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Roaring Dynamo (Shadow Mirror)

Aug 4, 2018
Somewhere in the UK
"If you like her so much, I'll sell her to you. Cheap."

Liana shook her head and sighed. Was lunacy just a side effect of competence in their former world? None of the locals she'd fought had been anywhere near as goofy as her allies.

"Fox! We're leaving!" The situation had become untenable. She had no missiles remaining, armour full of holes, and only the fragmented remnants of her sanity keeping her functional. But the Vermillion Protector was slow at the best of times... so she needed to do something drastic. Her Aion veered through the wrecks, twisting to one side and slamming into the other machine at a ninety degree angle.

"...Brace!" Liana's warning would come out a split second after she'd hit the machine, gripping it with both arms in something resembling a bridal carry and pushing both thrusters to their limits as they sped away from the combat zone.
Aug 25, 2018
"I completely agree! Really, it's like everyone just forgets life should be fun as they grow up." A Shadow Mirror member who didn't have a stick up their ass. Maybe miracles did happen. She watched dispassionately as the last Peregrine broke down and the Silverwind escaped. The entire operation had been a waste of time in her opinion, but at least it was now over.

Or not, she sighed as another machine blazed on to the battlefield. And judging by both the speed and size of it, as well as her experience warning her about it she couldn't afford to take it lightly either.
And Vernie was damaged. Great. It'd be spectacular if Prometheus wouldn't bother her with his insanity.

At least their repairs would be paid, a chance to upgrade the not quite up-to-task materials Shadow Mirror had used originally.

"Shouldn't you be defending L4 right now?" She added innocently after Amin. It was then when Liana's Aion collided with the Vermilion Protector and picked it up.

Laura blinked inside the Autowarlock, taken aback by suddenly being carried like a princess by the smaller machine. She grinned widely, there was no way she wouldn't enjoy this miracle of space.

The Vermilion Protector swooned in the hands of the Aion before clasping its damaged hands behind the Aion's neck. "Oh, my hero! How can I ever repay you for risking life and limb to save this innocent, defenseless princess?" She proclaimed to everyone on the battlefield. Adding to the scene, the light of the Autowarlock's eyes flickered on and off for a while.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
"That is unnecessary."

Cicero's voice called down to the group, as the Ganonia lowered itself to their altitude, large thrusters fluttering. Two of them peeled off - but it wasn't in the direction of the Silbelwind, so he was hardly concerned. Their designs, however... Were abnormal. Nothing in the Earth Sphere even compared - nor, for that matter, anything that their kind had encountered before.

"The Tantra alone is more than sufficient to handle the threat." He explained, the Augar angling its scythe over its shoulder, gesturing back towards the distant battlefield.

"What you see playing out is, of course... Nothing more than kabuki."

He gave a gentle pause before continuing, casually:

"Of course... You seem already be aware of that, correct?"

The weapon was brought back around, to be gripped in both hands, as the ogre glowered at Amin's machine. Circero's politeness failed to mask the underlying strength in his tone, as he asked:

"I'm much more interested in learning who you are."


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
"Why yes. That ship could lay siege to an entire planet if allowed to set up properly. A moderate collection of Lamalice should prove to be nothing more than a temporary distraction for it." Amin stated, his eyes wandering to the ship in the distance. "But that is naturally why it was only sent out after the fighting had begun and with assistance."

Another pause filled the comms, Amin's tone was calm, almost solemn.
"I suppose a response is only fair after you came all the way here. Though I am afraid I won't be able to give you a straight answer." The Argreion looked back at the Ganonia, raising its broken hand behind it to signal to the Justinia it was fine to begin dispersing.

"We have come a great distance after our home was devastated. After one of those ships showed us a glimpse of what hell looked like. Those that know of us have taken to calling our organization 'Shadow Mirror'." He paused for a moment, the words yet sounded weird in his mouth but unless an information exchange were to occur they were meaningless even then their true nature had yet to be revealed.
"So for now the answer 'We are but those who wish to prevent tragedies from our past repeating themselves' will have to suffice."

As he talked the green Masouki and its massive guardian began to head away in the same direction as the two prior, leaving but two in the remains of the battle unless the Ganonia objected to this retreat.
"I hope your curiosity is sated for the time being and as much as I would like to ask questions in retort I believe we both have elsewhere to be. As you have the 'kabuki's' final act to attend, do you not?"
Though he too remained polite and calm, the implication in his words was clear. If Cicero intended to keep up his own show he needed to head back.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
"Shadow Mirror... Hm."

Cicero blinked slowly within the cockpit, the tension slowly leaving his body. The enemy, for what it mattered, seemed to have accomplished their objective. The value of this base was minimal now that the Tantra had arrived, and all the potential intelligence that could have been gathered from it was now destroyed. There was no greater risk of their machinations being uncovered, and yet...

"A word of warning. Do not interfere any further."

The Ganonia slung its scythe back over its shoulder, regarding the foe levelly. No ordinary terrorists, but visitors from afar - and not in the sense of mere distance. Another world, perhaps? If so, what kind of disaster had the Circle visited upon them? A thought emerged from his subconsciousness, and the Colonist gave a low sigh - not of exasperation, but of relief, for concealing his true affiliations had been so long a making that he had almost begun to forget who he really was.

"Meyven Harridan is dead, and the Galactic Council lost to the void. All that remain are remnants, barely a million in number in a civilization that numbered in the hundreds of trillions. All they seek are peace, and shelter."

He closed his eyes briefly, thinking back to the countless souls now waiting with baited breath for the results of the battle, before opening them again. The Ganonia's engines revved, building in their atomic fury, as he spoke one last time:

"Whatever you believe the Circle to be... Died with him. Take that back to your leaders, and reconsider your actions."

With that, the horned monster turned and rocketed away, leaving only disaster in its wake... and the meaning of his words to ponder.


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
With the retreat of the Ganonia, Amin waited a bit longer before backing off himself. As he did Jikoh came over his comms.

"Soooo, do you think he's telling the truth?" She said, seemingly having listened in on the conclusion of the conservation. "About the circle and them wanting peace."

The man sighed, the situation had a bit more finesse to it then during his youth especially with their mutual foe's existence revealed to them.
"Partly, I do fully believe that these are only the remnants and that Meyven Harridan is dead. However, for the rest, seeing is believing and they brought a Tantra class. I can however say this with confidence: If they truly want peace they won't find it here, the Directory for one wouldn't allow Xenos to exist in the earthsphere period and of course. Their hope for peace contrasts our own."

"Regardless, as he said the circle we knew and learned about is dead, both here and there. Given all that has transpired even here it would seem us being called into action is appropriate. But the leaders, and Prometheus most of all, need to reconsider their stance on the Circle as today we have overreacted to their arrival."

Jikoh spoke up in response, seemingly not sure what to think on this.
"So what kind of situation are we looking at here? Reconquista? Manifest Destiny? Or is this more of a Byzantine empire situation?"

"The third seems most appropriate. Once a galaxy conquering superpower reduced to a mere political and war superpower. They seem to be putting their chips in with the unstable colonies too, but we can only do so much theory crafting for now. I'll return to base and inform the council about this. But suffice to say, we'll need more intel perhaps even a meeting with the new Meyven, if they even still have one."