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Astral Projection (Pulse)


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Aboard the Uyudaro Class Tantra.
January 01, OE 102
Circle Standard Time: 1:18AM
⋏⍜⍙ ☊⏃⋏☊⟒⌰⌰⟟⋏☌ ⊑⊬⌿⟒⍀⌇⌰⟒⟒⌿.
⌇⍜☊⟟⏃⌰ ⌿⍀⟒-⌿⍀⍜☌⍀⏃⋔⋔⟟⋏☌ ☊⍜⋔⌿⌰⟒⏁⟒
⎐⟟⏁⏃⌰ ⌇⟟☌⋏⌇ ⋏⍜⍀⋔⏃⌰
⌿⌰⟒⏃⌇⟒ ⍀⟒⌿⍜⍀⏁ ⏃⋏⊬ ⏃⏚⋏⍜⍀⋔⏃⌰⟟⏁⟟⟒⌇ ⏁⍜ ⌇⊑⟟⌿'⌇ ⏃⎍⏁⍜-⎅⍜☊ ⍙⟟⏁⊑⟟⋏ 18 ⌇⏁⏃⋏⎅⏃⍀⎅ ⏁⟟⋔⟒ ☊⊬☊⌰⟒⌇


Madin Eo felt his consciousness begin to reassemble.

It was never a pleasant sensation - neither at first, nor later, no matter how many times one undertook it. The Circle's technology was such that, upon traveling to a new world, passengers aboard its vessels would be pre-programmed with the language and information necessary to interact with its culture. While this, in theory, sounded all well and good, in practice it felt unnervingly like waking up, feeling as though one had managed to miss out on about ten years worth of their life... Without anything about them actually changing. In addition, because it only modified existing memories instead of creating brand new ones, it sometimes created some confusion in understanding - such as forgetting the planet one's spouse was originally from... Or that they existed at all.

To some, giving access to their cranium to some faceless automatic system might have seemed...


But, to the citizens of the Great Circle, such things were both ordinary, and desirable - for it was on those central systems that they had once depended on to forge the unbreakable bonds of trust between worlds.


Ah, yes - he thought mildly - the past tense was already settling in.

A blue-tinged hand gripped the edge of his stasis pod, and the Meyven lurched into a sitting position with a groan, reaching up to massage his temples, pushing long strands of hair out of his eyes as he did. A nanomachine bath worked to clean his skin, leaving only a pale aquamarine behind. The tide of small creatures served two purposes - one, to adapt him and those on the ship to the myriad of microorganisms that inhabited the Earth sphere by synthesizing untold billions of artificial bacteria over the course of their voyage - and also as a kind of coating, one that served to protect his skin from the ultraviolet rays that were not native to his own world - a deep, dark place below a depthless sea, where he had once whiled away his days in peace.

Such times were long past, and as he shook the last vestiges of sleep from his mind, reality began to settle in once more.

There was work to be done.

At length, he found himself striding purposefully down the dark corridors of the Tantra towards its bridge, pulling his off-white uniform close around him as he did to fend off the cold. The ship, it seemed, still hadn't even been fully reheated - and he hadn't seen another soul... Which could only mean one thing:

Something had happened.

As he entered the bridge, he was greeted by a majestic sight on the ship's massive forward monitors: A tremendous planetoid looming up at them, so vast that it eclipsed even the viewscreen itself with its creamy, orange and yellow surface. A ring of asteroids clustered about its exterior, jostling soundlessly with one another for position in their endless race about the planetoid... And he found himself struck, briefly, by it's majesty, in uncharacteristic uncertainty.

"Is that the Earth?" He said, incredulously.

A familiar voice answered him from the control panel overseeing the entire operation.

"No, Meyven. It's a gas giant, referred to in local parlance as Jupiter."

The broad shouldered form of Myr Rodis - an individual of import in their ranks, whose title would roughly have been translated as "Strategist" - came into view, and Madin felt the tension in his chest begin to recede. At least, he thought, he would not have to face whatever challenge had prompted their interruption alone.

"Ah. Good." Sighed the alien, with no small amount of relief in his voice.

He strode up and patted a hand on the armored shoulders of the larger man, who turned to give Eo a curious look, as though surprised he had taken to the customs of this new world so readily. Maskull towered over him in height - the majority of his body having been replaced with high performance cybernetics at some point prior to the ES wave - making the two appear an odd, mismatched couple. Yet, they had endured together the devastation of the ES Wave, the loss of their civilization... And were fellow travelers on this last, forlorn hope for survival, giving birth to an odd kind of respect between them born of mutual trauma.

"There are still some ways to go before we reach our destination." Said Rodis, his voice calm and even in its baritone, without even a trace of its cybernetic source.

"Then, why was I awakened?"

"An emergency situation. The Tantra detected what we have determined to be a distress signal being broadcasted from one of the distant Terran colonies orbiting Ganymede."

- The cyborg lifted a hand, pointing to an area just on the outside of a dark sphere on the outskirts of Jupiter.

"...Somewhere in orbit around that moon right there. Too far for any other inhabited location to assist, it seems."

Madin listened, arms folded as he contemplated the situation... but then, his response was immediate.

"We should help, then."

...The Strategist only raised an eyebrow, questioningly, as he regarded the young upstart.

"Is that really wise?" He asked, turning away from the control panel as he did so, palm upturned as he laid the facts of the situation bare.

"We come bearing weapons of great and terrible destruction, to a civilization that is only classified as a Class Two Plus on the Circle Advancement Index... A highly aggressive one, at that. There's no telling how they may react to our presence."

"Yet, for us to cruise idly by would hardly leave the best first impression, would it? The entire Earth Sphere will be watching us, Myr."

The cyborg paused, as if to offer a rebuttal... But eventually averted his gaze, giving a shrug as he did so, returning to the instruments.

"If you believe such a thing to be necessary."

"I do."

"As you will then, Meyven."

The matter settled, Madin clasped his hands together, rubbing them eagerly. It wasn't that he took the matter any less seriously - it was just that he couldn't have asked for a better way for them to make their presence known. Rather than skulking around the fringes of the solar system and fretting about how not to come across as a much-feared invasion force, now they could introduce themselves as benevolent saviors! He quietly said a prayer of thanks to the Guardian before continuing brightly;

"Who else was awakened? Any pilots?"

"Just the one. I understand there was some kind of malfunction with their hibernation unit. It's being rectified as we speak."


The Meyven couldn't hide the slack-jawed shock on his face. He was used to charging into battle at the head of (or preferably, behind) a dozen Bioroids armed to the teeth - but only one pilot, besides himself, had been thawed out in response?

Last edited by a moderator:
Nov 12, 2018
Elhirut had spent an unknowable amount of time staring into the cold, faceless void of space, eyes closed. Drifting, floating, endlessly grasping for anything in his blind existence.

But he had seen.

And it had seen him.

And it had begun screaming.

He had wished he was alone. Deaf. Blind.

But it'd already seen, screamed, and heard.

⋏⍜⍙ ☊⏃⋏☊⟒⌰⌰⟟⋏☌ ⊑⊬⌿⟒⍀⌇⌰⟒⟒⌿.
⌇⍜☊⟟⏃⌰ ⌿⍀⟒-⌿⍀⍜☌⍀⏃⋔⋔⟟⋏☌ ⟟⋏☊⍜⋔⌿⌰⟒⏁⟒
⎐⟟⏁⏃⌰ ⌇⟟☌⋏⌇ ⟟⍀⍀⟒☌⎍⌰⏃⍀

⍙⟟⏁⊑⟟⋏ ⏃☊☊⟒⌿⏁⏃⏚⌰⟒ ⌿⏃⍀⏃⋔⟒⏁⟒⍀⌇
⌿⌰⟒⏃⌇⟒ ⍀⟒⌿⍜⍀⏁
⟟⍀⍀⟒☌⎍⌰⏃⍀⟟⏁⟟⟒⌇ ⏁⍜ ⌇⊑⟟⌿'⌇ ⏃⎍⏁⍜-⎅⍜☊ ⍙⟟⏁⊑⟟⋏ 18 ⌇⏁⏃⋏⎅⏃⍀⎅ ⏁⟟⋔⟒ ☊⊬☊⌰⟒⌇

Elhirut Nanden spent all of three seconds scrabbling in the dark, having already yanked together a primitive sense of existence from the scraps that floated in the oppressive black.

No, this wasn't enough, he had realized. He was needed. He needed to open his eyes. His eyes - where? His tongue? The world spun. Everything was wrong and the gyre wouldn't release him and the center strained under the pressure and then-

A pale hand slammed against the wall of the pod, barely bloodying skin. The pain screamed louder than the rest, gave an anchor in the rushing river of intrusive memories.

An experimental wiggle of the fingers. The pod he had once fitfully slumbered in was releasing him. The reprogramming process had already imbued him with what he needed to exist in society; how solid the rest was would be a matter to explore later.

The ES wave. The calamity that had propelled his people here, that had taken so many lives. The one event that had defined the Circle's future in nothing more than an instant, that had almost made them a forgotten footnote in history. The Tantra. His own family. And something buried far, far beneath that. This was not something that could be sifted through in an instant. For now, he had to exit the pod.

Elhirut reached up, and out, pushing himself upright. He brushed back the hair across his face, sitting still as he listened to the faint hum of machinery around him. The one thing he didn't hear...

Were the footsteps of others.

The pod's processes winked to a halt.

He was awake.

The cold, empty interior. He instinctively pulled his uniform around him, shirking back from the faint echoes of his feet as he gently took a step.

His tongue knotted, twisted. The words escaped him, the material emptiness as oppressive and open as the hostile realm outside the hull.

Finally, a soft murmur, both question and answer.

"Where is everyone?"


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
"Asleep, Warrant Officer Nanden… Much as you are supposed to be."

The clacking of Elhirut's feet was joined by two more, as - roughly two hours after his own awakening, the doors to the cryogenics quarters slid open smoothly, their dark, hexagon-shaped doors gliding apart soundlessly. Two figures made their way through the rows of boxy, coffin-like structures: one was tall and broad-shouldered, his dull-white cybernetic body almost triangular in its silhouette, the worn fleshy head atop it clear-eyed, with graying hair slicked back across his scalp in perfect, ordered rows.

Shorter of the two came an azure-skinned man with long, ropy hair, that Elhirut may have recognized as an Echtanion - one from that dark, watery planet whose kelp forests had once served as a bread basked of the Circle... But, this man appeared to be far from a farmer, the rank insignia on his blazer indicating him as the second-in-command of their expedition: the Meyven,

As they approached, Madin paused, and grimaced, his jaw moving back and forth, as if he had accidentally swallowed an insect. He looked up at the looming form of Myr, querying him:

"Warrant Officer... Is that really the Terran word for ⍙⏃⍀⍀⏃⋏⏁ ⍜⎎⎎⟟☊⟒⍀? How... coarse."

There was an audible clearing of the throat, as the Strategist sought to bring Eo's attention back to the matter at hand - which he did, brightening suddenly, as if noticing Elhirut for the first time - once again.

"Oh, pardon me. How is he, Myr?"

"Stable." Reported the Strategist flatly, summoning a series of screens that displayed the vitals of the subject in question; "He can fight."

Madin gave a shrug, and waved the holographic displays away as he stepped forward towards Elhirut, leaving the larger man to linger in the shadows.

"Beggars can't be choosers... Ah, what a quaint little expression!"

At length, the Meyven approached the sleeper, a confident - and well-meaning smile on his face as he automatically extended a hand - unbeknownst to him, the traditional Terran greeting.

"How are you feeling, Mister Nanden?"
Nov 12, 2018
"I'll live. The rest, not sure..." Elhirut stared down at the unfamiliar greeting for a single second, before something seemingly clicked into place, as he extended his hand effortlessly and gave a shake. In contrast to the relative ease with which he had grasped the greeting, his actual shake felt weak; fragile. Timid?

He was not an intimidating person. Rather tall, but thin. Out of everyone...

Elhirut stepped back when he was done, hastily releasing the Meyven's hand. He quickly took in his surroundings, looking around the room, then the wall of the cyro-quarters, then at the Meyven himself uncomfortably.

"...What exactly is the situation out there?" He coughed, scratching at his throat. "This is... unfamiliar in every sense of the word. The language, the feelings. Most of all, the scenario..."

"Why was I awakened? Am I required... for something? Have we arrived?" He asked warily, eyes briefly shooting a glance at the door.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
"Not quite." Said the Meyven, his voice... Reassuring, though it had no doubt been manufactured to sound as such, "We're at the edge of Terran airspace, and picked up a distress call. It would be in poor form for us to ignore it... So, it falls to us to investigate."

As Elhirut coughed, Madin paused, and raised his eyebrows in surprise... Before raising a hand, and issuing a delicate snap. In mere moments, out of a slit located in the side of a wall, a small, disk-shaped automaton emerged. It hovered next to Eo as he continued, and a pair of small emitters on tiny, delicate, bead-like manipulators wove up from its surface. Beams of bright blue fired from their ends, quickly beginning the process of knitting something together from its internal matter stores.

"Unfortunately, the Bioroids aren't operational just yet, and it'll be some time before the rest of the crew is thawed out..."

As soon as the two tendrils retracted, the Meyven swiped up its construction - and proffered it to Elhirut. It was a small pouch, about as large as his hand, with a straw-like sealant woven into its construction. Were he to take a drink, he would find it to be a lightly sweet, almost fragrant concoction of medium thickness, like a slurry of some fashion - apparently, if his reconstituted memory served, an optimized, liquid meal for those who had just awoken from suspended animation.

"Meaning us in a very literal sense."

His thoughts turning to the task ahead, Madin brightened visibly, taking a fist and gently punching it into an open palm at the prospect of action. He wasn't exactly the kind of man who led from behind - No, it was the Meyven who had led their scraped-together forces across various worlds, seeking refugees, and he had accepted his title as second-in-command reluctantly at best - as the allure of the battlefield, where glory and honor were to be won - still shone brightly to his eyes.

"I'm certain that two of our machines will be more than adequate to deal with any resistance-"

"As for why you were awakened," - Said Myr, suddenly piping up as soon as the topic turned to violence. His examination of the capsule was complete, and he now rose once more... to regard Elhirut with a curious look.

"There was a problem with your cryogenic sarcophagus..." He said, seemingly with great care;

"...Or so it would seem."
Nov 12, 2018
Elhirut was obviously uncomfortable at this point, backing away slightly from the pair of individuals. He glanced at the door yet again, before finally giving a reply.

"I-investigate, or...Engage?" He peered at the pouch, before taking it hastily and downing it over the course of a few seconds. He breathed a noticeable sigh of... relief? Comfort? before he took a deep breath, staring the one known as Myr in the face.

"Do we have any intelligence regarding what we might encounter out there, or...The Org-Valu can handle itself, I'm sure, but if we're flying blind..." A distasteful look shot across Elhirut's face. "I... pardon any awkwardness with my tongue. It appears there was some form of a malfunction, indeed, I..." He fumbled with the words for a few moments, before seemingly giving up, his throat unable to process the information he was feeding to it.

"I cannot hope to articulate what I felt for now. Perhaps we can investigate later...? Right now, I presume the ones who broadcast the distress call are still in imminent danger?" He glanced back at the Meyven, shooting a gently raised eyebrow.

"Are our respective units ready for launch?"


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
"Hopefully, it'll be a simple search and rescue." Explained the Meyven, evidently pleased to see that Elhirut's appetite hadn't left him.

For his part, Myr stayed quiet, regarding Elhirut in silence. Since examining his stasis unit, the older man hadn't taken his eyes off the newcomer. This hardly seemed to bother his superior, who continued talking animatedly, evidently excited more and more by the second at the prospect of action.

"As far as what me might encounter... Primitive Terran Mobile weapons, no match for the machines we'be prepared, if our intelligence is to believed-" - The Meyven trailed off, tapping a finger against his chin thoughtfully as he mulled over his next words;

"...But there have been some... Strange occurances in this part of the galaxy. Anything could happen! However!"

There was a wet smack noise, as Madin clapped his hand heartily about Elhirut's shoulders to give him a winning smile, and a wink from his fish-like eyes, wincing only slightly at the presence of conductive gel residue on the man's frame soaking into his uniform.

"Together, we have nothing to fear!"

Approximately One Hour Later...

On the Tantra's flight deck, an octagonal launch bay lit up, its dark hallways illuminating as a guidance strip extended into the darkness outside the vessel, bolts of energy crackling along its surface. Inside the bay, a hulking, blocky brute of a machine stepped forward, the advanced electromagnetic fields of the vessel beginning to condense about its form.

By Terran standards, it appeared close to an artillery machine, its back adorned with a pair of massive cannons - and that assumption would normally have been correct, had the Meyven himself not altered this particular machine into - of all things -a close combat unit. Its fingers lacked the dexterous manipulators of its Earthborn counterparts, instead terminating in a series of sharpened claws that currently flexed in anticipation as the light from the catapult played off their surface. Its right arm was adorned with a stocky, double-barreled cannon of its own, and its off-blue coloring was at the specific request of its (somewhat eccentric) pilot. Within the cockpit, the Meyven drummed his fingers on the machine's controls.

At last, he seemed to be thinking, an end to their ceaseless drifting! No more disappointments and false starts! Here, finally, they could start afresh!

"First contact...!" He began excitedly - but was, perhaps fortunately for Elhirut, spared from any further rambling on the romance of the subject by the sudden change of the indicator on his control panel - Time to go.

"Madin Eo, Zeidram! Taking off!"

With an electric snap and a burst of smoke, the Zeidram was seized by the ship's electromagnetic field, and sent rocketing forward, hurtling out of the vessel into the sea of stars... In to the unknown.
Nov 12, 2018
Another long-cold set of electromagnetic rails sprang to life, humming and buzzing as another electromagnetic field flared into existence. The only other awakened pilot fidgeted inside his cockpit, gently testing control systems as his mobile weapon restlessly shifted with him, stepping into the crackling energy.

Elhirut's navy blue unit almost appeared to be the direct antithesis to the Zeidram; comparatively lithe and thin, although it shared a similar pair of driver cannons that dominated it's overall silhouette. Whereas the bulky Zeidram's rather contradictory customization might have baffled some Terrans, none with even an inkling of expertise would have hesitated to immediately peg the Org-Valu primarily as an artillery unit. Faintly resembling most Personal Troopers in design, the Org's greenish gem-like protrusions and subtly alien head would've immediately distinguished it from most Terran units...

Although Elhirut had a sneaking suspicion Terrans wouldn't be his only enemies, thinking back to Myr's piercing stare. What was that man hiding.... or what did he already know? What would happen when the entire ship awakened? How many would...? Elhirut gritted his teeth, slamming the controls forwards. No point dwelling on it now. Out there was the coldness of space, but...

There was freedom. A future. Someplace where he could...

Run? Hide? Live? No. For now, he would fight.

"Elhirut Nanden. Org-Valu. Launching."

A pop, and the Org accelerated forwards, shot along a massively powerful electromagnetic field into the glow-punctuated blackness of space. Out of the frying pan...

"What a strange expression. Space is cold..." Elhirut mumbled.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
The two bolts of blue shot through the dark, thrown forward on pillars of flame that left comet tails behind them. The moon of Ganymede loomed before them - and behind it, the massive gas giant that was Jupiter, dwarfing everything else in sight. As they drew close, their target would have become clear.

A structure - a vast, metallic platform - situated on the lip of the asteroid belt. According to their intelligence, the Terrans had established some Colonization attempts here in the outer rim, primarily for the purpose of shipping rare materials back to Earth. EOT driven mobile rigs had become the starfaring equivalent of the oil tankers of old, ferrying materials back and forth from stations much like these.

It almost resembled a gigantic claw in shape, several long crane-like appendages tipped with various drills and excavating equipment extending from its side towards the belt, giving it a lopsided, hermit-crab like appearance. These, according to the information that had been haphazardly programmed into their brains, were used to seize and dismember asteroids at an astonishing pace, and their ability to harvest materials was such that only a handful were required in order to provide the vast quantities of rare alloys and materials needed for, among other things, the mobile weapon armies of earth.

Yet, as they descended past the dimly lit spires, something was immediately clear. This allegedly perpetually busy hub of activity...

Had completely stopped... As silent as a grave. Even the perpetually chatty Meyven had fallen into silence, the unusualness of the situation impressing itself upon him immediately.

The Zeidram slowed as it reached a landing platform, systems engaging to allow its two-toed feet to gain purchase on the surface, an electromagnetic field binding the mobile weapon to the surface as it craned its head back and forth, red visor glittering as pips of data flickered across it. It raised a hand, and waved its claws forward, beckoning Elhirut ahead as it stomped its way towards a cluster of buildings.

"Scan for survivors." He instructed - and, after a moment, added carefully.

"...And, any sign of a struggle."
Nov 12, 2018
Something at the edge of existence scratched at Elhirut's mind, having clawed it's way into his conscious thoughts sometime within the last few minutes. Yes, there it was, slowly etching itself into his nerves.

He winced, feeling it gaze into him, tickling at the space behind his eyes. He stared back, but could not see more; blinded. Something was obviously wrong, but what? The machine's sensors would have to do; the faint sense of of spinning, rushing fear did not tell him anything that could reasonably inform the Meyven of what had happened.

"What... what's that?" He muttered, switching to an active scanning mode and pushing the machine closer yet another set of buildings, although he did not land with the Zeidram; indeed, it was unnerving him, the way the facility resembled the severed, long bled-out hand of some colossal organism..He wanted to stay in the air, so to speak; above the faint, cloying sense that whoever was once here was long gone.

The sensor sweep began, moving over the buildings, faint blips of information scattering across the Org's visor as green splashes. No immediate life signs. It only confirmed what he already knew. But where were the clues? There had to be...

Elhirut pushed a control forwards, moving the Org-Valu closer to a building for a better look.

The tickle became a scratch, the omnisensual equivalent of nails on a chalkboard. There was something here, all right... although Elhirut wasn't sure he wanted to know what had really happened.

He grimaced again, moving up to the building.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
As Elhirut neared the control tower, the sense of unease would have heightened. Dim, emergency lights lit the interior, but no searchlight went up to examine him, no security alarms warning of their presence. Peering into the window...

Several forms floated listlessly about in the dim control room. None were wearing space suits, but they were clad in garbs that suggested they had once been part of the control staff, their skin pallid and pale. There was no sign of any entry wounds, or any kind of struggle. The only clue... Was that some had their hands frozen tightly about their own throats, as though they had been struggling to breathe.

Yet as ͟he watc̨h͏ed͡, ͟o͠ne ̶o̢f̡ the bo̷d͜ie͘s͡ suddenly t̀w̧iste͞d̡,̢ ͡túŕnìng ͞t͞o ͡r̕e͢ac͠h͝ o͞ut,̀ ҉ṕre͏s͡sin̢g̸ i͘t͘ş ͢f̸i̸ņgér̵s̷ ̡to͝ ̷th̕e͡ ̨g͘la̡ss, sta͞r̴in̴g̢ ́at͟ ͠h͡im̷.̴..̕ ͏

But,̧ i͜t̶s̴ f͏ace.̧.҉. ̵

It̡ ҉w̕asn'͘t͠ ̛h̛u̷ma̡n.

̛I̕t̨ ̕wa͢s l͘i͞k͞e a ̧b̵lo̡ated͡ s͜o͜re, s̷tained́ a̸ ́da̡rk purple,͢ ̷w͢i͡t͏h a̷ ͠y̶a̛wņin͏g͏, ̨gąpinģ, t̸o͘òt̴h͢le̵ss ̛m̧ou̵th̨, ͞a̡n̨d͘ tw̨o em̡pt͘y,͘ ̷s͟ou͢llesş ey̕e̶s͢ -̢ ͢nơt͜h͢in҉g͞ ̕mor̛e than h̨oles̨ ̴i͞n a s̸wol̨l͏e͞n͏,̡ ro̷tte̛d ͜he͢ad ́ţh͢at p͝e҉er͝ed̕ ̡b̨ąck͢ a̸t͏ ̛h̵im͢, m̸o̧u͘th͘i̷ng ͜s͢o͠m͡ethi̷n̷g, ̧g̵ro͞ping͝,̧ g͞ras͢pin͞g̷, ̷re͜a̴c̕hi͏ng͞ ͜forw͟ard ̛t̡h̕ro̶u͜gh ͏th͏e g҉lass,̨ a͏s̢ i͡f ͘to-͘

- Reality reasserted itself in the blink of an eye as the vision passed... and Elhirut was left only to contemplate a room full of corpses.

Meanwhile, the Meyven's Zeidram proceeded apace, the spacefaring second in command of the Circle scowling as he tapped the touchscreen of his instruments irritably. He called back to Elhirut, the Zeidram pointing towards the "fingers" of the structure located further out.

"...There's a strange energy reading coming from ahead." He said... but then continued, haltingly before trailing off completely:

"But, this reading... Can't be correct."
Nov 12, 2018
Elhirut shuddered and gasped, jerking back from the control tower with a sudden burst of acceleration. Weapons swiveled, humming to life, a short alert blaring to the Zeidram's cockpit, indicating that the Org-Valu had stopped scanning and had entered a combat state.

A moment of hesitation later, the control tower became liquid metal scraps, drifting away. The Org-Valu's torso cooled down, venting heat from a Giga Blaster shot. The few intact bodies slowly floated away, a mockery of burial at sea. The rest were particle soup and ashes, scattered and gone within the space of a second. The feeling remained, cloudy and oppressive, but there was a faint sense of relief in taking action - in exacting some form of twisted revenge against whatever that thing had been. Whatever it was, Elhirut already knew it was what had probably killed the crew, even if...

"This-this place isn't safe-!" Elhirut choked out, slamming his controls forwards. The Org accelerated again, dashing next to the Zeidram in the blink of an eye.

"What do you mean by... impossible? I...I don't..." Why was he...?

Why was he crying?

The Org's shoulder cannons armed, pointing out into space, towards the alien signatures.
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Staff member
Jun 15, 2018

The Meyven couldn't even contain his shock as his companion vaporized a control tower in a moment's notice, the Zeidram's head turning in alarm, weapon systems powering up as Eo nervously scanned the horizon... But, no attackers emerged. Only the silent void of space greeted his anxious glances... Leaving him to ponder what had just happened.

There were rumors, of course.

That, on some planets were born mutants - those with extrasensory powers. Those that were "cursed" with the ability to see what others could not, to predict the future... Or sense danger. As the Org-Valu came near, guns ready, Elhirut may have been surprised as the arm of the Zeidram shot out, seizing one of the weapon barrels, and pulling him down to the floor of the installation, so that the two machines were seeing eye to eye.

"Calm down andlisten to me." He instructed firmly, holding the Railguns in such a way that they were pointed away from the station. There was still the possibility of survivors, according to his sensors... And the absolute last thing he needed was a jumpy trigger finger on his subordinate. His voice was cool, calm, and collected as he continued, still not yet releasing the slender machine.

"If there's something here... We'll face it together." - Madin placed a closed fist on his chest as he spoke, his voice as certain as the tides;

"On my honor, as a citizen of the Circle... I will protect you. No matter what."

A few moments passed before Madin finally released him, sending over a readout as he did with a sigh. It appeared to show an impromptu map of the station, overlaid with a thermal imaging report. Madin highlighted a section located at the center of the "palm" of the claw, which was a bright red, tapping it on his screen, which sent ripples across Elhirut's HUD.

"See, here?" He explained;

"This... is the main reactor." - His finger traced a line to a thin red line... and a bulge located at the front of the device, between a pair of fingers, which was equally red.

"And this, here... Is a second power source. It's almost as if it is... a growth, of some kind. It may be related to... Whatever happened here."
Nov 12, 2018
Elhirut's panicked breathing slowed over the comms, gradually subsiding into faint sniffles. He groaned, rapidly switching his weapons to a safety mode, before retching up whatever was left of his nutrient slurry.

"A-apologies. I-I don't know what that was." The screaming void...truth to be told, Elhirut had known exactly what he had felt, and now the Meyven probably knew... The Org's railguns flip back upright, before it gently floats upwards again with a short jink of the thrusters.

"Th-thank you." Elhirut shivered. Now that the Meyven had mentioned the second signature, that same feeling had begun to crawl up his legs again, slowly reaching for his throat. He suppressed it, shoved it down, grimaced as he buried it deep within his psyche, locking it inside a cell. He felt the presence bumping around, slowly pulling him towards whatever that... thing would turn out to be.

"P-perhaps it would be better to... to have be remain at a more secure position until the actual nature of the anomaly is ascertained. It appears that I may not be-" a hacking series of coughs. "-completely stable."

"Nor... completely combat-ready, it seems." Elhirut fumbled with his controls slightly, zooming in closer into the reading's results.

"Perhaps we should get closer, and attempt a higher-precision scan. I... am apprehensive of seeing whatever that is face-to-face."


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Nodding, the Meyven regarded Elhirut silently. On the one hand, he was glad - at least now he knew for certain that something dark and evil was at work in this place. that it was no mere technical failure. Elhirut's sensitivity, though the young man seemed to suffer terribly on account of it, was an asset to be valued - not a curse to be condemned... and he avowed himself silently, to make him see so, at a later time. He sent over one more scan - this time a map of the entire installation, overlaid with a crimson glow - a warning area, highlighted by the simplistic AI located in the station's core.

"According to this... The main computer of the station detected a massive fire in all sections, and opened every available bulkhead in an attempt to suppress it. Essentially, the entire crew were sucked out into space with no warning whatsoever, or asphyxiated instantly... But..."

...The Zeidram's head turned to look at the rows of squat buildings, with their windows alternating between dark and aglow, thoughtfully.

"...There's no trace of a fire at all, from what we can see. Strange."

After pondering on this for a moment, he seemed to agree with Elhirut's proposal, the Zeidram reaching up to pump a closed fist, resolutely.

"I'll take point." He said, the Zeidram accelerating as it began to make its way towards the "fingers" of the platform - and with it, the curious second energy signature.

"Whatever you're feeling - whatever you're sensing - I want to know. It just might save our lives."

The two machines curled around the outskirts of the great mining machine, gently clinging to its edge, the only movement being the occasional scrape or spark as an antennae or loose bit of debris bounced off their mobile weapons surfaces. The silence of space was suffocating... And as they began to approach, the sense of unease would have only grown stronger, curdling in the young man's stomach. Whatever was here... Was concentrated in the direction they were heading, plunging headlong into the dark.

At length, the Zeidram suddenly pulled up to a halt, holding out an arm behind it in warning as Madin exclaimed:


...What was before them had never been seen before by their kind, not on a hundred billion planets across a million galaxies.

It could only be described as a lumpen, tumerous growth, a wet, sac wedged inbetween the rigid structures of the "ring" and "forefinger" of the "hand". It swelled out, to what must have been over 40 meters in diameter, its surface... a mottled, curdling black that trembled and pulsated with an eerie, unsettling violet light. Weblike strands of purplish ooze had spread out from it, anchoring it to its spot.

But what would have been most noteworthy of all to Elhirut, was how it felt. It seemed almost concentrated wickedness, every ripple of its putrid hide sending waves of its foul presence into the surroundings. drum-like upon the senses, the pounding of a wicked heartbeat.

"What... is it?"

As the Meyven asked his question, however... He seemed unaware of the danger that, at that exact moment, was visible only to the young Psychodriver. Shadows, creeping out from the surroundings - a dozen at least, like drops of ink falling from the machinery, forming faintly... transparent forms - No, perhaps a better term was presences that clung to the underside of reality, not quite here, not quire there - but between places, submerged beneath this thin layer of existence like sharks as they converged upon the two of them.

They were not alone.
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Nov 12, 2018
Elhirut's blood pounded in his veins, heart-rate speeding up to the tune of railgun slugs slamming into place. That coppery feeling; it boiled in his blood, filling his mind with maddening drumbeats of fetid, pulsing... he suppressed the urge to throw up again, taking aim at the shadows of this... this.. thing.

Like some kind of twisted children... that same faint feeling was creeping up upon him. Not quite here, but almost...

"There's- what- I-"

He gasped, pulling the triggers at the encroaching globs of malice. Streaks of red-hot shot into the darkness, seemingly at nothing, at least to the Meyven. To Ehirut's eyes, the shadows flickered, before speeding up, beginning to radiate the same sickening aura as they reached out with invisible tendrils and claws and talons and it was that

Face from before. That face. N͔̜̲͚̼͡o̹͙͢. ̛I̱͎̪͕t̲̘̱͓'̨̙s̩͢ ͈͖͓͖͎n̙̪̦̖̙͚-̜͈̠̩ ̥n̙͚̲̪̱̗̗͘-̫͎̮͙n̫̣̲̟̮ó͍̙t͖̟̟̭̪̗ ͠no̺̩͎̗̝t ͍̼̩n͍̰̜̼̦̝o͔̟t̺̘̩̮̤͝ ̫͖No͙T̯̯ ̟n͡Ọ̱͞T̙̟̝̞̰
ḥ̸̨̘͖̩a͞͏̹̗̦̘t̛̙̫͓̘̭̙̰͜r̶̴̹e̴̺̝̤̱d͏͈̲̲̱͍͚ ̷҉̴̹̮̠͙͎̲̰s̵͖͔̬̭t̶̤͔̞̲͟a̩͈ŗ̷̗̟͙̼̩͚͢e̶̡̧̲̼͙̜̲ḏ̫͔̼͙̮̖ͅ ̥̀i̸͔̟̣͡n̥̖̩̺͓t͔͎̻͙͓ǫ̧͔̤̣͇̻̯͈̝̪͡ ̢̻͕h͎̟̳͎ͅi͔͉̭̟̪̝͟m͇̮̬̱̜̩, grasping at his core, his heart
darkness swept over his mind,
washing over like a-


Elhirut screamed, the muffled sound of a man beginning to drown. He fired wildly, as Driver Cannon shots streaked towards the ever-so-closer presences, with a few missiles to boot, following behind. The Org-Valu's movement became erratic as it's pilot convulsed in his cockpit, trapped in the grip of some unknowable antithesis to life. The alarms going off about it's sudden use of weapons did not help in that regard, either.

"I-It hates m- us- I-"


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Madin's trance was broken as his sensors suddenly screamed a warning, causing him to suddenly whirl 180 degrees - to see his ally's weapons flared in his direction, energy already crackling threateningly along their barrels, the sight of which turned the blood in his veins to ice in a mere instant.

"What are you-!?" He barely managed to cry out- But it was too late.

The Org-Valu's cannons flashed, and in that moment, the Meyven swore he saw his entire life (minus the time spent in cryosleep) play out, as his entire being braced for obliteration. His surprise was palatable then, when the railgun slugs instead pounded into two shadowy forms that had materialized mere inches from the Zeidram, causing him to gasp - and then, a cool sweat to break out on his brow, as he realized what had happened.

"You... Saved me!"

Around the two of them, ten more figures materialized, oozing through the cracks of reality into our world, one by one. "Oozing" was hardly even an exaggeration - they seemed to slimily wriggle their way into realness, like maggots working their way through the tinist gaps, their fleshy, purple forms each tipped with a trio of menacing, cruelly hooked claws, which surrounded a featureless, gaping maw that mouthed, wordlessly into the void.

He was initially awestruck by their sheer... hideousness. Nothing in their reports had prepared him for such creatures... Yet, fortunately for the both of them, at that precise moment, his training took over, and almost subconsciously, the Zeidram raised its twin-barreled beam cannon, which glowed threateningly.

"...Void take you, monsters!"

Thrusting it forward, a pair of plasma bolts lanced ahead towards the closest creature. Meanwhile, the remaining group had formed a loose circle around the two, and were beginning to converge, their eyes flashing as bolts of dark energy shot towards them - a hail of malice that, while nowhere as potent as their own cutting-edge weaponry, was lethal enough to pose a threat...
Nov 12, 2018
Inside the cockpit, alerts blared as the globs of sheer hatred opened fire, sending bolts of corrosive negative energy towards the almost immobilized Org-Valu.

Elhirut's breathing quickened. Something snapped into place, some missing piece of the puzzle, pushing itself into a slot he didn't even know existed. A brief, rushing feeling, before he could see. He could hear.

A brief, rippling flash seemed to flow over the Org-Valu's armor, gathering along a single, outstretched arm into a gently swirling spiral, before bursting outwards like water from a broken dam, rushing to meet the contrasting barrage.

A wave of soothing, shielding warmth swept over the entire area; it was almost as if someone had literally exorcised the choking feeling of anti-life that had permeated the area, or if a fresh wind had blown away the smell of decay, of rotting, festering death. The dark beams impacted the expanding burst of iridescent, spinning luminescence, slowly pushing through, eating away, but it was enough time.


Elhirut roared inside his cockpit, pushing control rakers forwards until they hit their limits.

The units' tremors suddenly halted, and it's thrusters fired once again, throwing it from within the hail of incoming malice, barely avoiding a few red alerts on sensors. A brief moment passed as it shot a pair of maneuvering burns, halting, before another pair of railgun slugs slid into place, weapon barrels swiveling to meet a pair of dark, empty pits.

"I'll send you back where you came from."



Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
The twin blasts from the Zeidram incinerated one of the oncoming Lamalice, the creature not even bothering to correct its course as it hurried forward, eager for annihilation, leaving nothing but glowing tatters. Madin was pleased, if nothing else, to see Elhirut finally get to grips - even if he seemed, at this exact moment, to be little more than a berserker, it was still better than a frozen soon-to-be corpse. The Org-Valu's cannonfire lanced out, puncturing a pair of the creatures - causing a dark, foul miasma to spew from their bodies as they writhed and wilted, their essence dissipating into the surrounding area.

One of the Lamalice rushed for Elhirut, claws snapping furiously - but its face suddenly cratered inwards as the outstretched arm of the Zeidram intercepted it in a rocket propelled clothesline, resulting in a satisfying splat as the creature burst like a bloated garbage bag lobbed enthusiastically into an unsuspecting neighbor's yard.

Four of the creatures had fallen, but this hardly seemed to intimidate their fellows, the remaining eight of which had already begun to tighten the net. Three of the group hung back, eyes flashing as they rained fire down on the two of them - and the rest closed in, claws spread, as they lunged in synchronization, - three of which targeted the Zeidram, and two coming for the Org, attacking from either side. They were surprisingly swift for creatures that looked so... bulbous, hurtling about via methods yet unseen... But the intent that radiated from them was clear as day:

Nov 12, 2018
Elhirut briefly shuddered, shrinking back from the sight of eldritch emptiness leaking into the void of space, splattering across the dotted black like ink blotting out the stars. For some reason, it was as if he had never seen something so disgusting in his life.

"Ghk." He grunted, briefly lost in the appalling horror of it all.

The following alerts, signalling the approaching Lamalice, quickly shook that feeling off, jerking him away from falling back into that eternal emptiness. Two, approaching from both sides, as well as more beams from the others.

With another jerk, the Org twisted along it’s central axes, rotating its rail-cannons down from its shoulders with a mechanical whirr. A flash, and a massive tug later, and a bright green blade, focused into a slicing, burning cutting implement was drawn, briefly flowing and wavering like a candlelight under wind.

Elhirut’s following swings turned one of the Lamalice into a burst tumor, drifting apart as a fourfold set of scraps. The other lunged, but a desperate burst of acceleration kept the claws from closing around him; before another set of missiles turned the space around it into a brief firestorm. The beams from the others were evaded, but only barely.

This was starting to look very much like an unfavorable scenario.

“Don’t let them encircle us! We have to back up - I can fire the Plasma Leader and trap them all!” Elhirut cried.