Spherical Sabotage

Nov 12, 2018
Kenneth hoisted up the Gunnery Carver as a shield, the attacks of the RhinoDAMONs shearing off parts of the barrel and rear butt of the weapon.

He screamed, the machine being knocked backwards, but not falling.

"Damn you!"

In retaliation, a wild swing using the mostly ruined Gunnery Carver, not aimed for anything in particular.

"Damn you for taking these lives today!"

"Damn you for making me take them!"
Sep 12, 2018
As things were, the situation looked kinda bad for Kenneth. Even if he was torturing him, he would rather have him alive and suffering. As he shrugged off the BullDAMONs, who only managed to partially pierce the Gunnery Carver, they waited patiently for him to attack.

But unfortunately, the Virgola's radar started to show massive energy readings. If he turned towards the laboratory, he would only see it consumed by a massive beast, a LeviaDAMON. Its mouths were apparently eating what was left of the laboratory, and spawning multiple regular DAMONs. His Gunnery Carver was still functional, so he could stand a chance against such an otherwordly monstruosity.

The Sheep simply started to record what was about to happen, focusing on what the Virgola was doing. His plan was taking shape, and since he was in plain sight, he could be seen by the Virgola, even though it isn't in his plans to fight against him unless it's absolutely necesary.
Nov 12, 2018
"...Oh my god."

Kenneth pulled back on the control sticks, the Virgola taking a few uneasy steps backwards before stabilizing.

The righteous fury in his veins turned to chilling horror almost immediately. How could he possibly...

No, he had to. There was nowhere to run.

First, the BullDAMONs. They shouldn't be too hard to take care of.

Kenneth took aim, firing a three physical shots at one of the BullDAMONs.
Sep 12, 2018
The BullDAMON fell to those shots rather easily, going through his body and leaving severe wounds on it. As it let out its final words before death, the beast imploded after dying, only leaving a voice that will forever remind Kenneth of what he's doing now.

"You killer! And to think we cared for you!" - whispered the haunting spirit at his ear. Along with the freshly killed employee, the one that apparently was on the RhinoDAMON's body joined the spirit, both of them constantly reminding him of his mistakes, there is no turning back now.

As the battle continued to rage on, the remaining BullDAMON charged effortlessly at the Virgola, hoping to ram it through the cockpit. But there was something off in its movements, they weren't as fierce as before, almost as if it didn't value its life anymore and was hoping to get killed at Kenneth's hands. "Please! Save me! Don't kill me like you did with the others!" said the female employee that was in the BullDAMON's head, crying for help.

At this point, the Sheep was waiting patiently for Kenneth to end the fight with the DAMONs and start fighting with what was a laboratory before the appearance of these wild dimensional beasts.
Nov 12, 2018
The Virgola turned and dashed backwards off towards the side, heading into a group of ruined buildings to use as cover.

The voices...

"Get out of my head."

He waved a hand around his own head, as if their souls were bugs to be slapped away.

"Please stop. I couldn't have saved you if I tried, so please..."

There's an emptiness inside of him, and it's slowly filling...
Sep 12, 2018
After the machine ran from its attack, the BullDAMON decided to continue pursuing the Virgola, the pilot didn't need any break, this wild beast will make sure of it. Once Kenneth hid between the buildings, he could hear how the DAMON stopped moving for a moment, and started walking from him, as if it was tired of its opponent running and decided to call it a day. But it was only a brief moment of peace, because it rammed with its powerful horns into the wall the Virgola pilot was hiding, its head would come out of the hole it opened in the wall, letting out a menacing roar, similar to a certain film from 1980.

The voices would continue talking to Kenneth, blaming him for their deaths. The images of their floating souls could be briefly seen in the Virgola's monitors, but it was not enough to keep him from finishing with both of the threats he had at hand.

The Sheep started to notice how the pilot's behavior was changing, and was ready to put the cherry on top of the cake. Even though it was almost ready, his plans hadn't been completed yet, the pilot still needed to take out both the DAMON and the beast that appeared from where the laboratory previously was.​
Nov 12, 2018
The DAMON's surprise was not shocking enough to prevent Kenneth from aiming the Carver and blowing away the BullDAMON with a series of point-blank shots.


"gh-STOP." He waved his hand around his head again, as if he could simply shoo away the tormenting souls.

Regardless of the BullDAMON's status, the Virgola would have taken a few steps away from the semi-destroyed wall to assess the situation.

The LeviaDAMON...at this range, even a full power shot wouldn't have done anything.

"Point-blank range, then." Kenneth muttered.
Sep 12, 2018
The BullDAMON screamed in pain, and as every part of his body was blowing up, the employee trapped into the beast's body also screamed, with his body fracturing and letting out small quantities of dimensional energy. "THIS IS NOT THE END, YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO RUN AWAY FROM US" - said the man as he was imploding along with the DAMON that served as his body.

As he died, he joined the tormenting souls that were haunting Kenneth, but between all the cursing of the ghosts a godly voice could be heard, appearing in the sensors Virgola's cameras as an elder man dressed in a robe with two angelic wings in his back, calling Kenneth from above. "That beast is the source of all evil. Go ahead, defeat it." said such voice. When it finished speaking to Kenneth, he disappeared in a trail of lights, these lights burned the ghosts that were talking to Kenneth. This left him with a brief sense of hope.

While the LeviaDAMON was still rampaging, there was something in its body that suddenly was etched into Kenneth's eyes: a "small" wound. It was roughly the size of the Virgola, if something entered in the wound, it could certainly inflict serious damage to it.

Also, during that brief moment that ended the fight against the initial DAMONs, some repair machines were destroyed along with their pilots. The Virgola was wrecking chaos in what was left of the laboratory, and everyone tried to fight back with whatever they had. Unfortunately, Kenneth could only see a LeviaDAMON in front of him, no sign of the laboratory.​
Nov 12, 2018

"Done with you assholes." Kenneth muttered to himself.

"Now time to deal with you."

At the appearance of the figure, Kenneth stopped, brushing a hand through his hair. "Wha-why..."

Yes, why? Why DAMONs here, why this...guy telling him to...destroy the "source of all evil"...

The question, forgotten in the heat of battle, even in a single moment of rest, came back. It disturbed him, really-he had never believed in god, or divine intervention of any sort. Was it fate or...

Almost unconsciously, the Virgola seemed to move on its own, taking a step forwards before jumping into the air, thrusters flaring, attempting to stab the damaged Gunnery Carver into the gap. The sharp, jagged edges of what used to be the weapon's barrel aimed straight at the wound, intending to plunge into flesh.

Why am I doing this?
Sep 12, 2018
As the Gunnery Carver stabbed the LeviaDAMON, it let out a hellish scream, the same a wild beast lets out when it dies. But this time the death was different, instead of imploding like the other dimensional beasts, it slowly started to banish, as if it was made of sand, disappearing like dust in the wind. As the remainings of the LeviaDAMON were banishing, Kenneth could see what he really made.

What was upon him was no LeviaDAMON, it was, in fact, a fuel tank in a crucial part of the laboratory. Fuel was quickly leaking out of the tank, similar to a cascade, and as it was falling, it touched the scorching flames of the debris. This was real, but without any time to think about this, he could hear how the personal in the surroundings were screaming, knowing that this was the moment where they died. And finally, it exploded.

What could've been the end for Kenneth and the Virgola, was aberted by a storm of pink crystals identical to the one he was tasked to recover. These crystals quickly surrounded the machine, shielding it from the blast and preventing its destruction and the death of its pilot.

The Sheep was smart enough to cut off the recording right at the explosion, it all went according to the plan. There was no longer a laboratory there, no survivors, only a flaming pile of ruins with burned corpses all around the place. Once the blast weakened, the crystals quickly disappeared, leaving only small trails in the ground that would soon get carried by the wind.

This was it, Kenneth saved the day. But at what cost?​
Nov 12, 2018

Kenneth pulled back on the controls, the Virgola moving to gain distance before, slamming backwards into the crystals surrounding it.

Then the explosion. Even with the crystal's protection, the vibrations are felt, resonating through the cockpit, through all of his bones.

And then nothing.

There was nothing.


Kenneth's hands slipped off of the controls, mind still racing.


"What have I do-"

His question cuts itself off. What kind of question is that? He's just blown up the entire lab.

And yet he was saved.

Of course he was saved.

This is the "why". It was him all along.

There'd be silence in the cockpit. Tears alone are fairly quiet, after all.
Sep 12, 2018
Everything went according to his plans. The destruction, the deaths, the reactions, everything was perfect today. The mercenaries he contacted had already retrieved the other two Virgola units.
He had recorded just enough, the death of everyone in the lab at the hands of Kenneth. All he had to do now was to upload it into the internet so everyone could see what he did right here.

"We'll see each other again. I promise you'll not miss me."- He said calmly with the voice of the scientific that lured Kenneth into the distraction as he created two great wings of crystals, emerging from his back and lifting him into the air. Small crystal particles fell into the now destroyed area, like fireflies, as the machine flew out of the place, disappearing under the moonlight. And so, while he was leaving, he took the chance to upload the video into the web, now everyone will be able to witness what really happened there.

No lies, only Kenneth killing everyone at sight in cold-blood.​