Test App - Matthias 'Calcio' Smith

Aug 25, 2018
Name: Calcio, aka Matthias Smith

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Height: 5’11

Weight: 190lb

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Hair Color: Black

Ethnicity: Shura Clan, Human


Other Information: Estranged member of the Shura Clan

Biography: Calcio doesn’t remember much of his childhood; it was spent in a mirage of pain and rage, learning to channel his Haki and fighting those on all sides. His closest friend was another boy of the same age; together, they swore that they would rise to the top, and surpass the reigning Shurao. As teenagers, they both bonded with their respective Shurashins and trained against one another, in order to aspire to greater heights. They finally tried to challenge that man, the entity known as the Shura King...and it ended in disaster.

The two were brought to their knees by the presence of the Shuraou, and barely managed to regain their bearings within their Shurashin. Calcio then watched in shock as his rival and friend was beaten to a pulp by that monster, before it came to his turn. And for a brief, sickening moment, he was happy that he hadn’t been the one to go first, that he wouldn’t experience that burning rage. He managed to weather the single punch thrown with the intent to destroy him, ending up miles from the starting point.

Injured both in body and soul, the young man fled from that planet in the Ialdabaoth, realizing with growing disgust and fear that his own ideologies had been torn asunder by that powerful strike and the visage of that terrifying monster. He continued fleeing into the stars, when a shift in space forced him into unconsciousness. He could feel an awful weight crushing down on him, moments before he was consumed by the darkness.

He woke up from his slumber while being detained by a Directory Blockade. Emerging from his mech, the man relinquished himself to the control of the military, before accepting a temporary allowance to become a ‘refugee’ of Terra, under strict watch and regulations. He maintained his command of Ialdabaoth, while also living out his life in a tiny apartment and garage.

Reborn as Matthias Smith, the young man worked a simple job as a clerk, helping a man who was too old to run his little corner store. It wasn’t an incredible task or strenuous, but the simplicity helped the Shura to realize what he’d been missing in his previous life. Normalcy, a sense of reality and scope that he would have never seen in the Shura Clan. He maintained his secret identity for a long time, even after the war ignited on Earth and in the stars above.

It wasn’t until a bullying incident happened across from the man, in a narrow alley, that his spirit of rage was reignited. He could only watch in shock as the kid sprinted past him, tears in their eyes. There, next to the small store, was three taller boys, holding aloft a bloodied boy. He was gripping in one fist a few bills; clearly the target of their assault, the small amount of money the boy refused to relinquish. It would’ve been simple for the man to walk away, but he saw mirrored there his own past; he too had run from insurmountable odds when his friend was destroyed, grasping at his own safety instead of dying alongside his closest companion. One could’ve called it discretion, but in this moment the Shura could only feel it as burning, sickening cowardice. He smashed his fist through the wall near the bullies, before telling them to release the boy and leave. They did, but the damage was done; reports soon reached the Directory about the display of anger the ‘alien’ had shown, and he was soon brought back before the Committee. They went through some roundabout documents and loose political speeches, before making their ultimate ‘concession’. Matthias would be ‘forced’ into military service in order to display his goodwill and desire to earn Citizenship on Terra. If he made it to the end of his contract and wanted to continue in the service, it would be possible to earn even higher ranks. But for now, he was stuck at the rank of Private and put into a special unit for the purpose of hunting other ‘aliens’. Matthias was fine with this arrangement; after coming to an end in his meditation and peace, the man was ready to fight once more and seek the true path to his fist and strength.

Mobile Weapon: Ialdabaoth

Affiliation: Shura Clan/Directory(?)

Combat Style: Passionate

Strengths: As a member of the Shura clan, Matthias was trained to be proficient in martial arts and spiritual techniques. When it comes to close quarters and striking techniques, the martial artist has only a few peers.

Weaknesses: His own doubts and fears from the past make his spirit shaky, and cause his techniques to falter where they shouldn’t. He can’t tackle long-range enemies easily, and in a battle against a sniper or long-range weapon, he would probably get outpaced.
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