Slask, Johan Munsö and Fabularis

Aug 25, 2018
Name: Slask
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Height: 183cm
Weight: 79kg
Eye Color: light brown
Hair Color: brown
Ethnicity: Lunarian
Appearance: Appearance reference
Additional Information: Melior Esse, the personality who is in charge.
Likes: Ice puns. Silence. Staring at the moon.
Dislikes: Johan's prattling, long periods of peace.

Character Theme

Biography: The middle child of Gustav Munsö, head of the high-class Munsö family in Lunar Colonies, Johan was born to a life of luxury. Gustav and his wife Branwen were good - if strict - parents, though they encouraged their children to pursue their interests. The name 'Munsö' had been synonymous with eccentricity and even outright insanity for decades among the lunarians, and Johan's generation was no different.

With his elder brother being obsessed with chivalry and knightly nobility to the point little else was in his head, and his admittedly dimwitted younger sister's obsession with her idea of anonymity, Johan was the sane one of his siblings. As an adrenaline junkie, he loved and sought out dangerous situations, the graver the danger the better it was for Johan.

It came as no surprise to any when he left the Moon behind him after fighting in only a few duels to the death, stating that even those were far too structured and organized to thrill him. Outside his idyllic birthplace he made a living as a test pilot, a reckless but damn skilled one that you could trust to bring the machine's final limits to light.

In February OE100 Johan was hired by Directory Antarctic Research Center as a consultant and test pilot for the now militarizing research center. He immediately hopped to the first finished cockpit that was connected to a skeleton frame, eager to test the beginning of the new mobile weapons.
The foreign technology wasn’t without its side effects, with Johan reporting that he was experiencing uncomfortable dreams and nightmares almost every night. Nevertheless, the development plans continued while they tried to find the cause for the side effects.

It was during those test runs that the Melior Esse Slask was born. Too weak to take direct control over the body, it patiently waited for its time, content to observe from deep within Johan's mind.

The time came near the end of OE101, when the gate inside the ruins momentarily opened. A massive wave of negative energy immediately bursted forth in the short moment, turning everyone at the Directory Antarctic Research Center to Melior Esse. For their part Slask took control over the body, though Johan survived, now just hanging around in his mind. The two souls sharing one body arrived at an arrangement.

Affiliation: Ruina.

Fighting Style: Cool.
Strengths: Natural in Fabularis, Slask uses its ice to control the battlefield. Similar to Johan he is a well rounded pilot, though he favors Parvus Acies and doesn't rely on raw skill and instincts nearly as much.
Weaknesses: His style is less effective in air and space, as his control over the area is more limited. More importantly, Johan is constantly talking in his head and suggesting his reckless courses of action, hampering Slask's focus.

Mobile Weapon: Fabularis
Appearance: Reference
Operator: Slask & Johan Munsö
Manufacturer: Directory Antarctic Research Center
Power Source: Rex Arcana
Propulsion: Negative Energy Thrusters
Armaments: Parvus Acies x 12, Sword (on right arm), Sagitta Lumen beam cannon (wielded on left arm)
Equipment: Beam Coating, Sympathia
Finishing Moves: Congelatio

History: Fabularis began as Directory Antarctic Research Center's first test cockpit and frame. Development was almost finished when the gate opened and the finishing touches were applied by Lord of Ruin's power.
Aug 25, 2018
Name: Johan Munsö

Additional Information: Human psyche of Johan. Not in control. The annoying voice in Slask’s head. FOr other information see Slask

Likes: Dangerous situations. Annoying Slask.

Dislikes: Ice puns, his grandfather.

Character Theme

Fighting Style: Tester

Strengths: Johan almost instinctively knows the utmost limits of the machines he pilots, and sometimes even the machines he is fighting against. Skilled in both ranged and melee combat he often trusts his well honed instincts to guide him through combat.

Weaknesses: His love for dangerous situations often leads Johan to reckless and dangerous actions. He is willing to walk to traps and take easily avoidable blows. Additionally, he often focuses on a single opponent, and while he is skilled in both ranged and melee combat, he is not a specialist in either.