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My Friends Get to Go Fight Giants While I'm Stuck With Guard Duty?! (Tyr, Franz)


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
“Then, I won’t hold back.”

Tenka grinned and gripped the sword in her hand, accepting Laura’s challenge in full. Even if it were bait she was more than confident to deal with whatever would come her way. She met Laura’s killing intent with her own, Though her own of conquest, domination; she was the strongest and she would prove it to all present.

Especially him.

Hyakka Ryouran raised its leg up before stomping it on the ground, Ki being sent into the ground and reverberating out like a drop of water in a still pond. The countless blades that lay embedded in the ground began to vibrate softly before shaking vigorously as they unsheathed themselves from the earth, being sent up into the air. It was a floating field of swords that littered the sky above Hyakka and surrounded the Ganonia.

The machine crouched down and prepared to jump, but was interrupted by…

“Lux 10-22-16: Percutio”

From the sky above, four piercing rays of golden light lanced down on the Ganonia, the beams seeking not to directly damage the machine but rather startle its pilot and break the tension between the two. A new presence not having been detected until now. Azrael, the Dark Angel descended upon the battlefield, as an ominous air now began to fill the surrounding atmosphere, washing over the fighting that had been taking place prior.

“Stay your hand, Kusanagi.”

The deep and commanding voice of Xifas was made clear to all present. The crouching machine in black below hesitated for a moment, before returning to a neutral stance, obeying its Leader’s order.

“A formal introduction is in order I believe. Grand Reine, Travelers from the surface world.”

Xifas lowered himself onto the battlefield, hovering above Hyakka Ryouran.

“I am Xifas Quo Dea, Heavenly General of the Colossi Immortalis and its de facto leader. Heidel Vaan Ariandel, to put it simply, you are unfit for ruling Crescentia, and we will dethrone you.”

It was a bold statement from the Dark Angel, but nonetheless his voice was filled with conviction.

“You can no longer stop the inevitable. The Giants will return and we shall reclaim what is ours.”

He then turned to Laura.

“You otherworlders, should you wish to join us at any time, we will welcome you with open arms. Should you not, you won’t live to see the end of this war.”

“Why do you oppose us so, Xifas? Crescentia has known only peace for these past two thousand years, what are you trying to accomplish?!”

Heidel spoke up in opposition to the enemy.

“Crescentia has stagnated these past two-thousand years. You’ve been oblivious to what is to come and have made zero preparations for it.”

“What are you talking about?”

“...Perhaps Aberon never told you? How ironic. He gave his chosen warriors the power to fight the giants yet never warned you of the true threat to mankind.”

Xifas gave a pitiful chuckle.

“What do-”

“I’m done wasting my words, further conversing is pointless. We shall guide mankind to salvation; save it from stagnation and oblivion. Kusanagi, let us dethrone the Reine.”

“You needn’t even tell me.”

Ki began to flow outward again from Hyakka Ryouran as it leaped into the air to strike the Ganonia, clearing a path for Xifas and Azrael to assault the Citadel.

However, before reaching the Autowarlock, a dark verdant green blur appeared before The Black machine, as Tenka’s sword clashed with another Katana.

“...Kusanagi, is that you?”

Tenka gritted her teeth as the two swords pushed against each other, the battle of strength between the two machines at a stalemate. She could feel the Ki resonating from the machine, similar to her own, but it was too different from her former Master’s.

“...No, you’re not him.”

The two broke from their clash, each returning to the ground in a standoff against each other.

The green samurai-like machine stood opposite to Hyakka Ryouran. It was as if each were looking into a mirror reflection; they were so similar, yet completely different. The blue mane of the green machine gently waved in the wind, as it gripped its sword firmly. The two machine’s eyes met in what felt like the world’s longest staring competition, each attempting to read each other’s movements and body.

The two had entered a different world from the rest present, one were warriors’ true battle was fought.

“...Who are you?”

Tenka asked the question, keeping her focus honed in on the new arrival, uncertain of this change of events.

Between staggered breaths, a calm voice came from the green mobile weapon.


“Mumyo? What kind of joke is that?”

While Xifas took a quick glance at the new arrival, he kept his attention on now his target, the opposing autowarlock.

“It seems the playing field has evened out. Kusanagi may have been playing around with you earlier, but I assure you it's serious business from now.”

Four magic circles formed at each corner of the machine’s frame, before four more golden beams of piercing light arced outwards, now homing in on Ganonia’s body.

“Your leader is misguided and unfit to save this world from inevitable demise. She is naive in her ruling; holding onto a dream of a Crescentia from long ago. Do you truly wish to see the end of the world?”
Aug 25, 2018
Laura took in deep breath, eyes alight with anticipation and delight as Tenka took the challenge and the bait, the beginnings of dogmas forming in her mind...
Only for the declaration of the Dogma to attract her attention, she had had the presumption that the only magic here was Prana based, how stupid of her. Momentarily diverting her attention away from Tenka, Laura shifted her attention to the newcomer, as well as the rays of light headed her way.

Annoyed that all her preparations had just gone down the drain, Laura sighed as she shifted her mental gears, and cast Dogmas of her own to counteract. At least all of her preparations didn't go down the drain, as eight Tontaton circles appeared and shot their own beams of light, two going for each of the four rays of light headed her way. The Dogmas collided close to midway between Azrael and her Ganonia, the Tontatons just enough to block the Percutio rays. Her killing intent was still present, but now instead of honed on Tenka alone it now descended evenly in the surroundings.

Laura stayed silent, wary, as Xifas and Heidel had their exchange. While she badly wanted to interject, especially about the seeming neverending lives of everyone in Crescentia, she couldn't. After Asem had been forced to retreat, she was now alone against the two, even a quick quip could prove lethal.

And so when the order was given to clear a path through her Laura narrowed her eyes. She couldn't spring her trap anymore, so instead the energy blades were once more ignited and brought to Ganonia's sides with a slash, ready to dart to defend the Ganonia against the blow. She was still keeping a wary eye on the Azrael, Dogmas already on her lips and mind, ready to intercept any Dogmas coming her way from Xifas. That was Laura's best chance at surviving, hoping that she could parry Tenka's blow while counteracting Xifas' Dogmas.

Then the green blur came and intercepted Tenka, and Laura exhaled softly in relief, some of the tension leaving her body. "...Nice to see you up and around and being more energetic than when we were dragged here." She said to Mumyo, guessing at her identity. "I'll leave her to you then."

She fully focused her attention on Xifas. She chuckled at what he said, but it was a cold, cold thing devoid of mirth. "She's just a temporary employer, not my leader. But while she is naïve - though not as much so as you seem to think - and woefully unprepared for this conflict, she is still infinitely preferable to slaving despots." Laura replied as she once again repelled the rays of light by casting another eight Tontatons to intersect Xifas' rays of light. "And no one deserves to have their freedom stripped from them. Should worst come to worst death is preferable to slavery or selling myself out. I will die as I have lived: as myself."

But this time, the Tontatons weren't the only thing Laura cast. A magic circle, larger than the Ganonia, formed. While it was full of scripture and symbols, the circle was dominated by three large 'dots' that formed a triangle of their own within the circle. Each of them was a different color, red blue and yellow, their colors bleeding into the rest of the circle. Then the magic circle was siphoned with vortexes into each of the dots, and after a beat of silence, they launched in a triad of colored beams of destruction. 7-14-5 Thrike, Laura's strongest Dogma - though she had always favored quantity over quality.

The magical beams arced outwards while they advanced towards Xifas' general direction before, a short distance before they would have gone past him, they rapidly changed directions to home in on Azrael.

"And I dearly hope that this is just a declaration of war instead of a genuine attempt at her life, because if this is genuine this is the worst kind of amateur hour imaginable!" Laura hissed with indignant fury, her professional pride that she didn't even know she had insulted and offended by what she was witnessing. "If this is the best you could come up with you should be embarrassed of yourselves, use her as a distraction and use another route to kill her off for Ende's sake instead of just barging in to the same blasted place where your efficient distraction is!"


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
Mumyo took a deep breath as she stood within the cockpit of Setsugekka; the controls of the machine were all too similar to the Kensei and Amaterasu in the past, though the Ki manipulator was something she needed to become adjusted to. To add further to that, an almost unbearable weight seemed ever present on her shoulders. Beads of sweat dripped down from her forehead, practically exhausted before this fight had even begun.

“Mumyo, calm yourself.”

Kusanagi’s voice came up on the comms, talking directly to Mumyo.

“Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water.”

Mumyo took a second deep breath as she tried to clear her mind. It was something she had been used to long ago, but had been too long that her mind had dulled since she had been fighting on earth.

That said, The Nightmare of Perindor would spare Mumyo no chance as it blitzed in, blade overhead in a downward swing. Setsugekka raised its sword to block, the two swords clashing overhead, the two’s Ki intermingling with each other, this battle being both a contest of strength, and also will.

“So Kusanagi has taken upon an apprentice, is that it?”

Tenka spoke to Mumyo amidst their clash.

“He chose a nameless husk of a warrior as his apprentice?”

Tenka broke through the clash, her sword driving downward into the ground, breaking the earth where it landed, before it swung back up, returning to strike Setsugekka again. The green samurai retreated back a step and once again blocked the sword, the two blades meeting once again.

“Perhaps spending two-thousand years in a coma made him senile.”

The Nightmare broke through once more, now pulling the sword back for a thrust into the core of Setsugekka.

“You aren’t worthy of the title of ‘Kusanagi’. Nor are you worthy of that machine!”

「Mugen Senzen-Ryu - Third Line」

The single thrust then multiplied into three separate attacks, each threatening Mumyo’s life.

Her eyes widened, but in an almost flash of cognition, time seemingly slowed around Mumyo as she was able to see the three strikes. Perhaps as if something had reawakened within her, the fires of combat perhaps fanning the embers that Kusanagi had sparked within her the previous night. Mumyo continued to temper her mind and hone her focus, all becoming irrelevant save for the foe that lay before her.

Setsugekka took a step forward, raising its blade up in anticipation for the precise moment. It was the passing of mere milliseconds, but the window for countering was simply as narrow.

「Inmetsu-Ryu - Reaper’s Breath」

Mumyo took a breath, and within the duration of her exhale, Setsugekka brought its blade down and around, up and across, effectively deflecting the three lines of the Reaper’s, and adding a fourth strike aimed right at the neck of the machine. The black machine reacted, grabbing a nearby sword with its left hand and bringing it up to block Mumyo’s.


Tenka was briefly thrown off guard by Mumyo’s strike, not fully expecting the verdant machine to be able to counter effectively.

“Perhaps I am a mere husk of what I was before.”

Setsugekka stood stalwart before the Nightmare, the machine’s posture having sharpened up slightly from before.

“...But even the most battered and broken blade can be reforged.”

The time for self-pity and wallowing in despair was over. From this day forward Mumyo would strive forward on her new path, reclaim her dignity as a warrior, and truly become The Indomitable Blade.

The girl possessed a rather unique Autowarlock, Xifas could tell. Her potential was great, but how much of that was her own strength and how much of it was her machine’s, only drew Xifas’ curiosity. But rather than continue a battle of ranged prowess, it would be best to mix things up and throw her off balance.

“While our opinions may differ on the topic of Giants, and for the sake of hypotheticals, let’s assume you do defeat us, defeat the Giants. Then what? There are always bigger fish in the water, and Crescentia, Earth; it's but a mere shrimp in the whole ocean. You say you choose death over slavery; I’d rather believe in life over death. ‘Death’ is coming to both Earth and Crescentia, and at the current rate, there’s nothing we can do to stop it.”

Xifas took note of Laura’s powerful Dogma, and Azrael moved accordingly, closing the gap between the two machines. Odic power condensed in the palm of the Dark Angel and from it, a hefty sword was brought to bear, as Azrael charged in to strike.

“Tempus 4-10-5: Cursus”

The wings of the machine glowed, energy flowing into its propulsion. The beams of Thrike seemed to strike true on the Angel, though more than anything else, they seemed to ‘phase’ through the machine. Mere moments later the image of the machine vanished, and as Laura looked, afterimages appeared around Ganonia, five to count. Their movements were all the same, but only one was the real machine. That said, she had little time to think as the five Azrael's all came to strike Laura’s machine, each looking to plunge their blade into the White and Red machine.
Aug 25, 2018
Laura scoffed. "Pretty words, shame that they stink of rot all the way to here. If Earth surviving was what you were after you should have worked with Heidel at some point during however many thousands of years you weirdos have lived by now, or overthrown her earlier. Not divide the house now if it's oh-so-late to save the world. You people really need lessons in honesty, not only would it be refreshing it would also work better than peddling in the nonsense that you are offering right now."

Eyeing the surrounding Azraels, Laura chose not to move from her position. Even if only one of them was real, she did not know whether the mirages could hurt or not, trying to break through one of the Azraels would be a mistake that could cost her dearly. Instead, four magic circles of earthen colors formed around Ganonia, each pointed at one of the Azraels, from the one in front of her and moving clockwise. At the same time Laura reached with her mind to the mass of energy that the spirits of her lost world had fused and turned into in the aftermath of their takeover of her. She offered her mind and its workings to it, and a beat later a fifth earthen circle appeared, aimed at the last Azrael.

While calling the casting of the last Dogma instinctual was still attributing too much mental process to the way the last Dogma was formed by the mass of energy, it was the closest approximation Laura could think of to describe the level of automation with which the Spirit Egg - as Laura called it - castthe Dogmas it still was capable of casting when she utilized Thousand Dogmas System.

With little fanfare and with just a small increase in luminosity the five 5-6-6 Sthrowes activated and spat out a barrage of sharp rocks at each of the Azraels, intent on clearing the mirages and halting the real one's advance towards Laura.


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
“What the Reine lacks is power. What we’ve lacked is timing. Both sides are at fault perhaps, the stagnation of Crescentia is proof of that.”

The Azraels broke off from their strike, evading the incoming pellets, and shortly after raising their arms in preparation of another Percutio, however the afterimages faded away mid-cast, leaving the one true Azrael behind Laura as it fired off the four beams of golden light at the four cardinals of the Ganonia’s position. This was followed up by Azrael chucking its sword at Laura, flinging the blade like a dart dead center of the machine.

“The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago; the next best time is now. If you think keeping the Giants sealed or defeating them is the best choice, you are far more naive than you think.”

Vayne knew it. From that library. He read all about it, studied the documents until he could recite it line for line. The defeat of the Giants would only bring about continued stagnation, and inevitably, the end of the world.

“You'd better back those words with actions.”

The Nightmare broke the clash with its left sword and swung horizontally with its right, aiming straight for the neck of the Setsugekka. Mumyo stepped back and readjusted her sword, blocking the strike, but she was faced with a second strike from below this time, the left blade coming back in for a upward-diagonal slash. Angling her own blade to deflect the right, she brought it down to block the left, though as she did, within a blink of light, the Nightmare had circled around to Setsugekka’s rear and pulling a third sword from the ground, brought the blade straight upward to bisect its foe in half.

It was only for a moment, but she could remember every distinct detail about it.

Fourth Step : Blue Blade

Setsugekka’s left hand let go of its sword, and moved it down to intercept the incoming blade, Ki enwrapping the hand of the machine. The hand and blade met below, Setsugekka making a fist and catching the blade in its hand. Replicating what Kusanagi had done the night before, after only seeing it once, just what talent had laid hidden within Mumyo?

“Not… bad.”

Tenka grinned within the cockpit of her machine, perhaps feeling a bit of excitement sparking from this fight. Hyakka Ryouran backed off from Setsugekka, hopping backwards and resheathing its sword at its side.

“However, I’m done playing around. Let me show you the difference between you and I.”

Mumyo could tell Tenka was readying an attack, but try as she did to read what her enemy was planning, even with her cognitive perception, she couldn’t read Tenka’s movements.

“Fuuuu… Haaa…..”

Her breath could be heard by all present, silence filling the air for but a brief moment. Ki around the machine began to intensify and condense around the machine’s body, shattering the ground around Hyakka Ryouran by the sheer force of will. For Tenka, time had slowed to a crawl, her vision and focus honing in on Setsugekka as the machine crouched ever so slightly, before breaking into a dash forward, instantaneously closing the gap between her and Mumyo. Ki shifted from surrounding the machine, condensing all within the blade at its hip.

Altered First Step: Hissatsu, Fated to Perish
「All Things Living Must Die」

Tenka drew her blade, the weapon unsheathing and swinging around in an arc in front of it, seeking to slice directly through Setsugekka’s center. The blade broke through the air and cut through the wind, the edge turning red to white-hot as the friction of the air heated the metal instantaneously. The sheer force from the swing whipped up storm-like winds around the machine, the ground shook and quaked, which was strange as the blade hadn’t touched the ground…

But if one were to look in the distance beyond Setsugekka, one could track the sense of the rumbling, as the top half of a distant mountain began to… slide? Their eyes lied to them not, Tenka’s slash having cut across the land into the geography afar. Crashing down into the ground below, the top of the mountain shattered and slowly disintegrated into rubble as it all tumbled down. Clouds of dust and dirt began to plume up into the air, spreading from ground zero, reaching as far as the battlefield and to the ramparts of Perindor, a short-lived dust storm blasting through the fighting area and blocking visibility of those present.


But what of Mumyo and Setsugekka? It was hard to see what had happened, and the storm made it difficult to make out just how she was doing.

As the dust settled, eyes were turned to where the Setsugekka was, breaths held in curiosity of its condition. With time, they could see that the machine was still standing. Mumyo had raised her sword up to block the strike, and the weapon seemingly was able to withstand the blow… or so one thought.

A crack could be heard, followed by another and another, lines being drawn through the blade of the relic weapon, before it finally shattered into countless pieces, Tenka’s strike having broken the sword Setsugekka held. Mumyo’s eyes went wide as she saw what happened to the blade, speechless in disbelief. Shortly after, Setsugekka itself collapsed to its knee as the force from the blow seemingly put too much stress on the machine’s frame and joints, the legs below buckling under its own weight.

“As I thought.”

Tenka’s voice could be heard, cold and almost… disappointed.

“I had some hope you might prove a challenge, but I guess I set my expectations too high.”

All could hear her take a sigh.

"Kusanagi, that's enough for now."

With the spectacle that broke the fighting of all present, Xifas shifted his attention to his partner.

"Yeah... I've gotten bored."

Tenka sheathed her sword, turning away from Perindor and the opposing machines.

"Let this be the formal declaration of war, Reine. The Giants will return and you shall be dethroned."

Xifas turned to Heidel who remained vigilant, watching from the Citadel's Tower.

"And you, Mumyo."

Tenka turned her head back to the collapsed machine.

"Your hollowed swordsmanship will never triumph over us. That sword was wasted on the likes of you."

With Tenka's final words, Azrael opened a portal which the two black machines entered, before the gate closing behind them. The battle was over for now, but what of our heroes? How will they fare in the coming days?

Such questions are left to speculation for the time being. For now, rest may be the best option.