Ayna, hopped up on adrenaline from the battle and now the strange pulse of light from the Orphes, shouts with excitement and passion
She soars into the sky once again, her extra weaponry tossed aside as her thrusters propel her upwards. At a point, they switch off for a second, leaving Ayna in free fall for the tiniest moment.
As the Falken begins to give to air resistance, Ayna switches her jets back on at full force, angling every single thruster and stabilizer opposite her feet, as the Falken brings both legs together and ROCKETS like a meteor towards the Grungusts.
Trails of fire shoot off from the Wild Falken, and though it was probably just rocket jets, it almost looked like it was burning up like a spaceship in re-entry as Ayna descends.
Ayna crashes into the torso of the first Grungust horizontally, likely knocking back both if she didn't pierce straight through the torso of the first. A massive wave of hot air smashes out from the impact, melting snow on the spot.