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  1. GEAR

    Solve For X (MK)

    "Ah ha ha. Oh, you." Skull Knight slapped its thigh as it laughed at Remedy's comments. No, it wasn't the first time they had met. Nor had it been the first time she'd tried to talk her way out of trouble. He dutifully attempted to plug his non-existent ears. affecting a dismissive demeanor...
  2. GEAR

    Solve For X (MK)

    Dark Brain listened to Remedy's words with typical stoic silence. Processing. Absorbing. Slowly, its offered hand closed into a fist. This was, of course, the expected outcome. They both knew how this would have to end. That made her insistence on dragging it out only more maddening. "YOUR...
  3. GEAR

    Solve For X (MK)

    Thundering light. Brilliant fury. All of Remedy's soul and humanity, placed into a single shattering strike. One could amost imagine their previous encounter playing out in her mind, victorious music swelling, the charge of the light brigade. Dark Brain didn't budge, staring unblinkingly at the...
  4. GEAR

    Solve For X (MK)

    The ball drove into the Gravalin's back - and stayed there. Rather than merely rebound, it whirred and whined, crackling with arcane energy, burrowing itself deeper into her machine. The two beams speared out, scoring twin direct hits across the monster's surface that left black scorch marks...
  5. GEAR

    Solve For X (MK)

    No sound could have been more euphoric for Prometheus to hear, as Echidna hummed to life under his words. Remedy watched with baited breath, as the crimson thunder in the distance suddenly ceased. It was there. It was watching them. Did it know? Crick... crick-crrraaack- A familiar...
  6. GEAR

    Solve For X (MK)

    Remedy's words washed against the heartless machine, raging waves against an sheer cliff. Did it delight in her suffering? Was it casually absorbing the Nen that flowed from her raw emotions? Or was it simply calculating, observing, weighing its options, weary of any sort of trap. Few, it seemed...
  7. GEAR

    Hopes of an Endless Frontier (Open)

    "...Dimidas?" The black Personal Trooper turned its head in surprise towards the Wildschwein. A familiar face. A familiar voice, dragging her back to reality - but not quite fast enough. The missiles screamed through the air towards her - and hit home, sending the black HPT tumbling back...
  8. GEAR

    Chatquotes ver. Discord

  9. GEAR

    2023 Ignition Secret Santa!

    Ouka-neesan edition! It's Christmas time. That means it's time for the annual SRW Ignition Secret Santa! If you're interested, here's the rules and guidelines: What are the limits? Gifts should range from $25 ~ $70 dollars total, not including shipping. Handmade cards, baked goods, or other...
  10. GEAR

    Dark Portents (Gear)

    Lao listened, with closed eyes. His eyes were turned inward, searchingly. Tian Di's words rang true. They sounded familiar, somehow. As if an old friend had once spoken something similar. That he was too serious, too much of a perfectionist, to see the error of his own ways when emotions...
  11. GEAR

    Deus ex Machina: The Pantheon System

    Model Number: Sol Class Temporal Administration Matrix Type I Code Name: L’Isolano (“The Islander”) Manufacturer: Ur-Humans Operator: Zivon Power Source: Dimensional Power(?) Armor Material: Dimensional Power + Sol-Orihalconium Conceptual Shell Propulsion: Unnecessary Armament: “Light of...
  12. GEAR

    Glittering Greed (Endymion/Jericho)

    "We're in a little over our heads here, Steelheart." Said Ze'ev tersely in response to James' inquiry. The impact of Aberon's blows caused the space-time tunnel they hurtled through to shake terribly, causing the pilot of the Reaper to grit his teeth. This is it, he thought. This is what he got...
  13. GEAR

    Dark Portents (Gear)

    "No." The reply was immediate, and curt. Lao tried to regain some of his composure, pinching the bridge of his nose. He looked like one of those old statues, trying to invoke an air of sobriety and majesty, only for the face to throw the whole thing off. He was a mess. "Who better than you...
  14. GEAR

    Zest Seven (Endymion)

    Residual Recovery Complete. Deep Scan Braintape Retrieval Process: 80% Psy-Scarification Trauma Index: Within Acceptable Parameters ,,, Warning: Administrative Lock placed by Aristarch Override? ... Processing... Done. Beginning Playback. Ten Minutes Before Titan Swell Gravimetric Event...
  15. GEAR

    Glittering Greed (Endymion/Jericho)

    As James ducked and weaved back, seemingly without any plan... For the second time that day, it seemed, an angel on black wings was looking out for him. A ruby flash out of the corner of his eye - and suddenly, the Geminion was falling. Plummeting away, like it had stepped out of bounds Shit...
  16. GEAR

    Glittering Greed (Endymion/Jericho)

    As James refused to move... Zivon's features slowly morphed into a scowl. It was a slow, deliberate movement of the facial muscles... and yet at the same time, somewhat unnatural. As though there were a sort of "lag", and his response was somehow delayed. "I never really understood... Why are...
  17. GEAR

    Dark Portents (Gear)

    Lao was silent - uncharacteristically so, as he had never been a man who seemed to not know the right thing to say, at exactly the right time. Even his appearance was bereft of his typical slick, spotless facade he had worn whether it was dealing with the cult, or driving a knife slowly into the...
  18. GEAR

    Glittering Greed (Endymion/Jericho)

    As James spoke, Ze'ev regarded him with a thin lipped, wordless smile. About halfway through his rambling, the Shurouga lifted is hand - and the Discalibur materialized in its grip. Its whole body tensed, preparing to sever James' head from his body where he stood- But... Something caused it...
  19. GEAR

    Zest Seven (Endymion)

    Mu & Shane Cicero monitored the situation as Luna's defenders began to assemble. So far, nothing that wasn't manageable. A Raftclans, a couple of older Circle models that had been hijacked by some outliers, a dated custom Personal Trooper... The rumors of Luna's military might being a shadow of...
  20. GEAR

    Zest Seven (Endymion)

    Artemis Commerce Center 50th Floor Conference Room "Combine traitors, is it?" A pen nub was pushed between delicate, pale fingers. Queen Selene III, She Of The Flawless Mirror, leaned back in her chair at the news, eyes skyward. All around her at the table, nervous eyes watched her, waiting...