Ill Gotten Gains (Kira)


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
OE 102
January 4th
1:12 Void Time
Manufacturing Plant #118, Aeon Corporation
L2 Outskirts

"Pirates! It's a pirate raid!"

Only one could be so bold.

On the outskirts of the L2 Cluster, Aeon Corporation's more secretive manufacturing plant, its location carefully obscured, and painstaking retrofitted from a mining asteroid... Was under attack. Lions hurtled through vacuum, railguns blazing as their angular forms danced across the surface of the asteroid, cutting down defensive guns and Gunsects that attempted to stymie the attack.

Here, it was said that Aeon was developing a new type of mobile weapon - one that its competitors would pay any price to attain, as it was suspected to have been manufactured with alien Extra Over Technology acquired not from Luna, but... Somewhere else. As such, it was this particular location that was of considerable interest to them, and they had made the decision to contact one of the more... Esoteric space pirates, to see if they would be interested.

So far, it seemed, they had made the right choice.
Aug 4, 2018

Behind the horde of Lions there was a single unit distinctively different from the rest. It's green eyes flashed as it fired it's boosters and started to charge in.. It passed the other Lions with ease and kept on accelerating towards the facility at really high speeds like a shooting star. The Gunsects and turrets directed their attention to the unknown unit and continuously fired at it. But it raised it's shield bunker to protect itself from the incoming attacks and continued to charge while firing it's gun.

The unknown unit continued to accelerate and hard landed right on top of a Gunsect completely crushing it beneath it's feet. The other Gunsects fired at the mobile weapon but it swiftly kicked up the fallen Gunsect and used it as a shield while using it's shied bunker as a sword to destroy the Gunsects surrounding it while the Lions took care of the turrets. "Now that I think of it... I could've just used my gun. Oh well too late now" said the pilot looking at the destroyed Gunsects.
"Captain Luna! Are you alright?" a concerned voice asked from the communicator.
"It's Fabulous Captain Luna! And yes, I'm doing dandy. Have you found the thing yet?" asked Luna.
"Not yet Captain! We only just infiltrated the facility ma'm!" her ally answered as a number of Cupid units were deployed.
"Excuses, Excuses.. Well fun time isn't over yet so work faster boys."Luna teasingly said. She moved her unit to face her enemies. "Alright Brasta. Time for our group date. This time I'm using my gun" she said taking aim at the enemy units.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Sure enough, as Luna predicted, a swarm of Cupids began to deploy from hatches across the base. The legless, curious looking mobile weapons floated up out of their berths, fuel cables detaching as their red eye cameras lit up. A total of six emerged to challenge the pirates, and while they lacked the firepower of the Brasta, they more than made up for it in sheer numbers. All of the Gunsects and turrets, it appeared, had been destroyed in the initial salvo - but the facility was far from exhausted yet.

They split into three groups - two for each hostile. Against the Lions, they began to close ranks quickly - one unit fired a spray of missiles from its hand-carried pod, while the other dispensed a series of small plasma shots from its rifle as it neared. The result was an attack that covered both ranges - but whether it would be effective or not against the veteran space pirates was uncertain.

Against Luna, the two remaining Cupids opted to keep their distance - and instead unloaded their entire missile compliment all at once, sending columns of smoke into the sky as they attempted to wipe out the unknown machine in one go.
Aug 4, 2018
2 Lion Vs arrived to the area and saw the smoke coming from where the Brasta stood. "Captain!" one the pilots screamed fearing the worst. The other Lion V unit aimed it's railgun at the Cupids, but at that moment one of the Cupids got shot down, soon after the other Cupid was shot down as well. The two pilots watched the remains of their enemies fall in the black smoke below.

"What just happened?" one of the pilots asked after witnessing what had happened in front of him. The other pilot sighed "There's only one person I know who could pull off shots like that" he said looking at his radar. From within the smoke the Brasta stood with it's snipe in hand.
"These guys really need to invest in homing missiles" said Luna removing the sniper extension from the EAGLE.
"Captain!" one of the pilots shouted in relief as the 2 Lion V units descended to where the Brasta stood. "Captain, how did you survive that attack?" the other asked curiously.Luna lifted the Brasta's shield bunker high similar to a hero raising their holy sword and said "Behold the power of the Grappling Shield!".
"Captain. That's the Shield Bunker." one of the pilots tried to corrected her but Luna completely ignored his remark and said "My robot. I can call it whatever I want" and explained to her comrades that she used the shield bunker or rather "Grappling Shield" as she likes to call it now. She used the Barrier field that it emits to shield herself if the explosions got too close and also used it as a grappling hook to gain more momentum in order to dodge the incoming missiles more efficiently.
"That was far too reckless captain! You can't just charge into battle like that! What if you got taken out?!" said one of the pilots concerned for his captain
"It's fine! As long as I'm in the cockpit the Brasta is invincible!" said Luna completely ignoring her comrade's warning and concern.
"But captain-" the pilot pleaded. Luna stopped him and said "Me and my Brasta are invincible as long as we are together. Understood?"
"Yes captain..." the pilot answered reluctantly.

"Good.Now that we have that out of the way. Let's go find that thing that we were looking for!" Luna commanded her comrades as she powered up her unit's thrusters.
"Aye captain!" said the two pilots as they too powered up their thrusters. "Again! It's fabulous captain! Get it right!" Luna said as the Brasta's eyes flashed green and then all 3 units boosted towards the facility together.
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Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
The Brasta and its accompanying Lions screamed into the facility through a wide opening as the Cupid defenses crumbled before their assault. Within, warning klaxons roared, and personnel hurried to evacuated, yelling to one another as they did so. Surprisingly, nothing immediately emerged to menace the group - they traveled down a long corridor that led to the heart of the asteroid.

As they continued, they entered a large, spherical room. Within, there were multiple berths inset into the walls, ones that ordinarily would have been holding mobile weapons... But there was no sign of any present...

At least... at first glance.

"Breast Blaster: Discharge."

Suddenly, without warning, a titanic blast of plasma burst into being, striking at the group from above with terrifying speed - it was large, more than enough to completely envelop the Brasta, as... Something massive came into view. It was too far away to tell, but... It seemed to match the description of the supposedly "inactive" prototype.
Aug 4, 2018
"Captain!" one her allies screamed as he pushed pushed the Brasta away from the blast fired by the "prototype". Luna quickly balanced the Brasta and saw her ally get caught in the blast. The Lion was quickly enveloped in the blast and soon there was nothing left of it.

"Well... shit" Luna muttered as she aimed her gun at the prototype. "Fire!" she commanded as both the Brasta and the remaining Lion opened fire at the prototype. But the bullets had little to no effect on the enemy unit.

"Captain, I don't think this is working!"
"Yeah... I noticed" Luna sighed.
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Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Within the cockpit of the Prototype, the Ganonia Augar, the man currently harnessed into its pilot seat exhaled slowly, as he saw the remaining Lion and the Brasta scurry about. The test of the Breast Blaster had gone perfectly - temperatures were at acceptable levels, even after maximum output. With the amount of time and money he had sunk into it, he thought grimly, it had better. The battlefield, he could handle - angry board members, however, were a different story.

"I see the Space Pirates of Captain Luna aren't lacking bravery, at the very least."

The voice would be immediately familiar to Luna: It was the very same anonymous individual who had contacted her for the job in the first place..

...A setup.

As the Brasta and Lion recovered, the glowing barrel of the cannon was retracted into the Ganonia's chest. It was a hulking behemoth of a machine - all spikes and armor plates, a thin blue visor nestled amongst a design ethos that called to mind a pointed, horned demon. Its legs were folded up tightly into its forelegs, giving it a curious, stubby appearance from the waist down... But as Luna and the Lion opened fire, the curious design choice's benefits would become immediately clear as it rocketed towards them, banking to their right as fire from the EAGLE and railgun alike failed to find their mark.

"Now then..." Breathed the pilot, a small grin crawling up the sides of his face; "How about you show me what DEI's DM Buster can do?"

The shoulder armor of the Ganonia shifted, exposing a pair of gleaming barrels inset into their length. They angled straight up as the Ganonia pirouetted back on course, blasting out - once, twice - each, for a total of four shots, aimed to rip apart the remaining Lion as it attempted to track it.

"Here I come."
Aug 4, 2018
"That's Fabulous Captain Luna you fatty!" Luna screamed as she changed the EAGLE into sniper mode and aimed directly at the Ganonia.
But then Luna quickly noticed that the Ganonia was tracking the Lion.

She quickly fired her bunker shield and wrapped the wire around the Lion like a rope. "Captain?" muttered the pilot confused
"Hold on to something honey" Luna said as she pulled the Lion away from the Ganonia's line of fire and flung it towards the way they came in.

"Alright school's out. Time for you to go home" Luna said to her comrade.
"What! No I'm staying! I can take that thing!" The pilot insisted firing up his Lion's boosters.
"Sorry kid! adults only" said Luna as she fired at the roof of the entrance which making it collapse Completely blocking the Lion from getting in...

"Captain! What do you think you're doing!" the pilot screamed from the radio.
"Can you people please get it right...It's Fabulous Captain Luna" Luna said as she reached towards her radio.
"No peeking" Luna teasingly said as she turned off her radio. "Now we finally have some us time!" she said looking at the Ganonia

Luna aimed her weapon at her enemy. "I have several questions for you big boy. But let's start with..." Luna said as she directed her aim at the Ganonia's chest. "You have a twin brother? B'cause you sound exactly like the guy who gave me this job" she asked with a smile.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
"That would be correct... Fabulous Captain Luna."

The Ganonia watched as Luna flung her companion to safety. He had to say, he was impressed that she would show such attention to preserving her allies... More than he would otherwise have anticipated from lowly space pirates. Perhaps the rumors of this woman's skill were true after all?

The massive green machine pulled up, hovering above Luna as it raised the long, menacing scythe it carried, brandishing the weapon, and pointing it in her direction as a challenge. He seemed unfazed at the prospect of the EAGLE, even from relatively close range - considering the Ganonia stood nearly twice the Brasta's height, this would hardly come as a surprise. Within the cockpit, the pilot gave a smirk, and folded his legs, hands flexing on the machine's controls in anticipation.

"Consider this... a live-fire vetting process of sorts. The kind of work I need done..."

The beam cannons folded forward again as the scythe was grasped in both hands. Two more shots lashed out down at Luna as the Ganonia hurtled down, rapidly closing the gap between them - frighteningly fast for something so large and heavy, like a green meteor. In mere moments, he would be right on top of her, and that deadly scythe, no doubt brought to bear.

"Is not for the weak or faint of heart!"
Aug 4, 2018
"Jesus Christ!" Luna screamed when she witnessed the sheer speed of the Ganonia.

Luna looked at the EAGLE and quickly understood that using it in sniper mode would be suicide. She quickly detached the sniper extention and switched out the magazine currently equipped to the EAGLE with a new one. And fired two cylinders past the incoming shots towards the Ganonia

"Jousting time!" she shouted as she switched the magazine again and a large laser javelin formed out of the EAGLE.

The Brasta's thrusters lit up and soon fired at maximum output. Luna swiftly dodged the two shots fired by her enemy losing little to no momentum and continued to charge directly towards the charging Ganonia.

"Bayonet Spiker!!!! CHAAAAAAAAARGE!!!" she screamed with a wide grin as the cylinders opened into EM nets in-front the Ganonia.
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Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
He had to admire her spirit, thought the Ganonia's pilot as she charged. The massive machine's arms whirled as it bore down on Luna, sending the brutal scythe whirling through the air, sweeping aside the nets with contemptuous ease. However, it was now faced with a problem as the Brasta charged, recovering from its swing - it banked hard to Luna's left, the Bayonet Spiker shearing off a chunk of it's skirt armor, sending it sparking away - not even the giant machine's thruster power enough to carry it away in time.

"Not bad." Remarked the pilot thickly, as he struggled to bring the machine back under control as G-forces slammed into him through gritted teeth. Still, there was only one way to get ahead of the situation: Power through.

"Let's see how you handle this! High Mobility Mode!"

The lower body of the Ganonia shifted as it re-adjusted its approach. Out of its forelegs, the machine's full leg length extended, filling the air inside the station with the whine of igniting plasma as they burst into being. The Ganonia Augar rocketed forward, even fasted than before, swinging the vicious scythe into the Brasta's side, aiming to tear away it's left arm - shield and all, with a single slice as it closed the gap between them in an instant.
Aug 4, 2018
Luna quickly fired up her thrusters and also fired the shield bunker towards the wall left of her using it as a grappling hook to gain more momentum as she tried to dodge the incoming attack.

She managed to save the left arm but the scythe managed to slice the Brasta's right foot clean off in the process. Sparks flew as the mobile weapon flew to the other side of the room.

"Bitch you broke my foot!" Luna shouted as she threw the EAGLE towards the Ganonia's left arm with the Bayonet Spiker still active like a boomerang hoping to cause some damage.

Luna retracted her shield as she struggled to balance her unit.

"Did it!" said Luna as she leveled the Brasta. But then when she looked ahead he saw that everything in the room had flipped upside down.
"Huh?" Luna muttered before she realized that she leveled the Brasta upside down.

"Well, this is a compromising position"
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Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Luna tossed the EAGLE through the air, sending it scything towards the Ganonia - but by the time her wrist had twisted, the machine was already hurtling towards her, swerving clear out of the way of the crude assault. Within the cockpit, the pilot thought he could hear his teeth beginning to crack under the sheer forces he was placing himself under - but, as he reminded himself as he fought to keep his eyeballs from being liquidated, sometimes you had to do something yourself if you wanted it done right.

"This finishes it, Space Pirate!"

The Scythe was hefted - but this time, instead of bringing it around in another deadly sweep, the Ganonia's legs shifted underneath it as its thrusters ignited to full burn - causing it to come crashing down upon the Brasta from above like a meteor with a rocket assisted kick, attempted to smash it into the rocks below.
Aug 4, 2018
Luna turned the Brasta at the direction of the Ganonia and saw that it was charging right at her.

"Dammit! He's too close" Luna said gritting her teeth. She couldn't think of a method of dodging. "Should I use the rods? No he'd still hit me." She thought.
All she could do is use the shield bunker to protect herself and hope for the best.

"This is gonna hurt" Luna muttered as she put up her shield.

The Brasta took the Ganonia's attack head on. Which sent it flying to the rocks below. Luna tried to reduce the impact by activating her thrusters but the impact was still strong enough to leave the Brasta heavily damaged and unmovable. Hot steam evaporating from the hot metal of the machine as it laid on the ground with it's lights flashing and sparks flying due to the damage it had just taken.

Luna grabbed her arm in pain. The impact that she just suffered had injured her left arm. "Man this sucks" she said looking at the state her mobile weapon was in. "I guess I got too cocky..." Luna thought. She understood that there was no way out of this situation as she watched the Ganonia towering above her.

Luna activated her radio and sent a transmission to her crew. "Fabulous Captain Luna here. You bastards better grab everything you just stole and get your arses off this shitty facility. I'll be taking a vacation after this so... Steve you're in charge! Also Brian I stole your cookies and they were delicious" she said before cutting off her transmission.

Luna smiled as she watched the Ganonia.
"Bring it on ya fatty!" she taunted the enemy pilot smiling with no hesitation.
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