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  • MKR
    MKR replied to the thread Cool Night Blues (MK, Open).
    Shevirat paused not when the outburst began, but instead when it petered down. When realization sunk in, that was when he turned to face...
  • ShadowVigilante1
    Having given his complete statement, he saw that Shevirat was certainly deriving some form of entertainment from this, watching people...
  • GrimmShane
    Aloha Ignation! Time sure does fly. Feels like just yesterday we were opening our doors. Now, five years later, we sit on the cusp of...
  • Admin
    Admin posted the thread Celebrating Year Five in Announcements.
    Aloha Ignation! Time sure does fly. Feels like just yesterday we were opening our doors. Now, five years later, we sit on the cusp of...
  • GEAR
    GEAR posted the thread A Great Leap Forward! in Announcements.
    Aloha Ignation! As you know, we as a community are always striving to provide the best roleplaying experience on the entire internet...
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  • Lukas
    Lukas replied to the thread ??? (Lukas, Verus).
    "Moderately. They feed on the pilot to power themselves, alongside anyone nearby. Try to keep it from eating the staff if you can...
  • Hitura Rael
    Vertalis tapped away at his keyboard while watching the feed from the Capra. Today, they were surveying the edge of the forest again...
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  • MKR
    MKR replied to the thread Flowers That Grow On Scars (Gear).
    It was unclear if the man had noticed the slight sigh, however the two aside from him who were literally made to perceive such things...
  • GEAR
    GEAR replied to the thread Flowers That Grow On Scars (Gear).
    "Heavy is the head that wears the crown." She'd heard that, once. Apparently, it was from some old Terran play. From the times when men...
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  • PixelatedShinobi
    Ayna, hopped up on adrenaline from the battle and now the strange pulse of light from the Orphes, shouts with excitement and passion...
  • MKR
    MKR replied to the thread Cool Night Blues (MK, Open).
    "Ah, but that too is Nurture and not Nature is it? Getting it drilled into you meant it was not normal for you to embrace that purpose...
  • ShadowVigilante1
    “It can change many things, knowing what you were, or in my case knowing what I was born to do. I would have become a very different...
  • ShadowVigilante1
    Given what the Vorlent was facing, the loyalist inside felt quite certain that their superior Orgone Cannon would punch right through...
  • MKR
    MKR replied to the thread Cool Night Blues (MK, Open).
    The smirk faded as the topic shifted, the question of implanted or inherited memories caused the blue haired man to ever so slightly...
  • MKR
    September 1st Endymion Territory The Moon, Artemis Palace 10:06 Three individuals approached the grand door, no that statement was...