Flying the Coop (Sess)

Hitura Rael

Staff member
Sep 29, 2018
Northeast Ohio
"I thought your voice was familiar when you entered the field." He said with a solemn tone. "I remember it... I felt bad abandoning you." He really did. He hated leaving people hanging. "It's nice to see you again... I guess. Wish it was better circumstances. Thanks for... whatever you did back there." He didn't feel exactly chatty. His stomach was twisting in knots and all he wanted to do was check on Einfield and sleep. "I don't know about colonies... But theres some egg heads I was escorting out of that mess. We'll rendezvous with them and go from there..."
Aug 4, 2018
Somewhere in the UK
"...Compromise accepted. But I'll need access to a long-range radio."

Liana's response was swift but polite, the wolfgirl giving a small nod in response. She stretched out within the pod - trying to get herself comfortable for what she presumed would be a long trip. She'd never noticed before quite how cramped the compartment was... Something about the rest of the machine being missing made the entire thing feel smaller. Like a piece of herself had been tossed away.

"For the record - I didn't consider it abandonment. You had important things to handle. I would have done the same."