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Solve for R (MK)


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
August 30th, OE 102
Depths of the Cydonia Trench, Unexplored Zone
4:18 PM Local Mars Time


Falling down, down down.

The Getviewm's hand, reassuring as an angel's, swept out beneath her as she fell, shielding her body from the debris - but it seemed X's work had been done. The lighting had changed, now. Where once there had been rock, it had been replaced with warped, mechanical structure. The way that it curved organically, the way that it hugged the wall,s forming a sort of tunnel, was very reminiscent of the Enigma Machine itself. After what felt like an eternity - and surprisingly no sign of her double, the tunnel widened brightly into-


...Somewhere else.

But, in her heart, she could sense the familiariy of the strange plane that now stretched out before her.

Others, like her. All around. Sleeping, not yet awakened, stored away - or perhaps, confined to eternal slumber. So many hers that it was almost overwhelming to the senses. A strange light source flickered off structures of unknown make - yet were wrought of meticulous nature, pulsating with dim light of residual Dimensional Power. Below, at her feet, stretching for mile upon mile, were... Getviems. Many damaged beyond repair, all ensconed in alcoves buried into a smooth, featureless earth - yet which were silent to her call.



Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
That machine, that Enigma. It had been there for her. Even as she was there, alone. She honestly felt bad for R-05, of whom there seemed to no longer be any trace left given how they ended but still maybe that brought peace. Her double however, was bound to be around. Somewhere in proximity, as she climbed into the Getviewm, moving it around and exiting the tunnel her eyes came upon the grand display.

A nostalgia approached her like a truck on a crash course, hitting her in the face with all the impact and subtlety of said truck.

Her hand covered her mouth, as waves of feelings crashed upon her with each... Tower of her and reaching down there were Getviewms. So many, so so many. Infinitely expanding yet incomprehensibly few. A perfect contradiction.
An echo of a prior prime. The remnants of a great age of her.

Where it all began.

Her mirror image couldn't help but be precise about this. Or perhaps the force behind her was and she was merely a vessel for these feelings. For this pain. All the contempt in the world, put in so small a vessel. Yet for now she had to move. Even with her mind calling out, none answered. Here with herself she was alone still.
No... She had one companion.

The Getviewm flew towards the light, like a moth to a flame. Remedy finally removing her hand from her mouth now that she was no longer about to barf out her stomach at the sight. So much for that promise from the other to be here with her.
"I'm sorry to break your promise!" She called out to the void "But I've no intention of dying!"

Her teeth placed on top of one another, gaze shooting back and forth looking for the other as she moved towards the one flicker of life in this place.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
"This is a graveyard. I'm sure you've recognized that, at least?"

A looming shape plunged out of a pool of darkness that formed in the skies. Violet energy streaming from its form, a hulking Super Robot emerged - its contours blocky and unattractive, a golden V-fin jutting out over a face that might have seemed heroic in its better days, but which now seemed sunken and spiteful, its dull lavender highlights indicating it had seen more battles than most.

Within the cockpit, the "her" known as Remedy crossed her arms, eyes agleam as she surveyed the surroundings. Absorbing all the data, the information, the ecstasy of having access to what had long been denied.

"The Database committed a grave sin. They repurposed the matter they collected from R-01, and its unique qualities. They moved outside of their designated function, and covertly aped their betters. They yearned, secretly, to be free - and in doing so, they created...


The X-1 Robo "Thunderbolt" streaked across the sky on a flare of thruster-fire that matched its enormity, arcing into the distance. If Remedy were to follow, she might find X was leading them further inward, closer and closer towards the center of a spiral - all the while, the lecture continued, unceasingly as she peeled back the layers, one bit at a time, like a child with a chocolate orange.

"A network of sentinels that could be sent any time, any where, any place to repair holes in the fabric of reality. A "Remedy", if you will, a "Panacea" that corrected the oversights and disasters caused by their recklessness. And it worked... Because you were different from them.

You are no simple drone, no limited functionary. You think. You feel. You fought selflessly and never once questioned the greater good you died for countless times. A true hero. That is, of course..."

Eventually, the Super Robot came to a halt, hovering near the center of the spiral, where the ground sloped low. It glowered at Remedy over its neck armor, every bit as fierce as the pilot within.

"...until your existence became... inconvenient."


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
The Getviewm trailed behind its enemy, so she was the product of an attempt to break free from chains invisible was she? At least, in a sense. Perhaps not R-01 herself but rather what remained. Her eyes looked over the horizon, and then back at the Super Robot.
She couldn't help but smugly smile at the notion that she was a true hero, a confirmation of a feeling in a sense. That she had known about herself, still what had made her inconvenient was a question that continued to haunt her.

"So what did I do to cause them to want me away, when I was the cure for all their ills. Unless what I saw back then- that thing denied by all bar one. That was the cause I take it?" Hyle, that memory had been a fond one of him yet standing here in the garbage heap. In this mass grave she couldn't help but wonder about him.

She pondered the existence of the one opposite to her, so far this revelation caused no contempt within herself and the image of those eyes yet haunted her even if now there were layers of steel between them. So she pondered, what she had talked to and the terms it had used. She doubted. Denied it as her, it was a parasite latching onto her form it was the only natural conclusion to this. A shell worn by something within, something that could only hate her existence from afar.

And now it had gotten close.

She apologized to the skin it wore, to her. She did not deserve to be used like a glorified puppet for hate but at least now she knew it was true hate. Not a twisted pity, not a contemptuous admiration.
Perhaps for all the things that hero she was before had stopped, yet even then. There had to be more. Knowing she fought valiantly did nothing to crush her spirit. So what was this building up to.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
"Why do you think you lost your memories?"

The X-Robo hung in the air, looming over her with its imposing presence. X's tone was becoming... short, telltale signs of aggravation starting to seep in, as if she could not quite control the emotion welling up within her.

"The hacceictic deterioration began to affect you as well. Anomalies in your function that were only recognizable to them. You agreed to be decommissioned and placed into stasis... for the greater good, of course. The true reason was known only to the Aristarch of the Database. You were deleted permanently, for the good of all existence."

Here, X lapsed into silence, momentarily, as if comparing her records with the curious reality before her.

"And yet..." She begun, thinly. "You were saved from the scrapheap. Against all reason... You continue to stand before us. Unreasonable. Irrational. Illogical. There was no justification to restore you to function-"

Here, as if sensing the rising tenor in her voice, X paused... and calmed herself, returning to the measured speech of before.

"I came here to understand that. But..." - Again that strange laugh -

"...that data is no longer relevant."

The Super Robot adjusted its gaze, looking down between the two of them.

"The means of your eradication lies at our feet."

Situated at the very heart of the pocket dimension was a colossal, ancient device. Four petal-like blooms of metal, bleached white with age, opened about a dull golden mouth, as if it were a battleship-size flower, reaching towards the sun. The entire world in here seemed to lean away from it, like roots that spread from a great tree, the countless Getviewm below its silent, eternal watchmen. A thought occurred:

Not a single memory had to do with her parents. But here... here...

Was "Mother".


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
Somewhere, she had figured that was the case. That this degradation was voluntary. That everything had become too much somewhere. So her very existence was a possible risk? Still, still... She couldn't sit idly by couldn't tolerate all the pain and suffering outside.
"Hah.... That?" She laughed at the notion, a genuine laugh that washed away the fear and the loneliness. "Isn't it obvious! Why I am here, why I stand before you as I am now."

The Getviewm leaned forwards, bathed in the light from below. She wasn't alone. She should have figured, not here. Not 'home'. Not as long as what was below her was preserved was she alone. Perhaps it was a grievous sin, a defamation of all things that were deserving of being called holy. A transgression equal to the forbidden fruit. But still, simply destroying it wouldn't fix that.

One could almost think she had gone mad, but no. The raised voice was one of excitement.
"YES! It is unreasonable, it defies all logic and that's the beauty of it isn't it? That tiniest speck of cosmic confusion. A universe that was solved still filled to the brim with wonder if only you look inside!"

Maybe she had gone mad she thought, but it mattered little.
"I don't know if it was me or someone else who defied everything, but- but but but. Because of that there's me and there's you. Look at you, just as impossible as me because without me.. You wouldn't be here like this, would you? You'd have to rely on someone else!"
She laughed, the laughter turning from jovial to grim in a flip.

"Ahhh. I detest you. Just because of those eyes... Those hollow eyes. And I wager that you- you aren't suicidal. You've talked a lot about me, but not a word about you." The Getviewm extended its hand downwards, the beam saber extending.
"My eradication, not yours. But, I won't allow that. I want to exist, spiteful as it is to the universe itself and while I may harm it in my wish to protect it. But as you said, I'm not a drone! Maybe its foolish, maybe its wrong even!"

The second hand extended, the second saber.
"But I won't allow it to end here. Even without memories I still had one thing, my name."

"And on that name I swear I'll save her, myself, and the 'me' inside that machine!"
The Getviewm dashed forwards, towards the much larger robot, two sabers in its hands as it quickly closed the distance, unwilling to give it a moment to go closer to the flower below.

"Do you hear me, me? I'm coming!"


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
As X listened to Remedy's, for lack of better word, soulful declaration of the miracle of her existence... an almost imperceptible twitch seized her eye, causing it to flutter, tugging at the corner of her cheek. An involuntary movement, as a thin line of blood ran down the corner of her mouth. Her teeth had been clenched so hard, one had snapped in two. It was as if her words, her logic were almost painful for her to hear - and when the fool finally charged, there was an audible exhale of relief.

"...Pitiful insect." She said, hands gripping the controls as the Super Robot blasted forward;

"There's no data to gained from crushing you again."

Remedy's sword lashed out - and drew blood, scoring a mark across the beast's arm, but for all the depth of the mark, it might as well have been a lick with a match. The second blow went wide as the X-Robo charged in, a knee flying up from below in a rocket assisted strike aimed to catch her in the chest with a force that could have shattered the groin of a Grungust.

"The blight of your irrational nature will be scrubbed from the surface of eternity! All that will remain... Is a galaxy of darkness!"

The twin forearms of the machine swung inward like scissors in a violent embrace, wreathed in plasma that incinerated the air in wide arcs about it - and Remedy, if it were to graze her machine. All the while, the Getviewm's sensors would have started to alert Remedy, chirping a warning - a fierce buildup in the electrical current surrounding the two of them, centered on the head and chest of the Thunderbolt, as well as magnetic force. It wouldn't be long before her systems were affected - and not for the better.
Last edited:


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
"THERE IT IS! I KNEW IT!" A jubilant cheer as her foe announced their intent "You can scrub me clean of memory but I'll never forget- HELLO POLYMAT!"
Never ever would she give him, it, the gratification of using its name. No she had to make this fun for herself and she kept it fun for herself by doing this. That she knew, it was so habitual that no removal of memory could erase that.
And here they were again, it made her feel... Alive.

"How many bouts have we fought now, you'll have to fill me in." The rocket assisted knee came up, Getviewm fleeing from it as it rose to where she was before. Even if the giant machine before her outmatched it in beef and bulk she had speed on her side, though maybe not if she noticed that warning. A magnetic attack. Ah, crap and electricity! Double crap.

"You know what's the best part, you. YOU! So eagerly discarding available data just because!" As the Getviewm backed off it took a handful of grenades and threw them into the face of the Thunderbolt. Diamond shaped explosions aiming to shred away layer after layer of the machine and disable at the very least the building lightning.

"Thanks for confirming something though. Somewhere I was wondering if you let 'me' get to you that one time because of a positive relation before. But now that I hear you talk again, that's a burden off of my mind!" With the Grenades thrown immediately after the Getviewm fired purple rings towards the Thunderbolt's chest during its retreat.

Breaths in and out as adrenaline coursed through her veins. Once more she felt so so so alive! But she couldn't get carried away, there was much more to lose her than herself.
"Come on girls!" She called out to the void "I'm sure I'll be fine on my own but its better with a team! So I have to ask- what pisses you off more, the selfless sacrifice over and over or that you can't explain me." She was being a chatterbox right now, she couldn't quite explain the feeling but it was this mix of giddiness with sheer excitement that caused her tongue to flap non stop. Maybe because she had to compensate for a whole team of her talking now?


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Remedy's call echoed far and wide, each of her blows striking true, as blasts rained down on the Thunderbolt's features, obscuring it in a cloud of smoke as she darted free. It reached across the realm, carried by her voice, her enthusiasm, ringing among the towers. Her spirit, her soul crying out for aid as it had so many times before, willing bodies to appear...

And yet-


Not a single, wayward soul lifted its gaze to meet hers. How? Why? Was it X, causing a disruption? Or... Had the corrosion she'd spoken of finally taken hold? Despite everything feeling right, seeming right... None answered the call.

For once... She was truly alone. Except of course, for-

"Far.. far too many."

A brilliant light shone from behind, blinding in its intensity, accompanied by the cruel hiss of her own voice, accompanied by something much... darker in tone. The earlier swipe, she may have realized, wasn't intended to kill - only to expose her in proximity to the fields about the machine's arms.

"But in the end? It mattered little. You could not stop us. Only delay. We are inevitable."

The Thunderbolt raised its arms - and Remedy immediately felt the treacherous pull of the electromagnets, dragging her in towards the foe as a massive electric charge built up, causing its surface to shine white hot, bolts of electricity collecting about its horns. The magnetism intensified briefly, as the light became blinding, a roar of plasma accompanied by X's voice, shouting over the din:

"Your pointless resistance ends here! E.S THUNDER! CRAAAAASH!"


A riproaring, terrifying explosion of plasma erupted from the Super Robot's upper body in all directions, with such sky-shattering force that it tore at the nearby structures, sending up a hail of broken metal and glass, inert Getviewms left to list in the void, bolts of electricity left arcing through the air between scattered chunks of debris.


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
"Ah crap." She got out just before the lightning came, it looked like this one was all her. No sharing the glory or assault this time. Which was troublesome to say the least. As the pull dragged her in she tugged at the controls of the Getviewm, steering it away and before the white engulfed all it almost seemed like she was reaching out to the Thunderbolt. The flash of pure white accompanied by the silence leaving it all ambiguous for a moment.

Until, a gasp.
"M-ma-mattered little?" She replied, as the plasma faded it revealed the right of the Getviewm, electricity coursing through the machine's 'scarf' as it was revealed to be what was pointed towards the machine instead of the Getviewm's arm. She had been shocked, yes. Her muscles felt like they were on fire for a start and moving involuntarily in some places.

But the worst of it, that had been directed into the lightningrod that were the two 'tails' at its back. Directed into one and being liberated through the other as the quickest way to pass through the machine. Lightning always followed that rule.
"I-I-I Disagee-e. After-rrr all." She shook her face in an effort to reset the muscles.

"Didn't you just call me out as a notable hurdle towards your little universe?"
She took deep breaths, the second tail swung forwards. Both pointed at the Thunderbolt. Electricity still bouncing between them as the Getviewm slightly spread its arms.

"ARBIT!" Energy built up inside the torso of the Enigma Machine coalescing into a brilliant white light "BLASTER!" It streamed forwards, a white light like that of the Thunderbolt except concentrated. Lurching forth as the beam passed through the vacant space. Any possible thing to intercept it already destroyed in the wake of the Thunder Crash and with the proximity she already had with that pull... It was a clear shot.

Still Remedy hacked and coughed as the Getviewm got out of its position, the beam fired. This shock had been somewhat worse than the one in her neck when she got here. A slight understatement perhaps but true all the same and she wasn't eager to take a second one that may just break the structural integrity of her 'scarf' immediately. Green thrusters flared to life, she needed to keep moving. She began a counterclockwise motion around her foe at her current distance gauging the next retaliation.

"Also oh yeah, you didn't win yet even if you get past me."
Her tongue had stilled after that but she wasn't going to shut up when it was clear it hurt them more than her.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
The Arbit Blaster smashed out - and, doubtlessly to Remedy's horror, went wide - passing by the Thunderbolt's torso on the right by a comfortable margin. But... how? The Getviewm's body moved... unnaturally under her grip. As though it had been twisted forcibly at the waist at the last second. Despite her quick thinking, the damage had already been done.

As the smoke from the electric explosion cleared, the "pressure" on the machine intensified - and the X-Robo was revealed in the heart of the smoke, one hand stretched in her direction, fingers splayed. The three claws at the end of it began to close - and with it, the electromagnetic fields began to crush the Getviewm like a tin can, folding its arms against its body as easily as if they were made of paper.

X watched the onslaught with indifference in her eyes, registering Remedy's hollow bravado. How many times had they done this dance? This one, of course, seemed a little more eccentric than those before her, but that was understandable - the deterioration aspect had hit hard. Ridding herself of the individual ones was nothing but a chore that had long since lost its luster, better delegated to Duminass and her failure "offspring".

To destroy an infestation required the decimation of the nest.

"You're right." She said, matter-of-factly to Remedy, at length.

"There's no need to make this a long goodbye."

And with a wide, terrible grin, the Super Robot reoriented itself towards the earth below. A bright light gathered near its belly - and then blasted out, the force of the energy alone pushing it back slightly, causing its thrusters to flare defiantly as it poured burning death into the heart of this world. The beam speared down through the sky towards its destination, casting the whole world in a terrible crimson.


It punctured the surface of the Mother Duplicator like falling knife through a daffodil. The construct's "petals" wound inward about the wound for a brief second in silent, profound agony... before wilting, collapsing into burning chunks of glowing rubble.

Slowly, the lights - what few remained - began to wink off... as a world breathed its last.


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
Remedy gasped as the shot went wide, it wasn't supposed to do that. How had it, right. Magnets. Still she held onto the controls of Getviewm, even if it was no longer truly hers to move around she didn't let go. It was uncouth to abandon a lifelong partner like that, even if it hadn't always been this Getviewm. Still she couldn't happen but smile.
The weight of not knowing was a lot less, knowing that it had been her decision. The pain of forgetting lessened when she remembered it was her choice.

Even here, at the end. When she finally found where she came from and who she came from. Wanting to do so much she could take the little joy that it had to take her as a genuine threat despite its remarks.

But- even as the void loomed on the edge of existence, she tugged at the controls, contorting the shape of Getviewm further as she pulled against the flow of magnetic flux. If she didn't give it her all then she may as well not have tried!
The beam saber was taken, and flung forwards at the face of the Thunderbolt.

Then however, the beam crashed down. Puncturing, incinerating.
Her gaze rested on what was below, blinking twice at the sight. As the lights around her began to fade.
"Mother, can I call you mother?" She asked to the destroyed ship "I'm glad I got to be close to you this one last time."

The second beam saber flared to life, from the other hand, like a petulant child this followed the same path as the other one. Travelling through the void to strike at the murderer. "Hey Muddlehead." Her tone was calmer this time, even as she pushed forward. "Vulcan, Spartacus, Karl, Mima, HAL."
She was basically helpless, but even should she turn into the goop that R-05 had become she would go out swinging any way she could.

"I'm going to make this goodbye as long as I can- Because I know that until I go you can't leave." A smug smirk formed all the same, as the darkness surrounded her. "After all, just killing me ain't enough for you is it. You want to be proven right don't you. So I'll be here with you- even if I have to hold myself together until time runs out, I just have to out last you."

It was a bluff.. Probably? She didn't know how much time she had, if any at all. But if she even got the slightest reaction out of it then it was worth it.
Otherwise, well she had proven to be quite good at delaying it before. So why not.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Remedy's thrown saber arced through the air... and fell short of its target. X just watched, wordlessly. Waiting for the last speck of light to leave her eyes so she could move on to her next objective. Was there triumph? Was there gloating, some reassuring resemblance of humanity behind those impassive eyes? None seemed forthcoming, as everything went dark.

As the Getviewm finally went silent, X's gaze went to the sky, contemplatively. Her work wasn't done yet, no. Not until every trace of this place had been stomped into the infinite, like a chunk of leftover fat circling the drain, refusing to be washed away. Yet, as she began to draw a bead on any remaining power sources-

A hand reached up from below, grasping at the sky.

Then two.

Then three.


All around her, perforated and rotted bodies began to rise from their graves, eyes flickering on one at a time as the emissary of Dark Brain looked on in dull surprise. They stretched all the way to the horizon, in various states of disrepair - some little more than heads attached to a handful of limbs by a few cords, but even these scraps dragged themselves up and forward with their fellows. It was akin to seeing a swarm of locusts, metal wings (where they had them) beating together as they massed together, encircling X.

A last ditch effort? Perhaps some sort of recovery program she hadn't been made aware of? It mattered little. Whatever the cause, she would eradicate it as always. Nothing could stand before them!

One Getviewm shuddered - and then lunged. They surged forward in a tide of metal, all at once, from all directions. X raised the shotgun, eyes gleaming with malice.

The sound of plasma and gunfire filled the air-

[System Termination Detected
Core Unit Destroyed.
Preparing for complete shutdown.
Action canceled.
Activating Contingency One.
Begin final record playback.]

Coarse, loose fabric under her fingers.

It was cramped, but he'd done everything he could to make it comfortable, at least. She simply stared at the ceiling, and tried to rest, the sound of mechanical instruments and a single, dull light making her almost feel as if she was simply settling in for the evening. At length, a familiar voice crackled to life, asking anxiously for the umpteenth time.

"How are you feeling?"

She sighed, and sat up. They were surrounded by a variety of worker robots busying themselves about the capsule. The monitors set up along the walls were old, but still afforded her a view of the void of space outside. Soon, she thought, she'd be getting a lot more acquainted with it.

"Hyle... This was your suggestion." She said to one of the nearby robots, little more than an arm on a crane.

"Well yes, but-"

"Do you have any better ideas?"

Silence greeted her... and she lay down again, trying to clear her thoughts. She lifted her hand to the light - and examined the static-like patches across its back, the way the light passed through it, shimmering onto her face in strange, unnatural reflections.

"How long will it take?" She said, finally.

"...I don't know." Confessed Hyle.

"It could be a long, long time before the corrosion leaves your system. Nothing like this has ever been attempted."

The data he'd recovered on R-01, she thought. Her "predecessor". The truth of her history... and how it had been exploited by the Database, right up until she became a liability. Could her body - her fading memory, her life - be fixed by overlaying the two? Hyle, at least, seemed to think so - and was willing to try. But the process... was dangerous.

To be released into the depths of space, where the corrosion couldn't spread while she recovered... There was no telling what could happen.

As if reading her mind, Hyle perked up:

"Don't worry. I'm storing your memories on the neural network... Once cleansed, they should lead you right back here, even if the worst happens."

Against the anxiety in her chest, she laughed.

"In theory."
"In theory."

There was a long since - and an affirmative click that affirmed all was ready. Remedy tried to become as comfortable as possible.



"Thank you."

"...It's the least I could do."

"For what?"

"Hm... It's nothing, really. Forget it. I wasn't programmed to be very good at these things."

At his bashfulness, she gave a wry smile - but avoided pressing the point, moving on to something more vital.

"We'll see each other again, right?"

"I'll be waiting for you here."




Her eyelids felt heavy. As patchy as her recollections were, she at least knew what sleep felt like. Strange, she thought, that despite all the advances of man... At the end, a nice long sleep could do more good than any medicine. Someone had once told her that when you slept, you died and were reborn anew. She wondered, briefly if there was any truth to that.

Nowhere she hadn't been before, then.

Present Day
Sub-Database Level 3
Former Quarantine Area


Alive, again.

Or, not quite. Whatever was left of "her", of Remedy, would find its senses restored in no uncertain order. Her skin registered the feel of sunlight. Her ears, the sound of a distant, chirping bird of uncertain origin. She'd been here before, albeit a different location - on that day when she'd confronted Iris before the others. An old simulation, one that had long since been discarded for its apparent security failures, along with everything that had ever been associated with their blue-haired guest.

A simulation.

Had her consciousness been scooped from the brink of death by an unseen hand? Or had she merely returned to where she was meant to, a final stage before her final record would be scrubbed away forever? No immediate answer seemed to be forthcoming - but there was the distinct sense she was not alone.


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
She inhaled, forcing air into her systems as an immediate reaction to all that had happened. Or perhaps 'air' was more apt, she looked around searching for what, for why. All that she knew for certain at this point is that if she was here, she hadn't lost. Or, maybe this was the so called 'life flashing by' so dreaded by all things that draw breath. Never able to be sure until that final instant whether it existed or not.

No, it was not. This was certain, as she recognized her surroundings. The glimpse that had just passed settling in as Remedy staggered backwards until finally her behind rested in the artificial grass below. She wondered, had she remembered too late? The trail of breadcrumbs leading her home had been followed but had she been too slow allowing her alter ego to catch up and then overtake her? It was too late to wonder these things now though she wondered what X was up to now. Those final moments before this were... Fuzzy, like a pillow and a dream. She simply remembered, darkness and then a shot.

Once more inhaling, partaking of the 'air' and the faux freshness thereof, before raising herself off the grass.
"What a time to remember." She mused to herself, she didn't feel alone anymore. It was comforting, but worrying. "Finally no more secrets, from them and from myself." If whoever was here had ill intent, she didn't particularly care currently... There was so much to process, so much to feel in that singular moment. Several lifetimes wouldn't be enough to process all of that single instance where she touched both death and yet never had felt so alive.

"Whoever is out there, if you're listening. I finally remember!" She proclaimed in triumph "But I can't stay here! There's promises to keep, people to save. So so so much to do." Her foot moved forward, carrying her through the greenery between hedges, sparing no second glance to the building where she had been judged inept in this space. Of all there was to do, she couldn't do it here.

She paused.

Just a few steps forward, turning back, gaze fixated on that building. Then moving downwards.
"Wait." There was... One thing which could be done here if he was here as well. "Data recycling... Oh that's clever." A grin as wide as they came appeared on her face as hope set in. She ran back where she came, and further. Where was the entrance to that place again.
Whoever was waiting for here, and it better be him, would be there.


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
As she passed through the walls, through the strange, slow ebb of data, overhead the sky flickered. As though there was a great impact from far away - but, only for a moment. How long had this place stood, waiting for her to return? Sure enough, as she moved into view of that long, electronic lake-

There he was, motionless as a statue until he heard her footsteps, before a mechanical head turned quizzically in her direction.


Hyle rose from the marble bench where he sat, slowly. His model seemed... Simpler than she remembered. As if lower-res, the details somewhat blurry and smoothed out - or perhaps it was a consequence of her own growth that he appeared so obsolete. Even he hardly seemed to believe his eyes as he looked at her, as if not daring to acknowledge the truth after all this time.

"...Is that really you? D-Did... it really work?" He asked, voice trembling with synthesized emotion.

The program slipped back into his seat as quickly as he'd risen, overwhelmed as he buried his head in his hands.

"Oh... Oh, thank goodness." He said, relief seeping all through his frame.

"I thought... you..."


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
"Hyle!" She cried out, "Sorry I took so long. The journey back was... Difficult." She paused, apologetically "But yes, it worked. Even if I don't have much of an idea how long I was gone for." Calmly she approached the seated program, she felt it had been long. Too long perhaps even since she had left that day, covered by the sweet embrace of space. The only one who knew for sure, was the one in front of her.

"Still, I hope you can forgive me for the detour but I did finally remember our promise." She seated herself besides him, placing a hand on his shoulder, as the bulk of his frame made it difficult to wrap an arm around it. "Hyle?"

She was considering what to say, it was difficult. Seemingly impossible even in this moment to try and convey it, the journey, the gratitude. Yet coated with worry about and for X and the her in there she wished to save. The her she wanted to have with her in this moment sharing in this joy that brought her to tears. One dropped to the ground, coating the artificial stone below in the moist décor. A second one shortly followed.

"Thank you." She finally said "For saving me, for waiting, for listening when no one would." A sleeve went over her cheeks, soaking them in real artificial tears so much to say, to catch up on, even to warn him about but all she could say-

"Thank you."


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018
Hyle returned Remedy's embrace with characteristic awkwardness - though it seemed more that his motions were stiff and not quite as flexible as they had been before. As she thanked him, he nodded bashfully, as if unsure of what to say until a revelation struck him, causing him to say, quietly:

"If you're here then... MD must have been..."

He lapsed into solemn silence. Unknown to Remedy, he was extending his senses, straining aging connections to get a glimpse of the outside world. He didn't even have to fully connect to give a shudder, pulling back reflexively, as though he had tried to place his hand on a hot stove.

"Yes, I can feel it now." He said, gravely.

"That terrible evil we fought is near."

How, he thought, had the dark one managed to breach his defenses? It was only a matter of time, of course, but his simulations had predicted they could hold out for a little while longer. Perhaps it had something to do with the missing body his maintenance had discovered? It seemed as if the worst had indeed happened... and he nodded to Remedy.

"I'll be brief, then." He said;

"After you left... once our "malfunction" was discovered... The Aristarch purged what subprograms remained, and installed itself as the fundamental directive. Now, nothing goes on that is not under its direct supervision.

I am all that remains. I took what we could salvage, and uploaded myself to the disposal facility here, on Mars. I knew the Database would come for us, eventually... or worse. She and I, we hid ourselves away from the outside world.

He shook his head, slowly, despondently. Despite having the frame of a small ox, it was a curiously human gesture.

"There was nothing I could do to fix her... as much as I tried. We were lonely, of course... but, together."

Hyle seemed lost in thought for a moment, perhaps only now the gravity of the loss he had endured starting to sink in - but a flickering of the sky above seemed to shake him out of it, and he continued grimly.

"...Brain wants you exterminated. It'll stop at nothing until you, and all other sentient, life is under its dominion - enveloped into a world of darkness, where his backwards logic is law. To think we all shared the same code... It's nothing short of unbelievable."

The construct's fingers drummed on the side of his head as he thought, running through the calculations for what felt like the hundred thousandanth time. He wasn't used to all this - all his processors were firing at maximum, just trying to cope with being awake for what felt like the first time in an age.

"You've never beaten Brain. Nobody has - It's statistically impossible. The difference in processing power alone is insurmountable. The Aristarch made you fight it anyway. So many years, so many bodies, experiencing so many deaths. It was... wrong. It was unfair."

He fell into silence, fingers netting together on his lap. He looked out upon the sparkling water, and thought of this space, which had been his home for so many years now.

"You shouldn't fight. You should take what you can and run. Try to find somewhere safe. That's all you... that's all anyone can do."


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
She listened to him, it gave her a much welcomed moment to catch herself as well. She was quiet as he talked before finally, at the end of it, speaking up.
"No." She decreed.

"Hyle." She placed a hand on top of his. "Doing exactly that is the one way we lose." Her second hand came on top of that hand as she turned towards him. A smile on her features as tears streamed down her face still. "If I run that means Allied Mastercomputer won." Even here she would mock it by not using its name. Insinuating that to Hyle as she spoke.

"You didn't see but out there, what he sent after me, that façade wearing another me. It was livid. Not in a way that made sense but exactly because of that, because I existed then and there when it was sure it had seen the last of me. You know what that means right?" She smiled at him, "We've beaten him we, together, beat Unicomp. Not in combat, not yet. But we brought it to the point of irrational anger and I cannot begin to explain how happy that made me. But we got it to this point, running away, hiding, maybe I'd get to live just a bit longer but in that time I'd just get to watch the world die and then at the end. It would still be me against it. Truly alone."

She took a deep breath.
"And I'd leave her alone as well, the one he wears. Hyle, I appreciate everything you've done and in return I'd do anything for you in return but not that. Its true, I've never beaten him. Yet." The tears had stopped, and a grin was forming on her face "But we just did what? A miniscule chance of success on actually saving me? So sure the odds might be minimal, insurmountable! But I've been at this for a long, long while Hyle. So what if I have a one in a trillionth chance to win. It just means I need to throw myself at the issue a trillion times over and I'll win once!"

Her hands grabbed his firmly, "And that's the thing, the most wonderful thing of all in this back and forth I've locked his shiny ass into! He needs to win every time, and I just need to win once and sure I've lost a trillion times over but that just means that one time, that one miniscule chance. It's going to be the next one."
She stood up, and aimed her gaze upwards.

"But there is one thing you're wrong about. The Aristarch never made me do it. I chose to and even you can't stop me from making that choice again." She aimed a hand upwards, grasping at nothing except air. "Maybe I shouldn't fight, maybe I'll die again and maybe it'll be for the final time. I can't say that getting torn apart is one of the fondest memories to get back. But I know for sure that if I don't fight I'll live to regret it and that I would hate myself for it."

"Because it meant that I never got to save 'me' from it, it means I never got to avenge my mom." She tilted her head slightly "It means that all that fighting, all that dying was without a meaning. Life... Is unfair, I've certainly been dealt a worse hand than most given that I've died countless times for countless stars. But I could go on about the wondrous sights I've seen for eternity."

She aimed her gaze down.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go on like that. Not with Arius on your doorstep. Our doorstep." Finally she spun back to him.
"I already failed to protect her, if I want to protect you I need to go. I'm sorry I can't stay longer, but someone's got to try to stop him and that someone."

She smiled.
"That someone is me."


Staff member
Jun 15, 2018

A supernova of plasma erupted in the miniature pocket dimension. One of the massive buildings crumbled apart, shattering into a million pieces as the X-1 drove a Getviewm through its surface, crushing its head with a three-pronged claw in a spray of oil. A veritable mountain of wreckage surrounded it now, suspended in the air - and they kept coming and coming, seemingly without end.

But within the cockpit, X wasn't fooled.

Not even for an instant. Her eyes scanned the surroundings whilst she casually swiped another cluster of junkbots aside, even as they peppered her with laser-fire. Her concentration couldn't be interrupted. There was a source for these things, there always was... and she was going to find it and pull the plug.

"Damnable insects." X hissed under her breath, the scanner's recticle moving across her screen as it narrowed down the possibilities, searching for the greatest power source left in the area.

"What are you hiding...?"

Hyle listened to Remedy's impassioned defense, and seemed almost at a loss for words as he held her hands gently. Somewhere within him, a realization went click.

Perhaps he saw it.

Perhaps this was what terrified Brain, the Aristarch, even the Ur-Humans finest creations: their irrational nature. That shard of scintillating insanity in the face of all odds, against the vastness of the galaxy, the yawning infinite void of certain death: that they would stand. They would find a way - possibility be damned. To something such as he, devised to serve, to exist in a limited capacity, to base his decisions off calculus alone... there was something mortifying about it.

And yet, hadn't part of that rubbed off on him as well? He could sit and make excuses, but when the Aristarch had condemned him as malfunctioning, as obsolete? He'd been right. And he'd been glad to be different, as if part of humanity had seeped into him over the countless years of his service processing their refuse, making him too something more.

"Then allow me to help you, Remedy. Let us be unreasonable together... One last time."

With a wave of a hand, the digital landscape beneath them faded away. Instead there were descending deeper into the earth, a mass of cables, wires, and damaged worker robots scattered about them. There was a distant glow of green rising up from below, illuminating their feet as Hyle spoke.

"I reconstructed your database from MD... It was long due for an overhaul before you were decommissioned. The blueprints for it were incomplete, so she and I filled it in over the years depending on what data came through. The power source is different from what you're used to, but I think you'll be pleased with the result..."

They came to a halt, and nestled at the heart of the installation, of all of mars, was a robot.

Its physique was similar to that of X's own machine - tall, broad shouldered, but clad in regal crimson with silver trim, with neon-green chunks of Dimensional Energy Crystal embedded into its frame at intervals. Its body pulsed with light, like the beating of a heart as it slumbered.

"I call it the Gravalin." Said Hyle, with no small touch of pride for his workmanship.

"It'll be your new heart. Your new home. Not expendable. Not replaceable. A champion of justice to stand against evil."

He paused here, as if experiencing a last moment's hesitation... but relented. The scene began to fade from view, and Hyle with it - but his voice rang clear in Remedy's ears as he called out to her.

"...Go! Show me - show the Aristarch - that there is more to this world than numbers alone!"


Staff member
Aug 19, 2018
Her smile widened as Hyle spoke at last, mouthing another thank you as their descent began. Listening along as he explained how what was made was explained and finally beholding it in person. Wordlessly, as if repaying for her previous tirade she stepped forwards, laying her hand on the machine. It was weird, to lay her hands on a machine that wasn't Getviewm. In part it felt like a necessity but also a betrayal. But as Hyle continued she nodded.

"Well you're really not giving me any choice here are you. With something like this I just have to win." She said as everything around her faded. "Alright. I'll show you and I'll win that's a promise." Her hand went to a fist as her gaze shot upwards, Gravalin.
"Lets be unreasonable shall we."

"Hey." A voice echoed through the space, unbidden, unwelcome to the one recipient remaining to hear. One who at this point would have presumable liked to hear anything but that same grating voice once more, the same one silenced but moments prior "Should've kept your focus on me."

A green light shone in the distance, coursing through the space at Mars' core as it shot forwards towards X. Immediately thereafter a second beam fired forth, like its mirror image before it too blasted forwards. At their point of origin stood a hulking frame, like a mirror to the one that had been terrorizing this space, electric currents coming off its hands cascading away as they evaporated into the aether.

However it was only in silhouette and size that similarities could be found, as the rubble and smoke cleared the machine was illuminated by dim green light coming from its chest. The light of possibilities, of will, of irrationality. The core, the crux of this machine was that same power so coveted by her predecessors as the power to change fate.

"How's this for new data!" She called out jubilantly, she liked the power this thing had. It was like five Getviewms stapled together in that sense. She inhaled, a smile turning into a frown. "While I'd love to joke around some more like before, and I know how much you hate it. I did make a promise to win." The Gravalin straightened itself out, its hands balling into fists.

"So for once, just once, I'll treat you seriously and afterwards I'm going to find a nice place to treat 'us'." She smiled at that just a little bit "Because I also promised to save her." The Gravalin put one fist in the other hand, staring down the Thunderbolt.
"And though it may take a while, I do keep those promises!"