescentia.

“Oh how they ruined everything…”

Hitura Rael

Staff member
Sep 29, 2018
Northeast Ohio
Sedna and Amka arrived first, frowning at the unexpected intrusion. Where were the guardians? And who were these men? Sedna felt uneasy at the sight of them.

Amka, however, old as she was, approached the group with all the fury of the Goddess behind her. "Here now, What's all this?" She put her fists on her hips, jewelry tinkling together as they shifted on her arms. She gave them a glare that only a mother or old annoyed woman could reasonably give, one that screamed 'I will not tolerate your shit'.

Sedna hung back, fingering a bracelet on her wrist. Her aunt was still the one to handle these matters, until she passed the mantel or died... it was not her place to interfere. Her dark eyes studied the men, lingering on the white haired one, watching him over the others. Something was most assuredly off about him, giving her flutters in her stomach that made her very glad she had not eaten this morning.


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
“...Those aren’t the guardians… I didn’t hear anything about this!” The leader in the black cloak shouted and turned to face the new arrivals. “Take care of them!” He commanded the silver mechs surrounding him. “We can’t let anyone leave alive.” The three Angelois moved towards the tribefolk, bearing ill-intent to strike them down. They held blades at the ready to strike the Goddess and her companions.

He then turned back to the man who appeared out of the portal, and held out his hand as if grasping. “I will subjugate you!” Though as his hand reached out to the man, it was stopped and some ‘force’ jolted through his arm, causing him to recoil backwards.

“...So this is as far as the servants of the traitorous beings can go?” A look of mixed anger and disappointment filled his face, as he looked on the man in the black cloak. “I may be but a fraction of myself previously, but don’t mistake me for some powerless knave…!” He held out his arm, and a powerful gust of wind rushed forward, knocking the man off balance and causing him to fall off the top of the Angeloi.

The Man stepped fully out of the portal, his whole body now within the atmosphere of Crescentia. While stark naked for a brief moment, clothes began materializing over his body, a rather intricate white robe now covered his body, as he looked down upon the scene before him.

“Thou hast committed a grave sin, child.” The man placed his hand on the Angeloi next to him, as it slowly began to deteriorate. The ‘essence’ that was left behind from it, seemingly was absorbed into his body, as his eyes flashed with a bright prismatic color, staring intently down at the cloaked man.

“I am Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End. Harken unto me child, for I am Aberon, the one who created all. Thou whom hast committed the gravest sin, that of turning your hand on your creator, leaves naught but one punishment for you.”

He inhaled slowly.

“Death.” The words resounded with a chilling tone.

Aberon held his arm out to the cloaked man, and a small ball of light surged from Aberon’s hand to the cloaked man’s body, that once making contact with, begun a slow disintegration of his body, leaving behind naught but a glowing sphere of energy which returned to Aberon before assimilating into his body.

He blinked, then turned to the stone structure behind him, looking in disappointment at it, murmuring under his breath. “Useless piece of junk.” He then turned back to the now fighting group of Angelois and tribe members, taking note of the Goddess among them.

“Good to see the Lords are still present.”

Hitura Rael

Staff member
Sep 29, 2018
Northeast Ohio
Amka muttered an offended oath. She grabbed Sedna by the arm and stalked back toward the rest of the tribe. The tribe rushed to meet the two women, a wall of ice jutting from the ground just in time to cause a problem for the Angelois. Alone, a single Aquarian would have been dead. But with the whole tribe... "Sedna," Amka barked, "We will hold them back. You must summon the Goddess."

Sedna's eyes went wide. "M-Me?! But-"

"No buts child! We can argue about it later." The older woman turned and joined the tribe to maintain the ice shell that shielded them from the outside assualt.

Sedna swallowed hard and took a deep breath and brought her hands together, careful with every motion, her chant low and slow. She had never successfully summoned the goddess before. Of course this wasn't exactly a spell you practice. Amka had taught her the words, the hand motions, every step she had to take to call the ancient mech. Her heart pounded in her chest, betraying the calm motions she moved through and the gentle tone of her voice. Butterflies batted her stomach with sharp wings to the beat of a humming bird's flight.

This was not how it was supposed to go. She was not supposed to be doing this. Amka was supposed to. But when it came to strength... Amka's contributed more to the defense. The final words were spoken, ringing too loud in her ears. The circle traced in the ground by her dancing feet glowed, the air around her bending and warping with the growing radiance until the ice dome shattered and exploded outward. The ice dust glittered as it drifted down to the ground, accumulating as a soft snow.

The tribesmen took advantage to retreat, using the ice and snow to create slides and trails to hasten their flight. Between the Angelois and the fleeing villagers stood the goddess in all her glory. Sedna was not ready for this. She would never be ready as far as she was concerned. She did not want to do this. But there was no choice now. She would never have the choice. She was born for this roll, specifically birthed for it, as her predecessors were. The goddess gripped the tridant in hand and brought it before her, crossed diagnoly in front of her chest. "You have one chance to flee." Sedna's voice rang out to the enemy pilots with more confidence and strength than she felt. Amka always did say, fake it til you make it.


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
Sedna’s threat would fall on deaf ears, as the soulless entities that controlled the Angelois were pushed onward by nothing more than the commands of their now deceased leader. Rather, at the death of the supposed leader by the hands of Aberon, one of the Angelois turned around and went back to attack Aberon, leaving only one to fight the now summoned Goddess. Just as the blue mech has been summoned, the Angeloi broke through the wall of ice and was met with the Goddess. It reeled back, charging a swing before slashing diagonally at Sedna.

The other, began its attack on Aberon, who remained unfazed at its assault. One would think crazy of a mere human taking on a mobile weapon, but Aberon was not quite human. Though he had lost much of the power that he once grasped in his hand, he still remained a Transient being that wasn’t exactly something that could be comprehended by common logic. He was, in his current state, incomplete, but even the spheres, which were incomplete, still held power that transcended common levels. Aberon was no different.

At least having absorbed the essence of the previous Angeloi, gave Aberon enough strength to fight. He simply blocked the blade with the palm of his hand, and in the moment after, a bright flash, centered around him, radiated outward blinding anyone looking directly at the source. As the light had subsided, the Angeloi was nowhere to be found, and only Aberon remained.

He returned his observation to the tribe, which had now fully engaged with the third and last Angeloi. He wished to see how the people of this world fought in this day and age.

Hitura Rael

Staff member
Sep 29, 2018
Northeast Ohio
Sedna gave an audible panic filled squeak as she flinched and closed her eyes. The Trident intercepted the sword slash, catching the blade and only giving way enough to let the blade slide off harmless to the Goddess. Sedna grimaced, squeezing her eyes shut at the sound of metal scraping along metal, a horrid sound for most people.

"What are you doing child?! Catch it in the tines! Disarm the bastard! And use both hands!" Amka shouted at the azure mech, even if her voice may fall on deaf ears by virtue of the size difference. "Don't just stand there you louts!" She barked her orders, gathering her villagers together to lead an assault on the drone. The water coalesced around them in a rippling wave, lashing out at the mech's face to freeze on contact should their aim be true.

Sedna whimpered and forced an eye open. The Goddess' free hand wrapped around the trident, enforcing the grip for the next strike from the Angeloid.


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
As the blade was deflected off the Trident of the opposing mech, the Angeloi turned its opposite arm into a sword, and spun around aimed to strike with both arms and overpower the Goddess. Sedna’s inexperience would lead her to danger, should she not manage to sharpen up and defeat the enemy that stands before her.

Meanwhile, Aberon, while keeping an eye on Sedna and the Goddess, began to estimate his current strength. While he was most certainly weaker than his original form, he needed to know his capabilities at the present time. Information was key, anyways; Knowing himself was important before he could begin to learn of others.

The results were, of course, disappointing. It truly was a fall from grace. Frustration due to discomfort, unfamiliarity, emotions he might have felt were he human. Alas, such things were unnecessary to him or his goals. He would retain his former strength. He has to.

Hitura Rael

Staff member
Sep 29, 2018
Northeast Ohio
The Goddess gripped the trident with both hands, just in time to brace for impact and shift the weapon into the way of the two blades. Sedna gritted her teeth as the Goddess held against the blades, How could she possibly disarm this thing when it's arms WERE the blades?!

Sedna heaved against the weight of the drone, aiming to send it off balance before jumping back and away from the machine. The trident's head glowed blow as Sedna swung it in the open air. A trail of ice spikes ruptured from the ground, jagged and sharp, heading right for the Angeloi.


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
As the Angeloi striked, Sedna’s counter was proven true, and the trident caught the arm-blades within its partitioned head. Locked in place, the Goddess had complete control of the Angeloi, as it’s graceful jump backward successfully threw the angeloi off balance as it fell over, crashing into the ground. The follow-up was quick as well, the ice spikes reaching the angeloi before it could get up, the spikes, upon making contact with the Angeloi, rapidly expanding and encapsulating the machine in a prison of ice.

“Hoh…” Aberon saw the scene play out and couldn’t help but be mildly surprised. Be it beginner’s luck or some other means, the inexperienced pilot successfully defeated an Angeloi. Aberon moved to where the tribe was, standing on top of the ice prison.

“Well-fought!” He clapped his hands and looked down upon the tribe. “Ah, but before you shatter the beast into a million pieces, would you allow me the pleasure of removing its presence from this world?” Aberon knew not if the pilot planned to smash the glacier or not, but it would be helpful to himself to absorb its essence.

Hitura Rael

Staff member
Sep 29, 2018
Northeast Ohio
The tribesmen turned their attention to the strange man. Dozens of dark colored eyes rest upon him, faces ranging from confusion to contempt. Amka narrowed her eyes at the man, "And who are you?"

Sedna removed her trembling hands from the controls, gripping them tightly together to steady herself. "I-I had not planned on destroying it... Um... go ahead?" She moved her hand meekly in a gesture of affirmation. She blushed, her embarassment safely hidden in the cockpit of the Goddess, then the Goddess repeated the gesture, a spread hand motioning the approval toward the Angeloi.


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
“Me? You can’t recognize your own creator before your own eyes?” Aberon gave a slight chuckle, musing the tribefolk. “Though perhaps tales of my existence have been faded as time went on… I was not present for quite a long time…” He made a troubled expression.

“Regardless, I am Aberon, creator of the world you call Crescentia.” He took a bow. “...And thank you, young warrior, these ‘things’ are key in my recovery.” Aberon turned to the Goddess, before pressing his hand on the tomb of ice. The Angeloi inside began to glow brightly, and the tribesfolk could notice that in a way the machine’s ‘essence’ was being absorbed by the man before them. Within ten seconds, the machine had vanished from inside the ice, causing the prison to shatter.

“Now, onto more pressing matters, I’m sure you’re all quite busy, but I would like guidance to the lord of this realm, for I have dire news I wish to impart on them.”

Hitura Rael

Staff member
Sep 29, 2018
Northeast Ohio
The tribe hadn't believed the man, of course. Not until he absorbed the mech that is. Once they finished gawking in shock at the shattered prison of ice, they reverantly placed their hands over their hearts, bowing slightly at the waist and lowering their heads. Even Sedna, inside the Goddess did this, after posturing the mech as so. She didn't want to anger the creator after all.

Amka did not raise her head as she addressed Abberon, "Great creator, if the news is that dire that you have returned to deliver it in person... You must go with Sedna and the Goddess at once. Our rituals can be held for a time until it pleases you that we complete them."

Sedna's cheeks flushed, brushing a light pink over her blue-green skin. "I would be honored to escort you, great creator."