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I Was Translocated to a Parallel World and Now I Have to Fight Giants?! (Crescentia Route)

Dec 11, 2020
Asem was used to living a life of luxury but he has actively tried to learn the life of the common folk ever since his freedom from his Owner's despicable grasp. Even then, the treatment foisted upon him and, presumably, his companions from Earth, was something he only saw from the side of the servant. Dark memories of the time when his Owner hosted a little celebration for his fellow cultists resurfaced briefly in the man's mind but he eventually shrugged it off, simply enjoying the services offered to him.

For the feast, he chose an outfit that made him smile in amusement. It was, essentially, a suit but it fit his slight frame all too well. His verdant hair was well-tended by the servants and it shone under the light. All in all, Asem looked like an especially pretty man or a very handsome woman. He always liked appearing as androgynous as possible.

The smile on his faltered just a bit upon hearing that gratingly cheery woman accosting some poor fool--that man who piloted the fearsome looking machine of obsidian and radiating a palpable aura of finality. A small sigh escapes his lips before he approached the pair and sat aside the talkative woman.

"Yet I can't help but feel that there's futility underlying everything you say." Asem interjected as he takes a tall glass of what appears to be liquor. "Perhaps I am overthinking things ... but you seem to actively dispel any thoughts concerning the future, miss. That is equally as bad."

He shrugs minutely as he takes a testing sip of the drink and then humming at the fruity and rich yet alien taste before taking a longer sip.

Asem turns to the girl, idly noting her swinging tail but says nothing else as he starts to partake of the food and everything else offered in earnest.
Aug 4, 2018
Somewhere in the UK
Liana spent most of the banquet on the fringes, eating her fill and dismissing most attempts at conversation. Her attention was focused on the fox from the moment she entered, but something stopped her from confronting Laura immediately. Not that she was against dragging her former companion out of trouble, but right now all it would do is get her publicly humiliated.. somehow. So instead she observed, waiting for the opportune time to confront her. Or for Laura to confront her. There wasn't any subtlety in her gaze, and nothing short of serious inebriation would keep her focus hidden from the other Elaima.

While she'd taken the offered bath she'd scorned the clothes, changing into an outfit more fitting to the climate - but one clearly designed for the outdoors rather than a cozy hall. It was clear she wasn't planning on staying long, especially with the cloak she'd insisted on keeping close by. In a more normal situation it might have been used to conceal weapons, but this once it was empty. She meant no threat despite her rather blatant distrust, with one thought occasionally asserting itself whenever Liana came close to losing herself in the revelry. Staying here any longer than she had to was a mistake. Not that it would dull her edge - one night of relaxation was hardly going to overcome years of training.

What made her want to leave was the fear this is exactly the sort of time she'd have picked to attack. Once her business with Laura was resovled she planned to leave at the earliest opportunity with her mobile weapon. Rude? Definitely. But also safer. If her hunch was wrong all she'd suffer was some minor embarassment. But if she was right, she'd have secured a vantage point against whatever foes this strange new land held.

And from there the Ranbu could handle the rest.