On the Flipside (Shadow Mirror, Closed)


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
Any organization requires communication to function, be that from this world or any other. In that regard Shadow Mirror was no different from the directory, everglory or any company in the galaxy. Which meant that Prometheus alongside four of his most trusted associates all leading one aspect of their organization sat in a meeting room reflecting on gathered intel and debating on what course to take. Half an hour into the meeting a bespectacled man put his notes onto the table. The time had come for a topic they had all been dreading, their eyes and ears on the moon had all but confirmed the arrival of Elios there, the details were unclear but if their sources were to be believed it coincided with the ZONE's sudden turn for the worse.

"In regards to the reports from Everglory." The bespectacled man said "I believe we should regard them as true and begin a preemptive effort to locate and eliminate Elios' pilot."

"That's great and all but I think I wouldn't need to remind you of all people that Everglory is our weakest foothold." A woman in a lab coat spoke up in response "Let alone the recorded abilities of the pilot, if it was any other place we could've just sent a squad of bioroids to eliminate it and sneak off the unit."

"I doubt bioroids would fare any better than our regular agents in that regard." the man replied.

Prometheus cleared his throat, drawing the attention of his peers before the two got into an argument, again.
"The described appearance of the mystery unit matches Elios' too closely for pure coincidence. I believe we are all in agreement to that part."

Silent nods went along the room.

"The truth is that we currently cannot openly act to such a degree as to eliminate it currently. Angelo what was it that Shiro's report said about the Directory's new elite unit again?"

"They are going to be delayed for a month due to damage suffered by an enemy not in our records. Said conflict which caused the delay caused the destruction of Belfast, including elimination of agents Stone and Watkins who were sent to keep an eye on this Taskforce while they were still on Earth." the man in glasses replied.

Prometheus crossed his arms, thinking over everything for a moment as quiet returned to the room. After half a minute of silence the commander spoke up again.
"If one of the children is already here the rest of their family is sure to follow, or may have arrived in more subtler ways already. This world is not ready to take them on. Even though there have been many weapons and projects we have not seen in our world in addition to some we have they lack the experience to fight these things."

He looked to his brothers and sisters in arms, they all knew they had their differences and issues with one another but yet they all sat here, working in unison.
"I am hereby declaring we are in scenario 15B, the darkness is coming and we have spent these past five years preparing for this. Let all field operatives know to put Negative Energy Sensors on setting 2." The supreme commander rose to his feet. "Additionally. Cordell."

A dark skinned man in his fifties looked towards Prometheus.
"Yes commander?"

"Begin full deployment of the DCM series, inform agents Suru, Dimont and Hashemi they are fully cleared to hunt down their respective quarry. Then I want the Duraxyll to be combat ready."

All four turned their eyes on him in an inquisitive manner, Cordell speaking up first.

"Of course sir, but what are you planning with the Duraxyll?"

"It is time for me to join the fight fully. Now, you all know what to do and what we need to be ready for."