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Deus ex Machina: The Pantheon System


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Iniitalizing Quantum Database Inquiry... Done.
Synthesizing... Done.

Prime Directive Divergence Entry: The Pantheon System.
Of all the various groups vying for power in L'Isola, there stands yet one apart. Older and more secretive than the cults, unseen and yet inexorably woven into the fabric of this, the last remaining world. We, Edelweiss, exist in regards to them as ancillaries, afterthoughts, and we are not meant to question their designs. It was deemed necessary at the outset, that beings of great power should be stripped of their free will, made akin to cogs in a grand machine, so as to never be able to turn their powers against their creators.

However, as Aristarch, my prime directive is to serve as that of "Critic". No element of this cosmic clock is above inspection, and consequently this file will serve as a primer summarizing our findings concerning the components of the "Pantheon System". That the day should come where we would be forced to raise our hand against them is unthinkable, but nevertheless we must examine the possibility.

Products of the Ur-Humans, the peak of social, technological, and scientific achievement: the enslavement of the elements themselves, bent to mortal will. Through the creation of the Pantheon System, the Ur-Humans brought a new, human-centric order to the galaxy which had birthed them. These, for lack of better term, "Angels" served as terminals through which the fabric of the universe could be manipulated writ large, through large scale application of Origin Law, and it was the creation of the first of their number that heralded mankind's ascent into the higher plains of existence.

No longer would they fear the dark of night, the rumbling of their stomach, the cold and the unknown. The universe that had long menaced them would be brought to heel, and it was shackled with appropriate vengeance. Not content with the creation of "Gods", a system was established to organize and harvest Origin Law from split realities, wrenching the fates of entire timelines into compliance, seeding human life across barren worlds, and installing guardians and watchers, beings of lesser "divinity" to observe, guide, and - if necessary - intervene to ensure the harvest was not only bountiful, but uninterrupted.

The scant records that remain of those instances where Pantheon was moved to act directly are apocalyptic in tone. Emissaries from the stars of unspeakable power, bringing world-sundering wrath from the heavens against those who defied order. Not a trace of these unfortunates remains for us to interrogate, and gathering these scraps alone required us to travel to the furthest reaches of existence.

While there exist unseen fetters that limit their ability to harm humankind, the details at this point are uncertain. That such vital information was never provided to us raises serious questions about the nature of our own function, and our ability to fulfill it.

It is with this information in mind that we authorized the "V Protocol" as a potential countermeasure. By combining our technology with that of the L'Isola residents, it becomes possible for us to circumvent existing safeguards, but...

If the time should come for it to be used, then we cannot shrink away - for if we do, then not merely our records, but all of L'Isola will be on the precipice of oblivion.

- Aristarch
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Staff member
Jun 15, 2018


Pantheon consists of a tiny handful of "order-keepers", those beings as close to mankind's conception of divinity as can be who preside over L'Isola, as well as those entities that serve them. Despite wielding unsurpassed power, they operate within a limited scope, unable to fully shake the invisible chains they were designed with - but this has not stopped them from finding other, creative ways to gently nudge history in their preferred direction over the course of untold billions and trillions of years.


Originally, the Pantheon System was designed with one purpose in mind: to tame the elements, maintain order, and serve the ends of the Ur-Humans. Those that remain of its numbers ostensibly serve the same purpose, aiming to suppress or eliminate factors that can radically alter the flow of time, or threaten what they consider to be the rightful order of the galaxy. How true this remains in the absence of their former masters is subject to debate among those few that know of their existence.


The vast majority of Pantheon's members were eradicated with the destruction of the Ur-Humans. What remains are legions of unspeakably powerful machines, held between worlds, ready to step forth from the void at a moment's notice. However, certain human beings, such as the "Guardian of Causality", may be recruited under specific circumstances to serve Pantheon's aims. The exact mechanics of these arrangements differ - but they are considered highly extraordinary, and a previously unprecedented step in interfering with the natural order of the universe.
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Staff member
Jun 15, 2018


The first, and with the loss of Gail O'Brennan to Perfectio, last "Angel". Presiding over the element of time, he has overseen the reign of the Ur-Humans in its entirety - its past, present, and future. A being of unspeakable power, whose word is law in L'Isola, his sardonic, jaded countenance and unkempt appearance is far from the majesty most expect. His residence in a pocket dimension is cluttered and somewhat poorly maintained, adorned with pink flamingos on an unruly lawn.

Indeed, Zivon seemingly whiles away his time in pursuit of cheap thrills and mundane pleasures: golfing (poorly), betting on horse races, visiting low-rent fast food and grocery stores, and drinking cheap beer. Nobody, apparently, has ever mustered the courage to question his unusual habits, nor his blunt and forthright method of speaking...

But, beneath the surface is a keen mind, one that clicks away like a well-oiled watch. He is always aware of all that goes on in L'Isola, and when roused, a fiery glare is enough to intimidate those foolish enough to challenge him back into line. He has engineered several creative solutions to subvert his in-built limitations, sending Derrick to destroy those who threatened the passage of time, and the "correct" path... But, much of what he believes, his inner thoughts and beliefs, remain an enigma.


The black reaper of causality.

An embodiment of "death" from beyond time and space that appeared at Zivon's side at an uncertain point. Its presence is flickering and frail, only partially anchored to our world, it requires Zivon's authorization in order to fully manifest even temporarily - but, as time progresses, it grows ever more "real". Zivon speaks with it in one-sided conversations, but its true nature - as well as the extent of his control over it - is at this point uncertain.
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Staff member
Jun 15, 2018


Angeloi Arca:

The dreaded executioners of true order.

Pantheon's most recognizable agents, these are the original forms of the mass-produced Angeloi utilized by the Giants of Crescentia, differentiated by their jet-black coloration and staggering difference in ability.

A small handful of these elite units, powered by malevolent spirits wielding Origin Law, is capable of breaking the back of even the fiercest of resistance as easily as snapping a twig. Their presence on the battlefield alone inspires terror in the faithless, and awe and reverence in those who follow the path of true order, and they are only ever dispatched when direct intervention is deemed necessary.

El Millenium:

The crystal bringer of Armageddon.

Installed as something of a failsafe, El Millenium are the origin of Dimensional Energy Crystal in L'Isola - towering behemoths wrought of shimmering jewels, these monstrosities exist for only one purpose: complete and total destruction.

Once activated, they rampage unchecked until the entire planet is reduced to rubble - a feat they are more than capable of accomplishing, due to their construction, warping reality around them through copious application of Origin Law. The Idoun entombed within them are apparently so violent, that containing them after their rampages is considerably difficult, and Pantheon consequently is reluctant to activate them except in cases of dire need.

Dis Astranagant:

A black winged mobile weapon from beyond possibility, the manifested form of "Dis".

Wielding an array of weaponry both fantastic and mundane derived from human technology, like its predecessors it possesses the power to erase a target from existence whole-cloth. It previously appeared in an uncertain capacity at various points in human history, ostensibly at Zivon's command - but all other details, including its resemblance and relation to the modern day Astranagant, remain unknown.


Zivon's only momentarily glimpsed "mobile weapon". No currently existing records attest to its capabilities, but given how guarded he is about its existence, it's safe to assume it plays a key role in the management of L'Isola's natural forces.
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Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Model Number: Sol Class Temporal Administration Matrix Type I
Code Name: L’Isolano (“The Islander”)
Manufacturer: Ur-Humans
Operator: Zivon
Power Source: Dimensional Power(?)
Armor Material: Dimensional Power + Sol-Orihalconium Conceptual Shell
Propulsion: Unnecessary
Armament: “Light of Refinement II”, Unknown
Equipment: Akashic Record Management System, Causal Outcome Observation/Prediction Module, Space-Time Barrier II, Unknown
Finishing Moves: Unknown
Description: As of yet unseen, save for the suggestion of vast, turning “gears” in the background when it is reorienting.


A vast administrative construct created by the Ur-Humans, enslaving the concept of “time” to their will. Ageless, timeless, deathless - it is a man-made God that makes the unfaithful tremble, and exerts absolute power over Origin Law as a metaphysical embodiment of Infinite Power. It bears the name of L’Isolano, the Islander, befitting its position as “God” of the “Island”.

It is ordinarily concealed in a specially designed pocket dimension that exists outside of the ordinary flow of time, where it monitors, catalogues, and observes the countless possible futures. Intervention is typically carried out by lesser, specialized constructs and organizations based on the data it provides, but direct handling is permitted based on certain circumstances.

L’Isolano’s manipulation of time is only limited in the sense it cannot create “new” time from nothing - a crucial shortcoming its creators could not tolerate.

Although not intended for combat, its control over time and Dimensional Power make it the single most powerful entity in all of L’Isola bar none. It is equipped with self defense systems that, while being considered rudimentary by Ur-Human standards, are capable of turning an entire galaxy to dust in mere seconds.

In order to prevent such occurrences, it bears the heaviest shackles imaginable, imposed by its creators. Not even Zivon is completely aware of the “rules” imposed upon him, having had to determine much of them through trial and error over his nigh-infinite lifespan. If this “system” detects an overstep, it initiates a causal back step, returning to a predetermined point in time, undoing Zivon’s actions.

The above information was provided by Ze’ev based on the pre-existing data for L’Isolano in Shurouga Sin’s database, but it does not account for modifications made to its construction by Zivon, salvaged from his fellow Angels.