Cool Night Blues (MK, Open)

Mar 23, 2021
He silently turned back to the ledge as he peered over the city, he let Shevirat say his piece before he spoke. “Thank you for your time then… I think I would like to be alone for now.”

While he got the info he needed, he was left with more than a few questions… both on Jericho and himself for that matter. What would it be like to throw away everything? To simply live on the battlefield, a life filled with scrap, dust, and blood. It never was what he wanted, neither is that what anyone else wanted. So he pushed that idea to the back of his mind, hoping that’s where it will remain forever, never to intrude on his thoughts. He can never allow himself to lose sight of what he wants to do, what he chose to do himself. He was given that purpose, and he never faltered from it. He will never falter from it now, even after the end of everything.