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There's No Training Arc and I Have to Go Fight Giants?! (Lukas, Kujo)


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
September 19th OE 102
Outskirts of the Mystic Forest
Valezun, Crescentia

There was no time for leisurely rest in war, as the second day after the arrival of those transferred to Crescentia, orders were given to deploy to aid in pushing back the Colossi Immortalis and their forces. For Malan M. Arslan and Liana, the two would be sent to the Elven village of Valezun, deep within the Mystic Forest to the east. It was a sprawling forest that surrounded a tranquil lake, and was the territory of the Elven people. Once isolationists who protected their land with magic of nature and that of the spiritual, they were rallied by Heidel two thousand years ago to assist in fighting Colossi Immortalis and the Giants. Their knowledge in geography and natural prana manipulation made them valuable allies.

That said, the elves weren’t their concern in this travel, but rather the Colossi Immortalis hiding within the forest, striking at Crescentia’s supply lines and logistic forces. Malan and Liana would be meeting up with the 6th Regis Knight, Valkyr, who had set up a base of operations near the south side of Valheim Lake. From there they’d be given directions into combing the forest for potential bases of operations of Colossi Immortalis.

There was still some time until they’d arrive though, as the easy part of their journey had ended, and now needed to traverse the awkward jungle terrain, and make their way to where Valkyr was.


Though at the least, looking from outside the forest, perhaps it was a once-in-a-lifetime view before them, greenery as far as the eye could see, massive trees that stood even taller than the machines the two people piloted. While well shaded, countless blue ‘lights’ were scattered throughout the bottom of the forest, providing some illumination at the ground level. Moss-covered rocks, bizarre and dangerous-looking fungi, and the occasional dirt path populated the surface of the green ‘paradise’. In the distance, a singular massive tree, far larger than any of the others was present, its branches and leaves piercing the clouds overhead.

The terrain looked difficult to traverse, though a dirt path, wide enough for the machines to proceed was present, an avenue of approach for the two. One might consider simply flying above to scout for their rendezvous, though it was nigh impossible to see anything within the jungle from above, the leaves providing more than enough cover for anyone within, along with a strange prana-like dust that seemed to tamper with the sensors of machinery.

In the end, the choice was theirs of how they wanted to proceed, though either way, they needed to move forward.
Aug 4, 2018
Somewhere in the UK
A jungle.

Of all the places to bring what was functionally an artillery piece, they chose the jungle. The locals might have called it a forest, but neither word really captured the sheer majesty of the natural envionment below. You could hide an army in that, and apparently someone had. In lieu of any method of flight she'd settle for charting out the quickest and least overgrown path to the base camp, relying on her colleague for aerial scouting.

The journey was the scariest part, at least for her. Up-close and personal was where this machine utterly failed, and while there was supposedly some method of fighting up close.. she hadn't found it. Yet. Another defective part of this ridiculous tank they'd claimed was a mobile weapon. Liana took a moment to distract herself from her own frustrations by opening up a comm channel, finally talking to her new partner in crime for what was probably the first time since their summoning.

"Is Grand Archmagus a ceremonial title, or do you have an actual order? I thought Lunarian gifted preferred styling themselves as 'Psychodrivers'."

A mostly harmless question, asked with a clipped politeness of sorts - almost deferential, as if addressing a teacher or expert. She wanted to get him talking, start some sort of conversation rather than getting lost in her own thoughts.

And maybe build a positive rapport with at least one of the people in their merry band.
Nov 14, 2018
Zelvoid sailed over the forest canopy, its imposing "avian" form occasionally flushing out true birds from their nests. Meanwhile, Malan slouched at the dark Masouki's controls. Even with the greater prana density of this world, this forest was seemingly devoid of void prana. Caught in mid yawn, the Grand Archmagus was hailed by his fellow "hero", the wolf. Malan lifted himself and sat up straight as he said, "I am a Psychodriver, thank you."

Tipping up his new, stiff built hat to the eyes of no-one, Malan cleared his throat as he entered a more "official" tone as if he'd rehearsed such things. "My title is notary of my past and ongoing contributions to Luna's research in the fields of magic. While I do not work under the crown, I operate as if I were; I care much for Luna's greatness and for my drive and expertise, the title of Grand Archmagus was bestowed to me," He said at length. "Unlike that hack the High Scholar; doesn't take a genius to read a bunch of textbooks," Malan muttered to himself, seemingly forgetting the open comms.

Clearing his throat once more, Malan proffered his own line of question, "And what might be your job? I can't think of anyone who would utilize such an odd machine as yours."


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
The logistics of moving troops through a forest was far beyond something of a reasonable task, but given to the heroes by Heidel, the layout of the Forest was more or less clear. Were they to look at the map. Liana would notice there was a fairly large, single path that led from the entrance to the city of Valezun, wide enough for two normal masouki-sized machines to traverse, along with a slightly narrower path that branched from the main road, that led towards Valheim Lake and the giant tree at the end of it. Whether the tank machine could fit along that path, Liana would have to see for herself as she got there.

Malan, on the other hand, would have his own issues above, the thick canopy that overhanged the forest making it quite difficult to visually identify anything within. That said, it was surprisingly quiet throughout the forest, little other than the natural wildlife within giving any sort of presence.

The two were free to relax and enjoy their conversation for the while, as they continued along.

As if such a thing was possible.

From a distance away within the jungle, several heat signatures appeared on the Zelvoid’s warning screen, lights beginning to flash and warning signs appearing, shortly before several shots of energy pierced out from within the jungle, the deadly beams of light aimed right for the bird-like machine in the air.

"What is that? I haven't seen a machine like that before!"

"Does it matter? We have our orders, no one is to be allowed here while the general is at the sealing grounds!"

"Shoot on sight! Don't stay in one place for too long!"

Scattered comms were heard on the twos' radios, but it seemed they were far from alone here.
Nov 14, 2018
Malan saw the lines of prana form in front of his flight path but couldn't make sense of them until they flared up and the beams of magic shot out at his Zelvoid. The Archmagus yanked the Masouki's controls to the side, the birdlike shape of Zelvoid twirling away from the blasts but not without a fair share of glancing hits across its ancient orichalconium.

Righting the craft, Malan indignantly broadcast out to whoever dared fire at him. "Cease this at once! I am Malan M. Arslin, Grand Archmagus of Luna and one chosen hero of this land!" Another sudden blast rocked Zelvoid as Malan had stopped for his declaration. Gritting his teeth, the Lunarian flung the black masouki about to avoid any more continued shots, eyeing the incoming "aim lines" of prana. Sailing up and away from the canopy to try and spot the assailants, Malan shifted Zelvoid from its avian form and summoned its jagged blade.

"By order of the Grand Reine, allow us passage or... Be destroyed!... ?" Malan imposed, but second guessed himself as to what their official solution to such things was supposed to be.
Aug 4, 2018
Somewhere in the UK
"Some alien hunting, some casual terrorism. Lost my old machine bailing out one of your nobility six months back and got this thing as a replacement."

It might not have been exactly fast, but the Ranbu could handle awkward terrain without any difficulties - and the path she'd been given wasn't exactly awkward. The unnatural silence gave her time to contemplate her own thoughts, but when that grew uncomfortable she went back to trying to pry information out of Malan. Sprinkling in a slightly unbelievable truth along way to see just how public that little incident had gotten, and if it was something that had appeared on the Grand Archmagus's radar.

"...When you say magic are you talking about prana? Psychodrivers? Dogmas? Kind of a broad church-"

She wasn't expecting a peaceful journey, but being blindly shot at still caught the wolf a little off guard. Liana took a second to force the Ranbu to a halt, letting the machine stabilise itself as the central cannon whirred upwards. They might not have a perfect bead on the attackers yet.. but a little suppressing fire never hurt.

"Hesitation makes it seem like you won't go through with it. Either they've somehow missed the memo, or they're hostile. I think we're going to have to make our way there over some smoking corpses."

Liana's tone was a little critical, but now wasn't the time to argue tone or phrasing. A deep crack sounded as the Solid Cannon fired for the first time. Shockwave rippling through the vegetation as it flew into the air and dropped almost lazily a few hundred feet ahead of her - detonating in a hail of metal shrapnel when it hit the canopy cover once more.

Too many obstructions.

"Try to force them into the sky with you somehow. Only way I'm getting surface hits in this terrain is if I level half the forest first."

Leveling the forest was still on the table. Somewhat - she'd need to prepare, and it'd take time they didn't have and guns that were otherwise occupied. All six sets of twin cannons were currently pointed down and out, waiting for the first sign of movement in the brush around her. The Ranbu was by no means built for melee combat, but anything trying to sneak up on her would be greeted with a pair of armour-piercing shells.


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
“The Grand Reine?”

More chatter came up on the radios of the enemies within the jungle.

“Like we care about the orders of that tyrant!”

“Run back to your castle before you end up regretting it!”

Taunts among other words of defiance were pointed towards the flying Masouki and its pilot, shots of beam fire being launched into the sky. It seemed whatever threats Malan intended wouldn’t work on this bunch.

Liana, on the other hand had a much more sound approach, as the shots from the cannons of the Ranbu rang out throughout the forest, the shockwave threatening to tear down the nearby flora and trees as they shook violently. Moments later the shots splashed down within the jungle, the shrapnel tearing through the surrounding flora... and one Angeloi machine. A detonation could be seen in the following moment, as the white machine seemingly exploded in the spot. In the immediate area Malan could take note of two other identical Angelois that were nearby

“Barry?! BARRY!!!!”

“Shit! They got Barry!”

“If we go into the sky we have to fight that Masouki, but we’re targets for that artillery here! What do we do Larry?!”

“Calm down Terry, they just got lucky with that shot. If we keep moving there’s no way they can accurately hit us!”

“R-Right… We’ll make them pay for what they did to Barry!”

“Find the artillery unit and deal with that first, then we can take care of the one in the sky.”


The two dispersed from the opening in the jungle and began making movements in the general direction of Liana, moving through the cover of the forest. Malan could see the initial direction of where they moved, but as they entered the dense forest, their signals were lost once again.
Nov 14, 2018
The Grand Archmagus tutted as he whipped Zelvoid back once more, dodging more shots and bringing up the Masouki's wicked blade to block another. 'Guess being a hero isn't like it is in the stories, huh.'

Malan shifted Zelvoid back to its flight mode and quickly dove backwards, down to just above the tree canopy to break the enemy's visual on the black Masouki. "Alright, we'll do it your way then," he said to Liana. "Aim on my mark, though I'd stand clear for a moment if I were you." Zelvoid's form began to shimmer and glow with an eerie light, wisps of energy being drawn into the Masouki. The ancient black machine veered up from the canopy quickly as Malan spotted the two condensed prana masses heading in his ally's direction.

'Hear me! Zelv!'

Shifting back into its humanoid form, Zelvoid dove down into just behind the Angelois. Dark energy welled up and surged through Zelvoid, the black Masouki eyeing one of the forest guards with its sinister visage as a pulse of power ran across its body and settled within its hand.

"Return to the oblivion! Void Regression!"

Malan stabbed Zelvoid's blade into the earth. The energy flowed out into the point of the sword and collapsed into nothing for a single moment before violently erupting out into a great sphere of darkness.
Aug 4, 2018
Somewhere in the UK
Hostiles drawing closer... that went up like a Plasma Generator. The more things change, the more they...

Distractions. All of it. Liana pushed the thoughts aside, letting the Clang of the Solid Cannon reloading return her to reality. This wasn't a mobile weapon, and tracking their reactors was just idle trivia. It wasn't like she could reach in and rip it out any more. And even if she could... they'd have to see the target first. Or at least have a way to ancipate their movements relative to her-

Or to Malan.

"On your mark. I hope this forest isn't sacred to anyone."

Liana followed up the Masouki's highly visible attack with one of her own, every single gun on the Ranbu erupting in a cacophony of explosions. This time every single one was aimed straight ahead, a thirteen-gun salute slamming into - and hopefully through the tree trunks blocking her sightline. There was hopefully enough foliage in the way to keep Malan out of harm's way, but with luck she'd at least wing the hostile while carving her own personal road through the undergrowth.

The display of excessive force left every gun dry, and her ears bleeding, but it was worth it. They already knew where she was, and the line pointing direclty towards her instead divided their angle of approach into two halves. Anyone crossing it would be obvious - and if they did it after her guns had reloaded, all the better. With the sounds of machinery still ringing in her ears, one last thought crossed Liana's mind:

Maybe this hunk of steel has some potential after all.


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
The two Angelois would make their maneuvers through the forest, trying to duck back into the cover of the green canopy that covered overhead, but it was far too late; their adversaries had already locked-on to them. The Void Regression blasted forth, a direct hit on the first machine, followed by the coordinated artillery strike of the turtle, striking true on the second machine.

“L-Larry…! Is this it for us?”

“Fear not Terry, our mission is complete. We can put our trust in Commander Volstad!”

“Y-You’re right! This war is far fro-”

His last words were cut off by the resulting explosion of the machine, the two erupting in fireballs within the forest.

“It seems you two are alright. You can handle yourself against, well… grunts anyhow.”

A massive white mobile weapon came flying from the south, escorted by two, smaller red machines, accompanied by a somewhat cold and serious yet feminine voice.

“You two must be Malan and Liana. A pleasure to meet you. I am the 6th Regis Knight Valkyr. We were going to wait for you two to arrive, but the situation has become more dire and we need to hasten to our objective.”

She was brief with her words, hardly making space for pleasantries and the like, things were always just business to her, and it was how she worked best.

“Follow me, we need to proceed to the Burial Grounds. I’ll brief you on the situation as we head there.”

Almost as quickly as she came in, she turned around and the machine blasted forward, the massive shoulder binders rocketing the white machine to the south, towards the largest tree in the forest.

Malan and the Zelvoid would be able to follow easily enough through the air, but Liana would require the land route, though the path proved wide enough for the land machine to proceed forward. The first few minutes were silent, before Valkyr finally spoke up on the comms.

“First, a small history lesson is in order. Sometime before the war with the Giants and Angels, there was another calamity that befell this world. The Demon Invasion. I don’t believe they’ve made an appearance in your world, but some here call them demons, others Yokijin. Horrendous creatures wrought to seed turmoil in this world. The Crescentia waged war and held a campaign against them, taking siege of the four Shikyou, and sealing them away across Crescentia. Buried at the base of that tree, is one of those four Shikyou.”

It was a winded exposition, but that covered the basic knowledge.

“Up until now, the Colossi Immortalis have been engaging in mostly guerilla warfare and hit-and-run attack around the major cities, so we has suspected the activity here was simply that, but earlier we received confirmation of one of the Immortalis’ Four Heavenly Generals on the move here, which I can only assume means they’re after the Shikyou. Whether they have the ability to control the beast is one thing… but it may not even be required for them.”

As they got closer to the tree, the sounds of clashing metal and gunfire could be heard within the surrounding forest, signs of the conflict having already begun. Angelois, similar to the three they had dispatched not long ago, were fighting with the many Welsdines. The tree that seemingly pierced the heavens above laid at the edge of the forest, along the edge of the lake. Its thick roots firmly spread through the ground, creating a uneven field of difficult terrain around the tree itself. Wrapped around the tree, proceeding up a hundred meters or so was white rope with countless Shide dangling off the rope. Looking further ahead at the Tree, where at the base, a singular, green draconic-like mobile weapon stood; various parts of its armor giving off a subtle green glow. In its hand it held a massive polearm-like weapon. Scattered around it were the the wrecks of several Welsdines. The machine looked to face the newcomers and planted the butt of its weapon to the ground.

“Ah. The dogs of Crescentia have arrived at last.”

A woman’s voice was heard on the comms; a dark and rough tone emanating from her voice.

“I was beginning to grow tired of culling these mooks. I was told to test your aptitude, should you appear anyways.”

The machine brandished its spear and pointed it at the new arrivals.

“Hear my name: I am Aria Volstad, the Devourer of Gods.”

A burst of green particles dispersed from the machine’s frame, as Aria opened up the reactor, power beginning to flow through the machine.

It was at this moment, Liana would notice that her own machine began to shudder at the sight of her foe, as if a sort of fight-or-flight instinct had awoken within the tank.

“Malan, Liana, we cannot let her awaken the Shikyou. Let us fell her together.”

The white machine brandished its own Balmung sword and readied itself for combat.
Nov 14, 2018
The Grand Archmagus raised a brow as this new companion explained the situation. He remembered hearing something similar to this after Terra Sentinel's attack in the Directory's communications. If this involved anything like the monsters in that footage this could be much more than just fanciful gallantry to save a kingdom.

As the group neared the giant tree, Malan could see the prana in the air thicken considerably and eyed the various masouki engaged with each other. The spear wielding one was certainly formidable looking, prana wreathing it like a raging vortex, but if he and his fellow summoned warrior couldn't handle this much then this world would surely be doomed.

"The one who shall be devoured is you! Go, Zelvoid!"

Sounding much more confident after the success in the last engagement, Malan shot forward in the ancient black Masouki. Flying high to the units advantage, Zelvoid's hand emanated dark power as it swiped the limb through the air aggressively. A number of magical bolts hung on the air where the energy had traveled until Malan wheeled Zelvoid around and cleaved the row with the Masouki's wicked discutter. "Phlogiston Wave!"

The bolts seemed to gather at one point as they were slung from the large blade before dispersing back out into a wide arc of energy at the self proclaimed Devourer.
Aug 4, 2018
Somewhere in the UK
"I'm aware of them on some level. Intelligence was limited, but if it wakes up I assume we withdraw. If we're lucky it'll feast on the enemy first instead of our own flesh."

Liana was mostly silent for the woman's explanation, but took a moment to chime in at the mention of Yokijin. She couldn't elaborate fully on her experience.. but it was worth mentioning. Anything to distract from the 'Extra power source' in the machine starting to activate. Stirring in a way that was difficult to understand. Recognition. Anticipation.

"Understood. Killing it like the rest."

A visible shudder went through the Ranbu - a slightly delay in the cannons moving to target the Amatsu. Its Solid Cannon remained stubbornly skyward, although whether this was by decision or fault was hard to tell.

Should hold the Solid cannon until she moves. Collateral to the tree would be counterproductive.

There was no delay this time before the machine fired, her first shot several feet wide of the tree - and the Amatsu. A second shot followed before the barrel smoke had even finished clearing, this one striking closer. And another. Each of the smaller cannons was firing in seqeuence, the delay timed so that the barrage was seemingly endless. Every shot aimed at the Amatsu, but a little off course to account for possible movement - and despite her pesronal aiming of the shots, not a single one was aimed that it might hit the greatest tree. Something was throwing off her aim. Resonating with the Yokijin buried within?

Recalibrating didn't help. everything was working as it should, they just.. weren't. Her fist thudded into the control panel. Pain lanced through Liana's arm that was immediately filed away. It didn't matter. Neither did her anger, really, but it was the only thing keeping her focused at this moment.

"Why won't you just cooperate! Is this funny to you?"

One last readjustment brought the cannons swinging down, shots detonating in the earth inches from the hostile machine. Trying to blind it with clouds of dirt and smoke. Giving openings to her allies, at least until it moved and she could retarget properly.


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018

The blade of Valkyr’s Balmung glowed with blue light before she pointed it to the enemy machine, releasing a giant ice spear directly to strike the foe. The ice spear, along with Malan’s bolts of magic and Liana’s bombardment of artillery relentlessly assaulted the approaching enemy, all the attacks seeming to strike both the enemy and around it, kicking up dust and dirt into the air, briefly obscuring vision of the machine. The enemy itself seemingly took no action to evade their combined attacks, which would lead to a rather anticlimactic finish.

“Heh… That tickles.”

Her voice was heard from within the dust cloud, before the Amatsu emerged, unscathed, thanks to a Nendou Field that surrounded the machine. It maintained a rather slow approach, each step the rather large machine taking breaking the ground at its feet… almost appearing more as a beast approaching its prey than a machine.

“Ah… You.”

The head of Amatsu turned to face Liana… but more specifically the machine she piloted.

“I can see you… Quit hiding and come out.”

It was more as if Aria was talking to the machine, rather than its pilot. Perhaps she could sense something within it Liana couldn’t.

“I might just kill everyone here if you don’t… Not that there’s a guarantee I won’t if you do though.”

The machine took another step.

“...We could at least have some fun first.”

As Amatsu drew closer, all present would begin to get shivers down their spine, the aura emanating around the green machine reeking of death. Floating and encircling the enemy, they could almost see the spirits and souls of the dead, screaming out in pain and misery, the faces of humans… but also those of beastial-like creatures.

“Ready or not, here I come!”

With one more step of the machine, the ground imploded at its feet, the machine instantaneously emerging in a breakneck dash on a straight course to Liana and her tank. The spear in its hands was held at its side, ready to pierce through her prey.

“I won’t let you!”

Valkyr turned to face the space between Amatsu and Liana, plunging her sword into the ground, bringing forth a wall of ice that raised itself almost a hundred meters into the air. It was an impressive defensive magic of Valkyr, perhaps as to be expected of one of the Regis Knights.

“Are you trying to interrupt my hunt?”

Nen began to cover the spear, the blade beginning to expand in size, the machine now raising it into the air, its size reaching to the skies and matching the height of the wall of ice that now stood before her.

“Truly a poor choice.”

The machine stopped in its place, planting its feet firmly in the ground, anchoring itself into the earth and bringing the spear down with tremendous force, the weapon crashing into the wall, the Amatsu beginning to angle the blade sideways, on a direct path to Valkyr.

“I’ll deal with you first!”

The momentum of the weapon was far beyond possibly being stopped, the spear cutting through the wall with ease and crashing down into the lake at the side of the battlefield, causing a massive impact and splash, blasting up water on both sides of the blade, making brief rain on the field of battle. The spear returned to normal size, Aria now dashing to Valkyr, the two clashing blade and spear, though Amatsu seemingly capable of overpowering the Niflheim with ease.

“She’s distracted, now’s your chance Malan, Liana!”

Valkyr seemingly had taken the role of bait, giving the otherworlders a chance to strike their enemy.
Nov 14, 2018
Malan scowled as the enemy effortlessly defended against his magical attack. That move had taken months to manipulate correctly! But if these archaic, otherworldly natives thought that just because they've been handling magic for longer meant they could just ignore the Grand Archmagus of Luna, then Malan would show them what contemporary studies and expertise could add to ancient, esoteric machines.

"Zelv, hear me! Ignite the darkness between space and time and burn until nothing is left! Come forth, Akashic Familiar!"

Orbs of dark power appeared in Zelvoids hands and the black Masouki clasped the points together and spread them into a magic circle beneath its feet. A great billowing plume of violet flame erupted around Zelvoid as it plunged its discutter into the circle. Pillars of the dark fire rose up and twisted around Zelvoid, seemingly conducted by the ancient Masouki's hands; with a spread of its pointed fingers, the pillars burst and split off into innumerable avian forms which converged down from the skies on course with the draconic foe.

As the swarms of flaming birds hurtled down, Zelvoid, seemingly with great effort, pulled its sword from the circle. The jagged blade roared with the same burning energy spewing from the circle but with a tightening grip the chaotic energy was honed into a gleaming, sharp, azure light before the blade was brought down at the heavenly general. The magic circle beneath Zelvoid seemed to follow the energy from the blade as it burst forth in a great wave, transforming the blue form into one resembling Zelvoid's transformed state. The greater akashic bird trailed behind the swarm of smaller avian projectiles, aiming to land a decisive blow once the target had been overwhelmed.
Aug 4, 2018
Somewhere in the UK
Clouds of black smoke were billowing out of the Ranbu, as though it had already been struck a grievous blow despite no attacks being directed towards it. Alarms blaring, dials spinning, every system seemingly refusing to function in response to the Amatsu's approach.
Liana felt a small shiver go down her spine as she was addressed... no, as the Ranbu was addressed. An unambiguous threat, for her useless machine that wouldn't even shoot straight
It wasn't enough. It was never enough. Every weapon, every lesson, all of it worthless! All she had left was...
The smoke surrounding the Ranbu thickened unnaturally, swirling around the machine in a concealing fog as it stood up on freshly-grown legs. Everything about the former-tank seemed bigger, the cannon that had made up the enterity of the tank's body now stretching over its shoulder as the remains of the 'shell' were displaced into a true suit of armour. No trace of the cockpit mounted in the head remained, fire burning from a new bestial mouth that leered at the Amatsu with killing intent.

Both woman and machine seeemd to roar in unison as they unleashed its arsenal on the Amatsu, Solid cannon aimed squarely at the machine with no concern for the possible collateral or even her own allies. Only one thing mattered - annihilating the target. Its gaze never wavered from the Amatsu even as recoil rocked through the Ranbu's body, smaller guns providing their own echo to the Solid Cannon as every weapon it had was used to pound the Masouki. None of the smaller shots would likely trouble the barrier.. but that was why they came after the most destructive blow - to possibly capitalise on the injury it could deal to an unfortunate target.


Not all of this anger was her own - in fact, barely any of it was. Aria had issued a challenge, and it was being answered in the only way the Ranbu could. All Liana's frustration did was provide the final spark, allowing what had previously slumbered dormant within her machine to ignite. The unnatural shift in attitude was obvious to anyone that had talked with the wolf.. and some that had only observed her.


Staff member
Jun 18, 2018
The two held their clash, the Amatsu seemingly beginning to overpower Valkyr as they both struggled equally. This was interrupted though as the counterattacks of Malan and Liana came in towards Aria, who quickly reacted, kicking the Niflheim in the chest and sending it skirting backwards as she readied herself for what was coming next.

First were the Familiars launched by the Zelvoid, Amatsu reacting in kind, the several jagged blades of its tail disconnected and floating around the machine, some being launched to intercept Malan’s familiar’s, the Soul Piercers functioning similar to Malan’s own. She then moved to match his assault, raising her spear up to clash with Malan’s sword, the two flashing with power as blade and spear struck each other, both hellbent on cleaving one another.

There was the problem though, of the Ranbu that had seemed to heed Aria’s provocations, as she gave a grin and shifted her attention, angling her spear to deflect Malan’s sword to the side, placing him inbetween her and Liana, before taking several steps backward to the edge of the lake to evade the incoming explosions from the angered beast.

“That’s more like it.”

Amatsu seemingly almost gave a smile, as if the machine itself was alive, both Aria and the machine arguably salivating at the prey before them.

Amatsu stabbed its spear into the ground, dragging it along, before tearing open the earth itself, and somehow opening a ‘gate’ of sorts, causing several creatures to begin spawning out from within.

“Come on, It’s hunting season!”

The green machine stomped at the ground, causing several more creatures to emerge from below, porcupine-like creatures, fish-like creatures, bug and plant-like creatures, a colorful menagere of monsters, demons crawling from below, charging in at the otherworlders and Valkyr, though rather pursuing them out of aggression, it seemed more as if they were chasing them in fear.

Either way they stood opposed to the heroes, and they needed to be dealt with.

“The stage is set! Everyone has arrived! Relish in the carnage!”

Aria shouted like a maniac, taking part in slaughtering the Yokijin as they poured out from their own realm, like a lion shredding apart its prey in an all-too gruesome display of carnage.

“...Just what is she doing?”

Valkyr was perplexed at Aria’s actions. But nonetheless saw the chance to make a strike as she conjured forth several spears of ice, before launching them at the Amatsu.

“Relax, I haven’t forgotten about you all yet.”

Amatsu deflected the spears with its own, before grabbing the last.

“...The fun is just about to begin.”

It was then that the blood permeating the air began to thicken, the presence of the Yokijin, the Ranbu, and the Amatsu all enticing points for it to make its awakening. The ground began to shake and the wind began to blow harder, and the atmosphere grew with dread as the ground beneath the tree before then cracked and crumbled, as claw-like appendages grasped the earth and began to pull itself from underneath.


“KouKotsuOh, welcome.”

The Creature, a Shikyou in its flesh, had emerged on the field. It looked around, gazing at the surroundings, particularly looking in the direction of the combatants, as it twisted and cracked its neck in curiosity.