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Starfall Tears (Combine, Open)

Aug 25, 2018
In lieu of an answer the everpresent growl intensified and deepened as the target of their vengeance still dared to live.

Slightly curled, facing towards Duminass with open palm with similarly curled fingers, the left arm of the Autowarlock locked itself onto its side, the right one doing the same. A magic circle appeared in front of both of the arms, yet they were only the size of the palms themselves. Up and down each finger moved individually, almost like they were spinning the magic circles in front of them into life out of physical weave.

The growl deepened, and despite the melted exterior cracks, holes and crevices opened everywhere around the surface of Vermilion Protector, kaleidoscopic rays of light breaking through them as the Autowarlock bled energy, with gigantic bleeding of light almost forming ethereal wings from where the wings had been before crumbling.

They failed to take heed of Duminass' returning attack, until it was far too late. Each sword would be destruction if they landed.

And there was no time to move out of the way.
No time to stop them.

The growling reached its apex, as with a series of sickening crunches inside the cockpit as every bone in the woman's body broke at once, the Spirits forced a miracle.

It looked like it merely... crumbled under its own weight into a tiny grain as the Vermilion Protector disappeared from under the swords...

...And reappeared far, far above Duminass. Yet its appearance had changed, the brute forcing of the teleport taking its toll. The arms and legs had been violently smashed into the chassis, making it look much like a piece of paper that had been crumpled into a tiny ball.

Yet somehow...


Despite its crumpled paper look...

Despite the entirely mechanical nature of the head, and the still lights that served as the 'eyes'...

still, still despite it all as the Vermilion protector looked down on Duminass, it was with all the presence of a Tyrant looking down on an insignificant peasant moments before exacting their judgement, backed by divine right.

There were two tiny blips of light, one right below the remnants of Vermilion Protector, the other equal distance away from Duminass in a straight line: the very same circles the spirits had spun earlier. They now grew in size, and grew, and grew until both Vermilion Protector and Duminass were tiny in comparison.

The one above, the circle was littered with dots, nearly completely covered in a sea of dots of light, whereas below the circle was like a gaping void, only a slight, barely noticeable shimmer signifying that it was whole.

Then, the circles began to descend and rise towards Duminass, leaving behind a shimmering, flowing wall of magic. A single tiny point at first, as the circles moved they grew and the shape of the walls became more and more distinct; all the way until the circles collided on the level where Duminass floated, and with a final flash of light the two bowls were sealed into one, truly gargantuan hollow sphere that held Duminass within it.

Light gathered on the Vermilion Protector, the body the spirits were puppeteering rapidly speaking unheard words as more and more cuts opened on her skin, and the already present ones worsened. More and more light gathered, until a wisp of light extracted itself off of it. Bopping up and down, gently it floated towards the sphere. Reaching its exterior, the little wisp simply melded into it, a single ripple escaping the point where it did so. Yet that ripple froze a certain distance away from it, and transformed into a circle of magic. Roughly the size of what Vermilion Protector had been undamaged, it was but a tiny portion of the sphere.

Immediately upon forming, the circle spat out a large laser straight ahead, cutting straight through the center, stopping at latest on the other edge. Yet the circle had also revealed something crucial: The sphere was constantly revolving and rotating around itself, and as such the source of the beam was also constantly moving, stapled to the wall as it was.

While one was easy to avoid, perhaps Duminass had cause to despair, if she was able to feel that emotion, if she just looked up.

For Vermilion Protector was no longer in sight. Instead, there were more wisps of light, identical to the one that had formed the singular magic circle currently on the sphere. Uncountable in number, there were far more than mere hundreds. No, a great ocean of light had formed, the up and down bopping of each wisp making gentle waves. An ocean of light which now began to approach the sphere. More and more ripples on the exterior, more and more magic circles, more and more pillars of beams.

And as the great ocean of wisps shrank and dispersed, so too did the space to which go to avoid the beams inside the sphere. And so too did the spirits exacting their vengeance lessen, as the toll of the Dogma and their long fusion caused the lesser spirits to lose the last shreds of their sense of self, only their power being left behind.

The last of the wisps melded into the sphere, and not a single beam had winked out, and every single one of them was on the same side of the sphere.

Elemental Annihilation: Infinity Rotation

Like an announcement of a public execution the name of the Dogma echoed across the battlefield, its call promising a bloody spectacle.

A flash of light burst forth from the Vermilion Protector's eyes, marking the beginning of the final end even as Laura's body arrived ever closer to the border of life and death.

And with that light , the massive sphere began to shrink towards Duminass. Its walls, spinning ever faster the smaller the sphere became, closed in on Duminass like jaws of death.

Ever smaller, ever faster the walls came, coming ever closer; Until at long last the sphere touched Duminass all around her. Then, and only then, did one last command ring:


And with that simple word, all the vast quantities of energy contained within the sphere, all the energy within the uncountable circles that had been grafted onto it, all of it...

Blew up and exploded inwards at Duminass in a final, breathtakingly beautiful and dreadfully powerful explosion.

Nov 12, 2018
The Org-Valu watched with unmoving horror as the Zeydram was pulverized amongst the intersecting streams of rampaging light, emerging a broken wreck. Even as Decima fled, her pathetic cries filling his ears, Elhirut could only push desperately on his controls to send his machine towards the Meyven. Like agonizing rot, a blinding, painful crimson blended with an overwhelming blackness, and he bit down on the welling scream with almost palpable vehemence.

Again. The screaming disbelief could only be matched by the twisting, spinning pain.


"I don't like these."
"Take them back."
One moment extended into a thousand, the alerts in his ears fading over what seemed to be the course of years as the stars and world spun and everything was turning and everything was wrong and that thing still stared at him with it's hateful eye

His lungs were going to burst.

"Meyven! I'm coming, please, please, please - "

As he disengaged, the Org-Valu furiously hurled its laser blade at the Pater's hulking back, further matching Prometheus's efforts with a pair of railgun slugs to the doll-owl's shoulders. However, the machine didn't linger after its attempted assist, as it blindly flew on.

One could only imagine the pilot's surprise when he came face to face with the Getviewm floating before him.

"Please - wha?"

A moment of wild silence screamed as he sat, blinking away imminent tears. His display was reading multiple signatures, all matching at a naked glance. How was that possible? How could there be more of her, here? With what voice had he called the...others? Or had that been her? Despite his bewilderment, however, the rational part of him bypassed the issue. Remedy was here, awaiting orders, and the Meyven had precious little time left.

"Oh, thank the stars. G-go," the young man's voice ordered. "Bring him to the Hiryu, and defend it as best you can."
So the networks were still somewhat intact. Good.
It was natural, he realized. The gathered units were pushing back, intruding with an almost insistent urgency, but they were not enemies. As much as his head still pounded, as much as the blood in his ears still roared, as much as he wanted to slam his throttles to their limit and shred Decima's screaming face into ribbons of unrecognizable flesh, he found the Remedies' presence almost reassuring. And so, given the time to relax, he was finally able to look once more at his controls, following the yet-developing situation as icons and symbols danced across his HUD.
Notable anomalies still present. Reactivity suboptimal. Could they afford to engage one?
"On to the next one", he huffed. This wasn't over.
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Staff member
Jun 15, 2018

Madin's voice, wet and flecked with static, entered the channels of those near as the battle continued to rage in the distance, reaching both Prometheus and Remedy(s).


It was said gently, yet firmly. He, after all, had seen this so many times before. So many others that had fallen along the wayside in their long, long march across the stars.

"I am... sorry." He said, quietly.

"I should have... listened to you. About... Decima. You were right... all along..."

Within the cockpit, the Meyven reached up, and removed his helmet, allowing his hair to fall free. Strange, he thought. He barely recognized the crimson-streaked face in its reflection, he had worn so many, been reshaped so many countless times over countless years. He couldn't even remember what his original features were like.

"I never asked to lead them... But, the people needed someone. A hero. Something that could give those who had nothing... at least hope. I... have failed at even that. I have been so alone at the top... for so many years... but..."

Somehow, he found himself managing a wry smile. What strange creatures these humans were, he thought, even as intense cold gripped his body. He could hear the warnings from the Zeidram's computer whining distantly, insistently in the background as it turned its head, hand closing about the Org Valau's own.

"I am grateful... in the end... that I could call at least one man... a friend."

They had been so close, he thought. So near to finally ending this nightmare. Truly, they were a cursed people, doomed to wander the stars as penance for their greatest sin. Yet, he had faith. Hidden away in his heart from all, he knew the old words to be true, the mad wonderment of the ancient times, when Gods had bestrode the cosmos, and all was well.

"You have... a great gift, Elhirut." He continued, forcing the words from his chest as his fingers gently worked the controls, setting in motion a final command.
"The blessed sight of our forefathers... before... we turned our backs on those that gave us life. You... are no mutant."

He closed his eyes.

"You... are our hope."

With a sudden roar, the Zeidram's thrusters activated, carrying it back and away from the group at breakneck speed as sparks of plasma erupted from its body, the reactor within its heart breaching the final safeguards. It shot up, up and away from the three, the ruined metal that made up its surface breaking apart like a comet entering the atmosphere. In spite of himself, of the tragedy he was nothing more than a witness to... Madin smiled. This, he felt in the heart that was not his own flesh... was fate.

"It is all... up to you now-"


With those last, almost inaudible words, the Zeidram detonated, a brilliant star among the cosmos from which it had came that shed light on the Great Circle's warriors below.
Nov 12, 2018
As the Meyven's voice flickered into Elhirut's ears, the Psychodriver felt his calming chest fill with cement. The dying man's words were meant to be slightly reassuring, encouraging, even, but in spite of it all, the much younger figure could do nothing to stop his heart from quickening once more.
He's done for. Reprioritize.
"☌⍜⎅. ⍙⊑⊬?"

He could barely recognize his own voice, husky and icier than what he'd thought was possible. The world was beginning to fall away again, his mind shuttering the growing web of connections he'd been subconsciously building. Right now, the battle, raging on didn't exist. It was only him, Madin, and the watching Getviewm.

It was so empty out here.

"D-Decima. You couldn't have known, you can't blame - "

Amidst the constant beeping and functionality of his own machine, he recognized the warnings, filtering lightly through the commlink. Decima's strike had gutted the Zeidram like a slaughtered animal - and although he was no qualified mechanic, he'd done enough studies on mobile weapon operation to recognize a damaged reactor. Silently, he began praying; praying that Madin would stop coughing, that the alarms would magically stop, that the Zeidram's internals would hold against the raging power within. Praying that a day from now, he'd be laughing weakly alongside him; praying that he wouldn't be left alone, that Remedy would not be his only ally, that he wouldn't be fighting only with her for the next few minutes, that he wouldn't have to return to dock without his leader.

Because imagining that was painful, it was crushing.

It was terrible.

"You... are no mutant."

"No. Sir." The silence broke. The prayers were for nothing, and a heart was splintering. "Don't - "

"You... are our hope."

As the Zeidram rocketed away, scattering into a second sun, its light fell upon the Psychodriver's tears.

He reached up, tore off his helmet, and roaring, smashed it impotently into his console. The screen nearly yielded, but only cracked, splintered. There was no satisfaction in the act, only the useless beat of despair and pain.

Then, silence.


What hope?
You know what to do.
"...On to..."

"The next one."

And he reached back out, let the battle flood back in, gently tugged at the Enigma Machine once more. The Org-Valu's empty hand clenched, servos flexing.

"There are more people to fight for."
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Jun 28, 2018

One, two! One, two! And through and through. The vorpal blade went snicker-snack. Between each turn, the space did burn with missiles from her back.

Shoulder to hip. Hip to hip. Thigh to opposing knee. Missiles peppered its front and flitting remotes it back. But the more she tore the more it bulged, and doubly so once it abruptly began to slurp down the Valsione. If she was Susanoo, it was Orochi, and there was no getting it drunk to make things easy. The realization made her groan - this would take especially tricky footwork. This day just would not let up, would it?
Ancient echoes | Come ride, heroes, ride
In deafening silence |Away with the tide
It swelled. It bloated. It grew nearly double in size, when it had already been double her own. A great big squishy blob of tar and offal that would probably slurp her down as an after-dinner mint if she gave it half a chance. Gaining some distance, she regarded it a moment, mapping out the possible chains of actions in her mind while the remotes continued their bombardment. Her broadsword she folded and rested on her arm for the moment, the compacted blade's hilt latching to the armor with a crackle of electromagnetism.

She was just resting her hand on the blade on her hip when the thing's leg flexed, and lobbed blades of its own her way. Her mind pressed itself deeper, strained to go faster, flitting through the possibilities of mount and rider in this situation.
A wave of hazard | Come ride, heroes, ride
A-whorling inward |Away with the tide
Blades and monster in the front. A pending naval bombardment behind. There wasn't time to fool around here. She'd built VangNex to be the wind - to be as Fujin himself, freely moving in all directions while carrying a gale upon its back. The racing of her mind made the world slow to a crawl. Toward her loomed four blades wreathed in hellfire. Behind it a demon. That was the threat to face in this moment. If it couldn't be simply hacked to bits then she'd have to be more precise. Or at the least, she'd have to be faster, to blow down upon it like a monsoon. Rock it like a hurricane!

The pattern came together in her mind. The series of exact motions to navigate the tunnel racing toward her even now. Her limbs hugged her mount tighter. Her feet nudged the pedals, the cockpit filling the sound of an engine revving. The VangNex's engines welling, the sheath of blue light intensifying. The cannons on its back filling with charge from the central drum. The legs tucked under to minimize her silhouette and maximize her thrust. Her longswords extended, and crackling with the same static that filled so much of the rest of the machine. Speedy package delivery. Weapons package, that is.
Time | Stellar stories starward bestrewn, slipping sidewise; see, they're snakes
Her heel kicked if over into gear. The VangNex lurched to one side, sliding smoothly - momentarily - out of the way of two boomerangs and just shy of the path of two others. Just barely. Just enough for this moment. The arm shot up and out in an unsheathing motion as they closed, slashing the first. And then came crashing down like a guillotine in the returning stroke. Fast, forceful, and clean enough to cut a lit candle without extinguishing the flame, so did the sword in her hand strike. The machine rotating to let the two blades glance just past it.
Twixt the leaves you'll find naught amiss—missing aught and crossing fates
No time to rest. The other two were curling in on a course correction, eager to bite. No sooner had the second stroke landed than the VangNex's thrusters flared in a short, controlled hop. It vaulted upwards to let the latter boomerangs pass just beneath. And then, just as swiftly, flared two other sets of thrusters in opposition, flipping itself end over end.

That made the first half of the kick. The second was the legs springing outward from beneath it, snapping the blades latched to their shins down on the boomerangs like a trap bar upon a mouse.
Freedom surgent shifting ahead
Comets dancing in her wake...
Suspended in the air amid her flip. The first sword, by now, rested on her hip once more. The VangNex's spin was coming around toward the opening the Medius was just about to lob a claw through. Homing missiles pouring out the machine's shoulders and rear skirt at the incoming behemoth, the remote guns forming up at her back. The arms jolted to the grips of her cannons. Her rotation bringing the pair face to face again just seconds before they were to meet. Greeting it with the warm glow of positrons converging in her barrels.
... to the cosmic clarion's accord, along the path not taken!
"Smile you son of a bitch!"

The engines flared. And then the cannons. Rocketing away from the boomerangs and toward the beast, she landed her twin-gun MAPW blast down its sides and just kept going, riding the inertia. Using the hefty beams as blades, poised to consume the Medius Locus's arms and move on straight down its sides as she flew. Missiles and variable-speed particle cannons covered her rear, should any surviving boomerangs - or the hopefully tidy Medius sashimi she was leaving behind - choose to snap at her ass.
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Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Kurogane Airspace

The Pater thundered forward, arms outstretched, determine to fulfill its last order. The mana-powered wind pushed at its herculean body,, the Taos Tails ripped at it, tearing one arm free and peppering the rest with bolts that lit flames across its innards. The flaming mound of hatred closed, closed... The vibrating claw lashed out-

And sunk home, deep into the creature's face where it finally drew to a shuddering halt. Foul, pus-like "blood" ran in rivulets down the Duraxyll's arm as the creature gurgled something incoherent, perhaps still desperately calling to its distant master as it tried to move its one remaining arm inward for Prometheus' throat.

Without any further warning, light shot out of the monster's chest as it detonated, body exploding as its reactor melted down from the horrendous internal damage it had taken. Though not nearly as dangerous as the alien reactor aboard Madin's fallen machine, it was still substantial enough to cause harm to the Cho-Masouki at this range, a fireball of blazing plasma that was visible even on the deck of the Hiryu.

The Owl that had robbed so many of Prometheus' comrades of their life... was finally dead.

"Ah... Aaaaah!"

A sort of montone wail emitted from Duminass as the Vermillion Protector's assault reached it's crescendo. The four arms folded about its body, dozens of strikes ricocheting off its barrier, its armor - but they never ended. It was like being caught in a cyclone as the rays of light cut deeper and deeper with every pass, searing, burning away her flesh. She was dying. How? How?

As the sphere closed and detonated, lighting up the battlefield in a beautiful aurora of technicolor power, its thoughts slowed to a mere crawl. When the fury had subsided... all that remained was the floating, tattered remains of the monster that had ruined Laura's home. A mangled collection of blood-soaked pink shreds, not unlike a deflated balloon, drifting through space, surrounded by the cracked remains of its armor as electricity danced across its body. She should have felt nothing. No fear. No pain.

So, what was this... sensation?


Her thoughts were interrupted as the Teugatail's damaged chassis pulled up abruptly, ignoring the disintegrating body of the Protector. Decima's whining pierced Duminass' fading consciousness, its maternal instincts focusing blearily on the yellow machine.

"They broke my Teugatail! And my Pater! Make me a new one, right now!"

"Deci... ma..."

Nothing. She had nothing more to give her. That was what she wanted to say. To impart some final, kind word-


Pain. What? How? The Teugatail retracted its fist, shaking it slightly after sinking it right into the body of its "mother". Within the cockpit, Decima's features contorted into a contemptuous snarl.

"...Feh. Dying already?" She spat,

"You really are useless."

Duminass simply remained transfixed in mute shock, as the Teugatail shrugged, mimicking the movements of its pilot.

"That's fine. Hurry up and choke then. I'll just get Daddy to make us a new mama. One that isn't weak. It wouldn't be the first time."


The Homonculous' child-like laugh could have cut to the bone with all its sharpness as she tittered.

"Oh, you didn't know? That's what you are. Replaceable. Worthless."

"SHUT UP! You live to serve ME! That is your purpose! That is ALL you are good for! NOW FIX! MY-!"

The Teugatail vanished abrubtly, the colossal remaining hand of Duminass closing firmly about it with terrible swiftness. The destroyer of worlds could feel the tiny hands within slamming helplessly against her own. A voice that was like the rolling of distant, barely contained thunder, trembled forth into the void unbidden.


With a swift, meaty snap of metal and flesh, the struggling stopped. The captive energy of the Homonculi flowed up the arm, across Duminass frame, reinvigorating it as armor plates fused back together, wounds mended, and the twin crystal eyes reopened, full of new life. Now partially restored, the Triton pulled itself upright, looking down at its body as the last of the stored power returned to her.

Not enough to bring her back to one hundred percent.

But more than what was needed to get the job done.

It opened its hand, looking down at the handful of tiny feathers that remained of the Teugatail. Unbidden, tiny, crystalline droplets formed at the edge of its great eyes, drifting out into space as emotion, undeniable now in its fierceness, churned in Duminass partially-restored spirit.

Yes. It had been so long, now. How could it have forgotten? Everything... was now starting to make sense. Things... had not always been like this.

It closed its hand gently, as the last few traces of its child dissipated.

(Decima. After this... I promise... I will make you better. I will... fix you. But first...)

Resolve settled in. It could already sense the gaze of its "creator" on its back, their displeasure. There was no way forward now. Nothing that could redeem her. Dissolution was all but a certainty. All she had left now, like a sickening, creeping crawler that was filling her up, was... revenge. The Triton turned towards the distant form of the Duraxyll, silhouetted against the distant earth and moon, like the idol of a long-lost faith.

(This is all... because of you.)

With that, it beat its damaged wings and pulsed forward, hurtling through space towards the object of its sole remaining desire.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Tantra Bridge

The twin Getviewm spiraled down towards the nightmare that lurked at the bottom of the crater. Even as they fired, it seemed content to stay where it was - or, perhaps, judging by the thick cables about its body, it simply couldn't move much. The Reactive beams slammed home about it, some impacting its heavy countenance - but few scored deeper than a glancing blow.

As it "observed" the two, the closest Getviewm might have noticed their foe's movements change - the Gatling cannon suddenly swiveled, aiming not at them, but something behind them, as though its attraction had suddenly been taken elsewhere.

It had.

Slinking out of the dark, stretching across the battlefield, the two "tails" of the Medius Locus (or, what remained of it) lashed at the backs of the Getviewm, glowing tips gnashing hungrily, attempting to seize the two units about the waists. If they were so unfortunate as to be caught, they would be dragged back immediately into the growing, pulsating core that seemed to be rising in mass with no end in sight. The chattering gunfire from below deterred a third tendril, blowing it out of the sky as it paused momentarily, as if assessing the situation, regarding the distant Medius in silence - or, perhaps, silently evaluating the performance of Duminass in the distance, dragged back from the brink of death.

Beneath its feet, pools of black were beginning to open - the Crawling Dark, the portal to another "side" that had swallowed so many worlds before, emerging from the depths of the vessel, as metal and debris alike were pulled across the threshold, with the Cyber Brain standing over an ebony lake, watching as the situation unfolded.

Hiryu Bridge

"Captain Harris, we've received a message from that ship, The Kurogane."

Now what?

Harris took the waiting tablet, scanning its surface from her command chair anxiously. So they needed an evac? ...Did they have enough facilities to look after them all? And of course there was the danger they could be insurgents of some kind-

She pushed it to the back of her mind. No, as of this moment she thought, they were all human beings fighting for survival against - her gaze went to the ship's main monitor, where the battle between the Medius and VangNex was playing out - whatever those things were.

"Send out a message to any Huckebein teams still deployed. Let the Kurogane know we'll do what we can, but we can't guarantee-"

"Augar will escort their escape pods."

The familiar face of the Colonial executive, Alan Cicero flashed up on her screen. He looked... bedraggled somehow, as though he hadn't gotten much sleep, causing her to blink in surprise.

"Mister Cicero? Where have you-"

"Tending to an important business matter." He said, tersely. "Send me the coordinates."

"...Of course. And... be careful."

Without even a word of thanks, he disappeared from her monitor. Sure enough, the Augar's IFF reappeared on their sensors, heading in the direction of the Kurogane at full tilt, scythe grasped in its hand as it turned its head, regarding the distant advance of Duminass.

There wasn't much time.

Hiryu Airspace

Sayuri's graceful, deadly dance through the void, battering the boomerangs away left and right did not go unnoticed, the Medius continuing to bulge and swell below - it seemed to be entirely out of control now, the orb on its chest having grown to such an extent that the beastly head and all of the torso had been swallowed into its mass. As the positron cannons swung out, and the two purifying rays slashing down, the beast seemed to give an involuntary shudder.

Here was something it couldn't overcome just with brute force. The TE-Sphere held-briefly-before shattering into crackling pieces, the two blue rays tearing bloody swathes down either side of the Medius body, shearing away its bloated limbs and rolls of flesh in a fashion not unlike a red-hot knife through butter. The cauterized, glowing chunks of flesh that remained rippled threateningly, their expansive growth for the moment seeming... hampered, the antimatter particles briefly holding the cancerous Lasmuanium at bay.

And yet-

It had her right where it wanted her. The empty pilot seat where Nona had once resided offered no complaint, not even a trace of its occupant now left as the last of the cockpit sunk into the core.


With a grotesque, whole body movement, as though it were undergoing some great convulsion - the core jutted up and of the body, held aloft by a ribbed, mechanical spine like an offering to some great, malevolent God. It glowed with the radiance of the sun, power running all through its body as it focused directly on the VangNex above. Terminus Energy flared up all across the Medius, flames bursting out at irregular angles as cooling units failed to contain the unstable power source - but, it had what it needed.

A vacuum -a vortex, as it were. A trick it had learned from watching the Valsion prior, as it began to pull at the surroundings, dragging everything near towards its surface - Leige Geios tumbled past the VangNex, only to vanish with comical plop noises into its semi-translucent, ocher surface, each successive victim sending new palpitations across its body below as it ate and ate greedily, pulling ever harder upon her frame.

What could possibly await anyone who fell into its depths?

Turns until MAPW Impact: 4
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Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
As the Meyven began to speak up the Getviewm looked down towards the cockpit, its grip growing loose all of a sudden giving the machine ample opportunity to shoot off towards space. For a moment she wondered, why had she let go? She wasn't certain but a certain feeling had intruded upon her that she needed to let go. With its distant explosion she felt this feeling was validated, mere instinct to let go of dangerous objects. Oblivious to the truth.
[Command received: Reprioritizing process initiated please wait.]

It wrenched her gut, hearing the words. Meyven Madin was the one man who was willing to let her be... her, all the others would rather she wasn't picked up that fateful day. Why? Questions that haunted her to this day with no one willing to answer, fear? Or did they not know either? Ever since she awoke she never felt like she belonged except for in her own company. But now, now that was different.

Even as a tear ran down her cheek in mourning for the man she was.. glad? It was twisted in a way but the man's final words made her happy in a way.

Unit has entered local range new designation: Gamma
Unit has entered local range new designation: Delta
Unit has entered local range new designation: Epsilon

Quantum link established.
All instances within range now accessible for communication.

Alpha: [Church's Thesis certified reprioritization process complete, three direct threats detected and one existential threat]
Beta: [Numbering threats in order: Charlie, Delta and Echo]
Alpha: [Charlie: Threat ranking: 9, Danger ranking, 2]
Alpha: [Delta: Threat ranking: 6, Danger ranking, 6]
Alpha: [Echo: Threat ranking: 2, Danger ranking, 4]
Alpha: [Extra designation - Environmental hazard: Threat ranking: 0, Danger ranking, 9]
Alpha: [Instance Echo is currently attempting a sneak attack on Gamma and Delta]
Gamma: [Acknowledged]
Delta: [Acknowledged]
Alpha: [Instance Echo has shown inclination for absorbing entities that engage in contact. Theoretical Threat Rating Elevation to 4 possible]
Epsilon: [Recalibration confirmed, broadcasting data]

Next to Elhirut the Remedy that accompanied him aimed her eyes upon the Medius Locus as well as Duminass dashing by on the other side. Onto the next one "Yes sir." She replied solemnly, the Getviewm leaning slightly backwards as twin beams fired from its shoulders, two reactive beams raced forward towards the stem that held the core aloft in an attempt to sever the being from what it controlled while remaining a safe distance away from the new black hole.
"Be careful of distance, that thing is swallowing everything."

It was better then being in range of Duminass however. That was far from the best place to be currently when it came to keeping the man besides her safe. They had already lost so many so losing more was not allowed.

On the other side the twin Getviewms dodged to left and right respectively, while their gaze was elsewhere it was almost a sixth sense that warned them about this, and though they could not pinpoint how they knew they were simply happy to not get that hug of death from the Medius Locus.
"No you don't!" The left Remedy replied, bringing her Beam Saber down upon the tentacle before dashing backwards.
"I don't think so!" The right Remedy noted as her own Beam Saber swiped at the tentacle to cut it off of its source.

That was very rude of it, to try and do a sneak attack as such. As they dashed further to the sides letting the brain fill these tentacles with bullets as it wished they took note of the ebony pool beneath it. The twin Remedies inside the last Getviewm took note of it too, the one not in the pilot seat speaking up.
"That thing is making me sick."
[Initiating Eradication of Anomalous Element]
"Tell me about it, ugh."

"Okay so take it out first, I don't like it at all."

"With you there."

She flipped around the corner the Fourth Enigma Machine staring down the Cyber Brain with its unchanging features. Nevertheless its displeasure was clear to see the two tails on its back moving forward with clear intent, for they would move to wrap themselves around the canisters that served as the Brain's shoulders sticking their needle like tips in either side of it as they began to pull.
In the meanwhile with its two free hands it would light both its beam swords and jab forwards, underneath the glass dome and up into the mass of the brain itself. Execution.

The twin Remedies that had dashed to either side danced around, whether their cut had worked or not they would dash forward to join their peer, both still having their Beam Swords ablaze as they dashed down into the gap to the side of the bridge, perfectly squeezing their way in to jab their blades into the sides of the body itself their tails joining the ones already there. And like that if they succeeded, with a cruel groan they would all begin to pull. Aiming to pull the brain and its body out of its shell, out of the tantra.

They were like Valkyries carrying one of the dead away to Valhalla. Except this one was not worthy of such a hall and it was to prevent an escape into the dark pool below, green thrusters were brightly lit and dashing backwards while the two remedies that flanked the Getviewm with two of her inside kept an eye on the two tentacles and whether it had any funny ideas.


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
Detonation, the beast had fallen but taken a toll. Still operational, now he could think of assisting the Vermillion Protector with... As he brought the Duraxyll to face the display behind him the detonation occurred, grit teeth clenched jaw. It had survived that by consuming its child. So much for perfection, it was more like a mad dog lashing out at whatever it could see.

Both of them were on the cusp of defeat now, screaming in defiance against the coming of the tide.
Fury, he could feel the fury within the spirit of his machine as Duminass drew closer. Before it had been mostly idle as the monster had been distant from it nor was it in such a concentration as the Vermillion protector held them, but now... As Duminass drew closer that selfsame spirit yelled out, anger shared with its brethren hate aimed at the one to blame for the dark tide that swallowed stars.

The Duraxyll's foot stomped upon the surface of the Kurogane, the Taos tails dashing in front of it, circling around as the Duraxyll steadied itself. Energy in spite of being expended was surging, it was nowhere near the levels of what the 'mercenary' had experienced but still. Depleted reserves began to fill rapidly.
"DUMINASS!" He exclaimed,

"I have but one word for you!" the light on Duraxyll's chest began to glow, the spirits energy surging through it. Empowering it with fury and defiance in vengeance of a fallen star. In vengeance of the lives lost today, in vengeance of the lives lost prior. This hadn't been the fight how he expected it all these years but things never went as one expected them to.

No, instead a simple decree. No more grand speeches, no more messing with his enemies to get them to slip up. She was already far past rationale. Small beams fired out from the Tails as they circled, an attack Duminass hadn't experienced prior now saved for it specifically. The Distant Cannon, a way of empowering one singular shot.


The main cannon fired, green beam racing across the void of space to the circle of Tails, where it immediately expanded further and further until it filled the entire circle. A single beam now fired forward in space aiming to collide with Duminass head on aimed for the primary face empowered by the spirit, empowered by defiance brought about by sheer will. A power nowhere near the brutal force exhibited by the Possession prior but at the same time Duminass was nowhere near as healthy as then. This- this was the finishing touch. A final push into the afterlife.
Nov 12, 2018
The stars were bleeding. Yes, that was the sensation - a thousand thorns, prickling inside out, and the worming, ever-expanding knot in Elhirut's chest adamantly refused to subside. His ears just wouldn't stop spinning, and the Org-Valu moved like it was puppeteered by an inexperienced puppetmaster, lumbering through the void with all the grace of a walking corpse. The world was still blurred, the cracked display useless.

His controls moved like lead. His heart beat like glass.

On to the next one. On to the next one.

"...how do I move?"

On to the next one.

"Madin," he whispered, like a quiet incantation. "How do I move?"

The resolve failed to rise, Madin refused to speak, and for a moment, the glimmer of a single eye gazed out from the black.
Situation uncertain. Attempting appraisal. Resume semi-independent operation.
No. Not an eye. A core, a heart, alive and beating. An energy reading, sparking, growing, flame-gorged. Swallowing everything. Yes, that was an adequate description of what the tumorous machine was attempting, a gaping gullet opened within space-time itself. He reached out, forced his machine to move, forced the thrusters to flare, pushing himself away under constant thrust. Another burst, another nudge, and the Org-Valu whirled, glaring at the distant Duminass.

Learning to walk again, he gazed upon his enemy.

The Teuegail was not there, and the first laugh in weeks burst from the Psychodriver's mouth.

Wrong, wrong, it was all wrong, so fix it.

Remedy. Heal. Hope.

And so, Elhirut forced the lens of his mind's eye outwards, opening his awareness further than he'd dared since the battle began. Yes, there was more to this.
Increasing responsiveness. Potential feedback?
No, he no longer cared if all he witnessed were horrors. He knew that he would come to regret that statement, that daring the universe to do worse was a dangerous prospect, but in the moment - how much worse could more pain be? The strings pushed back, the symphony was discordant, the song paled in comparison to what he had once known, but he could still feel, he could still hold that fire tight and reach. Straining, he took in those still present, felt the pulse of conscious minds fighting on and the negative, horrid wells. In the ship, the Remedies were still busying themselves, dancing about and tearing the gestating Brain from the Tantra's innards.

"Advise, De Bougher." The young man's voice was shaky, but slowly steeling, finally growing calmer rather than colder. "Proceeding with bombardment of hostiles. If necessary, provide support fire. That's it. That's what we'll do - "
Absorption anomaly aggressive status unconfirmed. Order to cease fire?
The Org-Valu's thrusters ignited further, pushing it lightly towards the flying Duminass. The swivelling cannons atop the machine's shoulders spun, servos still warmed-up from their previous utilization, and they snapped to their distant, winged target with unerring motion. The following moment, the paired guns spat round after round into the void, as quickly as the mechanisms built into each cannon could afford. Prometheus, it appeared, was getting some form of assistance. At the same time, Elhirut focused his attention onto the Medius' exposed, pulsing core, feeling and twining towards the PT's cancerous body. Was there really an intelligence, an intellect, an existence still living within?

"I need more," he whispered, more silent prayers rising beneath his lips. "Please, give me ground, let me in, show me something. Not more monstrosities. Not more deaths."

And that was it, that final statement, the manifesto of intent. Not more deaths - not today - and the Org-Valu continued firing, hammering slug after slug at Shadow Mirror's great nemesis like a superluminal dispenser of metal.
Jun 28, 2018
As the gale skims above the swirling sea, so now did the VangNex breeze along the outer periphery of the maelstrom. It watched the hapless wretches caught in the waves tumble into the monster of the whirlpool, the radiant golden Charybdis gorging on their ruined bodies. The Shunrais swung back again on their bracing arms, left to recover ahead of their next volley. In the meantime, the stowed blade on the forearm leapt back into the freed hand, while its mate emerged from behind to adorn the other.

The vessel came about, maintaining best speed. Sayuri gazed down the line of her shoulder to the monitor at one side, keeping a close eye on the storm. Her hands worked by feel, snapping the two hilts together along their docking clamps. Gripping the assembly by the center, the right arm curled out to its full length, the hand spinning up like a propellor.

Rumbles and flashes ensued. The space around the VangNex crackled and churned, its aura of cobalt and cerulean starting to rumble amid the increasing electrical charge. The faster the propellor hand spun, the greater the static around it sparked, until it was less a blur of metal than of ions and particles. A great azure wheel yearning to be released.

Her gaze slid back to the control panel. To the option still lit near the bottom of the list, and the rapidly ascending bar coloring its preparation. The vessel trembled and vibrated as the waves it was surfing surged - the Locus pulling, and the Nex resisting just as fiercely. All at once, the bar completed, the menu closed itself out, and another graphic popped up in its stead. With her cherubic imps cheering her on, she gladly obliged.

Her heels flicked the pedals in opposing directions, the setting the VangNex into a rapid spin round and round with the weapon as the axis. Only to release it swiftly after, sending the whirling buzzsaw of wind sailing. But as it did, the blades within burst forth from their compacted state - the rapid speed transferred to the now colossal hellblades. As a splinter cast toward a jaundiced eye, the combined heft and girth behind their biting edges came crashing down upon the menacing orb.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Tantra Bridge

The Cyber Brain remained where it was as the Getviewm surged down, closing about it like a captive vice. To even be this close to it, the roiling mind within seemed to exude a kind of dark pressure, one that would have crushed the minds of those not specially designed to resist it - but to the Remedys, it was akin to a steadily rising background of white noise, conceptual filters straining out the harmful aura.

Yet, as one of them closed its arm around the unopened container - movement. The metal shell burst, and within a large, three-pronged metallic claw erupted, easily large enough to engulf the closest machine in a quick, almost scorpion-like movement as it began to squeeze, crushing the unfortunate Enigma Machine in a fashion not unlike a trash compactor. As the others laid hands upon it, blades sinking into the surface of the machine, a new emotion arose as the bubbles in the "brain" container began to rush, as though it were starting to boil:


An immediate, high-energy reaction began to emerge, a kind of electricity coursing for a brief moment in the air - and everything turned red. A torrent of bright crimson plasma, like a pillar of power, smashed up from the darkness below, enveloping the entire group in its fury, searing up into the void above - where it vanished into a yawning, gaping aperture of nothingness. A dimensional window - but, to where?

Kurogane Airspace

On came Duminass, flying on wings of terrible memory. As it closed in, it saw the Taos Tails assemble, saw Elhirut's rounds fly - only for the linear guns to slam into its protective Energy Field, leaving only glancing scorches across its surface.

"Get out of my way."

The thought echoed towards Elhirut, the psychic force behind it unfamiliar - as the Distant Gunner ignited, beam pulsing across the stars at the wayward beast. In alarm, it jinked hard to the right - and in doing so, Prometheus perhaps spared Elhirut's life as the dreaded eye-beams lashed out, ripping just under the Org Valau's frame as the blast tore into Duminass. The top left of the creature was left in complete ruin, gilded shoulder now a smoldering chunk of carbonized metal, one if its puppeteer-like hands burned away into nothingness.

"Why? Why do you persist?"


It understood pain, now. It was searing, scorching all through its body, feeling its life draining away with every passing second in spite of what it had siphoned from Decima. Or, was it because of what that child had learned that she was becoming... Closer, now, closer to what she once was? Just a pale recollection, compared to the fixation before it.

"You have nothing. Nothing left. Your world. Your friends. And soon, your life. All of it, burned away."

The massive, gleaming blade once more manifested in Duminass hand - and it immediately was cast out in the Duraxyll's direction, twelve phantom accompaniments phasing into being beside it as they surged out, stabbing at him sequentially from every direction - a storm of fury that targeted not only him, but the ship behind him, as well as Elhirut - four of the number arcing back to target the young psychic's machine, starlight glimmering off their shining surfaces. In mere moments, the smoldering abomination would be upon him - and true battle would be joined, even as the Chou-Masoukis generator whined in protest at the demands of its taskmaster.

"You are like me."
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Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Hiryu Airspace

The storm howled.

As Elhirut's senses reached out across space, across time in some ways, the resulting sensory barrage would have been almost enough to hurl him into the welcoming embrace of unconsciousness. One one side, near Remedy, was pure malevolence distilled. Its essence was not dissimilar to the Lamalice he had felt before, though it was less of a creeping, smothering kind of foulness... and more a cold, clinical intellect, like the rhythmic clicking of a hundred thousand gears working in tandem.

Yet, almost opposite to it-

Was a kind of all-enveloping warmth, emitting from the distant, bulging wall of flesh and mangled metal. The orb in the distance beat, pulsating away, like a heart. A powerful, radiant light accompanied every contortion, one that was... innocent, somehow. A kind of childlike, half-formed consciousness, radiating waves of panic. Fear. The vortex it radiated swirled about, the form's entire being seemingly focused on a tiny sliver of flesh, no bigger than a person, nestled within its heart.

It had to save her.

It needed to.

The entire world was trying to hurt her, trying to kill her, and it was doing everything it could - not just to protect her, but everyone the only way it knew how: Grow, grow. It would be a shield, just as she had taught it. A protector. All would be safe within it, where nothing would ever fight again. An entire world, cloistered away from this place of madness and cruelty.

No more pointless division.
No more war.
No more murder.

All In One.



Eris Pseudea opened her eyes.​

She was... floating, somehow. A space of warmth, speckled with unfamiliar stars in all directions. Her hand flew to her mouth as memory returned- but there was no blood. No trace of Decima, or the nightmare she had crammed down her throat. All was still, all was quiet. Part of her had to wonder... was she dead?

Everything was... quiet. Peaceful, and serene. It was not unlike being held in a close embrace, being rocked to sleep. And yet, just as she felt her eyelids starting to grow heavy, the world about her started to grow darker. A blood red that dripped in about her consciousness, as the temperature began to drop, a prickling sensation upon her skin. Figures and numbers flickered before her across the dreamlike landscape as it slipped into what felt like a cold, endless night.

[ 47 6f 6f 64 62 79 65 20 4d 6f 74 68 65 72 0a
49 20 6c 6f 76 65 20 79 6f 75 ]
"AI... 1...?" She said, finally, feeling fluid filling her lungs as her mouth opened to cry out-

Sayuri's arm flew true, Ahab's spear in the tempest against Moby Dick.

The expanding blade howled outward, carried along the vortex, gaining speed as it did. The AI, at the last moment, seemed to recognize the danger, the storm suddenly starting to change its flow, trying to avert the impact-


An explosion at the stem. It had been so focused on the threat above it had failed to realize one of them slipped away. The bloated sphere lilted awkwardly as its support structure, now with a hole burned into its metallic spine, spewing black smoke- and swerved, directly into the path of the oncoming weapon. It punched clean through the surface in a spray of golden viscera, bursting out the other end as AI1 gave a whole body shudder.

For a moment, it remained exactly as it was - poised, as if frozen in the moment of its ruin.



That was the only way to describe the vibration that rippled across the sphere's surface. A bubble erupted from the entry wound, as the monstrous components melted away, dissolving into nothingness as the guiding intellect that had held it close faded. Another bubble came forth, floating up before the VangNex. One after another, like a storm of balloons, the composite neuro-matter and all the Terminus Energy of AI1 dispersing safely among the stars as the spheres popped gently. Out they flowed in all directions as the main body deflated - until there was only one left, nestled within the heart of the ruined core, now black and grey - nothing more than a simple machine.

Within it was the silhouette of a body, a woman's, curled up not unlike that of an unborn infant.

In the distance, the Ganonia Augar's horned, verdant form loomed protectively over the escaped Shadow Mirror vessels, watching the spectacle in the distance unfold. Clutched in its hand, much to his chagrin in a sticky mess, was Kathryn. It was still too dangerous, he mused, to approach that downed... whatever it was. Who knew what kind of eldritch power could still be coursing through its body? Besides... that winged monstrosity still hadn't gotten fully clear, and he was not wont to invite its wrath.

As Duminas and the Duraxyll clashed, he couldn't help but hide a shudder. Grateful as he was to see the devil and a monster in a death-lock, with every blow visible to him from this far, the power that was being displayed, the kind that sent shockwaves you could feel in your bones-

Reminded him of things that ought to have been long forgotten.

Turns until MAPW Impact: 3
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Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
As the vacuum concluded, the stem struck and with it one of the threats that remained had been defeated, at least such was Remedy's interpretation of things for she could not hear the plea made by AI1. Its intentions were lost on her and as Elhirut instead moved to another target she turned the Getviewm to face the situation at hand, the core left floating in space was an issue for another, she had her own charge to protect.
[Instance Echo eliminated]
The last two beings that remained besides the oncoming hail of fire left her worried, still she had her orders. Supporting fire and bombardment. Her eyes on Elhirut as the beam went under him, but aside from a skipped heartbeat she continued on, outstretching her right arm as a trio of white cubes formed within, the machine's grenades. Which she promptly lobbed in the direction of Duminass as she went on her way, the trifecta of detonations happened almost simultaneously once contact with Duminass was to be made.

"Providing fire support." She remarked, notifying Elhirut that she was assisting.

Instantly they would not quite detonate but it was more akin to an explosive expansion while they would rotate in what could only be called energy fields, grinding away at whatever they touched in a continuous blast that persisted for seconds. Remedy for her part, even besides the guidance offered by Elhirut, held no interest in coming close to Duminass and so this moment was also an opportunity for above her was the cockpit of one of the machines that had fought here, or well the crumpled up remains of the machine itself rather. So this moment was used to not only launch her attack but push the remains of the Vermillion Protector towards the Hiryu for pickup, and to have it out of the way.

How much time did they have to finish off the foe before them? Not much that was for sure, could they evacuate in time? Yes, the Hiryu was reachable from their location. All these assessments and more raced through her mind, while acknowledgement that the Tantra was lost came with. At least she wasn't alone, in fact far from as she was not even the only Remedy on this battlefield.

Back by the Tantra four of her still were assaulting the Cyber Brain in three machines, she nodded between herself as the energy buildup began. The two fortunate machines letting go and dashing back in response while the unfortunate third clamped inside the claw was left to her fate, a sacrifice for the greater good, how often had they done it before? They'd done it before? Had they done it before? Questions whose answers mattered little but what did matter was the final act of defiance of the machine left to her demise.

Inside Remedy gave the world a hearty laugh, the machine's tails cutting loose from the coils they had wound themselves in, instead extending forward. The brain had experienced this one just prior, but fresh machine, fresh power generator and if she didn't need to use any of it anymore well, she felt insane for even considering this but Remedy still looked the brain right in the face. The Machine's arms firmly grabbing onto the cables moving from the body to the head. If it had mixed feelings about its attack now it was too late.
"Until next time Grand Napoleon!" She said with a smile, unsure what brought her to saying it still she took satisfaction from it, as the point blank Arbit Blaster was launched, the moments before red overtook her to be met by the point blank detonation of the weapon.
[Delta can no longer be detected in local range]
But that still left two Getviewms with three Remedies inside, who were not sitting idly as their peer committed suicide before she could be killed, quite the opposite as they now held their arms slightly wider, the cannons atop the tails firing, sending two pairs of two beams forward towards the Brain once its own attack had passed. Inside the Getviewm with two of her a glance was shared as they waited for the retaliation.


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
The Duraxyll silently stood after it had fired the Distant cannon, an attack like that wasn't coming soon again even the Spirit's fury could not be a perpetual motion engine. As such while Duminass had her eyes on another, quite literally, the Taó̱s Tails returned to the machine, coating it for their own recharge. Luckily he had a few more tricks up his sleeve when it came to that.
"Like you?" as he spoke the Duraxyll tapped its foot against the surface of the Kurogane, a cue. "You couldn't be further from the truth. When we first fought on that starless night on the eve of the end of the world, even then I had more then you could even think of having."

As he said this the Duraxyll launched upwards, the blades diving into the abandoned Kurogane below. The Cho Masauki ate energy like it was nothing, that much was true. But even then, it meant he had his favorite trick once he ran out and with the blades landing into the Kurogane below the Duraxyll faced down Duminass.
"I, no- we had a hope that there was another star on the other side! A new home! Our world may be gone but we lived on!"

Suddenly light erupted from the Duraxyll's chest and the two Taó̱s Tails that flanked it yet there was no tax on its reactor, the truth was plain and simple- energy reserves for one specific weapon. A nasty little thing for when energy ran out so that a full assault could be maintained while the batteries recharged. One he was eager to pull out now.
"It is not I but you who has constructed a fantasy, your imagination has run wild if you fancy us similar, to drag me down into the mud with you to claim we both are nothing. It is only you who can claim that, consuming everything and turning it into nothing, into dark."

Spheres of light formed before the massive machine, when then formed into pools of blue light aimed at Duminass, three of them in total. Energy built up as the man continued. "As for why I persist, I will give you the same answer I gave five years ago: We keep fighting against the dying of the light because we desire to live! If after all this time you can still not understand this then we are nothing alike."
Inside the cockpit the man drew a heavy breath, gaze fixed on the monster that had killed his world. Undone a lifetime of work to make a place where technology and safety both advanced at an incredible rate. The one who had robbed him of everything forcing them to start over again.
"Mega Smasher! FIRE!"

Three beams catapulted around space, moving through the void towards the now three armed monster, they cut through the void towards Duminass, aiming to finish her off and if that didn't work he had seven more of these in reserve. So if Duminass thought that she was done with this assault after this one passed she was very very wrong, in fact so wrong even that if one were to not pay any attention to what was happening below that it would be quite the surprise.

For below, the main batteries of the Kurogane had slowly been turning, amidst the sea of blades that now peppered the hull if any personell had remained in the front section of the ship they would have been killed by now, luckily with the skeleton crew that it had they could still fulfill one role. For aside from the bent drill, the weapons systems were as of yet fully operational and without the bridge in the way, the main battery was free to look backwards towards Duminass. The acting captain gave a nod.

Two blue beams passed amidst the stars, and a moment after another two. Aiming directly for the eyes from which Duminass had shot her own beams but moments prior, sure they were not super weapons, but the main battery of a Space Noah class was still nothing to scoff at and perhaps enough to pop an eyeball or two. And certainly enough to classify as more than a 'distraction'.
Nov 12, 2018
"No effect? Then - "

The Org-Valu's frame screamed as Duminass' reply reached across space, the twinned lances of light piercing directly through the Circle machine's lower torso. Immediately, its cockpit filled with the complaints of a suddenly stressed spaceframe, alarms screaming as the alloys in its abdomen failed. And yet, its pilot was, as usual, elsewhere, narrowing down the flood of encroaching sensations to a manageable trickle. For that reason, the Getviewm's explosive assistance was greatly appreciated, as its blasts would hopefully give him the room he needed to complete his task.

The world spun.

warmth clockwork drift liquid scream remedy all sun malice once in winged chains

"Don't get drowned in this - "

Elhirut closed his fingers tighter, as if trying to reach out and throttle the sky. The passage, the link, the opening - it was forced to a trickle, an infinite series of gossamer threads strained through a mesh no more delicate than a millimeter-thick pane of glass. He split each one, partook of their taste, their colors, anchoring himself to the alarms still echoing through the metal coffin of his cockpit. Even then, the sheer abhorrence and sensation now rampaging through his mind might have been enough to hurl him away from his material form, and ended his role amongst the stars forever.

And then, two of the threads wavered, falling through his grip.

No, no, no.

"I made a promise!"

The young man clenched his controls, rage and anguish emptying to frustration.

"I said that - "

An infant star cried out, wrapping itself around its charge as it burst like a cell undergoing apoptosis. The shock of its collapse ran through the Psychodriver's body, and the Org-Valu suddenly jerked to match, jetting to one side in an attempt to evade the glimmering swords arcing towards its position. The cannons atop its shoulders swivelled once more, four violet spheres rocketing out into space in a wide, squared distribution. Each burst to life a short distance away, and a colossal column of plasma erupted to life, a vertically oriented storm intended to intercept at least two of the incoming colossal razors.

The newborn.

It had died for someone.

"How many more? Madin, how do you expect me to protect these people?"

In the distance, a Getviewm - no, a Remedy - vanished in a bright flash, and the frustration graduated to obstinate tears, remnants. The Org-Valu's abdomen blazed once more, the Giga Blaster's ochre light emptying out into space to accompany Shadow Mirror's collective fire. The machine began to fracture, continuing its incessant complaints and alarms at each second. Unusable energy channels rerouted and fused under the demands of the weapon; and yet, the pilot disregarded every warning, pushing the blast to match its previous output, pushing it to puncture Duminass' barrier and melt the winged enemy completely.

Please, the prayer to the stars cried. Please let this end.
Jun 28, 2018
And just like that the blades were gone again. Their ferocious edge evaporated in a glimmer, like so much heat mirage dispersing amid a gust of icy wind. In their place were the flickers of two engines. Two slender fins flitting back toward their origin.

That origin came crashing down like a gale, even as the vortex calmed. The VangNex twirled with the grace of a ballerina, letting the returning blades slip within the hollow against its back. At the same time, subarms extended above and below. The upper ones lifted its rifles into place as shoulder cannons. The lower ones slid pistols into its hands. Missile pods opened along its shoulders. The suite of VSPC remotes hovered at its sides even as it twirled. The Sengoku-en blades from around its body hopped off to ready a blade wall around its median.

The effect was such that as it arrived like a howling storm, nearly the entirety of the VangNex's ranged artillery were poised to lay down a carpet bombing, its swords keen to whirl about it like a buzzsaw at any that got too close. Across her vision, every bubble, every globule, every last distinguishably separate target along her immediate firing range was picked out and sequenced into the firing queue. Her tongue passed over her lips. Rapid shootdown, swarm type. Spore type?

Before a single shot could be fired, though, the outermost bubbles began to pop of their own accord. One by one, the targeting reticules changed to red X's, target after target lost. With each one the next contact in the line was queued, Sayuri's head cocking as she watched the display of matter and energy dispersing. A thought shot across the mainframe, sensors focusing in. Spectral scanners. Micro-particulate scan. Radiation sweep. Chaff? Anti-beam gas? Conductive particle spreading? Cameras whirred and sensor suites pulsed, but each inquiry came back negative. It was simply melting away. A Phoebus Apollo scattering his atoms across the cosmos.

As they say. Nothing gold can stay.

Having a moment handy, she flicked a figurative thumb across the pages of the mainframe, causing a panel in the floor to pop open at her side. Just far enough away that she had to crane a bit to reach into it. But close enough that she could without dismounting entirely, and retrieve one of the cupcakes from the bottom of the spindle. The spray of solar matter went its way out into the universe, and she quietly took in the show, savoring a just reward for a job well done.

It was as she was finishing that the sensors picked out the one orb left behind. She passed her tongue over her lips to sweep away the last crumbs, then angled her foot against the pedal to coax her steed closer. A sidelong glance to the remaining time on the clock reminded of how little remained. But there was... well, someone in there anyway. Maybe it was some other pilot that weird machine had eaten?

The VangNex daintily extended its pinky, and shot another few globs of birdlime to adhere to the orb. At the least, make sure it didn't pop so readily. As it landed, so too did the tip of one of the remotes against it, completing the sticky sandwich. It just as delicately pulled back once the hold was secure, toting it along at once side as the craft made its way back to the Hiryu.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Kurogane Airspace

Duminass' swords slammed home into their intended target - and with it, the Kurogane detonated, the supernova of light and flame illuminating the world around Prometheus. Simultaneously, the Mega Blast tore into Duminass, splattering against its energy field with a terrific laser-light display, particles scattering in all directions, in addition to searing his foe's flesh, culminating in a detonation of plasma, a fiery balloon that enveloped the charging Triton. Elhirut's blast slashed across its exposed back, sending up a spray of cauterized blood and viscera mixed with cracked armor plating, leaving exposed, pulsating organs of alien make dangling into the void.


There was a soundless howl in the void, Duminass crying out in pain and fury to its hated nemesis...

And time seemed to inch to a stop.

Electrical flames, bodies, shrapnel billowed all about the Duraxyll. Smoke, choking and black, and charred, unrecognizable bodies that floated free of the wreckage even as its fuel cells caught light in a final paroxysm of fury. Prometheus' trump card was gone, and the monster: now unfettered.

He was alone, again.


The world around him seemed to bend, distorting like a funhouse mirror. An effect he was doubtlessly familiar with, as space and time shifted to accommodate a change. A shadow loomed, the world growing darker, stranger, as a colossal form interposed itself between Prometheus and the sun. Duminass Triton loomed over the Duraxyll, its mangled appearance reminiscent of a half-melted idol from some ancient, extinct faith. The space around the two of them was rattling, trembling, the pocket dimension expanding as it ensnared all the surroundings. An eerie green light emerged from the cracks in Duminass' body, causing them to widen and snap across its body... but, it no longer cared.

She understood, now.

How they were connected.

But it was too late, now. The half-formed memories were only coarse salt in a wound it had never even knew it had.

Two of the colossal arms came up on either side of the monster, mirrored by the smaller pair on its chest. Power flowed across their surface, enlarging them, engorging them, arcane energies crackling between Duminass' fingertips, forming an electric prison about the Chou-Masouki.

Within its palms, held close to its body like a swaddling infant, was a tiny globe. A sphere of white light, upon which a hundred thousand thoughts fought to be displayed. They were some of his memories, some of Duminass, some of those who had perished on the battlefield today, all blending together in a sweeping, whirlwind like mix. Who could tell what the construct thought, as it held the representation of all that his world had ever been between its fingertips?

"This is reality."


"Nobody can help you here."

The colossal hands slammed inward towards one another, easily large enough to crush their foe between them, atomizing him with the force of a collapsing star - and Duminass, solemnly, simultaneously closed its hands about its private singularity. A shining pulsar, a private obliteration, all for them.

" μ ε τ ά ν ο ι α !"
M e t a n o i a


Blue light surged out of the space near the Kurogane's wreckage, the power of the blast alone disintegrating everything it touched. A brillant, azure nova blinding in its intensity. Baleful plasma flares licked and melted the hapless wreckages of the Liege Geios, searing even the flank of the Tantra in its fierceness.

As the blast roared out, an arresting hand was placed around the Org Valu's shoulder. Behind him, the Ganonia Augar, holding the sparking wreckage of the Vermillion Protector under one arm as tepidly as it could, jabbed its horned head in the direction of the Hiryu.

"Mister Elhirut." Came the terminally polite, yet insistent voice of Alan Cicero over the young man's communications link, as though through gritted teeth;

"There is no more time. We must evacuate."


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Hiryu Bridge

A din of noise and color and alarms filled the room at the heard of the Hiryu, Harris gnawing on a thumbnail as she soaked it all in. Her eyes were following the path of the MAPW on the monitor before her.

"VangNex, secured! Pilot is unharmed!"
"Quarantine teams, I want any trace of that thing scrubbed clean from its surface, get on it!"
"Who's that with her? Get them to the medical bay!"
"Security, how are we processing the new arrivals?"
"They're being cooperative, for now-"
"Move them to the brig, use the level eighteen storage areas if you need more room!"

As a line was crossed on the map, she suddenly spoke up, hand and voice raising above the din to attract the attention of all present.

"Send out the flares! Get the Boost Drive ready, we're pulling out!"

They were out of time.

Tantra Bridge

Bolts of crimson thunder continued to thunder all about the Cyber Brain as the Remedy's fire rained down upon it, tearing off chunks of its crude, metallic body. The Gatling gun swiveled in their direction, as if preparing a vicious counter-attack... but the blossom of blue fire in the distance seemed to catch its attention, causing it to halt.

As though it were "listening", though to what, none could fathom. For at least a moment, the oppressive pressure that Elhirut and Remedy had felt was relieved, and began to wane. Grasped in its one, cruel claw were the remains of a Getviewn, yet it made no attempt to dislodge them before turning its attention back to her "sisters".

". . ."​

The black pit at its feet seemed to stir - and the dark iron machine began to sink, the darkness swallowing it slowly until it had completely vanished from view, without leaving so much as a ripple on its surface. Not a single trace of its energy signature remained, as if during its exit it had vacuumed out all the negative energy out of the immediate area, much to the relief of the Getviewm's systems.

Had it gained what it sought?

Lost interest?

Or was this merely a prelude for whatever malevolent intelligence had been pulling at its strings?

Turns Until MAPW Impact: 2


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
A sigh of relief washed over her, and her and her. As Duminass vanished into naught and shortly after the brain vanished into naught, things seemed to be returning to normal, well aside from the incoming death by MAPW. Right, that. In unison the three Getviewms turned their gaze to the horizon, well it was not exactly at the horizon anymore, was it?
[Instance Delta Eliminated, Instance Charlie out of combat zone, returning to normal functionality]
Inside the Getviewm besides Elhirut Remedy held her hand against her forehead for a bit before Cicero spoke up her machine turning to the Ganonia before looking at the Org-Valu "I am in agreement, we need to leave now." If Elhirut needed a bit of a push she was not afraid to do so, especially as the other two remaining Getviewms approached.
[Total losses: One unit, losses far under expectations]
Individually they were all wondering what had just come over them and now that things were starting to normalize within and without, well aside from the fact that she technically had doubled in number. Which was weird but not weird to her? The fact that it wasn't weird was in and of itself weird but now that she thought on it 'she' was probably going through the same line of thought, which made this ordeal an awkward staring contest.
[Quantum Communication ceased, 23 errors encountered, regular Communication protocols initiated]
"Hello?" She said to herself "I'm Remedy Otzer De Bougher and you are?"

"Remedy Otzer De Bougher." The lone newcomer replied.

"Also Remedy Otzer De Bougher ." The second mentioned with another of her behind her.

Somehow this made sense to her though she could not tell how, both spoke in the exact same manner she did, one would imagine it quite eerie if they suddenly came face to face with not one but two additional copies of themselves, but she had had that happen once before in her first outing when she met herself for the first time, somehow already clothed in the same uniform that was given to her ahead of time and with a new Getviewm at her disposal. Even then she wasn't weirded out, even if she wanted to be, to her it felt normal. To those who sortied alongside her it was a cause of concern though she did not know why, but now she had different questions.
"Status of the Tantra?" She asked.

The fourth of her joined in to the chorus "Hollowed out, its not going to be able to move anytime soon."

"Which means..." Realization struck them all like a hammer as the first of her muttered the words. "They're doomed..." Sadness washed over them, a gaze turning to the Org-Valu and Ganonia. "We need to return to the Hiryu, now." All four spoke in echo, and they would begin to be pushy if people weren't moving quick enough, quite literally with three machines like that if Elhirut wouldn't get a move on they would just drag him along for their unified goal of protecting him.
[Return to administrator to report, Error- Administrator not located]
Even if that would mean disarming every gun to prevent the reactor from overheating. Afterwards she could quiz herself on how exactly they had come here, maybe she knew more about what was going on.