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The Riot Beta soared through space, sawing through a stray asteroid then pausing to watch the two halves drift apart. A light poke sent one sailing off in a different direction entirely, the pilot staring as if transfixed.
Just because Ashley had gotten used to the quirks of space didn't mean she'd lost her sense of wonder with regard to it just yet. Her body had mostly adjusted to zero-gravity outside of a few accidents, and getting used to fighting in space didn't take much longer. The other half of the asteroid was split in two once more as she reignited the sabers, slowly but carefully turning it into dust.
"This is Ashley. Both Proton Sabers fully functioning in space. No engine anomalies, so I'll break the dummy and then return to base."
Thrusters activated to push her away from the ruined asteroid, towards a single empty Huckebein floating in space. She took a deep breath and linked the mech's hands, one eye on the gauge as the dual sabers came online. Activation was swift and painless, and one single strike was all it took to bisect the machine from head to toe. She pushed herself back as the ruined machine detonated, admiring the sight.
"Dummy destroyed. You guys catch all that?" She gave one last remark into her radio, waiting for a response.
The Gratia Class transport ship that had carried the Riot safely to its testing zone from the Directory satellite base loomed in the distance, its boxy curvature and cream coloring making it stand out even amongst the orbital debris left over from the previous spaceborne conflcits. In characteristic Directory fashion, they had remained untended to - perhaps as a reminder to the Colonists, in the event that they should ever forget the outcome of the last time they had tried to bite the hand that fed them.
Yet, before Ashley could return, the radio crackled to life once more, the operator's voice sounding... Uncertain.
"Wait, hold on... There's something-Aaaaah!"
Too fast.
Out of nowhere, a trio of bright yellow bolts lanced down, like thunder cast from the arm of Zeus - punching clean through the Gratia. It sparked for a moment, lights flickering on and off - before detonating spectacularly in a shower of incandescent, fluttering Dimensional Energy, sending chunks of metal in all directions. Something incredibly quick rocketed around from behind the explosion, curving about like a pitch from Hell on a violet tail of plasma energy as it came to a relative stop, hovering overhead a fair distance from the Riot.
Compared to Ashley's own machine... It was an entirely different beast. It was jet-black, its layered chest armor enclosing a bright red sphere, and its shape was vaguely reminiscent of the Personal Troopers employed across the Earth Sphere. A pair of bright yellow eyes leered out at the comparatively-heroic looking Riot from beneath a dark visor, as the machine raised a long, menacing looking double-barreled rifle, enclosed in a case of some kind - vapors currently peeling from its tip.
"A Directory prototype..." Said the pilot - a woman's voice, one that was calm, cool, and professional - over open channels, no less.
"Must be my lucky day."
Within the cockpit, Eris Pseuda gave a wolfish smile. Her tip had been right on the money... And the Colonists would pay good money to get a good look at the inside of the latest Directory machine. Just because the end of the world was raging around them didn't mean business had to wait... Sometimes, she thought, the opportunities came to you, and other times you had to chase them down yourself... This, it seemed, was a little of both.
She glanced at a side panel within the Medius' cockpit, one she had installed specifically for a single purpose - to keep track of AI1, and its development. She was becoming quite fond of its quiet efficiency, she had to admit - though it had yet to contribute in a fight, and mostly seemed to spend its time simply gathering data. Well, that suited her just fine, for the time being, she thought, as she tapped the surface of the screen to activate its scan.
This, she imagined... Would prove to be lucrative indeed.
Ashley reeled at the destruction of the ship, her Riot flailing for a moment until she managed to recenter herself. She was no stranger to people dying in front of her - but even when a human could directly be blamed for the loss of life, they were always beyond reprisal. Just out of reach, be it politically or physically.
Not here. Not now.
A stray pill was grabbed out of the air. She didn't need it to psych herself up for combat this time - just to make herself fast enough to make this woman pay.
"Those people weren't Directory - but that doesn't matter. You'll be dead long before you have time to reflect on your mistakes." Her voice was quivering with rage as she replied, a string of careful manoeuvres bringing her to face the Medius Locus. This wasn't just her anger at the lives lost in the Gratia. This was every death and every mistake gone unpunished, on a target more than deserving of her wrath.
The thrusters on the Riot exploded into life, launching it at the Medius like a missile.
"Pretty cocky for a test pilot." Said Eris flippantly, the Medius tapping its rifle against its shoulder as it gave a mocking shrug.
"Let's see if you can back it up, shall we?"
She couldn't conceal a smile as the Riot's pilot took the bait magnificently, charging forward like a bull in a china shop, all too eager to avenge her companions. While she would have preferred to leave the ship alive... The possibility of there being more machines, or even reinforcements, was just too much for her to risk. Not that such calculations mattered to the angry young woman in front of her, it seemed.
"Now then..." Eris breathed, eyes narrowing as she concentrated on the white and blue form of the Riot, allowing her vision to narrow, and her voice to soften slightly as she spoke affectionately to her steed:
"Show me what you can really do, Medius."
Her hand pushed a control raker forward, and the machine responded instantly with a whine of its thrusters, blasting forward into the void. The dark Divided Rifle was brought to bear before it as it charged, the guards wrapped around its forearm holding it steady as it locked on. The twin barrels at the end flashed - once, twice! - sending a quartet of bright yellow bullets hurtling towards Ashley, and the center of the Riot's mass as Eris rushed forward, equally eager to close the gap...
Ashley laughed mockingly over the channel at that particular revelation. She launched the Riot upwards as soon as the barrel flashed, twisting mid-charge to allow a second thruster surge to launcher her downwards at the height of the arc - forcing a screeching dive onto the Medius with both sabers ignited. Those dinky little machine guns weren't going to do anything to a single customised mobile weapon, so it was in her best interests to force a brawl at the first chance.
"You think I'm a test pilot? Wrong, bitch - I'm a monster hunter. And right now you're just one more monster that needs to be destroyed!"
She'd killed the scorpion - some upstart bounty hunter was nothing she couldn't handle. But on the off hand she was wrong... there was no way Ashley would let her take her prize. A peculiar hum started to emnate from the core of the Riot as she pushed the machine to its limits, ignoring the alarms going off inside the cockpit.
Reactor instability at 15%. Recommend prompt regulation to preserve proton integrity.
Eris watched as the Riot bolted up, noting the swiftness of its movements. The acceleration, she thought - that was much higher than the standard Directory model. More to the point, even AI1 was starting to notice the thing's energy signature was far from average as well. At the mention of the term "monster", though... her resolute gaze flickered for the briefest of seconds, as her fingers came up, almost unconsciously, touching slightly above her chest, recalling the faint lines - almost like seams that crisscrossed her body, with the coloration... faintly, almost imperceptibly different between sections...
Almost as if she had been-
No, she thought quickly, pushing the memory down as hard as she could... But the anger was there now, bubbling up from within.
"...Come, then." She hissed;
"I'll show you a beast worth slaying."
As Ashley darted up, the Medius corrected its firing path, blasting twice more as she hit the apex of her jump, and once more as she ascended - but then, with a spray of sparks, the rifle was released from its forearm port, the dark Personal Trooper gripping the weapon by a handle that extended behind it, shifting its grip to one more closely resembling that of a club. The end of the Divided Rifle closed, and it began to crackle with energy, a plasma field forming along its edge, transforming it into a PT-Size claymore in less than a second. Were Ashley to continue her descent, likely twisting to avoid the oncoming fire, she would be confronted with Eris suddenly darting in to close the gap, swinging the blade down at a forty-five degree angle, leaving a crescent-moon like trail of ocher energy, with enough force to smash the Riot's left shoulder into dust....
"Hit a nerve, did I? It's not like I'm wrong." Ashley kept taunting, her nasty side taking over as she tried to bait a reaction.
The Riot twisted to one side, launching itself off course in response to the shots as Ashley tried to her best to redirect the dive. Correction was swift, and both sabers were used to parry the swinging claymore - and possibly slice through it, depending on how well it handled beams. A flash of insight came to her as both weapons locked together, taking one hand off the controls to activate a weapon she'd never had a reason to use before.
In her defense, what self-respecting melee fighter ever had a use for vulcans? But there was a first time for everything, and this was a good a time as any to test how they worked on a real target.
Joints cried out as the Riot's chest was forced open for the first time in a while, revealing the machine guns hidden beneath. They opened fire with a roar, unleashing a volley of bullets into the Medius at point blank range.
Reactor instability at 18% and rising. Are you sure whatever you're doing is a good idea?
The Medius' outstretched weapon slammed into the two Proton Sabers, the magnetic field about its frame crackling treacherously against the high powered blades. Already, Eris could see them starting to melt into the sides of the weapon - and as such, quickly enacted her next move. The dark Personal Trooper released its hold on the weapon instantly, a thin wire trailing from her palm to its handle, letting it spin up into space, as it was no longer being pressed against the Proton Sabers - and instantly ducked low and under.
The deadly Coating Sword jutted out of the Medius' left arm, its gleaming surface humming to life as plasma energy crackled to life, and almost faster than they eye could follow, was leveled directly at the cockpit - and, had it not been for Ashley's sudden innovation, her life would likely have ended at that very moment. The twin machineguns on the Riot's chest opened fire - directly into the face and upper chest of the Medius, shredding its armor in a hail of bullets, and tearing gaping holes in its thinner, more delicate armor. Within the cockpit, Eris offered no rebuttal but a snarl of rage and surprise as her cameras started going dark... But she pressed on, regardless.
The blade lashed out - now slightly off course, but straight into the belly of the Riot, and then was dragged violently across the waist of the unit, Eris intending to viciously tear the foe in half at the middle, even with her vision impaired as such...
Ashley jerked to the side as she felt the blade impact, getting dangerously close to the reactor. Blue light was streaming out of every crack in the Riot's armour, a horrific screech emanating from within as containment measures began to fail.
It was too early to explode - she hadn't even readied the ejection system yet. Both sabers were released into the void of space, her left arm being used to grab the Medius's own and try to stop the bisection. If that succeded her other arm would ball into a fist and be pushed against the shoulder joint, armour plating forming around it to provide containment for the proton spike - allowing it to form inside the Medius.
Reactor Instability at 50%. Please stop. What would Dylan think?
While the melee went on the back of the Riot would begin to open outwards, venting excess heat into space and exposing the cockpit. Just because the mech was a lost cause didn't mean she was planning on going down with it.
If this woman was after data on the Proton engine so badly, it would be remiss of her to not demonstrate their most explosive feature.
Ashley's attempted interception would be partially effective - the Coating Sword dug deep into the Riot's waist, tearing part of the ways through the machine - but the Proton Spike would slam through the Medius' outstretched arm at the elbow, blowing the black machine back with an eruption of particulate that sent impact cracks spreading all across the unit's chest armor, spitting sparks. Eris grappled with the controls as she forced the Medius out of its tailspin, its remaining arm reaching out to carve grooves into an asteroid as it slowed itself to a near halt, drawn into a predatory crouch on the surface.
"Not bad...!" The mercenary spat, frankly amazed by the responsiveness... More than an ordinary human, she thought mildly. An android, perhaps? Or... Something more? ...Whatever the case, she wasn't ready to give in just yet, and prepared to resume the fight - but as she pressed forward on the control raker, it remained stuck fast, causing her to look up, questioningly, as a familiar chime sounded in her ear.
Warning: Dangerous power source detected.
Exercise extreme caution.
Critical damage sustained.
Prioritizing survivability.
Emergency Override of Lasmunamium Limiters Engaged...
The sheared shoulder armor of the Medius seemed to shimmer in the orbital dawn, as the material across its surface electrified - then, without warning a spike of silvery, mercury-like material jutted violently out from the stump of its shoulder, snaking down to about waist height. It knead and knit its form, folding over itself in increasingly complex patterns in seconds, forming... a familiar shape, right down to the small "use" marks engraved on its alloyed surface - and in mere moments, a full replacement limb - an exact copy of the one whose blade was now buried in the Riot's waist - had formed, the last traces of Lasmumanium being sucked into its surface.
The same process was repeated across the machine's face, the Medius' features looking as if... They were being crushed, but in reverse, its punctured and warped brow and cheeks bulging out, with bubbles of the same silvery substance forming - before they too settled into the similar likeness of saffron-tinted cameras and a dark, metallic faceplate, tapering off into a long, ear-like antennae that was vaguely reminiscent of a Personal Trooper.
Repairs Complete.
Checking for aberrations... 98% accurate replication.
Resuming combat operations.
"Good as new." Breathed Eris, as the Divided Rifle was retrieved, whipping back to the Medius' right hand as AI1 relinquished control to its operator once more. In spite of herself... She swallowed in disbelief as she watched the various systems go from nonexistent, to red, to green. Never had she, or anyone else for that matter, seen anything like it.
What, in the name of God, had she unleashed upon the world?
Ashley reached down to grip the severed arm with the Riot's own after the explosion, slowly ripping it out of the chassis with a horrific screech and tossing it aside. Hopefully whatever salvage team found the mess could pick it up and figure things out, but that was for the future. What mattered now was ripping the rest of it to shreds - at least until it started putting itself back together.
That cheating... the reactor's already on course to blow, we'll see if she can regenerate from that.
"You really are a monster. What the hell was that?"
Ashley growled into the mic, trying to poke at the nerve she'd previously struck. She had to end this now. The flesh was willing but the machine was weak - and the gambit she'd sacrificed her weapons for had come to nothing. Only one option was left to her.
Thankfully one she'd been planning from the start. The Riot's machine guns opened up again as she launched it downwards, looping around the Medius while draining what ammo remained in the machine guns. The moment they ran dry the machine would switch tack, maxing out thrusters and bull rushing the Medius at a speed far exceeding the Riot's usual safe tolerances.
Reactor Instability at 60%. There are cheaper methods of suicide, you know.
The Divided Rifle clanged as Eris brought it down against the asteroid beneath her, bringing it around in a slow circle of sparks to be pointed up towards the Riot. Eris just gave a dry laugh, as the girl attempted to taunt her, evidently flustered by the sudden change of pace. - truth to be told, not even she knew what had happened - only that the Medius was proving to be far more interesting than she had bargained for. Bright light built behind the dark machine as it revved up its thrusters, preparing once again to meet the Riot's charge - this time, in a more permanent fashion.
Allowing AI1 to guide the machine's movements in tandem with her own inputs, the woman couldn't help but feel a tingle of excitement run down her spine. This was dangerous, no doubt - and more to the point, she had never allowed an AI to take the wheel at an important moment - but she had to know just how far this thing could go, whether it would lead to victory.., Or defeat.
"Hit it!"
The heavy-twin rifle came up, gripped this time by the sword-like handle - and unleashed a barrage of fire, five shots total as the Medius accelerated towards the Riot, spiraling through the air with agility and precision it hadn't demonstrated before, machinegun rounds occasionally pinging off or scoring a glancing hit on its armor, but dealing no real lasting damage - each shot she unleashed in return was aimed to slam straight into the Riot's limbs or head, deliberately trying to avoid any further damage to the already critical core - but closing the gap all the same, clearly with something nefarious in mind...
Ashley... wasn't even trying to dodge this time. The reactor had been pushed too far, so there was no way she was making it out of this without the Riot blowing up on her. But frankly getting the riot out had long stopped being an option - all she needed to do was bait the Medius into thinking it had won. The Riot twisted mid-dive, utterly destroying the right arm by using it to take both shots but allowing the other three to strike true. Another shot to the reactor would simply accelerate it's destruction - and she was juggling enough already.
Reactor Instability at 75%. No chance of containment, recommend immediate abandonment of cockpit.
She charged in regardless, the outstretched blade of the Riot's sole functioning limb aimed at the Medius's chest. It was a feint of sorts, easily dodgeable - but the moment the Riot was incapacitated or grappled she'd eject and disable what little remained of the containment structure, leaving her opponent holding the exploding hot-potato that was the remains of its chassis.
The Medius accelerated forward, leveling the Divided Rifle like a medieval knight with their lance as the two machines once more charged one another... For the final time. This time, her aim was true - the end of the weapon smashed clean into the chest of the charging Riot, Ashley's machine piercing the shoulder of the dark machine, causing its other arm to go limp. In a shower of sparks, Ashley's cockpit fell away into the darkness behind Eris, causing the woman's head to whip around, a snarl on her features.
But, there was no time for her to contemplate the pilot's fate any longer, as her entire control panel lit up with warnings. Before her, the Riot's visor was a bright green as its whole body began to shake and vibrate, pinpricks of light starting to burst through cracks that appeared in its armor. AI1's verdict was immediate: Self-destruct imminent, probability of survival... Single digits. The energy readings alone were off the charts - more than anything she had ever seen in her life.
"Tch! It's all or nothing!"
But, she didn't stop. The Medius only accelerated harder, carrying the two machines towards Earth orbit. The impact point of the two machines lit up as blast after blast punched into the Riot's chest, blowing away its limbs, its extraneous armor - as more and more light began to pour out of the cracks, until it was almost blinding. Within the cockpit, Eris grit her teeth, and depressed the trigger one more time with a roar:
"Now! Sink into the depths of Hell!"
With a sudden shock, the Riot's dismembered chassis was blown free of the jet-black Personal Trooper's bayonet on a thick spear of energy, shooting away into the distance - before it detonated spectacularly, sending a silent shockwave across the battlefield. The white and blue machine blossomed into a miniature supernova of light, a sphere of volatile energy that crackled out in all directions, incinerating everything it touched, causing the Medius to shield its face from the brightness that assaulted it.
When the light faded... It had left an almost perfect sphere carved into the debris field around it. The azure-haired woman in the cockpit reached up to remove her helmet, suddenly conscious of the cold sweat that had formed on her features, as she tried to process what she had just seen.
The particle readings were very similar to Farron's Valhawk… But the two were completely different in function. The reactors she had seen aboard the Valstork… And its combined form, the mighty Valguard… Were considerably larger. More to the point, she had sussed out the ship's origin as Martian. Hardly surprising... When you were as familiar with the background of such a place as she.
"Have they... Reverse engineered Photon technology...?" She said slowly, into the silence of the void... Before shaking her head in disbelief, reaching up to dab away at her forehead, leaving droplets of water hovering about her face as her eyes narrowed in thought.
"...It... Can't be. That capability should be... at least a hundred years out."
The Medius turned its long-eared head back and forth, scanning the area... But to no avail. Either its sensors had been fried by the blast, or Ashley's escape mechanism was as good at is was billed... But the result was the same.
"...The pilot got away." She noted quietly to herself - or perhaps for the benefit of AI1, which was still gingerly combing through its various reports, searching for any other sign of life, before it finally gave up.
"Let's get out of here." Eris said at last, giving the panel an affectionate pat as she did;
"We've got some research to do."
...And with that, she was gone, vanishing into the night on a plume of violet fire, the encounter leaving her with more questions than answers... And a lingering sense of dread, that all was not well in the Earth sphere...
"Anyone who can hear this... respond, damn it! My pod's life support won't last forever, and I've been drifting for a while already!" Ashley called out into the void once more, using the radio mounted on the inside of the escape pod. She wasn't sure how long she'd been drfting for. Hours.. days.. it all blended together with no frame of reference. What was left of the drug was leaving her system, replacing anger with emptiness.
Time elapsed since suicidal detonation - Two hours. DEI battelship detected on approach vector.
A blinking light on the monitor drew her attention, and she gave it a thump before repeating her message.
"DEI ship, respond! This is Ashley Chase fro-"
"Yes, yes. We've been able to hear you for the past hour, Alyssa. Just sit tight and one of the staff will be along to pick you up."
She'd never been so relieved to hear Dylan's voice. Never relieved to hear it before ever, in all honestly. Any objections or rude comments died on her lips however, the cockpit's monitor lighting up to display footage of the ship retrieving her.
It was... huge. Bigger than she thought DEI was capable of. There'd been rumours back in Jeddah of a battleship being built, but even then nothing could have prepared her for that first glimpse. A pair of Cornixes swiftly seized the drifting pod in their claws, carrying it back to the hangar with all the gentleness of someone hauling a sack of potatoes.
Dylan leaned back in the captain's chair on the Resolution's bridge, stroking his chin with one hand as recorded footage of the Riot's destruction played out before him. A... rather disappointing performance - perhaps it was time for another course on preservation of vital equipment. It just wouldn't do if some part of her decided to use the new machine as a suicide bomb. Just wouldn't do.
Whatever plans of inhumane training programs Dylan had were interrupted by a gasp from directly behind him. Katri was apparently somewhat more disturbed by the Medius's regeneration than he had been. Perfect regeneration - reconstruction on a cellular level. Perhaps something to seek out once this business on the moon was resolved - and his test pilot would be more than happy to get her revenge in a new machine, hopefully.
"Interesting... Katri, you should probably go talk to the pilot once she gets in. Maybe give her one of those little toys she's always making after you debrief her. She'd like that."
Dylan waved her off callously, returning his focus to the screen. While he was... technically correct in his remarks, they sounded more like a mechanic's advice for a vehicle than anything someone might do with a living being. Katri herself left almost immediately with a sigh, leaving the mad scientist to the repeated footage of the Medius. She just hoped this new discovery wouldn't give him any new and terrible obsessions.