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Our Finest Hour (L4 Defense)


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
OE 102
January 19th
L4 Cluster Space

"Looks like we made it just in time."

A flash of crimson in the void - the recently rechristened, refurbished Hiryu Kai class Shinryu cut through the blackness of space, an arrow cast from a hero's bow. Trailing behind it in a row, like little comets themselves, were the blocky, angular forms of a trio of Peregrine class cruisers - hastily drafted into their ragtag resistance force. In the distance, the forms of the Colonies were visible - small explosions already visible in the distance as what security forces remained began to engage the encroaching enemy.

...the enemy...

On the Hiryu's main monitor, there was... what could only be described as a writhing, teeming mass, one that took up the vast majority of the screen. It was roiling and rippling, like a swarm of hornets - only, its composition was far, far more malevolent than any simple-minded insect of the Earth. Its scope was... jaw-dropping, and even those on the bridge found themselves stunned into silence, as attempts to estimate the size of it met with only garbled readouts, even with the Shinryu's advanced instruments.

Lamalice - hundreds, possibly thousands of them, descending in a foul cloud... preparing to do to L4 what they had done to L5 in a matter of minutes: Reduce it and its inhabitants to lifeless husks.

Standing before her command chair, and flanked by none other than her unlikely ally in this act of rebellion, the ship's Captain found her words, slowly.

"There's... So many of them..." She murmured, worry and awe mingling in her voice as she spoke.

"This would be a poor time for us to lose our nerve, Captain Harris."

Harris turned on her heel to regard the owner of the voice. Alan Cicero, clad in his usual white, immaculately pressed suit, regarded her with a raised eyebrow.

"...We can't afford to back out now." She responded, folding her arms as she did.

"If there was a hill to die on, well... This is it."

Cicero clapped his hands approvingly, saying as he did:

"Well said."

With that, he motioned to leave, the Captain calling out after him:

"You're not staying?"

"I have some last minute adjustments to make on the Brasta..." He called back as he reached the doorway, barely even turning his head to acknowledge her: "The VX is proving more temperamental than expected."

And just like that, he was gone. Harris turned her attention back to the map of the battlefield that was forming overhead, as the Lamalice began to converge upon the Colony structures. Despite the severity of the situation... the reality of the potential aftermath was already picking at her mind.

...That man. She mused; No corporatist would ever stick his neck out so far - and for free, at that.

What are you up to, Alan Cicero?

Setting aside her sense of unease for the moment, she cleared her throat, and thrust a hand outward toward the swarm. No dramatic speech was needed - they had waited long enough, and every single one of their crew knew what had to be done.

"All hands, battle stations! Exterminate the Lamalice!"​

Alan Cicero traveled along the halls of the Shinryu, one hand grasped around a wall-mounted handle that whisked him along the corridor, while the other adjusted his tie as he went, deep in thought.

He wasn't thinking too much about the oncoming battle, surprisingly. If his understanding of what, exactly he had uncovered was anywhere close to correct... Then the cost of awakening "it" would be more than paid back by the ensuing dividends. Perhaps, he thought mildly, he had judged Bertram and his bizarre obsessions a bit too harshly... After all, now that one of the devices the Institute desperately sought had managed to roll onto his lap, as it were... well, far be it from he to relinquish it.

Of course, he added with a smirk, he would also take considerable enjoyment in rubbing it in the man's smug face at the next conference.

...That is, he thought glumly as he rounded a corner, if he could prompt it into action. Failing that, well...

At least the monstrosities wouldn't leave anyone alive to mock him for it.

So it was that he went to see the infamous Captain Luna. There was a quaint saying among the Terrans, something to the effect of "Everything happens for a reason" - nothing more than a folksy axiom that helped them feel like there was some kind of guiding hand to the universe - a way of relieving the anxiety born from what was perceived as meaningless chaos.

If only any of them had any idea, he thought as he finally reached the hangar, of just how right they were.

Allied Force Composition:
Ganonia (Ed)

Peregrine Class x3:
4x Cosmolion
1x Leonisis

4x Cosmolion
1x Leonisis

4x Cosmolion
1x Leonisis

Enemy Force Composition:

Lamalice x ???
Aug 4, 2018
Luna was watching an old Godzilla movie in her room until she heard the deafening alarms that started blaring everywhere. She quickly dressed up in her pilot suit, grabbed the last corn dog and practically hopped out of her room.

Luna made her way down to the hanger while chewing on her corn dog and it was delicious. Once in the hangar she floated on over to her beloved baby boy.
'Time to beat up more baddies" she said as she finished her corn dog and prepared to enter the Brasta's cockpit.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
"Captain Luna."

Cicero drifted into the hangar, calling out the young woman's name.

Located beside the Brasta in a similarly sized bay was the form of the Vangray, although the two machines couldn't have been more different in stature - one stubby and blocky, the other lanky and triangular. It had taken some time, but the crew had eventually managed to locate Sayuri, and retrieve the unit - something the Colonist was certainly grateful for, given what he was paying out for the woman's services.

Speaking of the elusive swordwoman, as the vessel came into range of the cluster's long-range transmitters, she would have received a message on her personal terminal - one from a certain other woman who was (more likely than not), finding inventive ways to imperil herself for profit Earthside. Were she to open it, it would read:


Something's come up with the Alkahest job... It might be a while before I'm able to return to space. But, if I'm right, the old fox should be able to provide us with exactly what we're looking for.

Just... Bear with me a little while longer, okay? I'll make it up to you, promise.

The next artifact should be located back at Lagrange 3... but it won't be easy to get out there. After what happened at the Anemome Station, I really don't want to take a chance on space pirates again. Maybe you can convince your new friends to help us out? :p

Love, Eri

PS: By the way... There's a friend staying at the apartment, so if you could swing by to check on them while you're saving the day, I'd really appreciate it.
Cicero drifted over to the Brasta, coming to a stop beside the (former) space pirate. Since they had embarked on their voyage, the Colonist had spent a great deal of time tinkering with it, and the resulting performance increases had made it fit even closer to the erratic whims of its pilot... for better or worse.

"A moment of your time, if you please."
Aug 4, 2018
"IT'S FABULOUS EX-CAPTAIN!!!" Luna shouted flailing her arm around like a child when she heard Cicero call her 'Captain Luna'.

Cicero then approached her and asked her for a moment of her time to which she raised an eyebrow. "Sure! 20 bucks an hour!" Luna said with a goofy smile and raising her finger.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
"I really... Don't want to think about expenses right now, if you don't mind."

The specter of his drained bank account caused an involuntary shudder to grip the Colonist as he pinched the bridge of his nose, appraising Luna with a tight smile. The amount of money he had spent on the expedition overall would hobble him for years to come - he could only hope that, in a stroke of cosmic justice, perhaps the Lamalice would at least rid him of his creditors.

"I just wanted you to be aware... I've made some adjustments to the VX, bringing it back to its full potential. You should find that the DM Buster is more responsive to your commands now. And..." - He paused, taking a moment to stroke his chin before continuing:

"I wanted to ask: Once this job has run its course... Have you considered your next step? Your... future prospects, I mean."
Aug 4, 2018
"I'm gonna be a model!" Luna answered instantly with a bright smirk completed with a thumbs up.

"Just kidding.. To be honest I'm not the type to plan ahead. I just go with the flow y'know?" Luna said rubbing the back of her head and smiled goofily. "So basically you're stuck with me for now!" she said giving him a thumbs up.

"Now about the response thing... How responsive are we talking here Fatty?" Luna asked her eyes beaming with excitement as she waited to Cicero to give her more details about Brasta's upgrade.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
"Stuck with you, hm?"

The woman's enthusiasm was infectious, and Cicero couldn't help but chuckle in response.

Overhead, Eduardo Casker turned his head, watching their conversation in silent amusement as he saw the otherwise icy man appearing to melt a little, perhaps helpless before her radiance. Quietly, he returned to minding his own business - such things, he thought, were probably left undisturbed.

"The performance upgrade should be... Substantial." He continued, fishing from his pocket a small terminal, from which was displayed a hologram between the two of them showing the Brasta's internals. The Colonist brought his finger up through the display, drawing her attention to the chest of the DM Buster, through which several highlighted lines had been drawn - replacement parts, it seemed, that were now feeding even more power into the machine.

"I suspect that your prior mechanics didn't quite have the tools needed to make the VX run at full capacity." Noted Cicero, adding mentally that if it weren't for Bertram, neither would he.

Finally, he brought her attention to something on the corner of the display - a series of rings, each almost the size of the Brasta itself. They appeared, on first glance, to be little more than spare parts - but their strange construction seemed to match that of the Brasta itself.

"There's also some additional equipment we brought in from the Dimensional Energy Institute on Earth... Ones that should, supposedly, respond to the VX - But, it hasn't been fully configured yet, so we can't deploy it with confidence. My apologies."
Aug 4, 2018
"Dimensional Energy Institute?" Luna muttered. Why did that sound so familiar? Did she rob them before? She started to wonder why that name sounded familiar to her but she quickly snapped out of it when Cicero mentioned new equipment.

"New equipment?!" Luna shot up and peeped into the hologram and saw 4 rings as big as her Brasta. "That's so cool!!" said with her eyes beaming with excitement.

"Brasta! Fatty got you new hula hoops!" Luna shouted with joy looking at her mobile weapon.
Aug 4, 2018
Somewhere in the UK
Inside L4 Cluster.

"Victory!" Katherine did a fist pump and a little dance, the Valsion duplicating her movements in a frankly bizzare fashion. "Suck it, Joe!" Her rather juvenile celebration would continue until she became aware of the purple glow in the corner of her vision. She'd stop and slowly turn to face it, the Valsion's face visibly adjusting a few times as she zoomed in for a better look.

"Oookaaaaay... well, that looks evil as all hell. Mason, you seeing this?" One of the few buttons on her control setup was pressed, passing on the Valsion's footage to what might possibly count as her commanding officer.

"Video transmission successful. Recommend targeting unknown aliens over human forces. Number of alien entities... unclassifiable." Alex took the initiative, broadcasting over the Valsion's speakers as if to call for a truce. For her part Kath didn't object, no longer caring about the Huckebeins any more. After all, those were space monsters.

What sort of hero would she be if she wasn't gonna be fighting them? A couple of button presses later and the most damaged armour plates on the Valsion were forcefully separated, revealing a set of gleaming white plates holding the suit together underneath. While the majority of the Valsion was still its infamous red colouring, the flashes of white armour stood out and were clearly visible, even from a distance.

"So. Way I see we've got two options - you can either all keep slap fighting until the purple claw monsters smash ya, or we can skip right past you ineffectually flailing against super robots and go smash some space monsters! Who's with me?" Katherine reached down while she was making a speech to the assorted Directory and Colonial mecha, grabbing the Divine Blade once more and pointing it right at the oncoming wall of Lamalice.


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
They had arrived, whether they were just in time or too late was to be seen. One thing was sure, regardless of outcome they were going to give their all. Within the Shinryu he sat, the Nightmare of Terra Sigma awaited the moment of its release and the pilot behind the controls waited for the signal to unleash it. It didn't make either of them wait long, the massive red chassis set free and let loose into space.

Its four beady green eyes scanned the wave of purple opposed to it. Perhaps he was the man with the most experience fighting these things, these Lamalice, near these colonies and he would use this to his best ability. These grape like creatures were not impervious, in fact once struck they proved to be fragile. It was their numbers that made them threats, an exponential increase in firepower and malintent and here they faced legions of them.

There was no choice in this, they came so far already. Too far to now back away and leave these people to their doom, nor did Nick have any desire to do so. First on the battlefield and he'd make sure the Valsion was the last to fall. The way it was meant to be, a banner of hope, of defiance against any odds. Of the colonies, for the colonies. Here it would after all these years contest to hold onto the title of 'Ultimate Robo'. As it gazed over the tide of foes the arm with its shield raised, pointing at the horizon of monsters with its hand as it clenched its fist the shield split open, a familiar sight no doubt to those it fought alongside on L2.

"This will be no repeat of L5." He announced "This time we are prepared, it doesn't matter if they are hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands even. They will not get past us. And to you, if you even understand us behind those soulless eyes. All I have to say is this: Cross Smasher!" The purple beam, coiled with red and blue energy reared its head. Eager to bite into the foes presented to it of the same color.

The beam curved and danced across the star-lit sky, the same destructive power in it as brought upon the directory's flagship but there was one change of strategy from its use in L2, instead of focusing on a sole Lamalice the Valsion turned its arm to the right, the beam turning with it intent to carve a line across the horde like a engineer welding two plates shut but with much more lethal purpose.


New member
Jan 19, 2019
"H-hey, Mason? Mason!? Ugh, fine!" The Garmraid got into a fighting stance, beckoning the Huckebeins closer with a gesture, “Alright, bring it! I didn’t need backup anyway, I’m my own army!”

Despite his rowdy cry, Joe still found himself steading trembling hands, trying his best to hold any semblance of composure against the souped-up team. The Garmraid itself began tensing up as if ready to pounce at any sudden movement. The air within Joe’s cockpit wasn’t helping the mood either. It had gone still, like the wind before a showdown.

In other words, it was quiet. Too quiet.

The Huckebein’s hadn't moved an inch since his bluff, they just sat there looking at him, still as statues. Joe gave a wave, “Oi, this ain’t no staring… contest…” Slowly, the Bloody Ray's red glow was overtaken by a deep purple, the answer hitting Joe as it did.

With a quick look at Katherine’s following video feed confirming the worst, Joe now found himself more confused than afraid. “Just what the hell are fighting now…” Whatever it was, Joe sure as hell wasn’t touching very soon. Besides, he had another idea. “You heard the lady, unless you wanna be mincemeat, I suggest you stop pointing those at me and help out,”
Joe whipped the Garmraid’s head back before twisting it right back at the horde. The Bloody Ray followed the motion, ready to cut through the swarm.
Dec 18, 2018
Radio chatter soon betrayed some young woman trying to get some kind of response... Although there was the obvious question- Who was coming all the way out here like an idiot? If it was a conflict between humans, she would have been broadcasting her location for all to see- And shoot.

The Shinryu soon picked up a mint green machine approaching, and it was soon clear that the source of the woman's voice was this particular machine.

"Those bureaucratic idiots, sending me out in something I don't even know how to control... Just because it's from some other part of the Solar System... How'd it even get here anyway?! ... Oh. Monsters. Well, that's just peachy! Why- ... What's this beeping light?"

This was going to be something of a trip given the fact that she didn't even know how to turn on any sort of video feed. Curiously, the machine lacked any sort of onboard weaponry despite lacking the frame of a bulkier machine that could allow for such leeway, such as a Grungust.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Bridge of the Shinryu

"Captain, we're detecting several friendly Colonial forces arriving."

Harris, her coat worn about her shoulders, gave an approving nod as she surveyed the arrival of the Garmraid, the second Valsion, and the Serius. One soldier willing to stand in harm's way for the good of all, in her mind, was worth a hundred thousand.

"Good. We'll need all the help we can get. Issue them proper IFFs, we'll-"

She was interrupted as the operator called out once more, turning her head back to the Captain as another shape came into view on the monitor.

"Wait... There's something else as well, Ma'am..."


The Valsion's Cross Smasher lurched out into the dark beyond like the finger of God, punching into the foul cloud with an array of visceral detonations. In the distance, Lamalice burst like distended sacks of garbage, and the Bloody Ray carved several of the abominations into flaming chunks, screeching in futile hatred as they burned away to nothing.

...Yet, for all the power of the strike, the effect was muted. The swarm - so thick, so dense with foul matter, seemed to hardly even feel the loss of dozens of its number - and turned towards the Shinryu and its accompanying fleet, preparing to engulf it whole, much as it had L4 before-

But then...

A light that would change the history of I'sola forever burst into being.

"Reflector arrays, open! Tantra, FIRE!"​

A second blast erupted from the dark, this one from the opposite side of the swarm. Compared to the Valsion's own strike... It was colossal in scale, easily more than the Shinryu itself, a burning wave that plunged into the heart of the mass, causing it froth and teem wildly as its constituent monstrosities were disintegrated in atomic fury. The particle beam carried forward...

And then, against all reason, struck something, some manner of gleaming construct, concealed among an asteroid field, causing it to split five ways. The beams scythed back into the mass, carving it apart, causing it to split into chunks, groups of disoriented Lamalice scattering in all directions. The overall effect was immediate - Colonial forces began raining down fire upon the scattered groups, even as the form of their unexpected assistance soon became clear.

It was like no other vessel ever seen on Earth - or anywhere in the Solar System, for the matter, black as a moonless sky, with its triangular construction more reminiscent of a lumbering piece of artillery than what it truly was: A warship - one of a truly vast scale, surrounded by a guard of equally unusual mobile weapons, each gleaming silver, a pair of menacing cannons and six pointed wings rounding out their squat, armored silhouettes.

"What... In the world...?"

On the bridge of the Shinryu... Captain Harris could do nothing but gawk. Not in the entire history of mankind had such a weapon been constructed... yet, it appeared now, of all times, to intervene? Some kind of Directory prototype flagship...?

Not even a moment later, a communications window appeared on the Shinryu's main screen. On it... Was a man - she used the descriptor loosely, as his dark blue skin, long hair, and almost reptilian eyes seemed to be made in approximation of the human form, clad in a blue and white uniform, and flanked by rows of masked soldiers. The figure cleared their throat, and affixing the room with a solemn gaze... and spoke:

"Greetings, Terrans. I am Meyven Madin, of the Great Circle. We come in peace."

There was a brief silence... Before Harris managed to sputter in response:


The look of disappointment on the Meyven's face was impossible to conceal, even for him. He had been sincerely hoping that line would have been delivered to more dramatic effect, but... Circumstances being what they were, he simply cleared his throat, and gave what he hoped would be interpreted as a confidence-inspiring smile:

"In your parlance, we would be referred to as... Aliens."

Allied Force Composition:
Ganonia (Ed)

Peregrine Class x3:
4x Cosmolion
1x Leonisis

4x Cosmolion
1x Leonisis

4x Cosmolion
1x Leonisis

Great Circle Forces:
30x Leige Geios

Enemy Force Composition:
Lamalice x 500
(100 x 5)
Aug 4, 2018
Somewhere in the UK
Kathryn's Valsion took a step back as the Tantra's light pierced the sky, her plans of charging in heroically somewhat delayed as she took in the sight of the various outside weapons unleashed upon the swarm. It took her suit's AI speaking up to jolt her into action once more, shaking her head a few times to focus herself.

"Alien forces appear to be non-hostile. Kathryn, please do not start a war with an alien empire."

"Okaaaaay... Dial it back a little though. You saw that purple beam, right? That looked just like... well, my stuff."

"90% probability that Colonial reinforcements possess a cross smasher of some kind. However there are good odds that it is battleship mounted - please remember that all depictions of the original Valsion are banned. It is unlikely any other colonial group possesses a Valsion-esque Mobile Weapon."

"Well it sure as hell didn't stop us. Whatever." Kathryn rolled her eyes, pointing the Valsione towards the nearest clump of Lamalice and maxing out the thrusters while pushing herself off the colony surface.

"Oy, Directory guys! Use my signal to get a lock, and let loose with all those fancy guns of yours! Just try not to hit me, 'kay? This thing's expensive!" This last message was broadcast out through her speakers as she charged into the horde with the divine blade drawn, slicing at random while twisting to avoid any stray shots from the Directory forces she'd left behind.

To their credit, the Directory Huckebeins did not attempt to shoot down the Valsione along with the Lamalice. Missiles and beam rifle shots filled the space around her, hopefully blowing holes in the many Lamalice her sword strikes passed by. Even with her dodging a few unfortunate shots did strike the Valsion, blowing holes in the plating to reveal yet more of the white armour underneath.

"Dear god... All forces, defend the colony! Shoot down anything that attempts to attack the colonists!"

Mason's rebel forces finally left their colony of origin, forming up defensively around the various surviving colonies and preparing to engage any Lamalice that got too close. Any monster stupid enough to approach would be ripped apart by a hail of railgun fire, assuming they got past the various other factions currently present on the battlefield.

L4 Garrison Composition:

11x Lion
10x Cosmolion

2x MP Huckebein MK2 (Rectangular Launcher)
2x MP Huckebein MK2 (MDTM Shooter)
2x MP Huckebein MK2 (Magna Beam Rifle)
Dec 18, 2018
The woman groaned. "So more aliens. Wonderful. More stories about that scary planet filled with goo or whatever... What was the name? Mucus or something? ... Oh, forget it. By the way, try not to say that you come in peace. For like a few hundred years, it's been used in fiction by conquerors. So some of us aren't exactly warm to that particular phrase... Actually, I think a few of those guys might have- OH, NOW?!" Her machine darted about, dodging an incoming creature from the horde of Lamalice. Soon, she had begun to start pressing buttons, soon forming some sort of gun with a blade on it. "Why didn't someone tell me I had one of these stupid things?!" Despite the blade, she began to take on a more... Defensive role, aiding machines, regardless of faction, by shooting any Lamalice that got close in a blind spot. In a way, it wasn't exactly trustworthy, but to be fair, she didn't know who she could ally herself with beyond the warship that had been there first. After some time, she had run out of ammo. As she mashed the buttons she had mashed before, she took care to avoid the big red buttons- Given how they were adorned, it was clear they were more emergency options, and were only to be utilized within an emergency. Given her luck, if she tried one of them, she would more likely to blow herself up by pressing one of them as opposed to a safer option like ejecting in some fashion.


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
Nick grit his teeth, his strike was effective but it would take another hundred to begin denting the numbers of the purple mass. But that didn't matter, if he needed to fire a hundred thousand shots the Valsion would not fall until its energy reserves were run dry and the Lamalice were all naught more than space dust.

But then, against all odds. The force of a thousand cross busters carved through the horde of monstrosities, self proclaimed aliens had arrived to their aid. The peculiar ship and mobile weapons they had seemed to at least make this a plausible theory but something that could wait until later.

They had given him the window they needed. Innumerable numbers were now able to be counted, the endless tides now had a conclusion. The beacon that was the Valsion was lit, the Nightmare of Terra Sigma awoke once more to unleash its most powerful weapon. To showcase to the world why it was the 'Ultimate Robo'. Thrusters on the back of the machine activated and it launched forwards, a repetition of the strategy used against the Admiral would now be brought onto equally despicable creatures.

The Valsion singled out one horde of Lamalice that was mostly left alone by its allies and came to a full stop in front of it, the beady eyes of the monstrous machine staring down the ball of death that wished to devour L4. The pack on its back collapsing outwards as energies began to gather in it, Nick had chosen to approach the Lamalice first for a multitude of reasons, preventing them from scattering more, keeping them away from L4 and in this case. Keeping L4 safe from his attack.

To the Shinryu and its crew the warning was familiar, 'Gravity Well located'. One right on top of the Valsion.

"I won't let what happened to L5 be repeated today!" Nick declared as the Valsion seemingly turned off, its eyes gone mute but the energy continuing to gather and the center of gravity getting stronger.

"No matter the numbers, no matter the odds. As long as the Valsion can fight none of you vile creatures will get a chance to kill the citizens of L4!"

The Valsion had started to amass the winds again its gravity now powerful enough to have a hefty pull, the event horizon was ever expanding and the force exerted ever increasing. The Gravity should be strong enough to crush the Valsion into a tin can but it sat there, unharmed and having turned the greatest offense into a perfect defense as the sheer energies at work formed a visible sphere surrounding the Nightmare of Terra Sigma.

"So to you, mindless monsters, I only present your most certain end. Mega Graviton Wave!" As if to solidify this statement to the enemies that could not hear him visible thunder bolts appeared inside the Valsion's gravity sphere.

The seemingly inert Valsion shot awake, its eyes lit up once more and energy coalesced around the machine's chest, a bright flash erupted from the unit as it itself looked upwards. The explosion expanded up to the boundaries of the gravity well and no farther, but no doubt anyone on L4 could see what seemed to be an artificial sun form and detonate with earth shattering force.

While not as destructive as the opening volley of the Tantra, Nick would regardless demonstrate to anyone the power of a MAPW.
Aug 4, 2018
"Time for the party to begin!" Luna declared powering up the Brasta. Luna stared at the screen and smiled at the Brasta's current stats. The little one's was stronger and faster than before and Luna was just so giddy about trying her little baby out.

The Brasta's eyes glowed as if it were also excited to get to fighting as well. And not a moment later the machine darted out the launching bay at full speed and twirled upwards the moment is got out before coming to a stop.

"Looks like everyone started without me!" Luna said before taking a look at the enemies. "Wooooooow!" Luna eyes brightened. "Space kaiju!!!" she shouted her voice filled with excitement.

Luna then made the Brasta do a Spacium pose and activated an open channel on her communicator. "We come from the colonies with extraordinary robots to protect humanity. And even if the universe falls into darkness, there is no force that can dominate... The Ultra Space Rangers!!!" she declared with a strong tone in her voice.

Luna then switched the EAGLE to Bayonet Spiker and charged into the hoard of monsters. The Brasta was faster and the spiker's output was much stronger than before. Luna smiled excitedly as charged into the hoard.


New member
Jan 19, 2019
Despite the chaos ensuing below, Joe was calmly cruising above the ongoing war. The arrival of these aliens at first startled him, to say the least, but considering they were fighting and previously outnumbered by "space kaiju", it became less of a far-fetched possibility and more of a welcomed one.

Speaking of questionably deranged monsters from outer-space, Joe found himself joining up under Katherine's lead, making up what his unit lacked in range with the occasional rocket punch and bloody ray shot.
Soon enough, however, The Garmraid accelerated beyond the ranks of Directory and Colony forces, landing right in front the thick of the pulsating Lamalice storm, Joe proudly letting out a smirk before the sight of it.

Who was he kidding? Standing behind a curtain of cover fire and biding time watching pretty fireworks casted off MAPWs just wasn't his style. He had just baked up one more plan; Break right through that swarm. Like hell would he let it go unfulfilled.


The jaws on the Garmraid's shoulders and hips went unhinged, red hot flames frothing from their maw'. The Garmraid's high-speed charge forward coupled with the coat of flame that now enveloped it gave the appearance of a meteor, streaking across the sky with reckless abandon.
A set of fourth eye's revealed themselves, giving Joe much needed visibility in his fiery state and a clear sight at the unlucky, soulless creature that would be the first receive his wrath. Struggling to lift it under the weight of its tackle, Joe eventually raised a fist to greet the hideous monster, head-on.

He had no idea if he was doing it right, he almost hoped he was, but it that didn't matter to him. He was doing it his way, and nothing would interrupt him, lest they be consumed and burnt away by the literal hellfire spewing from his sides.
"Burning Breaker!"
Nov 12, 2018
The Tantra’s hangar (well, one of several), felt reassuring in all the wrong ways, now that Elhirut stood back within it, watching titanic blocks of metal shift and turn. Another Liege Geios spun to life as he watched, lifted under its own weight, and stepped forwards, moving...

The motion made him realize how utterly sick he felt. Hate roiled in the distance, seemingly far away, but screaming into his ear like an unholy abuser, clawing at his mind. He pushed it away, tried to ignore it, but only succeeded in retching once. How could the local defenders stand against that..?

Deep breaths. In, out, in.

Decima. What was she- there’s no point in that. The time for those thoughts would be later.

A 180 degree turn, and Elhirut stood, facing the Org-Valu. The gash in its chest was gone, but the false memory lingered, the faint image of a scar rent in metal...

He narrowed his eyes, and stepped towards the machine. Was he ready?
Jun 28, 2018
The penultimate robo to emerge from the Shinryu was the VanGray. Rather unlike the spartan configuration it had sported previously (and proceded to veer out of range in), its blocky body was somehow lined with even more polygons of considerable weight. For good measure, it had also opted to carry one with each hand, and had yet more waiting at its egress of choice. Once again it opted for a leisurely ride up the lift to the main deck, putting the freight elevator to use in the truest sense of the term.

Only once the lift had stopped, and all was securely in the grasp of the void, did the magnetic clamps release. The VanGray kicked off from the surface, fired off a cable from each arm to the spare modules, and dragged them along behind as it glided to its waiting mount.

In the shadow of the Shinryu there floated the smaller, flatter, but still similarly triangular body of a Blackjack-class corvette. As the VanGray floated down to it, its eyes pulsed in time to its command transmissions, and the little ship responded by opening its hold. Midway down its back, a hatch retracted into a slot atop the engine block, while several angled panels folded themselves down inside the bay. The VanGray's verniers flickered and flared to turn it precisely, lowering it down to kneeling inside the hold. Under each folded leg awaited a plate molded to its contours, latches promptly snapping closed to securely latch the machine in place.

Sayuri's HUD switched over once the machine was locked in place, a cheery welcome screen from the ship popping up to signal the change in controls. It was replaced in turn by a status update and rundown of operations in her absence. As she watched the information roll past, a chortle escaped her smiling lips, followed by a soft murmur.


Her attention turning back to the task at hand, she directed the VanGray in the stowing of the spare modules. As it mag-locked the blocks in the space around it, loading arms emerged from behind the VanGray, pulling off a series of its backplates. In their place a set of cannons were attached, and then a rifle guided to each hand. The flash of the Tantra's cannon in the distance briefly drew her gaze, allowing a bemused smirk to form. Her expression lingered as yet more flickers went off in sequence - a showy MAPW, a galloping lancer, a flaming comet, and more besides. As colorful a display as it painted across an otherwise morbid canvas, her attentions were centered on more immediate concerns. Namely, the inbound telemetry, and the paths the streaks were weaving.

An all-clear lit one corner of the display, the loading arms retreating now that her artillery was in place. Feed cables were fixed to the breech on both of the lengthy guns, drawing from just the first of the several coolant tanks she'd made off with. A twitch of her fingers, and the corvette's engines ignited, ferrying mount and rider out into the fray.

Her eyes danced from glimmer to glimmer on her screen, the sum of all the data being calculated and recieved straining to map the flow of combat in real time. The VanGray hefted a Jinrai on each arm, the accelerators spinning up, positrons welling in the muzzles with a crimson glow. There. And there too! Processing trajectories, mapping predictive paths based on enemy flow patterns, she eyed seperate pockets of Lamalice that were so far unengaged. All the same, the little corvette's transmitter chirped to life, blaring a warning to the units in range to clear the area around the coordinates in question, with an estimated time remaining.

It wasn't long, though. About ten seconds after recieving, there were two sparks from the edge of the field. Two crimson mortars streaked through the void, travelled their set paths, and then exploded in fiery cacophany. In those two places, the firestorm was enough to vaporize Lamalice by the score, and anything else of substance besides. Sayuri, however, was already moving, watching both her info feed and the cooldown counters on each of the rime-laden barrels.