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Arts and Crafts (Galina)


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
August 28th, OE 102
Bunker 48 Factory Area
Residence of Exiled Former Lord Thane Ashford
9:09 PM


It could hardly be called the executive suite.

As the artificial evening settled in among the Colonies, at least one area remained quiet in comparison to the ceaseless, factorial churning of its counterparts. The Bunker 48 Sector, having been turned into a curiously gentrified sector of town. Old manufacturing rigs had been gutted and turned into fashionable, if industrial residential zones for a budding young sector of the populace that was coming into its own under Meyven Elhirut's enlightened rule. Still, as the night fell, and the lights were dimmed, reality would set in.

Bioroids stood at attention on street corners, clutching state-of-the-art rifles in their grasps, enclosed helmets constantly scanning the surroundings for any sign of trouble. A police APC was stationed on the corner not far from where the Colonies most valuable prisoner was held - albeit under seemingly benign house arrest. The lights in his second story windows indicated that the man himself was hard at work on some project or another - but, if one wished to seek him out, they had to first contend with the Combine's battery of security...
Aug 25, 2018
It had taken the young man a few weeks of hardwork and deliberation to become an integral member of the residential cleaners. He had joined under the guise of a young man pretending to have way more money than he actually did, and trying to keep up pretenses for his extremely attractive wife. The older men in the team understood the woes of womanly vices and introduced him to their group readily. Any man willing to pull his weight was more than welcome to be a member of the Residential Janitors. It was only this evening, three weeks into knowing these men, that he had to betray their trusts.

It was a harmless medicine that reacted on contact with coffee and created a powerful laxative. The other members of his cleaning crew would be down under the weather for the evening, and would feel amazing the following day after clearing their bodies of years worth of terrible diets. One round of donuts and coffee into their nightly cleaning, and all of the men found themselves holed up in the public bathrooms. It was a planned contrivance that it was only a hundred or so meters from the domicile of one political prisoner. As low moans and the rumble of upset stomachs carried through the bathroom, the young man pulled out an earpiece and opened a small datapad. He sent a single message from the data pad and started his hacking program.

Baron, the suicidal escapade is now a go. Please don’t mess this up.

The Baron had done her part after landing, playing a ditzy young wife wandering the markets and trying to buy any flashy thing that suited her folly. To anyone who knew the uniformed military-woman, the grinning girl with a straight ponytail was a foreign entity. Christopher had been playing her young husband, much to his dismay. It had been difficult enough to forge their passports to the Colonies, and actually pinpointing the location of Ashford had been even harder.

After discovering the location of Ashford and scoping out the layers of security that the Colonies had placed on it, she had started looking for loopholes and way to circumvent the security. None had made themselves apparent, and Christopher’s intel revealed that even less was possible than she had feared. It wasn’t until he jokingly mentioned an option that the team had their ‘in’.

An airdrop would have a twenty second window through the attic, if I put the security of the biodroids on that corner in a small loop for that window. It would require a high-altitude, low-recovery descent, using a repulsion system. Based off the dimensions of the house and the surroundings, the odds of something like that working is less than 10%.

10% is practically 100%, if you just hit it with enough motivation. Can you get me those 20 seconds, Chris?”

...yes? But what about the air-drop…?"

Don’t worry; I’m not just a casual Baron. The jumping part is easy. The computer stuff is the hard part.”​

A simple exchange of money, with a firm handshake, was all it took for the young woman. It was a straightforward enough delivery; take a box from one side of the Colony to the other. It was rather large, and held some parts for computer tech. It was sensitive equipment, which required cool temperatures or so was the claim. The woman didn’t understand, but insisted it needed to be delivered at night and high in orbit.

When the delivery came, the weight was slightly over but another transaction made the captain overlook it and load with zero hesitation. He had done this kind of thing before, and knew when to keep his mouth shut.

When the ship took off, the box opened, allowing the woman to step out. She sent a third and final payment to the captain, who unlocked the bay door. She pulled out a harness, equipped with gravity-reducing equipment and repulsion systems. Adjusting her watch slightly, she grabbed the handle and waited for the ding. It came only moments later, the signal that Christopher was in position. Starting her timer, she jumped out the door into the roaring wind, clamping her arms to her sides to accelerate her speed. The clouds below obscured the view of the land below, but the woman pressed a button on the side of her helmet. A display appeared, showing a small blip on the screen. Another press caused a miniature map to appear far below, outlining the block that housed Ashford and the marked security. This wasn’t a living map of the current situation, but a simulation built from their weeks of surveillance.

She adjusted her speed and angle, before spreading her arms. She was half a minute from landing, and her time was counting down rapidly.

Christopher saw the message appear on his datapad, as the Baron made her suicidal move. He watched silently, sweat forming on his brow. The moans were more audible now, and there was a guy at the end stall begging for a friend to pass him some toilet paper. The second message came moments later, signalling the second part of their mission. He pressed a button on his pad, causing a preplaced program to execute. All of the cameras and bioroids were fed a looped camera feed from that exact moment from earlier in the week, during a night when there were zero issues.

Activating her equipment as she hurtled down towards the buildings, the Baron felt her speed slow a bit, then rapidly decelerate as she neared the roof. Erina slammed into the roof and relaxed her knees, before rolling into the impact. It hadn’t been enough with just the equipment, as the woman slid across the roof and almost fell into the street below. Catching the edge of the roof, she used her abdominal muscles and centrifugal force to swing back up onto the roof with a slight thud. She prayed it wasn’t enough to set off any sensors inside of the house. She checked her watch; the loop was already ten seconds in. Dashing and sliding down the edge of the roof, she caught the edge of the building and landed on a second story window. A quick glance showed the room was empty, save for a bed. Clearly Ashford was in his study, and the bedroom was empty. Flipping out a small tool, the Baron set it on the crack of the window. There was a flash of heat, before the clasps holding the window shut burned into nothing. Sliding it open and diving inside, the Baron landed on the ground prone, before tossing the second beacon onto the ground. It sent a pulse through the room, knocking out any sensors or cameras within the room. Her fervent hope was that only Ashford was paranoid enough to boobytraphis own room, and that the Colonies hadn’t bothered violating his trust. Rising to her feet, she shed the belt and equipment onto the ground behind the bed, before moving towards the hallway into the domicile.

Christopher tucked the datapad into his belt, before looking at the small vial in his palm. It was now his turn to undergo the same trial as his companions, to ensure that the ensuing investigation would find the same substance in his stomach.

I hope you made it inside in one piece, Boss.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
The interior the Baron managed to swing herself into was... likely not what she was expecting. Industrial flooring, walling, all refurbished and littered with paintbrushes, pieces of stray metal, and only the occasional dim lamp. Were she to creep through the gloom, her footsteps would lead her out into a large central area, evidently what had once been a manufacturing floor of some kind. There were voices coming from below, filtering up to her from under the rusted catwalk.

"I am, in all honesty... Not interested."

One was instantly recognizable. Sure enough, were she to crawl forward, ducking around the various light fixtures that had been rigged up haphazardly, the source of it would have become clear.

Thane Ashford, former Lord of Luna, stood in the center of what could charitably called a modest art collection. Sculpture, painting, and all manner of other sundry were arranged in eye-catching patterns, and he presently was standing before a large canvas, brush in hand.

"You'd choose to rot away for the rest of your life?"

A second voice, flecked with static, clearly hidden behind some form of modulator that made it sound garbled and harsh, rasped into existence, full of astonishment. A small, black drone hovered not far from his features, which even at this distance, betrayed no small amount of annoyance.

"How long do you think you have until you're traded away, like the hostage you are?" Pressed the drone, bobbing closer as Ashford smoothly moved his pallet knife around, thoughtfully.

"And then, when the Lunarians get their hands on you-"

Here, the former noble raised his voice, raising the pallet knife to jab it into the drone's "face".

"You dramatically misread me."

He narrowed his eyes. This had not been part of the deal.

"You are not the first to come to me with promises of a new world order, seeking support." He said;

"It's vulgar. Inartful. Crass."

Each word was like a kick with the clear contempt that dripped from the man's voice, which echoed all through the hall.

"What you ask would be a betrayal of Meyven Elhirut's trust."

Giving a deep exhale - and, seemingly, relinquishing his anger - Ashford instead turned back to his painting. He dabbed a delicate brush into a pool of crimson, and continued his work, smooth, professional strokes working to soothe his soul.

"In exile I may be, but there are lines I will not cross. Ingratitude towards a host who has shown nothing but kindness to me... is one."

"You will regret this." Uttered the drone, as it began to bob away into the darkness .

"Sooner than you think."

"I don't think I shall. Good day."

The device slunk away, receding back into the night from whence it came... and Ashford was left alone, giving a sigh as he ran a hand over his features, evidently deep in thought.
Last edited:
Aug 25, 2018
When there was no immediate sound of alarm or guards rushing to meet her, the Baron smiled to herself. She’d have to increase whatever she was paying Christopher; the young man’s performance was nothing if not exemplary. Strolling silently through the littered items and dim lamps, the young noble paused when she heard voices. Ducking behind a larger statue, she pulled out a pocket mirror to watch the exchange from cover.

There was a discussion of sorts between Ashford and a second party, with some sort of deal being denied. For a man currently hiding under another Faction’s watch, the Thane still held his honor and decor in high regards. The Baron could feel her respect for the strange man growing, despite their conflicts earlier in the year.

Don’t forget; he was hellbent on marrying the Queen and overthrowing the old Lunarian Order for his own ideas.

Strengthening her will, the young woman rose from her spot about thirty seconds after the drone had made its exit. Stepping out of the shadows into the light, the woman spoke in the silence, towards the noble man.

“Now you speak of honor? It would’ve been nice to see during the war on Lunaria.” Before any weapons could be drawn, the woman tossed something from her satchel onto the ground. Any Lunarian Noble would recognize it at a glance; an Orgonite dueling saber, meant for honorary duels. She turned towards the artwork, as she continued speaking.

I’d like to invite you to return to Lunaria under my watch, but after hearing those heartfelt words, I don’t want to insult you, Ashford. There’s three options here; a duel to the death, a duel for honor, or a deal to be struck. The first one has only one result; one of us dead, and the other the victor. The second is for one to serve the other. All I request is your quiet return to Lunaria, to await trial. If you win, you can ask anything of me, including for me to fall upon my own blade. And the last...is to tell me whatever Lunarian secrets you might have given to the Colonies. The Queen deserves to know what intel you’ve given the Colonies in regards to our technology. I will return quietly into the night and no one needs to know I’ve visited.

The Baron stopped talking as she noticed an extremely ornate piece; a life-like reproduction of the Throne Room, the same one that had been the stage for that fateful duel what seemed like a short while ago. She reached out to touch it, before pulling back her hand. The brown-haired noble turned back towards the taller Lunarian, and spoke into the silence.

The choice is yours, Ashford. The only other option is sounding the alarm, which wouldn’t be pleasant for anyone involved. You’re an honorable man, and I’m trusting that now.

The Baron paused, before musing over whether her forced entry was considered dishonorable. It wasn’t worth pondering too long; anyone else noticing would’ve made this a giant incident.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
At the sound of the Baron's voice, the brush stopped cold in mid stroke, the former Noble's body tensing as he searched in his own mind for why that particular voice seemed familiar. Today was going to be one for interruptions, it seemed.

He was - at least for an instant - seemingly frozen with genuine surprise.

"You.." He started- but a distant clatter suddenly caused him to stop.

The sound of boot-wearing feet tamping forward filled the air. Concealed from the Baron's sight by the statue, mercifully, a robotic-sounding voice echoed through the interior.

"Mr. Ashford."

The Bioroid stood by the door, its glowing red eyes turning slowly as it examined the interior. Ashford himself seemed to stiffen. Behind that calculating gaze, he seemed to be weighing his options carefully.

"We registered a disturbance on our video feeds. Is there anything the matter?"

There was a long pause... and then, the man's eye fell on the thrown saber. He cocked an eyebrow at the Baron, quizzically. At length, without breaking his gaze from her own, he spoke aloud.

"...No." Said Ashford, turning to wave distractedly at the Bioroid.

"Thank you, however, for ensuring my peace of mind. I shall notify you if anything occurs."


The sound of the door closing in the distance seemed to cause his breathing to slow, terminating in a long exhale. Ashford stepped forward, and picked up the weapon in both of his hands, studying his reflection in its emerald surface. He barely recognized the man within it.

"...The Baron, wasn't it? Baron Doban." He asked, almost absently - yet for him to remember the name alone of a lower ranking Lord of Luna, let alone acknowledge them, was practically unheard of.

"Thank you for returning this to me. I am grateful that her Majesty, the Queen, has seen fit to send a woman of honor... rather than an assassin."

He gave a low, self-deprecating chuckle, giving the blade an experimental swing through the air. The crackling of orgone particulate in its wake, the silent twinkling and verdant glimmer seemed to please him considerably, and he held it in both hands again, as though... savoring the moment. It was as if a little of his former life had been brought back to him.

"I'll make my choice. Of that, I give you my word. First, however..."

The disgraced noble seated himself as he trailed off, looking through a collection of strange looking bottles and tin kettles, seemingly in search of something. Eventually, he removed a pair of cups, and a small kettle. With a tap, it started to warm, and as he continued to prepare... whatever it was, he finally seemed to find the words he was looking for.

"What has become of our homeland? All that I have heard during my time here has..." He paused, gently, voice seeming to be a far cry from the man she had met prior.

"...troubled me."
Aug 25, 2018
The Baron paused when the Bioroid appeared in the doorway. She only had her reinforced knuckle dusters in her grasp; the pistol would take far too long to draw. When Ashford motioned that all was fine and the Bioroid turned away, the woman finally relaxed. There was an unspoken agreement between the two, to act not as enemies on a battlefield but as nobles in a formal setting. Her hand relaxed, as she let the knuckle-dusters slide back into her pouch.

The door closed and the sound of the robot guard leaving the area allowed the woman to relax, watching the Nobleman closely. Underneath that tired exterior was the man she remembered, that icy leader with a fierce passion, which showed itself as he picked up his saber.

An act of balancing the scales in her opinion, which now acted in her favor as a sign of good will. He mentioned the appreciation for the Queen sending another Noble and not some lowly Assassin to meet him. He swung the sword through the air, the crackle of orgone energy in the air and the glow of emerald energy filling the room.

I’ll accept the temporary treaty then.” Nodding in response to his promise, the Baron took a seat across from him. She noticed him preparing some form of tea or drink, which the woman appreciated. Reaching into her own pouch, she pulled out a flask of her own. It was a special brew of Lunarian whiskey, from an old pub her Grandfather had frequented. The woman took a sip of the liquor, before setting it within arms-reach of the man.

It started with resolutions and tons of changes, all supported by the populace and nobles. Queen Selene elected new military officials and opened the borders of Lunaria to Earth, in order to ensure that there wasn’t a divide like before. Things were fine starting out, but its gotten more tense in the recent past.

The Baron would pause her talk, taking another sip of the whiskey, before continuing.

The old Houses don’t want to lose their legacies and holdings to the new arrivals, and there’s been a new lower-class created. Things are just as bad as before, the only difference is who is being discriminated against. Almost enough to make one wonder if your plans would’ve ended in a better Lunaria, no?’​


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
"A shame."

Ashford dropped a small handful of leaves into the now boiling water, and poured himself a small cup. A semi-sweet fragrance filled the room as he leaned in, absorbing the Baron's words with his full attention. At their conclusion, he lowered his gaze, looking at his own reflection in the dark green surface of the tea. Even the plants here managed to taste of contagion.

"Queen Selene's heart is truly kind." He remarked, wryly.0

"And yet... that same compassion will bring Luna, and all that it has ever been, to ruin."

At her implication that his own plans would have ended better, he gave a laugh, and turned his head upwards towards the ceiling of his metal cage. He was hardly the type - nor hand he any standing - to say "I told you so". What had been lost was far, far too great for him to gain any sort of pleasure in its destruction.

"While I'm grateful for your own kindness... That is not how the world works." He sighed.

"There are always winners and losers. That was the risk I took, and it is the cross I shall now bear."

He lapsed into silence, briefly, before continuing.

"You want to know what I have done?"

He produced something from the small desk - a seemingly ordinary data-slate, whose holographic surface flickered under his touch. He offered it freely to the Baron, who, if she were to peruse its contents, would find an image of a machine - blue, white, slender save for its enlarged shins, grasping a rifle that was almost as large as itself.

"I have shared the Larseilem Canceller with the Circle. The Eitelm now in the Queen's possession is worthless." Said Ashford, quietly.

"I have also constructed, at the very least, one generator that, while rudimentary, is nevertheless a serviceable copy of an Extractor. No small feat, as you can imagine." He briefly wondered where his beloved Bellzelute had gone, and what that oafish woman with the blue hair was doing to it... and fought an involuntary shudder.

"Orgone technology is no longer the sole property of Luna. That was the price paid for my safety, thanks to that man."
Aug 25, 2018
The Baron took the offered cup of tea with a firm nod, before sipping the warm concoction. She didn’t doubt his ability to poison her with this drink, but knew he was above that. Erina noted his own observations of the Queen, and grudgingly agreed. The same way her Grandfather’s overbearing pride and her own would bring the Doban bloodline to a shining but doomed end would be the fate of the Royal Family under the kind guidance of the Queen.

She took another sip of the now bittersweet drink, as he continued to talk. He took his lot with the seriousness and grace of a true Noble. The Baron could see what his men had seen in Ashford now, as he finished his speech.

It’s a cross we both bear; both winners and losers inevitably lose something in the exchange. You lost the war, and I gained a responsibility I had no right to bear. Fortunately for Selene and the rest of Lunaria, I gave those titles to someone more fitting and took up a different occupation.

The Baron took another sip of the tea, before taking another sip of her whiskey as well. The woman noted when Ashford reached across his desk. The data-slate was taken with zero hesitation, as the Baron checked its contents. There was a unique machine there, a sleek design that showed a high degree of mechanical and technological knowledge. There was a power to the appearance as well, one the Baron could appreciate. His next words caused her to pause in shock, however.

You mean that...damn, the Lunarian Knights have lost their greatest edge.” The Baron had never appreciated the power of the Orgonite Crystals and the Eitelm, but recognized the edge it gave their nation. Now it was gone, and the void it left was terrifying. His continued speech was equally sombering, causing the Baron to grip her tea cup firmly. She nodded once, before setting down the empty teacup.

I was never a fan of the technological advances Lunaria held over everyone else; the other nobles were dependent on it for the edge it gave them over the other factions. Now that its gone, there’s a new reason for the New Lunarian nation to be afraid of everyone else. If I bring this information to Selene...I know that she will want our military to prioritize the destruction of the Bellezute and the makeshift Extractor.”

The Baroness paused as she held one hand on the teacup, before speaking again. “I’m in charge of my own unit in Lunaria. I answer only to Selene, and there only to receive my missions. One such was to seek you out, and act on my own intuition.

“Is it safe to assume that we’re going with the final option? Or is there room for other negotiations?” The Baron left the question posed in the silence, as she looked across at the man.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
"Yes, Lady Selene..."

Ashford gave a forlorn sigh, the rapier once again being brought to his grip, as he toyed with it, seemingly absent-mindedly as he listened to the Baron's words. As she mentioned giving up her title, he cocked an eyebrow in surprise - but said nothing until she had finished.

"What is a Queen, without a Kingdom?" He said, seemingly to himself as he studied his reflection.

"What is a title, when all it means is being on top of the ash heap? Nothing but pretentious formalities. Crowns and robes for worms."

At her mention of his options, he simply nodded back in her direction towards the slate, indicating it was hers to keep. It hardly seemed the gesture of a man with something to hide.

"I have given you what you came for, yes?" He said, affably. "There is no need for bloodshed between those of high birth. I am no threat to you, or your monarch. Merely a shadow of my former self, a traitor to my nation only fit to rot in obscurity."

Here he paused, trailing off before adding, as if it were only the smallest of afterthoughts:

"Yes... If a true threat is what you seek, perhaps you should turn your eyes inward."

He looked over at the painting. A large, crimson dragon was facing down a series of heroic-looking knights, breathing flames down upon them. The amount of detail in the features was nothing short of exacting, and few would have ever believed it to have been painted by hand from the finery of the brushwork.

"The Kusanagi Clan still has dreams of power, after all. I doubt they have been anywhere near as cooperative in disarming as the rest of their peers. Are you not concerned?"
Aug 25, 2018
The Baron listened to his words, filling up her tea before continuing to drink. When she’d finished the cup, she took the liberty of pouring herself another cup. His answer to her final inquiry was a simple gesture; he was giving the woman that information slate. She nodded in affirmation, tucking it into her pouch. When he finished his statement about his status, the Baron shook her head.

A patriot who thought he saw only one way to save his nation shouldn’t die in obscurity. It’s only now, after being forced to dive into the history books and look into the backgrounds of all the different factions that I realize just how big this galaxy truly is, and just what all is at stake.

Her grip on the teacup tightened, the clear liquid in the porcelain cup trembling as she stared into the liquid. It was the honest truth; what had started as a passing whim had turned into a frightening obsession. It was like cleaning an old cellar; you entered the staircase with good spirits, but with each step into the darkness one would only find themselves surrounded by more and more of the reality of just how daunting the task at hand was. His next statement caused the teacup to still, as the woman looked up at him.

You don’t mean…”​

His next words answered her unspoken question, as her attention turned towards the ornate painting he was gazing at. She struggled to answer his question, and realized her forced silence told more answers than any word could. Shaking her head, she finished the final cup of tea.

A man of your caliber doesn’t deserve to remain a political fugitive to be used as a dispenser for technology. I’ll talk to Selene, and see what I can do. I can promise that there aren’t any assassins within the new Lunarian Government...but I can’t guarantee the Kusanagi Clan doesn’t possess any. I doubt they’ll target you here, Sir Ashford.

Turning towards the hallway, the woman started to exit. She paused in the doorway, and asked one final question.

Ashford...do you want to be rescued from this house arrest? I would rather try to do this through the proper means, so you don’t need to live the rest of your days in hiding from both the Colonies and Lunaria....But I’m willing to try the impossible, if you desire it.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
"Your concern for me is touching, Baron. It pleases me to see that there are still those with honor among our people."

Ashford seemed humbled, bowing his head slightly with gratitude as he listened. He made no motion to stop the Baron from leaving, only listening to her words, before continuing.

"But.. Rescued?"

He smiled at the Baron... but there was something about it, some glimmer in the corner of his eye that wasn't there before, as if a spark of purpose had been reignited within his being. It seemed strange that a man who had been so intent on killing her before now seemed so... convivial. Perhaps it had only been something akin to business for him, an unpleasantness that he had been forced to participate in.

"My dear Baron..." He said, smoothly.

"Why... You've ensured I'll never be a prisoner again."

With those cryptic words, he turned back to his painting, picking up his pallet and resuming his work, saying over his shoulder as she went.

"Go back to the Queen. She's depending on you. And... Thank you."


As soon as her footsteps had fully receded, and once he was entirely certain that he was alone... Ashford picked up the rapier, slowly. Its emerald surface glinted in the light, reflecting his expression. Never, not in a hundred thousand years, would he have imagined that he could have been this fortunate. There was no chance that woman fully understood what she had delivered into his hands - but he was oh-so-grateful for it. Such providence, in his mind, was nothing short of divine vindication.

His fingers slid along the handle, finding a concealed latch. With a dry click, the paneling along the weapon's handle came loose, and a bright green light poured out into the room. The former noble felt his lips curling up into a smirk, letting his eyes turn back to the painting. A colossal red dragon, bearing down on a group of knights - his finest work yet, but not one that would be exhibited here - oh no.

God had not abandoned Thane Ashford after all.