Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/srwignit/public_html/src/XF/Language.php on line 458

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Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/srwignit/public_html/src/XF/Language.php on line 487

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Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/srwignit/public_html/src/XF/Language.php on line 525

Hook, Line, and Sinker (Verus)


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
The combined strike couldn't have worked better.

Ayatane and Eris' combined fire slammed into the Tadpoles, driving them back into the bowels of the Flatfish... Before the sides of the fish began to glow. The Flatfish, for its part, became aware of a faint... Burning sensation. It was also vaguely aware that everything was getting exceptionally bright, but it could not determine the source of the light... Until it realized that it was coming from within its own body. Proton energy smashed out of the Valguard's arm - Once! Twice! Thrice! And the flatfish began to balloon, beams of energy puncturing its frame as it did, its face a mask of utter confusion.

With a tremendous explosion of blue and white energy, the Flatfish was blown free of the Valguard's arm, its shredded, burnt form fluttering about like a burst balloon, now little more than scraps held together by a skeleton... Yet despite this, the creature refused to die, the Einst cells in its body not allowing it to depart from this mortal coil quite yet... But it had had enough. The creature turned (as best as it could), and bolted, heading directly for the safety of the asteroid base. It darted inside a crevice, snaking its way into its confines, into the comforting darkness.

Here, it thought, its one remaining eye glimmering in the dusk of its hiding space, it would be safe. It would recover its strength, bide its time, and then, when they least suspected, it would have it's piscine revenge-

...Suddenly, however, its train of thought halted, as it sensed... A kind of distant rumbling.

How curious, it thought.

In the distance, the Valguard and it's crew would be treated to quite the spectacle as Anemone station exploded, flames blasting out of every corner of it as it's self destruct mechanism finally activated. Within moments, the entire structure was consumed in blazing, incandescent fireballs, atomizing every last trace of the place's wretched experiments into nothingness.

The Medius Locus's thrusters fluttered as it landed on the shoulder of the Super Robot, replacing the Divided Rifle on its rear skirt as it did so. Within the cockpit, Eris watched the fireworks, and gave a whistle of appreciation.