Sightseeing (Mitsu)


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Yanqing District
Guyaju Ruins
Near The Great Wall, China
9:18 PM

Even in the far flung future, where Extra Over Technology had vastly improved quality of life, much of mankind still had appreciation for the great works of legend.

The Great Wall in particular remained every bit as much as a tourist attraction as it had ever been. Citizens of the Directory - and even wealthy visitors from the Moon and Colonies - trekked to see it daily in the thousands to marvel at its length, freeze in the early morning cold, and be tricked into buying dubious, yak-scented souveniers... Yet, not all corners of its vast length were awash in gawking sightseers.

In the Guyaju ruins, barriers had been erected by Directory survey crews, indicating a work of geological importance was going on. The ruins were stone homes, cut into the side of a mountain - and while they had previously served as a popular tourist attraction, lasting damage attributed to the ES Wave had seen interest in them drop off over the centuries, until its myriad surfaces were thick with dust.

This was, of course... Entirely by design. Hands yet unseen had been quietly maneuvering to ensure they would not be disturbed in this place, and had succeeded...

That was, until today.

At the entrance to the barricade, a Directory transport arrived. A dark-blue colored Huckebein Mk-IIM stood guard over the entranceway, its green visor scanning for any signs of incoming hostiles. After a brief check, the transport - a covered truck, was allowed through. It traveled another mile or so before reaching its destination: A row of similar units, parked behind what appeared to be a staging area full of archaeological equipment... and mining tools.

The vehicle's drivers exited, making their way into the interior, leaving the cargo be for now, and the sound of their footsteps could be heard receding into the distance.

Little were they aware, that this particular caravan contained some unusual contraband...