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"Three people nearly died when he summoned a bulldamon - one of the other sec guys actually did. More would have if I hadn't been fast enough to take it down." It always came back to the pills in the end. "However many riots and pilots blew up before he settled on mine and me as the subject."
"Probably some financial costs... but frankly I don't care about those. It's not worth the cost to me, but odds are the Director thinks he pulls in enough money to make up for the losses." Ashley sneered. She had a degree of respect for Bertram - he actually seemed sane, even if his moral compass needed recalibration - but that didn't mean everything he did was agreeable to her.
"But I guess not everyone thinks the same way I do."
"He is reckless..." She shook her head and glanced up at Cuddles. She wondered what problems this bulldamon had caused before being brought to heel. No matter. He was hers now and that was that. "Well. I'm fairly sure one only cares about money and two only care about their experiments. Unfortunately for us test subjects, that care doesn't extend beyond the goals." She pat the Damon affectionately. "We'll just have to stick together and protect each other." It was after those words were out of her mouth that Minerva realized she had decided to protect Ashley from the unethical bastards that were pulling their strings.
"Stick... together?" There was more than a hint of incredulity in her voice. But at the same time, having a friend in DEI wouldn't be so bad. Katri was more of a commander than a friend, and a lot of others refused to associate with Dylan's pet pilot.
Minerva was definitely crazy, but there seemed to be a human heart underneath. It was more than could be said for most of the science department, so... she extended out her hand towards the girl.
"Sure. Sticking together it is." Even if your pet probably makes you more protected than anyone else on this ship.
"Why not? I'll keep them from going overboard with you, you keep them from going overboard with me. Seems fair enough of an exchange."
She smiled and took Ashley's hand. Despite her thus far semi unhinged attitude, she had a light, but firm grip. She gave one gentle shake, then let go to put her hand back on Cuddles. The Damon had become something of a security blanket for the girl, but Cuddles could not protect her everywhere on the ship.
"It will be nice to have someone watching my back. Just... don't get in my way when the time comes." She gave a soft smile. She fully intended to pay back her father for everything he had done to her to 'save' her life. It would be a shame if Ashley tried to stop that...
"You might need to warn me when you do. I'm the first person to be called if a DAMON goes nuts, but I'll be sure to react slowly if I know it's... uh... cuddles." That name still felt wrong in her mouth. It wasn't cuddly in any sense of the word - at least not to her. Maybe Minerva saw it differently.
"Don't know exactly how much I can help with your father, but I'll do my best. Maybe I'll get lucky and he'll listen to me. Would make a change from everyone else around here."
She tilted her head to the side in thought. Warn her? Yes. That was a logical thing to do. But how to explain why she was suddenly going to get rid of the old mad scientist. Well... Ashley was pretty straight forward with being an addict. Perhaps she should tell her why she was so angry at the man... She gave her head a slight shake to cast away the thoughts.
"Yes. I will inform you when I make my move. And I will not be having Cuddles do it. I am doing it myself. Vengance is personal, wouldn't you say?"
She leaned on cuddles, toying with the sleeve of her left arm. "All I ask is you do not stop me. You do not need to be involved. It is not your fight. There is nothing to stop him from. Except possible further experimenting on me."
"I'll be sure to put myself on the other side of the ship when that happens. Good, uh.. luck?" Ashley wasn't entirely sure how to respond to that. She hadn't really been sure how to respond for most of this conversation, really. It had spiralled way out of control, but at least one mostly good thing had come of it.
"Being a test subject's not fun. Just... don't get yourself killed in the process, okay? I'd rather not have my first real friend on this ship get gunned down." Just because Minerva was nuts didn't mean Ashley wanted her to die, and she was the closest thing she had to a friend now.
Minerva nodded and put a hand on Cuddles to calm herself. "It is the least amount of fun I can think of. I will be careful. I do not plan on dying until I take my revenge on him. "Do not let Dylan turn you into a drooling junkie. I like you, you're nice. And he's an asshole. He can't even remember your name! What kind of scientist is he? I can't even fathom how he can see straight with how far he has his head up his own ass."
"The kind that views ethics as something to be avoided." Ashley shook her head slowly. He was multi-disciplinary to some extent, so the simple response felt easier to her than trying to unpack the things he'd created.
"Speaking of which... I should go check up on him - make sure he hasn't tried going through my quarters again. I swear, he acts like he owns them..."
"If I were you... I'd set up a trap in your room. Nothing fancy. Maybe a dart gun with tranquilizers or hallucinogenics. Or dye. ... We could replace his shampoo with something that will make his hair fall out." Minerva grinned mischievously. "Go on. I will be here. Or in the labs. Stop by any time."