In lieu of an answer the everpresent growl intensified and deepened as the target of their vengeance still dared to live.
Slightly curled, facing towards Duminass with open palm with similarly curled fingers, the left arm of the Autowarlock locked itself onto its side, the right one doing the same. A magic circle appeared in front of both of the arms, yet they were only the size of the palms themselves. Up and down each finger moved individually, almost like they were spinning the magic circles in front of them into life out of physical weave.
The growl deepened, and despite the melted exterior cracks, holes and crevices opened everywhere around the surface of Vermilion Protector, kaleidoscopic rays of light breaking through them as the Autowarlock bled energy, with gigantic bleeding of light almost forming ethereal wings from where the wings had been before crumbling.
They failed to take heed of Duminass' returning attack, until it was far too late. Each sword would be destruction if they landed.
And there was no time to move out of the way.
No time to stop them.
The growling reached its apex, as with a series of sickening crunches inside the cockpit as every bone in the woman's body broke at once, the Spirits forced a miracle.
It looked like it merely... crumbled under its own weight into a tiny grain as the Vermilion Protector disappeared from under the swords...
...And reappeared far, far above Duminass. Yet its appearance had changed, the brute forcing of the teleport taking its toll. The arms and legs had been violently smashed into the chassis, making it look much like a piece of paper that had been crumpled into a tiny ball.
Yet somehow...
Despite its crumpled paper look...
Despite the entirely mechanical nature of the head, and the still lights that served as the 'eyes'...
still, still despite it all as the Vermilion protector looked down on Duminass, it was with all the presence of a Tyrant looking down on an insignificant peasant moments before exacting their judgement, backed by divine right.
There were two tiny blips of light, one right below the remnants of Vermilion Protector, the other equal distance away from Duminass in a straight line: the very same circles the spirits had spun earlier. They now grew in size, and grew, and grew until both Vermilion Protector and Duminass were tiny in comparison.
The one above, the circle was littered with dots, nearly completely covered in a sea of dots of light, whereas below the circle was like a gaping void, only a slight, barely noticeable shimmer signifying that it was whole.
Then, the circles began to descend and rise towards Duminass, leaving behind a shimmering, flowing wall of magic. A single tiny point at first, as the circles moved they grew and the shape of the walls became more and more distinct; all the way until the circles collided on the level where Duminass floated, and with a final flash of light the two bowls were sealed into one, truly gargantuan hollow sphere that held Duminass within it.
Light gathered on the Vermilion Protector, the body the spirits were puppeteering rapidly speaking unheard words as more and more cuts opened on her skin, and the already present ones worsened. More and more light gathered, until a wisp of light extracted itself off of it. Bopping up and down, gently it floated towards the sphere. Reaching its exterior, the little wisp simply melded into it, a single ripple escaping the point where it did so. Yet that ripple froze a certain distance away from it, and transformed into a circle of magic. Roughly the size of what Vermilion Protector had been undamaged, it was but a tiny portion of the sphere.
Immediately upon forming, the circle spat out a large laser straight ahead, cutting straight through the center, stopping at latest on the other edge. Yet the circle had also revealed something crucial: The sphere was constantly revolving and rotating around itself, and as such the source of the beam was also constantly moving, stapled to the wall as it was.
While one was easy to avoid, perhaps Duminass had cause to despair, if she was able to feel that emotion, if she just looked up.
For Vermilion Protector was no longer in sight. Instead, there were more wisps of light, identical to the one that had formed the singular magic circle currently on the sphere. Uncountable in number, there were far more than mere hundreds. No, a great ocean of light had formed, the up and down bopping of each wisp making gentle waves. An ocean of light which now began to approach the sphere. More and more ripples on the exterior, more and more magic circles, more and more pillars of beams.
And as the great ocean of wisps shrank and dispersed, so too did the space to which go to avoid the beams inside the sphere. And so too did the spirits exacting their vengeance lessen, as the toll of the Dogma and their long fusion caused the lesser spirits to lose the last shreds of their sense of self, only their power being left behind.
The last of the wisps melded into the sphere, and not a single beam had winked out, and every single one of them was on the same side of the sphere.
Like an announcement of a public execution the name of the Dogma echoed across the battlefield, its call promising a bloody spectacle.
A flash of light burst forth from the Vermilion Protector's eyes, marking the beginning of the final end even as Laura's body arrived ever closer to the border of life and death.
And with that light , the massive sphere began to shrink towards Duminass. Its walls, spinning ever faster the smaller the sphere became, closed in on Duminass like jaws of death.
Ever smaller, ever faster the walls came, coming ever closer; Until at long last the sphere touched Duminass all around her. Then, and only then, did one last command ring:
And with that simple word, all the vast quantities of energy contained within the sphere, all the energy within the uncountable circles that had been grafted onto it, all of it...
Blew up and exploded inwards at Duminass in a final, breathtakingly beautiful and dreadfully powerful explosion.

Slightly curled, facing towards Duminass with open palm with similarly curled fingers, the left arm of the Autowarlock locked itself onto its side, the right one doing the same. A magic circle appeared in front of both of the arms, yet they were only the size of the palms themselves. Up and down each finger moved individually, almost like they were spinning the magic circles in front of them into life out of physical weave.
The growl deepened, and despite the melted exterior cracks, holes and crevices opened everywhere around the surface of Vermilion Protector, kaleidoscopic rays of light breaking through them as the Autowarlock bled energy, with gigantic bleeding of light almost forming ethereal wings from where the wings had been before crumbling.
They failed to take heed of Duminass' returning attack, until it was far too late. Each sword would be destruction if they landed.
And there was no time to move out of the way.
No time to stop them.
The growling reached its apex, as with a series of sickening crunches inside the cockpit as every bone in the woman's body broke at once, the Spirits forced a miracle.
It looked like it merely... crumbled under its own weight into a tiny grain as the Vermilion Protector disappeared from under the swords...
...And reappeared far, far above Duminass. Yet its appearance had changed, the brute forcing of the teleport taking its toll. The arms and legs had been violently smashed into the chassis, making it look much like a piece of paper that had been crumpled into a tiny ball.
Yet somehow...
Despite its crumpled paper look...
Despite the entirely mechanical nature of the head, and the still lights that served as the 'eyes'...
still, still despite it all as the Vermilion protector looked down on Duminass, it was with all the presence of a Tyrant looking down on an insignificant peasant moments before exacting their judgement, backed by divine right.
There were two tiny blips of light, one right below the remnants of Vermilion Protector, the other equal distance away from Duminass in a straight line: the very same circles the spirits had spun earlier. They now grew in size, and grew, and grew until both Vermilion Protector and Duminass were tiny in comparison.
The one above, the circle was littered with dots, nearly completely covered in a sea of dots of light, whereas below the circle was like a gaping void, only a slight, barely noticeable shimmer signifying that it was whole.
Then, the circles began to descend and rise towards Duminass, leaving behind a shimmering, flowing wall of magic. A single tiny point at first, as the circles moved they grew and the shape of the walls became more and more distinct; all the way until the circles collided on the level where Duminass floated, and with a final flash of light the two bowls were sealed into one, truly gargantuan hollow sphere that held Duminass within it.
Light gathered on the Vermilion Protector, the body the spirits were puppeteering rapidly speaking unheard words as more and more cuts opened on her skin, and the already present ones worsened. More and more light gathered, until a wisp of light extracted itself off of it. Bopping up and down, gently it floated towards the sphere. Reaching its exterior, the little wisp simply melded into it, a single ripple escaping the point where it did so. Yet that ripple froze a certain distance away from it, and transformed into a circle of magic. Roughly the size of what Vermilion Protector had been undamaged, it was but a tiny portion of the sphere.
Immediately upon forming, the circle spat out a large laser straight ahead, cutting straight through the center, stopping at latest on the other edge. Yet the circle had also revealed something crucial: The sphere was constantly revolving and rotating around itself, and as such the source of the beam was also constantly moving, stapled to the wall as it was.
While one was easy to avoid, perhaps Duminass had cause to despair, if she was able to feel that emotion, if she just looked up.
For Vermilion Protector was no longer in sight. Instead, there were more wisps of light, identical to the one that had formed the singular magic circle currently on the sphere. Uncountable in number, there were far more than mere hundreds. No, a great ocean of light had formed, the up and down bopping of each wisp making gentle waves. An ocean of light which now began to approach the sphere. More and more ripples on the exterior, more and more magic circles, more and more pillars of beams.
And as the great ocean of wisps shrank and dispersed, so too did the space to which go to avoid the beams inside the sphere. And so too did the spirits exacting their vengeance lessen, as the toll of the Dogma and their long fusion caused the lesser spirits to lose the last shreds of their sense of self, only their power being left behind.
The last of the wisps melded into the sphere, and not a single beam had winked out, and every single one of them was on the same side of the sphere.
Elemental Annihilation: Infinity Rotation
Like an announcement of a public execution the name of the Dogma echoed across the battlefield, its call promising a bloody spectacle.
A flash of light burst forth from the Vermilion Protector's eyes, marking the beginning of the final end even as Laura's body arrived ever closer to the border of life and death.
And with that light , the massive sphere began to shrink towards Duminass. Its walls, spinning ever faster the smaller the sphere became, closed in on Duminass like jaws of death.
Ever smaller, ever faster the walls came, coming ever closer; Until at long last the sphere touched Duminass all around her. Then, and only then, did one last command ring:
And with that simple word, all the vast quantities of energy contained within the sphere, all the energy within the uncountable circles that had been grafted onto it, all of it...
Blew up and exploded inwards at Duminass in a final, breathtakingly beautiful and dreadfully powerful explosion.