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Hook, Line, and Sinker (Verus)


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
OE 102
January 5th
8:19PM (Approximate Void Time)

The Longinus Family's array of contacts had served it well.

As the young heir to the transportion-superpower had made his way to the Earth sphere, rumor spread before him, causing ripples in both the criminal underworld, and in the boardrooms of the Colony's 1%. Those who owed the family debts hurriedly booked tickets at exorbitant prices going anywhere the opposite direction, while those seeking to curry favor with the modern-day Zaibatsu began sifting through their pockets - in some cases, quite literally - to seek out suitable offerings. It had been quite some time since one of the more important Mars families had made its was to the Earth sphere, and under normal circumstances, even the Directory would have seen fit to dispense a minor official or two to offer pleasantries...

But, these were hardly ordinary days.

The Directory's Space Force was preoccupied with suppressing the latest wave of insurrection, and the Colonial governments too busy with agitating. Thus, Farron's entrance to the Earth sphere was surprisingly quiet, and the usual armed escort of Directory carriers failed to materialize.

However, the various mercantile vessels of the Colonies did not forget what they owed to Longinus - and sure enough, many came to pay their respects to the family in a great caravan. Familiar faces came to drink, laugh, and reminisce about kinder times with the young lord in vast, gaudily decorated cargo holds converted into banquet halls, and for days, Farron would find himself the beloved center of their world.

It was during this time that he would have heard a rumor - that the source of the ill-fated cargo, the very same that had ended the lives of his family - had been tracked down to a remote location in the Shoal Zones - a secret Directory research lab, one long-since shuttered, that not even Space Pirates dared to make their roost. The location in question, formed out of a mining asteroid, had come to be known as the "Anemone Station" by the traders, though it seemed unlikely that was its original name. As a gift, this information was proffered to him free of charge, as even in the Earth sphere, his father's death had been felt... and the subject of much in the ways of conspiracy theory. Such rumor was as unreliable as it was remarkable...

There was, of course, only one way to find out.


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
January 12th
4:45 AM (approx. void time)

“Lancea de Longinus” Valstork-class ship

Farron was frankly, exhausted. The week long celebration of his return and service of the death of his father wasn’t quite what he was prepared for. Dark bags hung under his eyes and his eyelids struggled stay open. He walked in a slight slouch, dredging his body along. He stretched his arms and torso as he was walking to the bridge of the Valstork, giving off a noticeably loud yawn.

“Well, everything seemed normal at the party, at least from what I could tell.” Farron began thinking aloud, as he entered the bridge.

“You look miserable.” Vallen turned to Farron. “Having fun last night?” she gave a wink.

“It was a long night.”

“Hooh….” Vallen turned around and continued smirking.

It was the day after the festivities and Valstork departed from the convoy of merchant ships, and now that the festivities were over, Farron could focus again on his goal. Tracking down the package. With intel he received from a family friend, they proceeded to the shoals, where they would hopefully find some clues.

Kara entered the bridge shortly after Farron, her hair still disordered from the previous night’s events.

“Frankly, you look worse than Farron.” Vallen continued her banter, holding her shit-eating grin on her face. “You that sore?”

“Shut it, hag.” Kara scratched the back of her head, letting out a casual yawn. She walked to Farron and spoke quietly in his ear.

“Sorry, sorry.” Farron lightly replied. He wrapped his arm around Kara’s shoulder’s and was finally fully awake. “We got a full day ahead of us, Let’s get to work!” Farron commanded.

While this was a trading vessel, any outsider would be shocked at how the crew acted. Although to them, it was like a home, so they acted like it was one. They weren’t tied to any military so they didn’t need to worry about formalities, and Farron was never one for formalities in the first place anyways. Everyone on the ship was equal, more or less.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
As the Valstork class approached, the occasional piece of debris pinging off its hull as it ventured into the wreckage-clogged dumping grounds of the stars, it would have at last beheld its destination.

It was immediately clear why it had been given the name "Anemone Station". Squat and round, it was easily a thousand meters in width - big enough to house several vessels of the Valstork's size - but a series of curious, metallic protuberances jutted out from the top of it, pallid tendrils that seemed made of warped, multi-hued metal, stretching and curling out about a hundred meters or so from the station, like tentacles grasping at the stars. Their immediate purpose was unclear, but they were utterly motionless, despite their organic appearance.

From their immediate position, the face of the asteroid presented a pair of docking bays, one to their immediate left, and one located further around, on the right. Both had been sealed tight with corrugated shutters... But, nothing that the ship's main guns wouldn't be able to clear. Alternatively, they could perhaps continue to cruise about the circumference of the Station, seeking an alternative point of entry.

The radar was still and quiet. Nothing emerged to menace them - the whole are was quiet as a grave.


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
“Look here, hag. Does anything that comes out of that mouth of importance?” Kara was in a heated conversation with Vallen.

“I say important things sometimes!” Vallen replied with a smug look on her face. “I just can’t resist myself when you’re around. You’re just so… teasable.”

Kara wasn’t the most popular girl in school, and she may have been subjected to bullying or teasing before she met Farron. Most everyone at the school knew of Farron’s background; the Longinius Family was famous far beyond the earth sphere. The Valstork’s range was nigh-infinite and had many trips to Mars and some exploration and trade even beyond. If they’ve been somewhere, people will know of them.

“And that is why you’re still single.” Kara gave a serious look. Vallen stood up with a now pissed off face and was about to retort, but Farren came between the two of them and put his hands out to each of their faces.

“...And that’s where we stop.” Farron looked at both of them. “And no ‘buts.’” Farron nodded his head. “We’re in unknown territory now, let’s get a bit serious. I’m heading down to the hangar so try and keep things civil while I’m gone. Okay, ladies?” He smiled.

“...Right.” Vallen relaxed and sat back down, looking back out into space.

Farron made his way to the hangar, entering the cockpit of the Valhawk. “Vallen, give ‘em a greeting shot, I’ll scout around the place.” The Valhawk launched from the Valstork and proceeded in an arc around the side of the place, searching for alternate points.

“Ready main cannons…. Fire!” Vallen thrusted her arm forward pointing towards the asteroid. The Valstork’s finger-like took aim at the shutter doors of the asteroid and fired off shots to break open the doors.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
The Valstork's main guns shot twin lances of green photon energy out into the vacuum, puncturing the metal shutters that otherwise shielded the asteroid's bays. While they had normally been made to withstand attacks from mobile weapons, the kind of firepower a battleship could bring was more than it could bear, and the result left two glowing holes, with the rest of the shutters gradually falling away as it melted into silvery drips. Bits and pieces of debris and empty shipping containers drifted out in response, but the station itself was otherwise silent. If any kind of automatic defense measures were in place, at the very least there was no immediate indication of their activation.

However, that small relief would have been disturbed by a warning chime from the Valstork's sensor arrays, its barrage evidently having disturbed another.

It seemed they were not as alone as it had appeared.

Coming into sight as it cruised languidly about the left of the Asteroid, a blocky, grey vessel made itself known. Its paint was dull, and it was covered with all manner of graffiti, and its IFF was a civilian one, rather than Directory - most likely space pirates, though their presence in this sector was something of an anomaly. Small lights issuing from its hatches indicated it was quickly launching its compliment of mobile weapons, five total, but they were too far out to be properly identified as of yet...


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018

From the asteroid, came a grotesque-looking ship

“Looks like we startled the hornet’s nest. Intel seemed to be on the money today.” Farron took note of the new enemies and shifted to Air Force mode circling back around towards the front of the asteroid. “Hope you ladies are ready to dance.” Farron, once in combat range, shifted to Cross combat mode and began a series of acrobatic maneuvers mixed in with offensive shots from his Beam Shot Launcher. There was a grace to it that wouldn’t normally be seen by military pilots, but was he military? He disliked the military, being held down by restrictions and guidelines; he was too much a free-spirit for that. He was a lover before a fighter; his passion knew no bounds.

Kara looked rather astonished at his fighting style, speechless at what she saw.

“Is this your first time seeing him fight?” Vallen walked up next to her. “He never originally wanted to be a pilot, but his parents forced him to do the training.”

“It doesn’t even look like he’s fighting…”

“That’s because he doesn’t see it as a fight. It's all a performance to him, where he’s the producer, director, and actor.” Vallen folded her arms under her chest and shifted her weight to her left leg. “It’s his own style he developed after years of reluctant practice.”
Last edited:


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
As the Valhawk danced through the stars, the forms of its opponents would have become quickly clear: A set of five Axios, each scrawled in graffiti and cosmetic modifications, moving in a loose formation towards him. The beam shot launcher came up, bright blasts of plasma lancing through space, seemingly to the surprise of the Space Pirates, who scattered - yet one of Farron's shots managed to clip the arm of one of the machines, sending it bursting away as its stabilizers failed - directly into an asteroid, where it exploded violently.

The remaining four Axios converged upon him, machineguns blazing as they split apart, attacking from multiple directions. Individually, they were no match for the high-performance prototype, but together, they weren't exactly a pushover either...

Meanwhile the Pirate Peregrine class kept its distance, having halted just outside of the range of the Valstork's batteries.

On its bridge, the Captain, a rotund, bearded fellow, grit his golden-grilled teeth as he surveyed the situation on the monitor.

"I've never seen a machine like that." He said aloud, a prosthetic hand flexing on the grimy seat of his command chair. The interior of the ship was as dingy as the outside, and the assorted bridge crew were no exception.

"That would be the Lancea De Longinus."

The Captain swiveled in his chair to behold their guest as she spoke. Her appearance, by contrast, was clean - almost sterile, as if her mere presence was repelling the dirt and muck about her, her orange-red eyes watching the back and forth of the Axios and the Valhawk with interest.

"THE Longinus family?" Exclaimed the Captain, eyes practically bulging out of his head.

She nodded, azure tresses bobbing slightly in the artificial gravity.

"The very same. Seems you're about to make some powerful enemies, Captain."

"Y-You have to do something! Go out and deal with them!"

"That wasn't the deal..." She said, finally flicking her eyes back to the man... But after a moment, she gave a small smile.

"...But, I'm willing to be... flexible."

The man's heart sank, and perspiration formed on his forehead.

"How much?" He asked, defeated.

She held up three fingers.


"...Or, I could hang the whole lot of you. A favor from the scion of Longinus would be worth more than... Well, this entire ship."

The Captain sank into his chair with a groan. He could already taste the gruel they'd be eating for the forseeable future, thanks to this woman.

"Fine." He spat. "Just... Get the job done."

"I always do." Said Eris Pseudea, with a serpentine smile, as she turned on her heel, walking away...


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
Farron continued his tango amongst the stars, his swift offense giving plenty of opportunities to attack the enemies, but none of their shots would be able to connect. These were third-rate grunts at any rate, if Farron were to be hit by one of them, he’d be the disgrace of the Longinius Family.

The Valstork stayed along the perimeter of the combat zone, watching the enemy Peregrine-class ship, watching for any suspicious movements.

Though, one thing that concern Vallen, was that these pirates were continuing to assault after seeing the Valstork and Valhawk. Most anyone who had connections to the underground or who was apart of the underground, knew who the Longinius Family was. It didn’t matter whether they were a Kingpin of a criminal organization, or some lowly bandit; they’d have heard of the Longinius family. These people were either living under a rock for the past millennia, or they had something up their sleeve. And should it be the latter, Vallen had her concerns.

“Be careful Farron, these third-rates may have something up their sleeve.” Vallen spoke over comms.

“I’ll take your words to heart.”


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
The Axios closed in, attempting to tighten the net - but the performance gap between themselves and the jewel of the Longinus Family was simply far too great, as Farron spun from one machine to another. A shot from the launcher cored the center of an unwary Axio, leaving a sparking hole before it exploded, and another suffered a similar fate, the weapon cleanly splitting its hapless target down the middle with the force of its strike. The remaining two Axios peeled off in disarray, hurrying back towards their mothership. Had they already been so quickly vanquished?

A gleam in the corner of Farron's eye answered the question, as from behind a distant asteroid, a barrel glinted - and suddenly a pair of shots - far too accurate to be from a standard Axio assault rifle - hurtled out of the void in his direction, the Valhawk's alert systems coming online. Someone was trying to pick him off from outside his expected range... But, who?


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
As Farron cleared the rest of the Axios, the Valhawk’s warning lights lit up, as shots from the distance whizzed past the neck and shoulder of the mech, only due to Farron’s delicate handling of the unit. He narrowed his eyes as he focused on the origin point of the shot, a trained sniper had appeared.

“It seems one of these third-rates have some first-rate accuracy… Or should I say second?” Farron spoke to himself.

“Be careful Farron, this one isn’t like the others.” Kara had moved to the controls of the Valstork’s CIC and was scanning the battlefield for the new unit.

“I’m well aware.” Farron Shifted to Air force mode and made a beeline to the origin. The Valhawk’s air force mode danced through space, reminiscent of fighter jets of the past. His control skills were impressive for someone of his age, were he put into a room with other pilots, his age would make everyone think he was a rookie. While he lacked much real combat experience, he could pilot like no other.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
The Valhawk bore down on the source of the sniper fire, careening through the assorted debris on plumes of blue flame. As it closed in on the source however, he may have been slightly surprised - perched over the lip of the asteroid, a long rifle looking mechanism had been set, but there was no sign of the accompanying machine. Closer inspection would reveal a thin wire wrapped around the trigger of the weapon, holding it in place... Which would mean-

"Assault Combat: Pattern Phoenix."

The Valhawk's systems would have suddenly screeched an alarm as something darted out from the opposite side of the asteroid, coming in from below and behind. On first glance, it appeared to be a jet-black Axio… But, the way it moved was startlingly different from those before, flames erupting from its shoulders as it rocketed towards him, a glowing, crackling blade outstretched in its right arm, aimed to plunge directly into the Valhawk's shoulder armor. A certain phrase might have come to mind, one recalling a distinct after-market variation of the Axio - one that was above and beyond the level of its contemporaries...

Code name: Axio Burglar.


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
Tch, A fluke…?” The black mech startled Farron, as he quickly maneuvered to dodge the incoming blade.The Valhawk contorted itself in a way that almost seemed unnatural. As the blade was mere meters away, the Valhawk twisted its torso, letting the blade graze past the tip of the shoulder armor, then completing a 720 spin, moving away, though still in point blank, then opened fire with the Beam shot launcher and Laser Vulcan, before retreating further and gaining some distance.

"Got some Huevos to you, huh amigo?"


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
As the Valhawk spun in the air, Eris' Axio Burglar swung back to face it with a blast of flame, electricity laced blade lashing out - to slice at the base of the shotlancer as it came up, sending Farron's shot wild, and a jolt of electricity down the weapon's barrel. As she did so, her mobile weapon yanked at something - hard. The EAGLE multipurpose rifle came reeling back to her hand, the small, motorized winch in its wrist pulling taught as it did so.

The long barrel was ejected as she brought it to bear on Farron - staying so close, the two were almost touching, not giving him even a second to breath. The laser Vulcan shots rattled against the Burglar's armor, tearing holes in it - but she continued her manic advance, only now assisted with the blazing machinegun as it fired, targeting the face of the larger machine. Despite the difference in size, it seemed entirely unintimidated, using the Valhawk's comparable gait to make herself all the more difficult to hit.


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
As the Beam Launcher was knocked off target, the Valhawk reeled back, going with the momentum of the strike. As the Axio began open firing on the Valhawk, Farron continued with the momentum given by the previous attack to perform an acrobatic backflip, swinging its left leg up to the Axio with its the hidden heat edge lit up with a glowing bright orange/red, sweeping diagonally upward. Despite the size difference of the two mechs, Farron managed to keep up with the seemingly more agile Axio. Though despite size difference, the Valhawk too was an agile weapon.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Farron's hidden heat edge caught the nimble Axio off guard, its powered kick very nearly disemboweling his foe - but the EM dagger was brought up at the last second, catching the blade in mid swipe, locking the two in a crackling cross, straining against one another. Within the cockpit, Eris' eyes narrowed in concentration behind her suit's dark visor, her lips tightening into a thin smile. It had been a while, she thought, since she'd had a real challenge.

In the distance, the assembled Space Pirates observed the lightning-quick melee between the two combatants with a mixture of awe and resignation. To interfere would be certain death - this they knew for certain, and so the only option was to hang back. On the bridge, the captain watched in rapt silence, hands gripping the ends of his flayed chair in concentration. He was concentrating so hard, as a matter of fact, that he almost didn't hear the shouting of his crew, who had begun wildly gesticulating at something on their radar.

Something else was out there.

Slowly, it awoke.

A nearby asteroid twitched - suggesting, of course, that it was in fact not an asteroid at all. Slowly, but surely, it began to unfurl, its contours taking on... an unexpected, oblong shape. It flowed forward towards the Peregrine like a roll of paper - massive, easily over two hundred meters in size - and slinked about its frame, eliciting gasps from the crew. The sunlight gleamed off its frame as it shook gently, dispersing rock dust about it, exposing rows of off-orange scales... and the suggestion of fins.

For lack of better term, the organism appeared to be a massive, spacefaring... Fish.

It "swam" through space around the Peregrine and its assembled Axios - who were understandably stunned at its sudden appearance - playfully, turning towards them, exposing a scrunched up, leathery "face". Two watery, gelatinous eyes, big as swimming pools, gazed at the Axios. Deformed as it was, it seemed almost... Cute, like a gigantic puppy.


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
As the Valhawk and Axio were caught in a clash, Kara came up on Farron’s Comms.

“Farron, we have an issue.”

The Valhawk twisted its body out of the clash and kicked off the enemy Axio, gaining distance between the two. He turned to the enemy warship and giant… Fish? He saw.

“I’m sorry, what?” Farron rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn’t seeing things. It was honestly a little creepy; a giant spacefish just ‘swimming’ in space.

“Is it dangerous…?” Vallen was in disbelief, her mouth slightly opened at the surprise arrival of their piscine friend.

“I’m not sure I want to find out… sticking around probably wouldn’t be good, but to leave after coming all this way…” Farron muddled around in his options.

“We could retreat into the asteroid base and wait it out.” Vallen suggested

“And shack up with those filthy scum?” Kara was appalled.

“It may be our only choice…”

Kara thought about it for a moment, before taking a deep sigh. “I’m not taking one step off this ship.”

“Fine by me.” Farron was grateful.

The Valstork moved to enter the facility, keeping an eye on the fish approaching the enemy ship. Farron and the Valhawk also retreated, keeping their attention focused on the Axio, making sure it didn’t attack behind their backs.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
The assembled Axios gave a nervous collective laugh as the... Space fish... brushed up playfully against one of their number, flicking its tail against it as it passed with enough force to send it tumbling through space, limbs flailing as it struggled to readjust itself.

"Looks like you made a friend!" They jeered at the struggling Axio as the fish made another pass at it. Within the cockpit, the pirate grimaced as he grappled with the controls, turning the Axio's head back and forth, trying to get a better look at the creature.

"Knock it off, you clowns! Get this freaky thing awaAAAAAAAAH!"

The last thing he ever saw was the "Fish" turning towards him, its "face" distorting horribly, opening wide into a maw as big as the Peregrine, full of blood-soaked, nightmarish, distinctly human teeth. With a snap! and a shower of sparks... The Axio was gone, swallowed whole by the monstrosity as the fish swam on, not even pausing to chew.

But, the Flatfish was far from sated. As far as its curious mind was concerned, the now panicking little things that had entered its territory were the equivalent of walking lunchboxes - crunchy treats with chewy, delicious centers. It circled back towards the group, jaw twitching in anticipation.. And fell upon the remaining pirates in such a way that they would gladly have sought the warm embrace of their worst nightmares.

A chorus of screams and ineffectual gunfire filled the comms as the Valstork pulled away... Briefly.

The Valstork approached the abandoned station's dock at full tilt, aiming to enter at the point where it had previously pulverized the safety shutters... But, as it did so, its rear alarms would have winked a warning - In the rear camera, the Flatfish was drawing closer, having torn several large chunks out of the distant, sparking Peregrine in mere moments - and was giving chase, eager not to let a single morsel escape.

However, as it put on a burst of speed, and seemed to draw tantalizingly close - a flash of light glinted across its features, and one of the creature's eyes suddenly burst like an overripe fruit, causing it to reel back in agony and surprise, plowing into a nearby asteroid with a plume of dust. The Axio Burglar lowered the EAGLE's smoking barrel as the Valstork passed by, having paused in its own dash to safety to do so. The threat had been dealt with... For now.

The three of them - the Valhawk, the Valstork, and the Axio Burglar - entered the dock. As expected, it was dusty and disused, but there was an open space for a vessel of about the Valstork's size, as well as several berths for mobile weapons. As they entered, emergency shutters activated, a second set folding down, and the hiss of pressurization filled the air. Indicators on the ship would have shown that the air was stale, but breathable - quite surprising considering the age of the place.


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
Farron was taken somewhat by surprise of the Axio’s seeming indifference to its comrades becoming fish food, but was glad that its rifle wasn’t aimed at them for the moment. The Valstork nestled in to the dock, carefully making sure not to ruin its paint job against the infrastructure of the base. The Valhawk was standing atop the Valstork, watching behind them, making sure the fish wasn’t going to follow them; though it seemed the Axio’s shot rattled it severely.

Farron turned his attention to the Axio, who followed them without malice, or so it seemed. Perhaps it would be smarter to team up in a situation like this. It seemed the Axio’s ride out of here was destroyed anyways, they probably needed Farron’s help to get out of this predicament. It was a mutual relationship that could be formed, though they were enemies shortly before. Farron wasn’t one to hold grudges in the first place, so he had no qualms working with the mystery character.

“My gratitude.” Farron spoke on the open speakers, attempting to make conversation with the Axio. “Perhaps a mutual agreement is at hand?”


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
The Axio Burglar landed next to the Valhawk as the ship pulled into a waiting berth. It crouched down, bringing a hand up to its cockpit as the hangar stabilized, the scent of stale air wafting through its confines. At length, the pilot stepped out with a hiss of depressurizing air, a black-gloved hand reaching up to pull her free of its interior, to survey the vast form of the Valstork up close.

Her body was clad in a form-fitting, jet-black pilot suit - the kind that looked more like it had been sculpted with great care and attention, rather than simply manufactured. She reached up and unclasped the beak-like, avian helmet from her head, swinging it down to her hip in one fluid motion, shaking out her short blue hair as she did. Her skin was pale and - adding to the strange sense of otherworldliness about her - flawless. Genetic engineering was not unheard of in the Colonies, but it was well known that the upper echelons of starfaring society would go under the knife to extend their lives... Or, in the case of certain mercenaries, to increase their performance. Given the woman's earlier display... She seemed to fall into the latter category.

"That would be prudent... Mister Longinus, I presume." Said the woman, levelly as she reached up, running a gloved hand through her tresses. She had a penetrating stare, this one - the kind that seemed to look through someone's exterior, sizing up their true motives. She stepped off the Axio's hand onto the corroded floor below daintily, helmet slung over her shoulder, as she sauntered over to the Valhawk.

"Eris..." She said, "Eris Pseudea... Freelancer."

Had Farron ever browsed the profiles of local mercenaries, her name would have brought immediate recognition. She ranked close to the top of the Freelancer's Association Network, at number four - the kind of woman whose services were always in demand.

So why, then, would she have been cavorting with a group of lowlifes like the pirates?


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
Farron was initially surprised at the sight of the woman exiting the mobile suit, not realizing it was one during the fight. Though upon hearing her name, he settled down again. He wasn’t the most knowledgeable about the freelancer market, as he had been on Mars most of his life, though on his transit back to the earth sphere, he did see some mentions of her name, and when talking with the branch families, her name had come up again. He guessed her reputation was pretty far spread. Regardless, the Valhawk took a knee on top of the ship and Farron slid out of the cockpit and down a pulley, touching base with the top of the Valstork. He pulled off his helmet, though instantly regretting it as the stale air entered his lungs. He coughed nonchalantly acclimating himself to the atmosphere.

Upon coming closer to Eris, he began to take in more of her beauty, and was taken slightly aback at the surprising discovery.

“Knowing who I am, I would question why you would voluntarily align yourself against us…” Farron shifted to his right leg. “...But at the same time, I can’t really blame you. Business is business.”

Farron remembered back to what his father always told him. “If the price is right” Though his father also told him to crush everyone who opposed Farron under his foot… But Farron wasn’t really that kind of guy. To add it would be a damn shame to have such a beauty killed. It’d be a crime against humanity!

“Longinius, Farron Longinius. Though you already know that.” Farron held out his hand and gave a charismatic smile.