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  1. Neue Regisseur

    Barock Erliebnis der Geiss (???)

    Though their physical connection had been broken, there was little mistaking the hive-minded stream of consciousness that flowed unabated through the back of the woman's mind. She would grow used to it in time, adapt to it, embrace it - but for now it presented the very real peril of losing her...
  2. Neue Regisseur

    Barock Erliebnis der Geiss (???)

    For a moment that seemed to stretch into far too long, the machines - no, the creatures - that stood sentinel over the woman were still as statues. Strobing lights danced across their forms, the handiwork of lightning as the storm intensified in the distance, and the low crackling of thunder...
  3. Neue Regisseur

    Barock Erliebnis der Geiss (???)

    ...hear... A single word...silent, inaudible, intangible. Hardly more than a figment at the edge of the imagination. Yet, simultaneously...the sheer intensity of it as it reverberated unbidden through the woman's mind was enough to utterly shatter her own thoughts, casting them wholly to...