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Enforcing Deterrent to Military On Earth / "Endymion"


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018

Faction Name: Enforcing Deterrent to Military On Earth / "Endymion"
Government: Monarchist-Republic
Capital: Nova Solyma, Luna
Territories: The Moon, Lunar Colonies.
Population: 180 million, including Lunar Colonies
Goals: Reunification of mankind, destruction of Terra Sentinel, Repelling forces hostile to humanity.

An informal organization formed on March 18th of Over Era 102 by the devastated Lunar Kingdom of Everglory under Queen Selene III, and the Reformist arm of the Directory Space Fleet led by Director Chethan Sullivan at the signing of the Treaty of Janus. Compared to the ranks of more militant organizations, Endymiom is made up entirely of volunteers, and focuses its energies primarily on halting the flames of war that tear through the Earth Sphere, as well as on seeking out and destroying the dark powers that pull the strings behind the conflict.

While Queen Selene retains the title of monarch, her power and authority has been considerably diminished, and a more republic-like approach has slowly begun to take hold on the Moon. A council of higher-ups meets to make important decisions, and taskforces have considerable independence and authority compared to traditional regiments, often dispatched with a specific mission in mind than on any patrol. Without access to much of the resources once available to them from the Directory due to the war situation, soliciting - and responding to - private sponsors and philanthropists to continue funding the war effort has become commonplace, causing some to complain that Endymion listens more to those who write its checks than those supposed to be in charge.

The integration of the two forces has not been wholly without incident, especially among those who once enjoyed supreme privilege and control among the Lunar elite, but thus far the alliance seems to be holding firm, determined to stop the impending annihilation of the human race by whatever means it can rally.
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Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Endymion Look and Feel:

*In progress.

Mass Production Machines:

*The Endymion has access to Huckebein Mk-IIMs, Lympees, and Randgriths.

Riot C:
With the issues present in its Proton Generator now fully corrected thanks Lunarian engineering, the Riot C has shed its reputation as a glorified kamikaze unit and remains as a staple of Endymion's forces, able to fight up close or afar. Elite pilots are able to modify them into the more specialized Riot A and B configurations through a series of part swaps, making them among the most reliable troops the coalition can call upon.

Limited Mass Production Machines (Legacy): Available to players with surviving characters from the Lunar Kingdom of Everglory.

Ganjarl & Dona Lympee:
Twin variants of the Lympee specialized for both close and long range, usually fielded as a combat pair. The Ganjarl boasts a massive, if bizarre claw that contains a pair of stake-like spikes that can be removed from its shoulder and used for crushing or striking, while the Dona Lympee boasts an equally oversized Orgone Cannon capable of raining heavy artillery fire onto a hapless foe.

Diam Lee/Diam Sir:
A high performance mass-produced machine that carries a powerful D-Extractor engine, a hand-mounted bolt-thrower, and a large halberd. The resources to produce these machines are no longer available in bulk, further increasing their scarcity. They are very much seen as a symbol of the elite, residing in the hands of a few families that are able to maintain them, and as such conjure a mixture of emotions among the people.
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Staff member
Jun 15, 2018

Name: High Queen of Luna, She of the Flawless Mirror, Selene III
Age: 22
Occupation: Queen of Luna, figurehead of Endymion.
Other Information:

The reigning monarch of Luna, the latest in a long series of Psychodrivers that have served Ganeden dating back untold hundreds of years to the great hero of legend, "Tsukiyomi". No longer wearing her ceremonial makeup in public, she has pushed for the modernization and opening of Luna's society, welcoming those seeking a better life into its fold, and overseeing a dramatic change to the formerly rigid and aristocratic social order. Following the events that led to the dissolution of the Lunar Kingdom of Everglory, she turned over a new leaf of sorts after realizing the path that she had been following was flawed and fatalistic, and mended fences with her estranged brother James, whose presence serves as a stabilizer for her.

A not unkind young woman, Selene works to juggle the dual duties as both head of state and monarch, leading the fight against the forces that threaten mankind as best as her position allows.

Mobile Weapon: Magarga

An ancient mobile weapon that has been passed down through Selene's family line for over a thousand years. It has qualities that are found in both Shurashin and Chokijin, and while is origins are lost to history, it is thought that it served as a prototype of sorts for those entities during the great battle against the Yokijin said to have taken place in the distant past.


Name: Chethan Sullivan
Age: 31
Occupation: Director of Endymion, former Assistant Director of Russia
Other Information:

A young man of somewhat murky origins allegedly from Spain, he was adopted by Chairman Hammar at a young age, and was raised alongside his biological daughter Julette Carpentier. It was rumored that he was an illegitimate child on account of his Lunarian blood, but no allegations of the kind have ever been proven - studious, hardworking, and flexible, Chethan's leadership and talent at marshaling the best and brightest minds under his command earned him a reputation for excellence in the Directory, regardless of his origins.

Sullivan worked a variety of positions in the Directory hierarchy before being placed in the Russian region through the machinations of Lao Xi Feng, who sought to have a potential successor to the position of Chairman either assassinated or bogged down before he could become a threat to his plans. In response, Chethan moved his own pieces about, gathering information on Lao and hoping to throw a wrench into his plans wherever possible, opening his door to the likes of Gail O'Brennan, with whom he formed a working relationship of sorts.

With Lao and Hammar's death, Chethan stepped forward to work with the Lunar Kingdom's remnants, forming Endymion as a countermeasure to the advances of Hyperion across the planet. His ultimate goal is to reunite the Directory, and bring the entire arsenal of mankind to bear against Dark Brain and the Ruina, seeking to succeed where the previous Chairman failed - and given his prior accomplishments stabilizing one of the most contested areas in the Directory, this is far from an impossibility.

Mobile Weapon: Granteed

A Lunarian super robot originally designed for the next King of Luna by Thane Ashford himself. Selene imparted it to Sullivan as a gift of goodwill, but was surprised to learn that it required no further configuring to work with him. Chethan usually co-pilots it with Juliette Carpentier, who handles fire control and ranged weaponry, whilst he focuses on close combat.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018

Name: Juliette Carpentier
Age: 26
Occupation: Chief Technical Officer, Bodyguard
Other Information: Melting Metal user.

Endymion's technical wiz, spearheading the faction's innovations in Mobile Weapon development. Since her battle with the false Johanna one year ago, her previously demure attitude has evaporated like the morning sun, leaving a woman who is all business, and sees danger in every direction. The change in demeanor has led some to question if the person they knew was authentic at all, and she was merely assuming a persona during her time in Taskforce Upsilon, but her unapproachable nature makes the truth hard to discern.

A peerless engineer, Juliette is the principle designer of the Valley series, a next-generation variety of Super Robots that are to be Endymion's sword and shield, blending the best of Terran and Lunarian technology. She handles much of the maintenance for Endymion's machines personally, and directly supervises data-based customizations that fit their pilots' different tastes to give them an edge on the battlefields.

She is the biological daughter of the late Directory Chairman, and though the circumstances are murky, it is rumored that she spent some time on the craft known as the Swordian, and did not know or meet her father for many years. Likewise, much of her relationship with Director Chethan Sullivan is the subject of speculation - but she is never far from his side, acting as both bodyguard and confidant.

Mobile Weapon: Imperial Valley
A top-class Super Robot that incorporates a stunning variety of features, it combines the best features of the Rushbird and Straybird prototypes analyzed by Endymion, capable of outstripping the latter and outfighting the former by considerable margins. Juliette believes that it is the single most formidable mass production machine ever created, and spends countless hours tinkering with and adjusting its performance, unwilling to accept anything less than perfection.