Classified: Subjects of Interest


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Not all individuals are associated with one of the major factions. Many operate on the sidelines, quietly pursuing their own agendas - or keep their true allegiances close to their chest. Some are merely monstrosities with no true guiding compass save their own ravenous instincts.

Whatever the case... These outliers, outlaws, and vagabonds can be found here, along with whatever information the Directory's intelligence teams have been able to scrape up on them:




- a. Nona
- b. Decima
- c. Morta


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Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Name: Gail O'Brennan
Age: Unknown, appears to be late 20s, or early 30's.
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2
Weight: 172lbs
Eye Color: Blue-Green
Hair Color: Blonde
Ethnicity: Unknown, possibly European Caucasian
Appearance: 63EF453F-7BA0-434B-9801-AD8807552BC4.jpeg
Other Information:
Travelling Columnist & Journalist
Likes: Waterproof camping gear, the great outdoors, music of all kinds
Dislikes: Littering, Conflict, meal kits that don't include utensils
Notable skills: Fluent in multiple languages, and can seemingly play any instrument at a professional level.
Character Theme:


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Terra Sentinel Report on Subject [REDACTED]:

A drifter who runs a popular online travel blog, "The Sights of the World", which has been online since OE 90. Described as warm hearted, jovial, and kind to a fault, the man known as Gail O'Brennan speaks little of his past, and when he does, it is with a somber smile.

He supposedly hails from Ireland, and speaks of growing up in a "troubled household", but otherwise his life prior to being documented in his videos is something of a mystery, and no evidence exists of anyone matching his description existing in Directory territory at any time. What is known is that he has a great deal of connections - friends across the globe who know and welcome him readily into their home... though according to his videos, he seems to prefer camping outside.

Gail allegedly makes very little money off his site, and relies chiefly on donations to continue traveling. These donations have been traced to banks located in empty buildings, or that haven't functioned since OE [REDACTED] - yet he still seems to have access to some kind of cash flow. He uploads videos of himself at various locations around the world, such as [REDACTED], meeting people, visiting and touring local sites of interest, and penning articles that illuminate the history of different areas.

Of great concern is the content of what he produces, though it is (thankfully) ordinarily undetectable by the average viewer.

Gail's photos, videos, and columns occasionally illustrate previously unforseen - and highly accurate - insight into historical events long past, locations and [REDACTED] that should otherwise be unreachable, or is aware of details on various topics that are considered highly classified. He speaks of these things in a friendly, casual tone - but his spreading of this knowledge has sent shockwaves through the Directory intelligence community, leading to much speculation as to his true identity.

It's rumored in online forums that he is related to another particular journalist, one who disappeared in OE 55 after reporting on the movements of human-sacrificing cults in the catacombs below Romania... But these speculations thus far seem without merit, as no concrete relations have been yet revealed.

Gail is currently wanted for questioning by the Directory for the aformentioned reasons, as well as concerning his connection to the mobile weapon "Asclepius", which has been sighted at various incidents dating back to OE 008... But so far, he has managed to elude capture, as well as censor of his website, with Directory agents always seeming to be just a step behind him.

Prototype Mobile Weapon: Asclepius
Affiliation: Independent

Combat Style: Fluid
Strengths: When engaged, Gail proves frustratingly slippery. He's excellent at avoiding attacks and turning them back on his enemies, using their own momentum against them, and fights with comfortable, practiced ease. He fights defensively, rarely going on the offense, as his goal is usually simply to evade capture - but when pressed, he is more than capable of high-speed assaults, long range strikes, and creative use of terrain to bring down his targets with startling proficiency.
Weaknesses: Gail is notably less evasive when going on the offensive, and his tendency to play it safe limits his effectiveness. Because of Asclepius' capabilities as well, armored foes or large targets are challenging for him to effectively deal with, and he is considerably more cautious around these. Engaging him with a mobile weapon capable of matching Asclepius and trapping him will force him to make a breakthrough, and expose himself in the process.

Model Number: Unknown
Code Name: Asclepius
Classification: General Purpose Prototype Mobile Weapon (?)
Power Source: Dimensional Energy, Details Unknown
Propulsion: Dimensional Energy Thrusters
Height: 28.5 Meters
Weight: 55.4 Tons
Armaments: Bladed Edge x4, mounted on wrists and knees; Folding Smasher x2, mounted on flexible mount behind abdomen; G-Dimension Liberator, stored in dimensional pocket, hand carried in use.
Design Features: [REDACTED]
Special Attacks:
Scramble Edge


A mysterious mobile weapon believed to be owned by Gail, one not pictured in his travel videos, and that has only been rarely seen over the years - but always at times of great peril and disaster, notably [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] in OE 0012. While it is not pictured taking part in these events, it often appears in the background, or in the aftermath of the incident, sometimes only a mere glimpse of it being captured by Directory cameras. Very little photographic evidence exists of direct encounters with it, on account of it being very rarely engaged.

Details of its inner workings are almost completely unknown, but witness reports describe Asclepius's capabilities as well-balanced, with it demonstrating extremely high capability in nearly every regard. It is highly agile, and is able to blitz foes with a dazzling series of rapid strikes almost invisible to the eye. It has also shown the ability to access what is believed to be a [REDACTED] very similar to those of the [REDACTED] series, located in [REDACTED], and on at least one occasion may have instigated a deliberate [REDACTED] through mechanisms we cannot even begin to imagine.

Who developed it, why, and how - are all unknown, but it exhibits characteristics similar to mobile weapons equipped with a [REDACTED], making it of considerable interest to the Dimensional Energy Institute.
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Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Name: Abramelin Zahed (Pseudonym, real name unknown)
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Eye Color: Unknown
Hair Color: Unknown
Ethnicity: Unknown
Appearance: [NO DATA FOUND]
Other Information:
Prodigy of the Arcane, Creator of the Black Sun


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Terra Sentinel Report on Subject [REDACTED]:

The man known as Abramelin Zahed was first recorded as a citizen of Luna in OE 97, in accordance with the wishes of certain aristocratic covens. Providing safe haven to brilliant minds, regardless of their origin, has long been the practice of the Lunar societies, and the Directory has permitted this to flourish, as many of the innovations derived from their work ultimately make their way back into their hands. In this way, the Directory can safely wash its hands of any unsavory, yet otherwise successful characters who unfortunately find their way into the public eye, while still enjoying the benefits of their research - a win-win, as far as the Directors are concerned.

"Abramelin Zahed" is a pseudonym, as these are adopted as a mandatory requirement by those who are taken in by said societies as part of their "rebirth" - another aspect of this compact is that any and all traces of their former lives be meticulously erased, effectively shutting them off completely from their past lives. These researchers live quiet and otherwise hermit-like lives in secure locations beneath the Lunar surface, contained in private laboratories, where they are given more than their fair share of resources - but little in the way of social interaction outside their peers. It was in this fashion that Abramelin was set to work for the benefit of the Lunar Kingdoms - and indeed, it was a relationship that would bear fruit most divine.

Abramelin's assistance was integral in the completion of the Lunarian superweapon, "Astranagant". He is recorded as standing head and shoulders above his peers in his mastery of not only alchemic and arcane arts, but in the study of Zefield Crystals, as well as [REDACTED] - and his ability to make these distinct systems work in tandem with one another was not only unprecedented, but would have been otherwise impossible for any other. Not even in the annals of the Directory has such a genius existed, making his true identity the subject of much speculation among those that know of him.

Because of this, we can safely infer that Zahed, at some point in his life, must have come into contact with [REDACTED] - or some other similar memetic Class One object, as his mental state began to succumb to the drawbacks of such, thus explaining his access to such knowledge that could only have come from the so-called [REDACTED]. His research became increasingly fringe and frenetic, delving into bizarre, obscure occult theorems, and he began to isolate himself from his peers to study outlandish and dangerous fields. He was most notably taken with the idea of "Negative Energy" - which we now know to be a primary component of the Lamalice, and he conducted many dire and black rituals in the confines of his laboratory - undisturbed by those around him, who knew better than to risk being drawn into the suffocating darkness that now seeped from his quarters.

At some point, in OE 102, Abramelin abruptly departed from Luna, arriving just in time to witness the emergence of the Lamalice at L5. Whether he had any part in their arrival - if he engineered it, or if it was simply coincidence - is uncertain, as much of Zahed's research was lost for reasons described below.

At the center of the Lamalice swarm, Abramelin conducted a ritual of sorts that summoned into being a massive, sorcerous entity known as the "Black Sun"*. If he had any future plans for it, however, they were cut short - as he himself was flung into the Black Sun by a Colonial militiamen during a brief scrap. As the warlock was lost, so too was the grimoire he kept on his person detailing his investigations into the nature of "negative energy", leaving behind only scraps and cryptic clues as the nature of the Lamalice.

Combat Style: Recondite
Strengths: Abramelin's transformation dramatically affected him in all respects, and his chessmaster like fighting style was no exception. While still calculated, Abramelin makes use of not only his vast stores of arcane lore, but now also the malign entities concealed within Zenadye's shroud, giving him unparalleled versatility in being able to strike in creative and fear-inspiring forms that defy belief. His deep knowledge of the unknown has only been broadened by his trip to the abyss, adding to his keen insight into forms and function, giving him key knowledge of weak spots and soft underbellies far in advance of any confrontation.
Weaknesses: Not every aspect of the Sorceror's rebirth has affected him kindly. His erratic nature makes him easily distracted, and at times it seems he doesn't have complete control over his own form, causing him to step on his own feet, as it were. Ultimately, a battle against him is a test of wills - being able to conquer fear, and fight with a clear heart will reduce his effectiveness considerably, and force him into an ungainly retreat.

*The reasons behind the summoning of the Black Sun itself are unknown, but we believe that it has to do with the [RESTRICTED - See file 87A "The War of the Dark Gods" for details], and the resurrection of the Evil Creation God, Geios Gragios. The Black Sun itself seems to serve as a "quasi-leyline" of sorts, as a self-sustaining nexus of negative energy formed by compressing and containing the bodies of countless Lamalice. There are noted similarities between negative energy and prana - Presumably, Abramelin himself noticed these as well, and we can only speculate as to whether or not his creation of the Black Sun itself was an act of fulfilling his end of a dark pact with Gragios.

Model Number:
Code Name: Zenadye
Classification: Negative-Energy Infused Special Mobile Weapon
Height: Ranges from 0.001 Meters to 66.6 meters.
Weight: 0.001 tons to 660.0 tons
Power Source: Negative Energy
Manufacturer: Unknown. Appears to be a construct fashioned from Negative Energy and matter drawn into the Black Sun.
Propulsion: Negative Energy Thrusters
Armor Material: Negative energy and ectoplasmic alloys not found on this Earth.
Equipment: Negative Energy Construction; (Flight, After Image, Damage Regeneration, Absorption)
Armaments: Midnight Coffin; Negative Energy Projections; Dogma Projections
Special Attacks: Stranger Storm, Stimulant Spirits, Delight Falx


A "Mobile Weapon" that appeared in concert with the Lamalice, of similarly unknown origins. The term is used charitably, as much like the Lamalice themselves, Zenadye straddles the line between war-weapon and organism.

Zenadye, when visible, resembles more of a wraith or a monster in its appearance, its rippling surfaces covered with ghostly eyeballs, talons, and feathers that flow in and out of existence, making it offensive to behold. Unlike conventional mobile weapons, its mass consists mostly of concentrated negative energy, making its "body" highly malleable - it can shrink so small as to fit in one's pocket, or become so large as to dwarf most conventional Super Robots - all depending on the amount of its constituent matter it is able to siphon from the surrounding area, adding to (or subtracting from) its whole.

Because of this abhorrent construction, it has been observed as being able to "consume" and "expel" other negative energy entities (such as Lamalice) at whim - a feature it uses to great effect to expand its arsenal. Beyond the already daunting array of captive monstrosities housed within its frame, it can also summon a device referred to as the "Midnight Coffin", which contains an array of occult weapons, fell shades, and arcane spells with which Zenadye is able to wreak havoc on the battlefield.

Lastly, the Zenadye is capable of utilizing Dogma - notably TONITARUS, and EXHALT, as well as a variety of more esoteric, visceral incantations. This feature is speculated to be on account of the machine's owner, or possibly one of the machines integrated into the shroud, rather than any special qualities possessed by the entity itself.
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Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Name: Duminass
Age: Unknown
Gender: Unknown
Height: Variable, depending on form taken. Base form, "Duminass Proton", is roughly 30 meters in height.
Weight: Variable, depending on form taken.
Appearance: 1548569793183.png
Other Information: "Mother" of the Technici Peides; Nona, Morta, and Decima.


Excerpt from "Shadow Mirror Intelligence Record 36A: The Crawling Dark, and Duminass"

"I am Duminass… the offense of your imperfection is your original sin."
An otherworldly being that appeared before Shadow Mirror during the twilight of our realm. The strange organism that introduced itself to Prometheus as "Duminass" claims to desire the complete and total extermination of the human race, "to the very last human cell", as a consequence of our "imperfection". Notably unlike other entities that have made such threats, it appears more than capable of backing it up, as Duminass and its creations, beings known as Technici Peides, are the only recorded beings thus far that have shown the ability to resist and traverse the "Crawling Dark" that consumed our world.

Duminass' personality towards human beings can be described as erratic, cruel, and contemptuous... yet also curious and calculating, stopping to extract whatever information it requires in surprisingly polite conversation with its enemies. To its own offspring, it appears to display some measure, at least, of affection. How deep this runs is uncertain - but the "children" in turn regard it with none of the sadism and hatred that they afford human beings, forming a bizarre "family unit" of sorts.

The encounter with Duminass by Prometheus has been studied extensively, and to our knowledge, the creature has not been sighted in I'sola… But we are preparing for its eventual arrival, as additional reports have indicated that our world was far from the only one which was menaced by its presence. Other individuals in I'sola recall their worlds facing a similar threat - a tidal wave of darkness that blotted out the stars, and then which consumed their world whole, all of which were heralded by the appearance of Duminass. The connection between the two remains uncertain, but all agents are on high alert for any indication of its arrival.

Combat Style: Relentless

Strengths: Duminass, when it personally takes to the field, attacks with terrifying force. A combination of quasi-mystic force and technology that can only be described as stretching the limits of imagination allows it to strike at not only mobile weapons with staggering effectiveness, but also the minds and morale of its foes. It has demonstrated the ability to improve its own strength by absorbing its "children", growing into newer and more malevolent forms as it does so, meaning that attempting to isolate it from its supporters will only make it even more difficult to topple.

Weaknesses: In its base form, Duminass prefers to have the element of surprise on its side when it attacks - and with good reason, as it is only slightly above average in combat ability. It prefers to work from the shadows, only taking to the battlefield when the time is right, acting instead through its underlings and whatever forces it manages to bring under its control, indicating that it is of indispensable worth to whatever force is overseeing its activities. Duminass' destruction may indeed prevent the arrival of the Crawling Dark - and as such, its destruction should be of immediate priority in whatever context it appears.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018

Homonculi created by Duminass for an unknown purpose. Each is imbued with some form of Negative Energy - enough that Lamalice will not, under normal circumstances, attempt to attack them. While possessing the bodies of children, each is gifted with near genius-level IQ, and monstrous strength and agility far outmatching anything seen in our world. A single homunculus is capable of bending steel, effortlessly deflecting bullets, and appears nigh-invulnerable to any form of mental attack. The only saving grace is that these entities are enormously time and resource intensive to construct, and thus their numbers are limited to the below encountered specimens:

specimen a - NONA
specimen b - DECIMA
specimen c - MORTA


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Name: Nona
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Eye Color: Unknown
Hair Color: Unknown
Ethnicity: Unknown
Appearance: [NO DATA FOUND]
Other Information:
Member of the Technici Peides, Homonculus of Duminass


You're a bad man...! All of you...! ALL OF YOU ARE WICKED!"
Presumably the first of three Homonculi created by Duminass, the one known as "Nona"s name corresponds to the Roman Parcae, one of three personifications of Destiny, with her pertaining to the one which presided over "birth".

According to anecdotal evidence, Nona was something of a peacekeeper between her sisters, providing the balance between the more arrogant Decima and the more timid Morta. Older and wiser, yet seemingly goaded into unwise action easily, it was Morta who stormed our lines during the final defense of the Kurogane. Prior to this, the Technici Peides was responsible for the deaths of countless operatives before her whirling blades, and not once had the Homonculi suffered a single defeat at the hands of man, leading some to believe that they were functionally immortal.

Was is the key operating term in this sense, as Morta - as well as the Hypocrisis - were destroyed during battle with Prometheus, and has yet to be seen since. The remaining two Homonculi, by accounts, have since gone their separate ways and operated more independently of one another - though these are unverified, and it remains possible that their actions are indeed coordinated.

Combat Style: Triangulation
Strengths: Faster than lightning, Nona relied on blisteringly quick attacks to carry the day - the Hypocrisis easily being the swiftest and most deadly of its peers. She made use of spears, plasma bursts, and bladework that was beyond compare to hack and slash apart anything that she fell upon. Most notably however, she was an expert at coordinating the actions of the other two Homonculi, forming them into an unstoppable fighting force when battling together.
Weaknesses: As was adequately demonstrated in the fight with Prometheus, Nona's speed came at a cost - the Hypocrisis distinctly lacked durability compared to the Elios and the Teugatail, and as a consequence it was no match for a single, fully-powered strike. Nona also appeared to be overconfident in her knowledge of Shadow Mirror's weaponry, and in her own abilities, causing her to press her attack in advance of the arrival of reinforcements, leading to her ultimate demise.

Mobile Weapon: Hypocrisis

One of three mobile weapons designed specifically for the Technici Peides, supposedly by Duminass itself. Hypocrisis resembles an idol of sorts, and in its four arms it carries various weapons that it can materialize through methods unknown. Hypocrisis was capable of speed which can only be described as intense, able to shred apart other machines with incredible dexterity and force, making it easily the most dreaded of its two companions to be encountered.

Overall, its capabilities are suspiciously similar to other machines we have since encountered, specifically those equipped with a [REDACTED], a phenomenon observed only in I'sola… The connection between the two is currently being investigated by our agents, as well as appropriate countermeasures.
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Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Name: Decima
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3
Weight: 110lbs
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Blonde
Ethnicity: Appears to be Eastern European
Appearance: [NO DATA FOUND]
Other Information:
Member of the Technici Peides, Homonculus of Duminass


"Whatever. I didn't really like her anyway. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."
The second of the three Technici Peides Homonculi created by Duminass. Compared to the even-keeled Nona and the timid Morta, Decima is proud, arrogant, and extremely confident in her own abilities. Haughty and sadistic, she greatly enjoys tormenting the weak and helpless, as well as taking advantage of her childlike form to lower the defenses of her unsuspecting victims before killing them in violent, visceral fashions behind closed doors.

Several high profile murder cases on "our side" are believed to have been Decima's work, notably those of politicians that were alleged to be involved in child abduction and human trafficking rings, only to later be found having been viciously disemboweled at their private residences, with the perpetrator leaving no trace of their presence.

This general hatred seems to extend beyond her observed preferences for targeting deviants and criminals, to all of humanity in general, referring to them as "nothing but disgusting worms.". Thus, Decima appears to be Duminass' most zealous supporter in their goal of exterminating all human life... Or so it seems, as her terse relationship with Morta appears to have caused the two to split, with the two now working separately - though this may also be a temporary measure introduced by Duminass for the time being.

Combat Style: Crusher
Strengths: Decima is a no-frills combatant, preferring to steamroll anything that crosses her path with good old-fashioned brute force. She delights in the pain and suffering of her opponents, and takes sadistic pleasure in inflicting the most will-breaking losses possible - in many cases, preferring to cripple unfortunate targets so she can later finish them off. She is highly adept at bulldozing even the most coordinated of group attacks, forcing them to break ranks under Pater's muscular charges, making strategic approaches and convoluted plans nearly useless against her raw power.
Weaknesses: Separating Teugatail and Pater should be a priority for any who engage with Decima - while the small machine is still formidable, it is considerably less so without its guardian unit nearby. Decima also shows increasing frustration as a fight drags on, and those capable of enduring Pater and Teugatail's team attacks will find them to grow in frenzy as time passes - and with it, hopefully an opening to deliver a decisive blow.

Mobile Weapon: Teugatail and Pater
Description: A pair of mobile weapons that fight together as a team, Teugatail serves as the control unit for the lumbering, owlbear-like Pater. Pater demonstrates strength comparable to that of a Special-type Mobile Weapon, and it normally resides in a pocket dimension until Teugatail specifically calls for it to arrive, summoning it to her side. The two have a variety of combination attacks, such as a focused beam cannon, or Pater throwing Teugatail like a homing missile at incredible speeds to crash into the foe. While stupefying to observe, the effectiveness of this combination is impossible to dispute - all operatives are advised extreme caution when encountering either one, as the other is almost certainly just out of view, preparing to strike.


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Jun 15, 2018
Name: Morta
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Height: 4'11
Weight: 76lbs
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Black
Ethnicity: Unknown, appears Central European
Appearance: [NO DATA FOUND]
Other Information:
Member of the Technici Peides, Homonculus of Duminass


"You should be careful, Sir Kiraly. There's a bad man here." … "With sharp teeth. Like a shark. Nyagh."
Third of Duminass' Homunculi, and the most faintly spoken of the three... To a point. Morta serves as the "heart" of the group of three Technici Peides, preferring to allow Nona to strategize and Decima to fight, slowly bringing up the rear in any engagement the trio might find itself in.

Yet make no mistake, she is easily the most threatening of the three to be encountered thus far. The most intelligent of the trio, Morta specializes in emotional manipulation and guile, preferring to find less violent, more subversive ways to accomplish her objectives. Her ability to wrap others around her finger is second to none, and more than one security official found themselves the victim of her innocent charms before the other two would make their presence known, springing a trap. This has extended even to members of our own organization, some of which in "Incident 138A" defected from our forces in an attempt to "protect" Morta from an impending assassination attempt, and all of which were terminated in the ensuing battle.

Whether or not this ability to influence the minds and hearts of others is conscious on her part is uncertain... but, for all intents and purposes, it should be assumed that she is no less malevolent than the master she serves, for the good of all humanity.

The death of Nona appears to have had a dramatic destabilizing effect on her psyche, calling into question the actual nature of the process that led to her, and her siblings' creation. Whether this ultimately means Morta could be pried from Duminass' side or not is uncertain... but for the time being, we have elected to keep her threat level at its present designation.

Combat Style: Mindgames
Strengths: Nona's preferred avenue of attack appears superficially less merciless than her siblings, but it is by no means less effective. Elios features the capacity for mental attacks that bypass any form of conventional defense, and it is through these that Morta, when pressed, can quickly turn the tables on any that menace her. In addition, her combat ability is no less than her cohorts, even if her confidence in them appears significantly less-so - and as such, even an apparently clumsy strike still carries with it tremendous force.
Weaknesses: Ultimately, Morta just isn't really into fighting, preferring instead to talk things through or engage in more subtle acts of subversion. As a consequence, it takes her being pressured into a corner for her to unleash her most devastating abilities. Moreover, she works very poorly with Decima - and the two will constantly bicker between themselves during a battle, invariably escalating into physical blows, severely restricting her effectiveness.

Mobile Weapon: Elios
Description: A truly bizarre machine even compared to its sisters, Elios oversized head and fairy-like appearance suggests something of a clockwork motif. With each function, one of its three "masks" shifts into an appropriate position - whether it is using energy-field assisted melee strikes, or beams issued forth from the curious winged staff it carries. Compared to the other two machines, however, it has one additional feature - the ability to deliver a debilitating mental attack, one that projects a series of extremely vivid hallucinations, driving enemies into extreme fear and panic - which, in many cases, has proven to be immediately fatal. Thankfully, use of this ability is perceived to be extremely rare, and it otherwise simply shuffles along behind its sister units, reluctantly finishing off those that are unfortunate enough to fall by the wayside of their rampage.