Kira's Character Dump

Aug 4, 2018
Name: Fuuma Goemon
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 145.946 ibs
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black
Ethnicity: Chinese
Kinda like this
Other Information:
Genetics: Boosted Child

Likes: Food, Anime
Dislikes: Alcohol, Horror movies


After training at The School from a very young age. Fuuma's potential was quickly noticed by The Directory. After successfully graduating he was quickly into a spy to gather information about other factions from the shadows and delivering them straight to Director Lao.

Fuuma is extremely loyal to Director Lao and The Directory and follows orders without question.

Mobile Weapon: Werkbau


Affiliation: The Directory

Combat Style: Striker

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Aug 4, 2018
Name: Nastasia Volkov
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 181.7 lb
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: White
Ethnicity: Russian
kinda like this

Other Information:
Genetic: Human
Likes: Good fights, Pasta, Cars
Dislikes: Being bored, Vegetarian dishes, People who try to act smart


Nastasia was nothing special in terms of ability. She was part of a platoon at the time of the Omsk Revolt. Nastasia was famous for her bravery even among the most talented of soldiers and was well respected in the military despite her combat ability being average.

During the final stages of the Omsk Revolt, Nastasia was mortally wounded as she tried to protect her comrade by using her mobile weapon as a shield and was taken back to base to receive treatment.

Later... She learned that the rebellion will soon come to an end...And that her comrades had perished during the last sortie.

After learning of what had occured the still out of commission Natasia decides to ignore her injuries and fight. Ignoring the warnings given to her by the medics she left for the hangar and found her Gespenst. It was still damaged from the last battle but Nastasia ignored it and quickly boarded her unit and sortied.

Unaware of the situation Nastasia arrived at the battlefield and found many fallen allies... The Directory had won...The battle was over... But Nastasia wasn't ready to give up. Enraged at the sight she goes into a frenzy and begins to fight the enemy on her own.

As Nastasia displays an abnormal ability to fend off hundreds of Directory Huckbeins and Gespenst units things were quickly going out of hand. Her Gespenst was already damaged and her injuries weren't making the situation better. The Gespenst controls were already covered in her own blood...

After a long fight her Gespenst finally powered down. It was out of power...And the damage it had taken was too much for it to handle. In moments she was over powered by the enemy and shot down. Sending Nastasia and her white Gespenst crashing into the ground.

A few days later... Nastasia finds herself on a hospital bed... Her wounds were treated and there was no one around. Where was she? and how did she get here?

After a moment she saw a flag. A orange flag with a Lion? Jaguar? logo on it...

Mobile Weapon: Gespenst Mark II Type-TT


Affiliation: Terra Sentinel

Combat style: Aggressive

Strengths: When Natasia starts fighting against an opponent she doesn't let up until said unit or units have been completely destroyed and her experience as a soldier gives her an edge in battle.

Weakness: Natasia doesn't bother to conserve ammo or energy leading to her mobile weapon running out of ammo or power very quickly.

Character Theme:
Aug 4, 2018
Name: Santa Claus
Age: ??
Gender: Male
Height: ??
Weight: ??
Eye Color: White
Hair Color: White
Ethnicity: ??

Other Information:

Likes: Milk, Cookies, Holiday Spirit, Good kids
Dislikes: Bad kids, Volkruss


Sick and tired of all the bullshit that has been going on around the world and in space. Santa decided to take matters into his own hands. For the sake of Christmas and all the children around the world.

After learning and mastering the Machine God Fist Santa sets out on a journey to save the world from the chaos that has been spreading and make it a place where children can live and play under the sun without a care in the world.

Mobile Weapon: Ialdabaoth

Affiliation: Santa's Workshop

Affiliation: Striker

Strengths: After training and perfecting his Machine God Fist techniques Santa is a veteran when it comes to arm to arm combat. Landing quick and precise strikes on his opponents while also being able to predict his enemies movements during battle.

Weaknesses: At the end of the day Santa is a big ol softy who never kills his opponents and always leave them incapacitated and unable to battle. Letting his guard down to any surprise attacks the enemy has in store for him.

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