Elhirut Nanden and Org-Valu

Nov 12, 2018
Name: Elhirut Nanden
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Height: 6”
Weight: 168 lbs.
Eye Color: Dull red.
Hair Color: Gray.
Ethnicity: Possibly Eastern European?
Appearance: Rather thin, Elhirut is not someone who looks nor is physically imposing; rather, most people comment on how he seems to be quite literally stretched vertically, and his face almost appears soft, with rather large eyes that look usually as if he’s about to burst into tears at any second. His hair falls to around his neckline, and is usually fairly messy; as a matter of fact, he doesn’t keep good care of anything at all, usually throwing together random outfits.
Other Information: Psychodriver. Incredible focus, with high raw output, although he isn’t usually around a T-Link system to take advantage of it, relegating him to a fairly powerful empath. Speaks little to others unless necessary, potentially as a result of his powerful empathic abilities, with one exception; Elhirut rambles on and on regarding memories. Memories he never had, that is; voices he never heard, feelings he never experienced. Then again, who knows?

Biography: A member of the formerly galaxy-spanning empire known as the Circle, Elhirut speaks little of his former role within Circle society, preferring to focus on life after the Circle arrived. His life revolved around his Psychodriver abilities, but very few of his caliber still remain in Circle society; a factor that both alienates and endears him to the few in his personal group, something he is reluctant yet willing to expand. His tendency to ramble on about cryptic imagery unknown to everyone else didn’t help in that regard.

Originally, as much as he remembers, Elhirut was adopted by a couple and raised without incident; no official records exist as far as most people know, either. However, loss of most information was common among refugees escaping the ES Wave, and most outsiders consider it rude or insensitive to poke further. When the destructive event hit, Elhirut's former home planet was annihilated, the surface scorched into nothing but molten earth; the resulting psychic shock nearly rendered him comatose, but he was already on a transport in a refugee fleet, heading for Earth space...

Despite his near-unbreakable silence on his former life outside of the Circle’s migration and subsequent junction with the colonies, some might even pick up a tinge of derision, silent hatred, or even depression; although no amount of probing has revealed more information.

With an innate penchant for piloting mobile weapons, Elhirut underwent minimal training or practice initially, although he still retains and drills the knowledge he still has as a distraction from the shock of the E.S. Wave as a potential escape. However, more recent, pressing times has led to him taking up controlling a machine once again; the Org-Valu, a limited-production unit intended to be the successor to the Liege Geios.

Mobile Weapon: Org-Valu

Affiliation: The Circle/Starseeker Combine

Combat Style: Cautious
Strengths: Excels in dueling at all ranges, mediocre at managing against greater numbers, especially without ranged firepower. Prefers to stay at range and abuse a machine’s ranged weaponry rather than move in to nab a kill, even if there’s only one enemy. This is primarily a preference, not necessarily a rule.
Weaknesses: Cannot manage against swarms, ever. In addition, he tends to panic if forced into conflict at close-range against more than one aggressor or specialized enemies.


Model Number: MW-LGX-07
Code Name: Org-Valu
Manufacturer: The Circle
Operator: Elhirut Nanden
Power Source: Plasma Generator
Height: 23.1 meters
Weight: 72.7 tons
Propulsion: Plasma Thrusters
Armament: Long Laser Sword. Barrel Missile, launchers in abdomen. Giga Blaster, also mounted in abdomen. Twin Driver Cannon, integrated in shoulder cannons; Plasma Leader; integrated in shoulder cannons.
Equipment: None
Finishing Moves: Gein Shooter

Description: Much less bulky and heavily armored than its predecessor and base unit, the Liege Geios, the Org-Valu’s silhouette is dominated by a pair of massive driver cannons, capable of independent swivelling and long-range, as well as both plasma-based and physical fire. Elhirut’s personal unit is colored in a dark navy blue.

History: Developed as a more lightweight, balanced successor to the Liege Geios heavy artillery mobile weapon, the Org-Valu boasts much higher maneuverability and versatility at the cost of less armor and defensive capability. However, the Org’s weapon technology in and of itself has been improved, with Driver Cannons capable of delivering rounds over staggering distances, as well as a lethal gravitic/plasma weapon in the form of it’s Plasma Leader and Gein Shooter.
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