March 13th, OE 102
14:57 PM
Crescentia, Perindor
It had been an eternity since he last set foot in these lands, a red haired man with blue eyes looked over the place he once called home. His eyes passed down to his left arm, the glamour over it was holding perfectly fine so far. Once more he looked like he once had long ago, the flaming arm concealed by a normal one. Though he needed to remain aware that it in truth was much larger then it seemed currently. This place, its people truly hadn't changed. In two thousand years the only thing that had shifted were slightly larger smiles on the common people's faces.
Perhaps one for the better, but given those final memories before his imprisonment Alberich could not help but wonder about how much choice these fine people had in smiling. He'd be able to ask that sooner or later, in fact he had been expecting that right about now he'd be shoved in front of the lady ruler herself but it seemed the city guard did not at all know him. It was a benefit and a shame that his short lived rebellion was buried by the annuls of time. His name and face forgotten to the common folk. Did the other heroes suffer a fate like such too? A nation of peace had few needs for heroes at any notion, especially when any dissident was buried in a pillar of white stone.
But in return he was able to longingly gaze at his old home, still there as it had been with a smile and a nod his steps carried him further through the city, towards the castle standing in the distance looming, and ruling, over all. The seat of the queen, her home. Would she try to finish the job today? Had she shifted her intent from sparing and imprisoning to slaying her opponents or would she once more try to force his loyalty to her side by the gift she had been given? A natural question given the terrifying nature of her ability, if she attempted to use it he had a plan but he prayed to Aberon she would not attempt such a foolish plan. Same as sending the knights of the realm after him, his hand pried the inside of his pocket, hiding underneath the calm brown cloak he wore to feel the shape of the Schicksal underneath, anywhere he went it accompanied him and in a pinch it was rather easy to call upon it for defense.
Like so his steps moved to the tower that functioned as the gateway to the Citadel, the guards outside hailing him. They wanted to learn why he was here, his business as it were. His calm smile greeted them as they barred his path. A formal bow on his part greeted them as he pushed back the hood of his clothes unveiling his face- no reaction here either.
"I come bearing a message directly for the Queen." He said, a statement far from falsehood. It was indeed his intent to speak with her and so in this land of peace he received passage, his footsteps once more entering the palace.
How long had it been since he last set foot in here, his eyes moved around this place it was like it had been still in time. In a way it was kind of sad to see that all was exactly as it had been he would like to think that had time passed normally for him and had he not been caged in an eternal void that he'd be able to move past the past. But now- now it was all he had to look upon that ancient past to build a present and future beyond the chains of their will.
He wondered, as he stepped through a well remembered route, the immediate way to get to the throne room where she surely sat. Would any know his face, would she even remember him or had she banished him from his memory as the city had? So far only the silent steps of fate answered.
14:57 PM
Crescentia, Perindor
It had been an eternity since he last set foot in these lands, a red haired man with blue eyes looked over the place he once called home. His eyes passed down to his left arm, the glamour over it was holding perfectly fine so far. Once more he looked like he once had long ago, the flaming arm concealed by a normal one. Though he needed to remain aware that it in truth was much larger then it seemed currently. This place, its people truly hadn't changed. In two thousand years the only thing that had shifted were slightly larger smiles on the common people's faces.
Perhaps one for the better, but given those final memories before his imprisonment Alberich could not help but wonder about how much choice these fine people had in smiling. He'd be able to ask that sooner or later, in fact he had been expecting that right about now he'd be shoved in front of the lady ruler herself but it seemed the city guard did not at all know him. It was a benefit and a shame that his short lived rebellion was buried by the annuls of time. His name and face forgotten to the common folk. Did the other heroes suffer a fate like such too? A nation of peace had few needs for heroes at any notion, especially when any dissident was buried in a pillar of white stone.
But in return he was able to longingly gaze at his old home, still there as it had been with a smile and a nod his steps carried him further through the city, towards the castle standing in the distance looming, and ruling, over all. The seat of the queen, her home. Would she try to finish the job today? Had she shifted her intent from sparing and imprisoning to slaying her opponents or would she once more try to force his loyalty to her side by the gift she had been given? A natural question given the terrifying nature of her ability, if she attempted to use it he had a plan but he prayed to Aberon she would not attempt such a foolish plan. Same as sending the knights of the realm after him, his hand pried the inside of his pocket, hiding underneath the calm brown cloak he wore to feel the shape of the Schicksal underneath, anywhere he went it accompanied him and in a pinch it was rather easy to call upon it for defense.
Like so his steps moved to the tower that functioned as the gateway to the Citadel, the guards outside hailing him. They wanted to learn why he was here, his business as it were. His calm smile greeted them as they barred his path. A formal bow on his part greeted them as he pushed back the hood of his clothes unveiling his face- no reaction here either.
"I come bearing a message directly for the Queen." He said, a statement far from falsehood. It was indeed his intent to speak with her and so in this land of peace he received passage, his footsteps once more entering the palace.
How long had it been since he last set foot in here, his eyes moved around this place it was like it had been still in time. In a way it was kind of sad to see that all was exactly as it had been he would like to think that had time passed normally for him and had he not been caged in an eternal void that he'd be able to move past the past. But now- now it was all he had to look upon that ancient past to build a present and future beyond the chains of their will.
He wondered, as he stepped through a well remembered route, the immediate way to get to the throne room where she surely sat. Would any know his face, would she even remember him or had she banished him from his memory as the city had? So far only the silent steps of fate answered.