Scary Stories To Tell In The DARC (Tyr)


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
OE 102
May 6th, 08:56
Location: Antarctica Airspace, Antarctica

The Tausendfuessler soared towards its destination, the distant visage of the Directory Arctic Research Center looming in the distance. To the pilot it was but any other building, but to the passenger, she could feel its presence. Or rather, a device within her could feel the pressure it radiated below the facade of any old research center.
A woman, 'employed' by the Directory, in actuality employed by another organization more interesting in the curious goings on around the DARC, ever since one of their agents had reported on the Fabularis and its unique presence on their radar, a unit constructed at this place. They had been trying to check up on the people here and now she had an excuse to, a scheduled check in with the DARC and after the... to put it simply, untimely passing of the man scheduled to do so a replacement was needed on short notice. For which she of course volunteered.

So now she was looking out to the destination of this journey, a chill running down her spine as the Negative Energy detector within her went almost haywire, requiring her to turn off the thing before it would just blow up and take a part of her chest with it. That would be highly detrimental to her, let alone the rest of the plane and as such there was no real choice in the matter. A meeting with the man in charge, Karl Persson, had been arranged so they were expected. But currently it was unsure if that was a good thing.

Nevertheless the light went on, her seat belt was buckled and she waited for the Tausendfuessler to land. Now the pilot was distracted she did a last check of her gear, while not visibly carrying anything she knew by now this was the belly of a beast, which beast was uncertain, but she was not going in without proper equipment. On the inside of her coat she had two small pistols in need be, a tonfa in each sleeve and a custom energy blade, or at least its inactive hilt hidden inside her upper leg.

Fully geared, and with all that gear concealed in hopes of not being needed the Tausendfuessler landed on its designated landing dock. The door rolling down as she opened her seatbelt and stepped towards the exit. Looking down from the path to see who had come to greet her.
Aug 25, 2018
Her welcoming committee had already arrived. A silver haired woman all by her lonesome, the only soul in sight. A polite smile was plastered to her face and her hands were clasped together in front of her as she patiently waited for their guest to come to her. Her name was clear to see, emblazoned to her chest as it was: Laura Williams - better known as Viggen to the select few in the know.

"Our apologies for the lackluster welcoming committee miss..." She trailed off, waiting for their guest to name themselves before continuing. "We were not told that someone would be coming, most of our staff is busy, both head of security and head of the base included. With a recent breakthrough and DAMON activity we have never been busier, I was the only one available. Would you show proof of your clearance level?"


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
"Karen Shiro." The woman would identify herself, walking down and onto proper DARC soil, as she listened to Laura Williams speak. "And that is somewhat peculiar as we had sent a message through the proper channels that a check would come, we'll have to look into where that went wrong later. As for my clearance-"

From within her overcoat Karen produced a small ID card, her name and face on it. It was the exact same type of card that had been shown by any prior inspectors, clearance level and all. "That should suffice." Putting the card back into her coat she looked over the platform. Antarctica was prone to Dimensional Quakes so the quantity of DAMON that passed by here would be far from zero, that among other reasons would be why this research station looked as much like a fortress as a outpost.

"Nevertheless it is good to hear a breakthrough has happened, and I can understand how busy you must all be currently. For that reason let us get through this swiftly then a less expansive tour may be appropriate." She gave a smile and a nod to the silver haired woman "And while it is a shame that the head of the base is busy perhaps should be have the time later we can have a short exchange if possible, otherwise do give him my regards." She concluded that topic, letting Laura take the lead with the tour.

Admittedly for her it was beneficial that both those men were busy, but she wasn't voicing that.
Aug 25, 2018
"Everything seems to be in order, follow me." Viggen turned around and began to walk inside, leading Karen to the warmth of the base. "Of course, we live to serve. What would you like to overview then aside from the 'heart' of our research? How expansive of a tour you shall receive is up to you." The Tausendfuessler had landed on one of the landing docks used to deliver cargo to and away from DARC and so the gate inside was wide as well, opening to a large elevator shaft, the elevator already waiting for them.

"The majority of base is built inside the little mountain the landing dock is built on, though we have a large field as well of course. I recommend against wanting to visit the engineering section, our chief engineer gets rather...obsessed when he is working, and any distractions will be met with force." Viggen explained as the elevator descended, and was it just Karen's imagination or had Viggen's smile widened just a bit at that, with a sinister undertone?


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
"You may consider your co-workers... dedication to their craft duly noted." Karen noted as they descended further into DARC, the warning heeded. Further towards the thing that had set off her sensors. That said, the wording used by Laura seemed peculiar to her in a way she could not quite put her finger on, it made her wary yet for clear reasons couldn't outwardly indicate as such currently. Were she a human perhaps she couldn't have prevented such a reaction but with her more artificial nature in mind trivial things such as slight emotions or survival instincts were easily barred from coming to the fore.

"A written summary or log of the engineering section will suffice, the 'heart' of your research is one I understandably cannot neglect." She paused for a moment, as the soft hum of a descending elevator filled the air "In that case I would suggest visiting whatever lie in between here and there on the way to it, on the way back we can visit the other sections while leaving your chief engineer be."

For her part the only thing she truly cared about was the thing at the center of this place, the concentration of Negative Energy, but that motive had to be placed under a guise, one of a genuine inspection instead of a compromised one. "That should suffice for this inspection, though it likely means another one will come as soon as things are sorted back on the mainland." She'd inform the DARC employee. "But I do not think I can shorten it any further, even in the current circumstances."
Aug 25, 2018
"Of course, I would expect no less." The humming of the elevator still continued for a long while before slowing down and coming to a stop, the collision sound reverberating in the elevator shaft with finality even as the blast doors in front of them slid open. "On our way to the heart we will pass by the research lab which we will observe before continuing." 'Laura' explained as she walked out of the elevator into the well lit but otherwise sterile and empty straight corridor. Another blast door could be seen in the distance.

"This corridor leads to the initial warehouse where we unload the cargo and sort them before moving them past that point. But we will not go that way." She kept explaining as she walked past a light, the steps of her boots echoing in the empty tunnel with each step, her split shadows grasping to extinguish the light and Karen both as Laura waved Karen to follow. And indeed, but a short distance away there was another elevator, this one clearly made for people, having enough room to comfortably fit half a dozen. The door opened silently, Laura stepping out of Karen's sight as she entered, her untied hair beckoning her further in.


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
Karen looked to the side as Laura noted the warehouse, noting the layout but disregarding the room itself for the time being. Peculiar supply logs had been the first thing they had noticed about DARC but it was the Negative Energy fueled machine that piqued their interest. The Directory could handle any errant supplies she reckoned it was not for her to go down that rabbit hole. Instead, she played her role as inspector, dutifully following the woman two paces behind as the shadow momentarily came over her.

She blinked a few times, light did not cast a shadow towards itself. This she knew for a fact a truth of nature, so clearly her optical sensors were malfunctioning for a split second as when Laura continued the shadow was once more normal. Yet there was still a pause in her step, as she looked towards the light. Now was a poor time for her optics to malfunction but they seemed to be working properly now... Something to keep an eye on.

A slip up, she noticed. She had paused her pace unintentionally, somehow that had gotten underneath her own notice. A 'deep breath' metaphorically was had as Karen straightened herself, her attention returning to the echo of the boots as Laura beckoned for her to follow. Now was hardly the time to succumb to slight errors, she would simply have to request a routine check up when she returned to the mainland.
Now, however, was the time to keep up the facade and with slightly accelerated pace she followed after the hair guiding her to her next destination.
For now she remained quiet, letting the tour happen but still the way Laura talked about this place... Unnerved? Yes, unnerved her, it was as if she believed the structure to be a living organism, 'observed' like an animal in a zoo.

... How could she be unnerved?
Aug 25, 2018
With a quiet hum the elevator ascended, quickly coming to a stop as they didnt ascend nearly as many floors as they had descended. The doors opened, the speakers announcing their arrival with a soft ping. Yet after the ping died out, the only thing greeting the two women was eerie silence, the air stale and atmosphere heavy.

"Welcome to the main floor of DARC. It is the center of our nervous system of pathways and tunnels that connect the entire base together and to your right you can see a corridor leading to one of our residential areas." Laura explained as she began to walk the wider of the two corridors that opened before them. But she only got a few steps before she paused, a frown on her face. "Ugh, Hephas turned the AC off again, and of course he had to turn it off for the entire floor instead of just his workshop." she hissed the complaints before setting off again with a brisker pace.

After a short walk they arrived at a crossroads, the corridor splitting into three. "The one on the left leads to a hangar, straight ahead you can find the engineering and to the right path towards the heart and lab." Came the succinct explanation, Laura turning to lead Karen to the right.

But before they could continue, a tiny tremor shook the building, and a dull sound of an explosion was heard from the direction of the engineering, Laura whipping her head towards the corridor in an instant. Automatically, in the distance of the engineering corridor blast doors screeched as they slid to seal the department from the rest of the complex. And for several beats Laura just gazed there silently.

"Engineering is getting excited there. As you can see, we have automated security measures that are ready to protect the rest of the complex as protective gear is only mandated in areas such as the engineering and research departments." She explained, before beginning to walk to the right.
Screams of the foulest kind, bone chilling in their malice. Screams of pain and misery, promises of an endless dimension of despair.
And yet, as they left, out of the corner of her eye Karen could swear that she saw movement in the direction of the blast doors. But if she turned to take a closer look there would be nothing there. Just air, the light playing tricks on her.
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Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
The elevator proved to be a nice, if temporary reprieve from the madness. Especially temporary as upon its conclusion there was naught but stale air greeting the pair. Karen in turn waving the musky oxygen away from her as Laura lamented her coworker.

This place was a lot more quiet than she had expected, it gaining the title of 'center of the nervous system' didn't do much to help with that eerie feeling either. Nevertheless like a lost child she followed her tour guide looking down corridors as they were named. The right path was the 'right' path it seemed. As the tremor came through a small yelp escaped Karen, it seemed like even if she'd wanted to visit engineering that would be out of the window now.

She regained her composure momentarily to reply "Ahem, it's good to see that you are up to the security standards." Lagging just a bit behind Laura as a chill ran down her spine, causing her to quickly glance down the corridor. Seeing naught but a shut blast door she looked between her guide and the door before following the former once more.

Just her sensors acting up she reasoned, trying to maintain composure. But slipping more and more by the second, this place was getting to her and she'd never admit it.
Aug 25, 2018
"It would not do to have any accidents here. Even the slightest mishap might have...catastrophic consequences, at worst for the entire world." Laura explained with a shrug before silently leading Karen further inside DARC. They took several turns, each time Laura succinctly explaining where the other paths led each time they passed them.

"Our Research department is the closest to the heart, and also the farthest from the other important departments of our base. Here we go over theory, create models and butt heads." Viggen explained as the pair entered the department via another pair of sliding doors. Slowly as they continued to walk the light receded, the lamps dimming little by little.

"The area you see to our left is where we test our proof of concept devices before we start fine-tuning and scaling them." Viggen gestured towards the see through wall, revealing a featureless, empty room.

"The only one who ever entered that room personally was Frans. No one else is allowed in. It is for our safety he says, because of all the ways it can go wrong during those initial stages." Viggen gave a laugh at that, like enjoying a private joke only she was privy to. The laugh was much more reminiscent of a creaking floor of a ramshackle wooden house that was falling apart than an honest laughter.

Viggen gestured Karen to follow her again. "Just a little further."
"Sir the stars are disappearing. There are, definitely, less of them than what there used to be." An unbidden fragment of a nigthmarish memory.
There was a single door at the end of the hallway, the hue only slightly different than the walls themselves to make a distinction between the two. The door slid open, screaming in a cold voice.

Viggen stepped inside. The hair of the only live soul she had seen so far beckoning her to follow.
"Alpha Centauri has disappeared. Whatever is doing this it is getting closer. It could be here any time now." The final warning, unheeded by those fit only to be food.
Inside was a simple room, adorned with a table and changing rooms. There was a single large window, showcasing the lab proper on the other side. "We change into and out of our protective gear here before entering the lab. Negative Energy is not to be trifled with."

There were several figures working inside the lab, though only one of them turned towards the two, giving an awkward wave before returning to their work. It was impossible to tell the gender of anyone inside, any recognizable features covered by their extensive protective gear.

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"Will this suffice or do you want to enter the lab itself?"
"The offense of your imperfection is your original sin." The voice of demise whispered.


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
Composure, composure. She needed to regain composure.

Calm, yet no reaction to her outburst. Discomfort yet no alternative but follow Viggen deeper in, there was no going back until she was escorted out so composure needed to be held and the calm allowed her to regain a semblance of it. She heard yet wouldn't quite listen to the explanation about the functions anymore. Everything registered yet a response was rare as if she was trying to keep herself straight.

A glance into the empty room, was it no longer in use? Was it still in use but empty? Errant thoughts that made her twitch just that bit. Followed by a laugh that made her pupils go wide in shock but this time the yelp was restrained. As she was beckoned to follow however she couldn't help herself but stick closer to Viggen as if trying to hide behind her from the evils lurking around every corner. Her pace had become less regulated, more erratic trying to balance staying close to the 'protection' while not wanting to follow too closely. And with the lights growing more dim with every step, it tended to lend itself more to the former.

As they moved past a blast door however, she paused, looking upon the sight behind the glass. The people in 'protective gear' she realized instinctively were closer to her than to humans. A form of Bioroid, her mouth agape for a moment as the awkward wave came and went. That, she realized, was a room she should not step into. Too many dangers, what seemed to be a form of bioroid working on Negative Energy.

She glanced over her shoulder as she seemed to hear, something, but could not tell a direction or source she was still looking away when the question was posed and turning back to Viggen only caused her to pause as she heard a more than known phrase. Her skin going pale and her eyes wide as she violently turned around and stepped back reaching to the inside of her coat, to see nothing behind her. Only afterwards realizing she had done so in full vision of her tour guide, her guise could well be up after that. Best to completely ignore she'd done that, right?

Irrational decision, but she could not think rationally currently. Fear, a primal fear for a angry mother.
"N-n-no that won't be necessary, this suffices." She cleared her throat, returning to a neutral pose yet still nervously looking back, a awkward wave returned to the 'man' or 'woman' on the other side of the glass "Let us move on."
Aug 25, 2018
Viggen's eyes gleamed with dark amusement as the faint light hit them. "That is a common reaction to seeing the protective gear, it is nothing to be ashamed of." She nodded to herself. "It is a side effect of the energy we deal with that we can not get rid of." Nor would we.

Viggen awkwardly patted Karen's shoulder once as she walked past her. "It is not far anymore, though it will likely feel like the trek is longer than what it truly is." As it was the only way in or out of the lab the two had no choice but to return via the same corridor, until another corridor opened to the right. It would've been easy to miss while the two had first come this way, as it had been hidden from view from that side. Though the corridor was almost closer to a tunnel, as it was narrower than what they had traversed so far. "Down here is a maze. Karl had it done as a recreational area where we have fun events like treasure hunting for an Easter egg in the maze." Came the unasked explanation of what they had just entered was.

What's more, it slithered, twisted and turned as the two continued along. Other tunnels split off from it on occasions, heading off to parts unknown. But despite there being no markings or any other indications on where to go, Viggen never hesitated on which path to take. Up and down, right and left, on and on they went. Their steps echoed in the tunnels, bouncing from one wall to another before coming back to them as steps of another like they were being followed.

Worse yet for Karen, the dim lights threw their long shadows into the tunnels, creating illusions of movement in the tunnels, of beings shuffling into place for an ambush.

Of hands reaching for them to snuff their lives out like the feeble light of a dying candle. And few times, even Viggen stopped, exchanging a look with Karen, something dancing in her eyes. Yet far more often, Viggen ignored what came out of the tunnels, only reacting to Karen herself. Up and down, right and left they wandered, until Viggen paused, her eyes widening a fraction.

She then began to move again, but at a more rapid, hectic pace, leading Karen through the twists and turns until at last...

They arrived at a dead end. At least it seemed like one until Viggen walked to the wall and placed her palm on it, opening a door.

Light. Light washed the tunnel, the elevator hiding behind the hidden door acting as a savior as it bathed the world in light. Viggen turned towards Karen, face split in two by a grin. "This is the elevator that leads you to the finale of your inspection, and also where we temporarily go separate ways. Despite the mandated protective gear near it, just to be safe we still have a policy that you are not allowed to return for a month after working down there."

"The elevator will open to a bunker where you can don said gear, which is recommended. The chief should still be working down there, I will wait for you here."

Viggen pointed at the open door.


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
The amusement in Viggen's eyes was missed as Karen slightly gulped.
"I, I see." She noted, eager to move on. Yet, so far every interval had blessed her with the opportunity to regain her wits afterwards. Not this one.

She just had to endure a bit more, a journey not too far that was fine. She could bear that or so she believed before the tunnel made itself known. And as it was made clear what the tunnel truly was, pupils dilated in fear Karen silently stepping into Viggen's shadow as they went around, up, down, left, right she had somehow already lost track of her location in this maze such a thing was supposed to be impossible so she hung even closer to Viggen as she didn't want to get lost here... want? This was beyond mere issues with her visual receptors. The negative energy was exuding its pressure she realized.

Yet with the road back lost, and only forward remaining. Chills running down the faux spine she had as her own steps haunted her, and once when she glanced back she saw one of the hands coming, crawling. She was supposed to be able to perfectly regulate her emotional output, supposed to. Now that was a far cry from her current state as a scared child clinging to an older sibling in a dark forest was a more apt comparison for her emotional state.
At least she was able to focus on the road ahead, but when Viggen halted her movement she would look to the sides, anxiety rising with each phantom hand and illusionary ambush she saw... They were illusions right? She hoped they were.

Time... Stretched, however long this took was lost to her as it felt like mere moments but an eternity had passed since she entered.

And suddenly, Viggen would run off after one of her pauses, causing the poor Bioroid who was on tour to rush after in an almost panicked state. She was able to keep up at least, not getting lost in this maze of fear and despair. Yet, the end was dead. And as she glanced behind her with a hand creeping up. She felt she may as well be.

Yet, light came. A sigh of relief a moment to regain composure.
Like a child away from their parent, she wanted to go 'home' to be away from this place, yet that was no option currently not this close to the finish line. She could endure it for just a bit longer Karen assured herself.

And so, she stepped towards the elevator.
"I... I shouldn't be long." She smiled awkwardly "T-t-t-thank you f-f-for taking the time to guide me this far." Her speech was stuttered, teeth clacking when she was silent but still she stepped inside. Pressing the button to go down if there even was one, and with the door closed behind her she collapsed into the corner of the elevator rocking back and forth as she bathed in the light, eyes keeping an eye on any shadow. Not even in this moment of safety away from the woman she could not rest, nor even regain her composure.
Aug 25, 2018
There was a single button for Karen to press, the elevator doors quietly closed themselves, separating Karen from the maze of misery. And up there, unheard, Viggen roared with laughter, finally free to express her enjoyment. The twisted joy mocked the Bioroid, declaring Ruina's victory over their unwanted guest. Whatever she had come to find, she would not find it.

The only thing she would find...was Despair.

The elevator whirred as it descended. Yet, nothing came to ail Karen. No shadows arrived to grasp at her, no demonic whispers or memories mired with loss were bid to her mind. The light kept it all at bay, soothing the valiant agent.

Over the course of the long ride the elevator stopped several times, letting something wash over it, but the reprieve remained. Here was a safe refuge from the madness that had crept in and taken over these once noble halls. The single untainted, sacred sanctuary in hell full of devils. The last bastion of benevolence, the last remnant of the good that had spurred the researchers of DARC forward, of their cause to change the lives of all humanity to the better.

Or perhaps...

The elevator came to its final stop, the doors opening without a sound. The slight movement automatically turned on the lights of the bunker that waited for Karen, the dim lights giving enough light to see while keeping the room awash with shadows.

Perhaps it was the cruelest part of the entire cursed complex, granting the foolhardy doomed puppet final reprieve before the wave of darkness that crushed her under it snatched it away from her for the final time.

And in an instant, all the lights of the elevator went dark, leaving the bunker's dim lights her only, final source of fool's hope.

Unable to be seen from the elevator, there was an alcove immediately to the left of the elevator shaft. As soon as Karen stepped into the bunker there would be an overwhelming wave of hatred and intent to kill. A wave of malice and dread only possible from a demon, those beings of fairytales that only the gullible fools believed in.

But here one stood, the two baleful scarlet eyes gazing at her with clear contempt. Its body was made entirely of shadows, yet compared to the rest of the shadows the shade was far deeper, an unnatural level of gaping void, making its outlines clear to see.


It was what had been plaguing her, that had hounded after her from the moment she had stepped into its domain. Every grasping shadow, every whisper, every flicker of movement at the edge of her eyes. They all had their source at the primordial demon in front of her, the hunter evaluating its prey.

And after a second of growing dread, the ancient demon of legend that had plagued humanity all over the world since its inception lunged at her with deceptive speed. Its fiendish claws burned bright, clear sign of the superheat that would cut through her entire being as easily as a hot knife through butter.


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
Each time the elevator halted she looked around the room, as if something would jump out at her at the slightest provocation from this 'safe' space. Yet nothing ever came during this elevator ride and somehow that made her all the more worried, as if things were mounting up to bear down on her in one decisive blow, the slight bit of rationality that remained within her telling her that it must be the proximity to the source of all the negative energy that was making even moments of calm like this a hell to be within.

She scrambled upwards as the doors began to open, the reprieve had come to a halt and she would peer outside, shadows... so many shadows. Each a opportunity for nightmares, each a chance for an ambush. She would much rather stay in the li- Darkness, to escape the grasp of the dark and whatever may lurk within she rushed out into the dim lighting scrambling around the right hand corner as the door closed behind her, inhale, exhale, inhale... Now she was surrounded by the shadows, her eyes slowly panned to the other side of the room, to the blot of darkness that stared at her with red glow as she simply felt the hatred in the air. If she had gone to the left it would have been breathing down her neck, but now there was just that bit of space between her and it.

A person shaped void, a concentration of malice. Was this the thing that nearly broke her sensors or was there something else lying in wait around here? Regardless she had no time to think on the matter further, with one smooth motion the two tonfa moved down her sleeves into her grip. This... This was the thing that had been doing all this to her, she was certain of it. Not exactly in a state to doubt the instincts she felt may well be her one way to survive this god forsaken place.

A malign will, a source of dread. And fear made for two equally great things, making one unable to resist and as a motivation to resist, currently she was in the latter state, like a scared animal backed into a corner it was fight or flight, with death at the touch of a claw. No! It wouldn't happen, she wouldn't die here!
As the demon launched forwards she dashed to the left, with a swift motion she would then bring the two tonfa down on this foe bordering between reality and fiction, like a woman possessed she would twirl them around and begin bringing them down on her foe, this was no rehearsed move or pre programmed routine. Nor was it optimal, it was pure survival instinct and frenzy, the fear of death.

Would simple blunt force to the cranium work as defense against a demon? She had no idea, but if it didn't there was no way for her to win this battle except, running out of the door and hoping to lose her foe. So, if the monster was not deterred by the repeated blows, or simply immune to direct hits. Her robotic legs would carry her away and towards escape, protective gear be damned. As if those weren't a trap either.
Aug 25, 2018
Karen's tonfas went through the phantom, dispersing it as the panicked, blind strikes disturbed the shadows forming her tormentor. Yet few seconds later it was back, once more staring at Karen. It's hissing, mocking laughter accompanied Karen's escape out of the bunker but it made no move to follow her.

A vast expanse of stifling darkness awaited her, obscuring the size of the area she had entered. The only lit part was a road that led straight ahead, lamps inlaid into the floor on both sides of the road, creating a bridge of light, however faint, that cut through the oppressing darkness. Yet the light was snuffed out completely a mere half a meter away from the lamps themselves, creating a wall of darkness around the narrow road.

Fear incarnate was behind her, waiting for her with a broken elevator, but the road before her would certainly lead to the source of all of this.


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
Success, blunt force worked! Hope! Only... Only for hope to fade as the shadow reformed, as such between fight or flight one was proven ineffective, thus a 'logical' conclusion was reached, and flight was selected. Out the door she went, following the only path available for the walls of darkness were sure to bar her path she believed.

That couldn't have been the chief could it? 'Laura' had said that he was down here and she had seen no signs of others. She gulped at the thought, then gulped again at the fact that she could even gulp. If the shadow was not the source, then it must be at the end of this dimly lit road and now she had no choice but to follow it, and hope that at the end of it waited a method for her to bypass her enemy. She was of course still sprinting, stamina was still no issue for her and she wasn't going to give the demon a chance to chase her as long as she had a choice in the matter.

Again the only road was forward, deeper into the DARC.
Aug 25, 2018
With the pace Karen was sprinting at the bunker quickly disappeared behind her, leaving her with the same view both behind and ahead of her. Just how vast of an area was she in, for the same sight to be all around her for so long?

But she was not alone. Easy to miss at first, occasionally there was a sound either to her left or her right. A dull, faint sound of something being dragged over the floor. It disappeared at times, but would come back without fail, her sole companion in the darkness was the unseen slithering next to her. If she looked to either one of her sides once or twice she would've seen just the faintest bit of something large moving near her. Yet it could've just as easily been something her mind conjured up.

Until an eternity later, the view before her changed, and she could see the giant outlines of an enormous archway, or more accurately a gate. It was coated in a dark aura of visible negative energy, its hum clear to hear despite the distance. Though that was, for the moment, least of her concern as on both sides high above three pairs of green eyes opened themselves, gazing directly at her.

"You are not from Directory, are you? A Bioroid would never reach that position there." A voice, every word dripping with contempt, surrounded her, echoing all around her. "That protective gear in the bunker was genuine you know." Huvud scoffed. "But then again, what can you expect from those emotionless puppets when they come in contact with genuine emotion."

The six eyes to her left came closer to Karen, though still hidden by shadows. "But we don't have the time for that. I will guide you on this last leg of your final journey. You will be graced with the barest fragment of our Lord's presence." Huvud breathed out reverently.

A tentacle shot out from the dark, clearly meant for use against Mobile Weapons. It circled around Karen before slowly closing in on her, both to savor the moment and to make sure she wasn't crushed by it. Once constricted, the tentacle made a round below her as well, making a pocket for her to wait her fate in.

The tentacle holding her was sent flying towards the rapidly approaching gate. Larger and larger it grew until it was all she could see.

fabula forest.jpg

And then, with the gentleness of a mother cradling her newborn, her head was brought to touch the outer rim of the Fabula Forest.


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
Her legs carried her away from the demon behind and into the darkness before. The sound on either side only agitating her to push forward faster, moving beyond the pace a human could match. Yet that only made it that much worse when the noise kept up with her, an illusion surely? Nothing alive should be able to keep pace with that kind of motion for that long? Yet it was still there, beyond the edge of vision and beyond the veil of dark. On either side of her something was moving with her.

Yet in the distance after what must have been an eternity of fleeing, she saw the source. The thing that damn near broke her Negative Energy Detector from miles offshore. The gate with a visible aura of darkness, a presence that could put the Crawling Dark to shame... What kind of monstrosities were housed in this realm for this to be just... here, hidden away in one of the poles. Had it been there on 'their' side too? Lurking but never found.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the dark was accompanied by green, her pace grinding to a sudden halt as there were now things in front of her, the tonfa raised in objection to their presence. Yet the pose was weak, pathetic even, like a third grader's attempt at self defense instead of a bioroid specifically made for such a purpose. She grit her teeth in objection as the voice figured her out. Looking all around her to try and see if there was anything except the eyes in front yet spotting nothing.

This, this must be the chief. And by the way he spoke this was all a trap... This was all a trap, and she'd fallen for it hook line and sinker. Her eyes shook even as she remained quiet, betraying the truth of the first remark. Huvud had hit the nail on the head and even if she would not verbally admit to it her body spoke tales. The protective gear was actually genuine too? That was the real surprise here, she had expected it to be naught but another trap laden with negative energy.

The eyes on her left moved as the Huvud gave his final ominous message, declaring that a meeting with their 'lord' would be had. Or a segment of it, the tonfa were tossed aside at the tentacle shot outwards, Karen grasping behind her back to the one weapon that had any hope against such a thing- the blade, as it swiftly approached she drew, the energy blade activating an eastern style weapon, yet even with all the time in the world to draw and slice at this foe, it was too little too late as the energy weapon found its home inside the coils of the tentacle it did not go far, leaving what could at best be called a scratch on the machine, the weapon now stuck deep into the anti-mech weapon and its wielder was disarmed by the coils binding around her.

She resisted of course, but against a tool such as this that was meant to hold mechas in place she stood as much a chance of lifting it out as a fly stood at lifting a bowling ball and so, she rapidly approached the thing at the end of the hall not by choice, but by force.

No collision, no not with such force. Instead she was forced to watch the massive construct loom over her just a moment longer, she tried to turn away, tried to wrest free. But before long there was the cold touch of metal to her cheek.

Instance spanning into eternity, she could feel the touch chill her to her core, even while inactive the Negative Energy Detector she held within her was fried and inoperable within the blink of an eye from the proximity... But that was on the outside where this lasted the blink of an eye.

On the inside, things were much much worse, Karen was unable to move, restricted even in here by unseen chains tethering her to unseen stone, in here there was only a vast black void as she could feel herself melt, as if boiling under the heat of the cold thing she touched. Vile blackness clumped up on her, and she began not to bend, but break under its weight. Like a feather upon her head yet also a existence beyond that of the mountains.

Even in this void of pure dark, as fear overtook her and brought her to her metaphorical knees she could see something beyond... Something that could not logically be seen, something for which in the vast library in her mind there were no words to adequately describe the presence of, let alone anything resembling it. As the vast void ate at her, consumed her bit by bit she could only watch in fear, nay, despair as she beheld the thing.

The closest she could get... After an instant eternity was "Lord of Ruin"... And with that final thought, the puppet broke no longer able to bear the weight of atlas, of a thousand worlds upon her shoulders. Darkness overtook her, reigned within the confines of this now empty mind. Huvud had lived up to his promise and fulfilled it.

On the outside the living puppet instantly went limb, dull eyes gazing into nothing and towards everything. There was this sound that almost resembled static as motion instantly came back, the now empty thing jerking its head back and forth. The very same aura that permeated this place now finding itself a suitable host like it had done to all who dwelt within the halls of DARC. Eyes shifted out of focus, in focus, locked onto everything visible and then some as something new awoke, a nameless thing, a new mind in a hollow shell. Now it truly was a mother cradling their newborn.
"MetAl SHEll." Came the words, out of the lips that screeched like nails across a chalk board, a pause... A second attempt "meTaL sHeLl..." Frustration followed, imperfect. No she would not suffer a third failure, she would do it properly this vocal box was now hers and it would operate properly.

"Metal shell.." There, proper vocalization, exact mimicry of the former puppet inhibiting this shell every detail exactly the same, this pleased the new inhabitant "An improvement over a flesh prison if I do say so myself." She noted, looking down the tentacle towards the blade sticking out, mild fury, that stuck out like a sore thumb. Other things first, other things first. Order of business she could amend that detail later. Huvud came first.
"I would say the journey is complete Huvud," a smile coming onto her as she tasted that last word in her mouth, one unknown to the previous inhabitant "Though I will admit I am surprised that there was enough in here for our Lord to be seen at all by her."
Aug 25, 2018
"Sentience is all that is required, the material from which it springs forth is not of concern." The giant tentacles constricting the new Melior Esse loosened, changing more to gentle cradling than the forceful hold they had had before. Almost like a monster cradling its newborn offspring.

Violaceum turned away from the Fabula Forest, slowly traversing the dim, lightless underground. Back to the surface levels of DARC, to show the newest of their brethren to the rest of the Melior Esse. Lord of Ruin's foremost vanguard and generals.

"Your name shall be Hymla."

"With it you shall bring despair to the world."

"Until eventually it has become a curse upon the lips of all."

"All to deliver and prepare this feast to our Lord."