Two-thousand years without war. It was a goal that most countries could only dream of. Yet for Heidel Vaan Ariandel, who ruled over Crescentia with a gentle iron fist, such a goal was achievable for her. This wasn’t to say though that things were ‘perfect’ by any means. Regardless of what methods one takes, there will always be dissenters, those who are discontent with the times, those who loathe the stagnation of peace. Those who seek to bring about progress and change to the world.
Such individuals were spread far and wide throughout Crescentia; the Giant Remnant forces. Those few who fought in the war eons ago, along with their descendents amongst others who have joined their ranks over the years. Heidel painted them as a non-issue, and did what she could to cover their movements, and cover-up any incidents that they might cause, but there were always ways for them to get around her watchful eye.
The Giant Remnants were in fact, those who were the most discontent with Heidel and her rule. The losers from the war long ago, their grudges and ambition having been built up for the past eon, longed to finally bring about the day of reckoning and take the world for themselves. And that day would be today.
The man who stood at the head of the Remnant Faction, Vayne Marvis, General of the Giant’s forces, had long bided his time for the past two-thousand years, following the movements of Lao Xin Feng, who he suspected would lead to the key to awakening the Giants. He was in fact, the one who was closest to the Savior. Though careful coordination with both his movements and his followers’ movements in Crescentia, all thanks to the Giant Machine, Azrael, Vayne could easily communicate with his followers while in the earth sphere, timing the movements of everyone.
To the land of Crescentia, and its people, who had lived in peace for the past two-thousand years, today would become the day they dreaded most. Heidel knew the seal wouldn’t last forever, and that one day the Giants would return; though maybe, just maybe, she hoped that day wouldn’t be today.
Though today, she would be given a rude awakening.
Descending from a tear in the sky, XN-L descended from the heavens above Perindor, cleaving her way through the citadel into the chamber where Kusanagi was kept. She could peer into the room, witnessing the last moments of the Giant agent pulling the sword from the man, and Kusanagi himself waking from his slumber.
“Ah! It worked! The Giants have returned! Hail to our true lor-!”
The man raved as he looked to XN-L, though his words were cut short by Kusanagi, who faster than one could see, cleanly separated the man’s head from his body. He was now standing, and looked to the sky. Something was off. He could tell the Giants were still stuck in his ego, yet there was one that stood before him. Was there one that remained in hiding since the war? Or was it something else entirely. Regardless, with XN-L performing her magic and the glow began to surround Kusanagi, he was even more confused as he could tell what she was doing. The ‘hole’ in his chest glowed with a blue light; the seal before was mostly gone, but he sensed that what was left was being reinforced.
Confused, yet unphased by XN-L, he grabbed the sword from the hand of the dead man and looked up to XN-L once more.
“Just who are you?”
He was on guard, yet his mind was calm.
Perindor Throne Room
The events outside were hardly invisible to Heidel, and now was a time that decisive action needed to take place. When a Giant suddenly appeared from the sky, it was only right for her to panic slightly and fear what was to come. Or so how she wanted to feel, but now more than ever, she needed to remain vigilant and calm herself. Even though they had known peace since the war, it was wrong to assume they hadn’t made preparations for this day to come. Ever since the end of the Giant War, they had trained their soldiers, improved their machine crafting, made proper countermeasures and strategies. While they couldn’t tell exactly when the Giants would return, they could at least be prepared for when it would happen.
“My Liege…!”
Karon Perniguard, the 4th Regis Knight, spoke up to Heidel, awaiting her decision. Val’sentaph and Wakaya were both away on their duties, leaving only ten of the twelve Knights remaining within the citadel. Perhaps their numbers were fewer, they still held a measurable fighting force.
“Winster, Karon, Baalthar, I need you three to work with the city guards and evacuate everyone to Bastion as fast as you can!. Valkyr, Fafnir, Opheria, You three go prepare for the aftermath. The return of the Giants will only bring about more destruction, take a detachment of soldiers with you and be ready to counter the Remnant’s forces. Noel, Vynguard, Freston, Denah, you four are with me, we shall go meet this Giant. We won’t allow it to remain.”
In a swift clearing of orders, Heidel commanded her Knights and stood up from her throne. With a look of steel and determination, she spoke her final words.
“Prepare SeiOhKi.”
She would defend the peace of the realm, and of her people. No matter what it took.
In the absence of Kusanagi, she would put her life on the line, like he did eons ago. If she didn’t she wouldn’t be able to face him when they next met.
Crescentia, Location Unknown
The Giant remnants too, had become quite busy with the appearance of XN-L. Most of its members knew not the original Giants in appearance, outside from what they saw in paintings and images depicted of the times. To them, a giant was a Giant, be they one from Crescentia, or from elsewhere. And when the Giants would return, that would be when they return as well. The sleeper cells through the realm would slowly gain word of what was occurring in Perindor, and the return of the Giant would be on the mouths of all who were aligned with them.
“The return of the Giants is now!”
“Let us take back the land from those who wished to end us!”
“Down with the Tyrant Queen!”
“Down with Aberon!”
“Let the strength of the Giants flow through us once more!”
“It is just as Vayne said! Let us move now brothers and sisters!”
From Perindor to Katu’ul, From Valezun to Dravania, the realm in its entirety would eventually get word of it all. And once it was known to all, like rats in hiding, they would pour out from the floors, the walls, and pollute the world with their presence.
It would be the start of the Second Giant War.
Such individuals were spread far and wide throughout Crescentia; the Giant Remnant forces. Those few who fought in the war eons ago, along with their descendents amongst others who have joined their ranks over the years. Heidel painted them as a non-issue, and did what she could to cover their movements, and cover-up any incidents that they might cause, but there were always ways for them to get around her watchful eye.
The Giant Remnants were in fact, those who were the most discontent with Heidel and her rule. The losers from the war long ago, their grudges and ambition having been built up for the past eon, longed to finally bring about the day of reckoning and take the world for themselves. And that day would be today.
The man who stood at the head of the Remnant Faction, Vayne Marvis, General of the Giant’s forces, had long bided his time for the past two-thousand years, following the movements of Lao Xin Feng, who he suspected would lead to the key to awakening the Giants. He was in fact, the one who was closest to the Savior. Though careful coordination with both his movements and his followers’ movements in Crescentia, all thanks to the Giant Machine, Azrael, Vayne could easily communicate with his followers while in the earth sphere, timing the movements of everyone.
To the land of Crescentia, and its people, who had lived in peace for the past two-thousand years, today would become the day they dreaded most. Heidel knew the seal wouldn’t last forever, and that one day the Giants would return; though maybe, just maybe, she hoped that day wouldn’t be today.
Though today, she would be given a rude awakening.
Descending from a tear in the sky, XN-L descended from the heavens above Perindor, cleaving her way through the citadel into the chamber where Kusanagi was kept. She could peer into the room, witnessing the last moments of the Giant agent pulling the sword from the man, and Kusanagi himself waking from his slumber.
“Ah! It worked! The Giants have returned! Hail to our true lor-!”
The man raved as he looked to XN-L, though his words were cut short by Kusanagi, who faster than one could see, cleanly separated the man’s head from his body. He was now standing, and looked to the sky. Something was off. He could tell the Giants were still stuck in his ego, yet there was one that stood before him. Was there one that remained in hiding since the war? Or was it something else entirely. Regardless, with XN-L performing her magic and the glow began to surround Kusanagi, he was even more confused as he could tell what she was doing. The ‘hole’ in his chest glowed with a blue light; the seal before was mostly gone, but he sensed that what was left was being reinforced.
Confused, yet unphased by XN-L, he grabbed the sword from the hand of the dead man and looked up to XN-L once more.
“Just who are you?”
He was on guard, yet his mind was calm.
Perindor Throne Room
The events outside were hardly invisible to Heidel, and now was a time that decisive action needed to take place. When a Giant suddenly appeared from the sky, it was only right for her to panic slightly and fear what was to come. Or so how she wanted to feel, but now more than ever, she needed to remain vigilant and calm herself. Even though they had known peace since the war, it was wrong to assume they hadn’t made preparations for this day to come. Ever since the end of the Giant War, they had trained their soldiers, improved their machine crafting, made proper countermeasures and strategies. While they couldn’t tell exactly when the Giants would return, they could at least be prepared for when it would happen.
“My Liege…!”
Karon Perniguard, the 4th Regis Knight, spoke up to Heidel, awaiting her decision. Val’sentaph and Wakaya were both away on their duties, leaving only ten of the twelve Knights remaining within the citadel. Perhaps their numbers were fewer, they still held a measurable fighting force.
“Winster, Karon, Baalthar, I need you three to work with the city guards and evacuate everyone to Bastion as fast as you can!. Valkyr, Fafnir, Opheria, You three go prepare for the aftermath. The return of the Giants will only bring about more destruction, take a detachment of soldiers with you and be ready to counter the Remnant’s forces. Noel, Vynguard, Freston, Denah, you four are with me, we shall go meet this Giant. We won’t allow it to remain.”
In a swift clearing of orders, Heidel commanded her Knights and stood up from her throne. With a look of steel and determination, she spoke her final words.
“Prepare SeiOhKi.”
She would defend the peace of the realm, and of her people. No matter what it took.
In the absence of Kusanagi, she would put her life on the line, like he did eons ago. If she didn’t she wouldn’t be able to face him when they next met.
Crescentia, Location Unknown
The Giant remnants too, had become quite busy with the appearance of XN-L. Most of its members knew not the original Giants in appearance, outside from what they saw in paintings and images depicted of the times. To them, a giant was a Giant, be they one from Crescentia, or from elsewhere. And when the Giants would return, that would be when they return as well. The sleeper cells through the realm would slowly gain word of what was occurring in Perindor, and the return of the Giant would be on the mouths of all who were aligned with them.
“The return of the Giants is now!”
“Let us take back the land from those who wished to end us!”
“Down with the Tyrant Queen!”
“Down with Aberon!”
“Let the strength of the Giants flow through us once more!”
“It is just as Vayne said! Let us move now brothers and sisters!”
From Perindor to Katu’ul, From Valezun to Dravania, the realm in its entirety would eventually get word of it all. And once it was known to all, like rats in hiding, they would pour out from the floors, the walls, and pollute the world with their presence.
It would be the start of the Second Giant War.