Grand Theft Lion (Kyca, Lukas)


New member
Jan 19, 2019
With temperatures at a simmer and his digging pace slowed, the only thing motivating Joe to work on was that it made a good heat vent. Oh, and the buried PT was nice too, he guessed. "Should've stayed on track, moron…”

In honesty, Joe's mind wandered back to the plan in question and Katherine, two things he forgot about with his fossil find and the heat, both seeming more interesting than the latter. "Seriously, would it kill them to install proper ventilation in these thin-"

Quickly retracting his statement, Joe dived back into his hole, ears ringing as Katherine's beam zoomed over him. The hit, taken by the Tau's wing, melted it right off and gave Joe a gruesome idea of what was sizzling behind him.

All the heat and excitement must've gone to Joe's head as he immediately got up and, ignoring any and all doubts, reached for the comm. However, before he could give Katherine a piece of mind for nearly killing him, Joe did a double take at the monitor. Was it him or was the Tau's wing closer? The wing wasn't the only thing moving, tailing it was a wall of road. Without even a chance to shout, Joe was shoved down the hole, everything going dark.

Under the Huckebein's one-eyed glow, Joe questioned if the choices leading to his burial had really been the best. "Yep, definitely should've stayed on course…"

Unlike Smith, Joe had the luck of not instantly being crushed to death via road, the flipped Huckebein did a good job of carrying that weight. Instead, Fate had other plans. Even though Joe managed to get out of it and into the spacious cave unscathed, the Huckebein’s molten backside had fused with debris above the hole, essentially turning Joe's salvation into a coffin

It also didn't help that Joe was now on an apparent time limit. Oxygen was the elephant in the room, and that room didn't have much of it left, Joe soon realized. The Huckebein mostly disabled, save for the head, there wasn't any chance of calling now either. His only chance of escape now was...

"This better pay off..." With that, Joe got too work. It'd be a long trip down to the gigantic PT's cockpit, but there wasn't much of a choice, with it being his only hope and all. It'd be easy anyway, all Joe had to do was not slip to his death. Thrilling.
Aug 4, 2018
Somewhere in the UK
Kath would jerk back in response to the beam, not fast enough to dodge it but enough to simply have it burn through the head ornament rather than damage anything valuable - or worse, mark the suit underneath.

"Do I know you, bud? Cause I'm pretty sure I would know if I'd killed an Admiral Benson-"

"Benton." The A.I would pipe up, innocently correcting her.

"Bento. But if you wanna challenge me, I'm all for it. Mason! Get those lions to ignore mister gruggy over here unless his buddies try and shoot me in the back!"

The Valsion's speakers were temporarily disabled afterwards, alongside its thrusters - leading to a less-than graceful impact as she landed on the road opposite. One hand was slammed into the side of the High Mega cannon to dislodge the E-pack, which unfortunately crushed the car it landed on even as she reloaded.

"Please also inquire into the status of Admiral Benton. My records state he is alive, and have no records of him dying to any Valsion. Perhaps there is another?"

"Psh, you heard the guy - this is the only one. Maybe the old Bento got his ass kicked way back then and he's still salty?" She didn't let the conversation distract her, heaving the cannon into position and loosing another shot at the Grungust's chestplate. While firing she ripped one of the two remaining Energy packs off the top, holding it in the hand not bracing the cannon for reasons as yet unknown.


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
At long last from over the Valsion's comms Mason spoke up, he sighed at first.

"The Lions are not coming to your aid. They are proceeding as originally planned seeing as you saw fit to declare war on all Directory units you will have to resolve it yourself. However, I will let you know that as far as we can confirm Benton is still alive but there have been rumors he died near L2 according to some sources. Good luck." The old man had the tone of a disappointed parent, maybe the repeated stunts and full on announcement had taken those last years he had left off of him.

Nevertheless it did indeed seem to be the case that none of the Lions were coming to her aid and instead were opting to head back in the direction of the hangar. But the Huckebeins, fortunately, seemed to oblige the Grungust's request of non-involvement.

All the while the Grungust didn't move an inch, its arms in front of it like a martial artists for a moment before being held to its side, fist forwards, the chest of the unit beginning to glow yellow as its pilot spoke once more.

"Admiral Benton was the man keeping the scum like you in check and the colonies safe!" He yelled, the Grungust seemingly copying the angry expression the man must have by now. "And I am Lieutenant Leon Carr! The last name you will ever learn! MAXI BLASTER!"

The Type 2's chest fired a massive yellow ray directly at its opponent only to be met with the Valsion's High Mega Cannon. While not equal both had their merits in this battle of the beams, while the High Mega Cannon had the power advantage the Maxi Blaster was powered directly by the Grungust's reactor, giving it more longevity.

This meant that as the attacks cascaded off one another there would be few stray blasts in the direction of Katherine while most were coming towards the Grungust punching small holes into the massive frame bringing especially the legs of the unit closer to Swiss cheese than before but as her charge ran out the Maxi Blaster's assault continued for a moment longer, perhaps the moment it needed to land a solid hit on its foe.

This collision of beams however meant bad things for another person, as below the battle these temporary rays of light and death that closer to shotgun pellets then beam in this form and spread would punch through the road and down into the hangar below. Yet at the same time they provided some much needed light sources for Joe, who thanks to this could see that what looked like a wide open cockpit was only a short jump down from him.

This revelation would not come without a cost however as one stray pellet pierced what remained of the Huckebein and the roadwork it fused with, giving the man a grim sight at what would've happened to him had he not made it out in time. It was do or die now before the battle above would bring the roof down on him.


New member
Jan 19, 2019
Despite having surprising luck spelunking deep into the chasm, progress had only brought Joe a new problem; Light. With him being a few meters under now, the Huckebein's glow started waning. Unless he was up for leaps of faith, Joe realized he'd have to find a solution and fast.

As if on cue, a golden beam exploded into the cavern, pouring into it warmth and more importantly, light. The light shining warmth on him, Joe found himself revitalized, as if an angel had blessed his very soul. "Like hell I'm dying here… Pa's blessings gonna get me through!"

Joe, with new-found resolve, firmly stepped forward and onto nothingness.

"Shit!" Quickly grabbing the nearest ledge, Joe tried not to look down as solid light rained through the Huckebein and onto his surroundings. Peeking through the hole-filled Hucky, Joe found the real, and unsurprising, source of his blessing. "This chicks gonna be the death of me..."

As Joe's interest shifted from Katherine to the Type-2, a stray shot from it punched clean through the Huckebein's back, shattering its last grip and sending it barreling down. With Joe not being able to so much as just dangle around, it seemed like lights out. Closing his eyes, he braced for impact.
However, a blinding light erupted into view above Joe, almost prying his eyes open. "It… It lead me right to it! Pa's blessing!" Strength flooding back into him, Joe flung himself off the ledge and into the light, that light soon being the insides of a cockpit.

Joe gave a sigh of relief as the door shut tightly, the remains of Huckebein falling past as it did. Calming down, Joe inspected his treasure. It's outdated controls assured Joe he'd be able to atleast move the thing, but just how old this thing was, and whether it'd work in the first place replaced that question. "Time to find out, Let'shave some fun!"

With the Type-2 and Valsion's clash, the Port was reduced to a desolate, unrecognizable cloud of dust. However, as the dust began clearing out, a lone survivor revealed itself; A humongous, crimson mech, restrained in stone. The titan stretch its limbs, flexing a free hand as the Port remains shriveled into dust,

Joe yawned a bit, cracking his knuckles. "So, it can take punishment," A sly grin spread on his face as the mech reeled back, it's shoulder bursting out of place. "But can it deal it?" The shoulder latched itself onto the mech's hand and, breaking free of the concrete holding them, bared it's fangs. Directing it's toothy grin towards Type-2, the fist Erupted into flames, hungrily devouring anything in its path.

Aug 4, 2018
Somewhere in the UK
Katherine's cannon would dry out at the worst time, allowing the Grungust's Maxi Blaster to rip through the High Mega Cannon and render it useless. A few of the stray shots burned holes in the plating, revealing a second layer of armour hidden underneath that was yet to be scratched. Curiously, the inner platings seemed to be a pure white in comparison the deep reds of the outer plates.

"Psh, you say that like I needed em in the first place. You guys have fun, I'll catch up once I've smashed em. Just need to..." she trailed off in confusion as the newest challenger arrived. Whether it was an ally or enemy... she couldn't deny that it was cool. Cool colours, cool design, cool rocket punch that was currently flying at the Grungust...

Wait. Smashing the Grungust was her job! This couldn't stand, no way was some other super interrupting her duel/ In a flash the High Mega cannon was lobbed into the path of the knuckle, hopefully knocking it off course. Kath let out a rather undignified yell to dissuade her new 'ally' from following up, hopping into his field of view and maxing out the speakers once more.


The Valsion... almost seemed to take a break from the fighting, shaking its fist at Joe's Cerberus while the girl inside huffed loudly. Who the hell did he think he was?

"Voice match identified: Joe Maestri. Mason, the pilot responsible for changing operation parameters has been identified. And clearly no longer requires his lion."


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
The Grungust's pilot was getting into it, but his enthusiasm was disturbed as the new addition to the fight was unveiled.
"The hell is that?" He asked before it became evident that he had become the target.

The hungry, flaming fist would catch him by surprise, the Grungust bracing itself and catching it with two hands, even so as the metal jaws continued to bite and burn it would get a good chomp at the chest of the super robot, with all the exposed metal it didn't seem like it would be doing another Maxi Blaster ever again and additionally it seemed the unit had a new, and clearly marked, weak spot.

"Well. We're in agreement about one thing rebel." Leon grunted, the Type 2 finally tossing the arm to the side. "You lot, there's your target. Make sure the bastard doesn't interrupt us again!"

"Yes sir!"
The Huckebeins all readied their weapons, the units spreading around and attempting to encircle the Garmraid. Half a dozen of photon rifles now aimed directly at the new arrival and also firing at it. One had to wonder how much it would actually care about these attacks however.

As this all happened Mason just sighed over the comms.
"Try to make sure he survives this, once you are done I might just kill him myself and I don't want some Directory goons to take that from me."

Thinking the situation to be handled Lieutenant Carr focused on the Valsion once more, finally noting the white plating. The machine clenched its fists as it turned back to its intended target.
"Now, you! Taste this! Boost Knuckle!"

Fire erupted from the back of the lower arms, both limbs held forwards they rocketed off to the smaller mech, aiming to deliver both punches directly.


New member
Jan 19, 2019
As the Huckebein's bombarded Garmraid (To rather ineffective results), it would suddenly attempt to break through their formation. Soaring high above them, the Garmraid pointed an index finger towards the now glowing scarlet gem on its forehead, pulling a full 360 as it loose a crimson beam, aimed to slice their rifles clean in half.

Streaking across the sky nearby, the fist would slam into any Huckebeins knocked out of formation as it made way back to the unit. Just finishing its rotations, the Garmraid stood turned to Katherine, gesturing a wave with the now reattached hand. "Glad to see you too Kath, hey, while you were having fun with, uh…" Joe squinted at the Type-2, only pulling up blanks as he search through his memory. "That… guy? I was buried alive!"

The Garmraid's wave shaped itself into a fist, the unit assuming a stance as it's bladed knee would pop out, crackling with electricity. "In other words, no can do Missy!" Joe rocketed on forward, sensing this was a good chance as any to get "Acquainted" with the now handless Type-2.
Aug 4, 2018
Somewhere in the UK
"His name was previously stated as Leon Carr."

"Fucking... can you give me a moment? Apparently this idiot doesn't know what a duel is." Katherine launched the Valsion sideways, ignoring the deep dents the Boost Knuckles made in her outer armour. She threw herself directly in between the Garmraid and the Grungust - Unclipping the Divine blade with a flourish and attempting to parry the knee blade, or in the worst case stopping it with her suit.


Assuming her block was successful she'd try to lift the other machine up with the blade, using one hand to steady it and forcibly throwing the rival super robot towards the huckebeins.

"You want to play, go play in the kiddie pool with the little guys! Don't make me have to beat the stupid out of you - because I will." Katherine would point an accusing finger at the Garmraid before turning back to her real opponent, a smug sense of satisfaction in her voice.

"Now... where was I?"

"You were deliberately taking blows from both the enemy and an ally due to a petty grudge." The AI sounded far more judgemental than earlier - even if the voice lacked emotion, anyone could sense the exasperation present.

"Stow it!"


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
Several of the huckebeins were caught unaware by the Garmraid's counter attack, four rifles detonating as only two managed to dodge the attack. However none seemed demoralized by the apparent ineffectiveness of their assault, the two with functioning weapons continuing their fire while the other four closed in.

"Oh for- Huh?" Lieutenant Carr who had tried to position the Grungust in a way to lessen the incoming blow was surprised at the unexpected help. He sure as hell didn't expect the Valsion pilot would take the interruption to their fight in this way and his mooks didn't seem to mind all that much, the four without rifles now going after the giant with their beam swords.

Once the arms reattached themselves the Grungust finally moved, taking a step towards the struggle. Extending its hand out towards the remains of a lamp post,
"Well damn, seems you have some more honor in you than I thought. Don't think I'll play any nicer after you finish your small exercise however."
The Type-2 pulled the lamp post out of the ground, shaking off the last bit of concrete and smashing it straight against a wall.

"I won't stoop to his level however and I'll let you two sort out your issues."


New member
Jan 19, 2019
Joe had to admit, he was a taken aback by Katherine's sudden counter. Literally. Briskly flung to the gutters, the Garmraid tried to steady itself on a closing Huckebein, It becoming his balance board and a vessel for Joe's now boiling anger.

Still promptly trying to stomp down the Huckebein, Joe turned his comms. on full blast waving a blazing fist to Katherine. "What was that for?! He is OUR ENEMY, right!?" The nerve, she really was going through with this, and without even noticing the fact that her little "Duel" almost cost Joe his life! If it wasn't for the Garmraid…

The Garmraid. Why did she even bother when Joe had this, a unit that had more than proved itself, what with disabling the enemy's blaster in a single shot when she couldn't even push it back. Joe had a taste of the big fish, and now he wanted more. Like hell would he stick to second pickings just for some petty "Honorable battle" in the middle of a war!
Joe would attempt to kick the Huckebein into oncoming ones with his still whirring saw blades, turning back to Katherine as he did. "And who are you telling to play with the "kiddy squad", step aside and let the real adults work! I swear to god, you're such a child!"
Aug 4, 2018
Somewhere in the UK
"If you wanted to be the star of the show, maybe you shouldn't have fucked everything up~" Kath's smug face would pop up on the Garmraid's comm screen - she'd apparently enabled video for the sole purpose of rubbing it in. "Mason was capital-P Pissed when you threw that lion at us, and I say that means you've lost your miniboss priveliges. Now go get shot by the huckies like a good boy, and we won't have to find out how much damage the cross smasher can do to your shiny new mech."

"Please do not cause further trouble. The Valsion Kai-Type's specifications are more than a match for a lone grungust, but if she decides to fight you as well success parameters lower to an unacceptable level."

"Yeah, what Alex said. I don't wanna smash you, and you don't wanna get smashed. Ya get me?" The Valsion had its back turned to Joe's Garmraid by now, and was spinning its sword in place as an intimidation tactic. She wasn't making a move until she was absolutely sure there wasn't going to be another flaming knuckle flying in her direction.


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
The Huckebein approaching from the back would meet its ill timed fate, the lower half of the machine brought to bear under the Garmraid's foot, the hydraulic press like movement of the red unit ceasing any movement by the Directory goon.
Its ally on the front fared somewhat better, the kick was a hit but both the pilot and Joe's targets managed to maneuver out of one another's way.

The Grungust stepped back to the center of the road, plucking some debris out of the remnants of its Maxi Blaster as it went there. It turned its gaze to the Huckebein that was just kicked and pointed the metal rod it held like a sword towards Garmraid. Seemingly Leon had said something over the directory comms away from prying ears.

Perhaps if both were perceptive enough Joe and Katherine might notice that Lieutenant Carr had not gestured at Joe but at the remnants of the space dock behind him, the Taussendfuessler now long gone and heading into space but several of its crates remained and while two huckebeins kept firing at Joe with their photon rifles it seemed the other three now had a detour in mind. Then it turned its gaze upwards, to the Garmraid.

"Oh don't worry scum." There was a distinct air of confidence as he addressed Joe "I'll handle you after I'm done with her so you'll get your turn besides, you'll want to focus on some other things before you just don't get to go at all."

Muffled by the scuffle the sound of a crate breaking could be heard behind the revolutionaries machines. A look back would explain why the Taussendfuessler was so eager to get their cargo as far away from open combat as they could as weapons and ammunition poured from the box and the kiddy squad eagerly began grabbing their upgrades, arming themselves with a variety of lethal weaponry no doubt either confiscated from revolutionaries or intended to be transported back separately from the Directory machines they belonged to.

But all was not done, over the rebel comms Mason chimed in on both Katherine's and Joe's end, a mix of annoyed, frustrated and worried.
"You two have played around long enough, round that squabble of your up and head back to point G30 there's some odd reports that need looking into."


New member
Jan 19, 2019
Joe was practically fuming, with steam literally whistling out of the Garmraid's exhaust and arm vents as the lethally equipped Huckebein's neared it. Suddenly, the unit would stop spazzing out just long enough for Joe to turn on his video comm. A calm smile on his face.

"Alright, alright. You win. I'll handle them and report back to Mason, you just fight to your heart's content," Joe would do as promised, heading to the Huckebein's with an awkward wave, as if to draw attention to himself. "Alright then, you've got your orders, I have mine. Let's take it away."

Joe would dash past the Huckebein's, which were hopefully in pursuit, and away from the dueling super robots. Joe was gonna deal with the Huckies alright, and he was gonna have fun doing it. Unfortunately, that fun involved Mason, who Joe was already tuning his comm. To. "Hey, Mason! In good health, I hope! So, how are those Lions?"

Joe would stop near the G30 point, now facing the Huckebeins. The garmraid pointed it's head to the sky, firing off it's bloody ray to make a pillar of red energy and Joe's beacon. "Hey favor, mind sending a few over? We can't miss thi- I mean can't miss me, I swear! Seriously, not that big a favor, just a few dozen Lions!" Joe hoped to god this work, not being able to really fit the big, sharp weapons of the Huckebeins into his definition of fun
Aug 4, 2018
Somewhere in the UK
Katherine started laughing when she heard Joe's message, but decided not to burst his bubble. "Sure, Mason. This shouldn't take more than a minute. Two tops." She muted her own line, the Valsion starting to glow as the reactor one again spun into high gear.

Gotta finish this fast. He knows I like calling my attacks, so...

"This sword of mine glows with an awesome power..." Her voice wasn't coming out over the comm lines any more - this was all through the Valsion's speakers. "It's burning grip tells me to defeat you!" With the last word the Valsion swung around, letting go of the blade with both hands and launching it at Leon's Grungust.


Her divine blade was tossed with a single swift movement, soaring through the air aimed at the Grungust's head. It wasn't glowing. Or altered at all. It wasn't even thrown with that much force. That was reserved for what followed afterwards.

A beam of purple energy was launched from the Valsion's other hand as a followup, this Cross Smasher aimed directly at the Grungust's heart.


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
As the Huckebeins did what Joe expected, giving chase with their newfound lethal prowess the duel continued, the Grungust ran forwards.
"Not fast enough Valsion!" Leon yelled batting the sword away with the lamp post bending it back out of shape with the hit. Only for the pilot to now see the purple light in the hand of the unit.

"Shit." He remarked as it shot out, piercing the heart of the Type-2 through the hole that the Garmraid previously made and coming out the other side.
Motionless the hulking unit stood there, its joints creaking as the limbs slowly descended the now L shaped pole clattering on the ground.

There would be no more word from Lieutenant Carr as the giant collapsed onto itself, a hole burnt straight through the reactor having turned all energy the unit received completely off, but because her attack had actually taken out the entire reactor in one moment it did not detonate. In fact, out of the back of the slumped over Grungust's head a man climbed. Gazing at the Valsion with a look of defiance.

Meanwhile as the Garmraid moved onto rebel comms Joe received a sigh from Mason.
"Maestri. The Lions were received fine, bar one. I'm sure you know which. And like I told Kathryn as she went to find you, you get to resolve this mess on your own. Besides all of them are busy."

As the old rebel spoke one of the pursuing Huckebeins took its rectangular launcher and aimed squarely at the Garmraids chest, only to pause and lower the weapon.
"What the hell?" the voice over the PTs speakers remarked, looking at something behind Joe.

It was something everyone would or could see, Kathryn in the corner of her vision. Joe behind him, the Huckebeins each paused to behold the sight.
The horizon was purple, the Lamalice had come.