September 19th OE 102
Citadel City, Perindor
“Laura, Asem, Mumyo, I’m sure you’re likely discontent being stuck here while the others go out, but we’re stretched thin as is; having reliable pilots to defend the capital is just as important.”
Heidel gave a somewhat apologetic expression to the three as she turned her back to them and looked out to the horizon.
The three earthlings, along with Heidel were standing on a balcony looking out the citadel garden, the Vermillion Guardian and Deenbell stationed below, along with two Welspiner Reis and two Welsdines, readied for whatever may come. It had been a few hours since Malan and Liana had left on their task, leaving the remaining three to ‘go about their day as they pleased, so long as they were ready to fight at a moment’s notice’, or so Heidel said.
That said, she called the three of them back to the castle to have a talk with them.
“So, do you think you’ll be able to fit in here in Crescentia? While I don’t wish to keep you here for too long if I can help it, I know not exactly when this war will end, I would like to hope that things aren’t too uncomfortable for the lot of you.”
Heidel had changed a bit since their introduction, perhaps a bit softer, but if one looked well enough, they could tell that she was simply… tired.
“It’s… doable.”
Mumyo spoke frankly to the Reine, still in a somewhat angsty mood even after the previous night.
Outskirts of Perindor
A black mobile weapon stood amongst the wasteland, the wrecks of several Welsdines and Welspiners surrounding it, each impaled by an identical-looking sword. The machine pulled one sword from the ground, and took a relaxed pose, eyes set on the Citadel in the distance.
“Kusanagi, it would be best not to overexert yourself before the main stage, this is not a sprint, but a marathon. Preserve your energy until the right time.”
A black, angel-like machine emerged from the aether behind the sword-wielding machine, floating effortlessly above the ground.
“Xifas, are we still safe?”
A woman’s voice came from the first machine.
“Yes. I’ve taken the measures to cover our steps, we should remain undetected until we’re at their gates. That said, they might take notice when their soldiers aren't reporting in.”
The deep, older voice resonated from the Angel.
“Isn’t this dangerous? We’re jumping headfirst into the enemy’s capital with only the two of us. This seems like suicide.”
“What we require is a shocking display of force and maneuvering. Information tells us the young Reine has brought outside help into Crescentia to aid in their war efforts. While it's a shame we missed the chance to strike them all at once, with their numbers few, it actually works well as a boon for us.”
“...Right, if you say so.”
The black machine stepped forward, swinging its blade to the side, flinging off any residual oil and other machinery guts still on it.
“Just tell me where to go and who to fight, it’s been awhile since I’ve been able to go all-out. I’ll follow your lead.”
The blonde woman gave a smile and clenched the controls of her motion-link system. Once again it was time to remind them of the Nightmare of Perindor.
“Breakthrough to the frontlines, once you’ve done so, the Angelois will be right behind you. If you encounter the outsiders, engage them, test them. And if you can, kill them.”
The black angel faded backwards into the Aether, off to do its job as well.
Perindor Citadel
A guard came running onto the balcony where the four people were, labored breaths between words.
“A singular Knight Frame was seen approaching Perindor. Three squads have been lost already!”
“A singular unit? Just what is it?”
Heidel looked in shock at the man’s report.
“It's… It’s the Nightmare of Perindor, it’s returned.”
The man had a grim look on his face.
Heidel’s face switched to that of concern, placing her fingers on her chin.
“This is untimely… Laura, Asem, I need you two to sortie as soon as possible, intercept the Nightmare.”
She turned to her new allies, with a serious look on her face. It was a heavy command for their first task, but she wanted to believe they were capable enough. Or perhaps, it would be best to think that if they couldn't overcome the Nightmare, overcoming the Giants would be beyond them by miles.
And that was a possibility she didn't want to think of.
Citadel City, Perindor
“Laura, Asem, Mumyo, I’m sure you’re likely discontent being stuck here while the others go out, but we’re stretched thin as is; having reliable pilots to defend the capital is just as important.”
Heidel gave a somewhat apologetic expression to the three as she turned her back to them and looked out to the horizon.
The three earthlings, along with Heidel were standing on a balcony looking out the citadel garden, the Vermillion Guardian and Deenbell stationed below, along with two Welspiner Reis and two Welsdines, readied for whatever may come. It had been a few hours since Malan and Liana had left on their task, leaving the remaining three to ‘go about their day as they pleased, so long as they were ready to fight at a moment’s notice’, or so Heidel said.
That said, she called the three of them back to the castle to have a talk with them.
“So, do you think you’ll be able to fit in here in Crescentia? While I don’t wish to keep you here for too long if I can help it, I know not exactly when this war will end, I would like to hope that things aren’t too uncomfortable for the lot of you.”
Heidel had changed a bit since their introduction, perhaps a bit softer, but if one looked well enough, they could tell that she was simply… tired.
“It’s… doable.”
Mumyo spoke frankly to the Reine, still in a somewhat angsty mood even after the previous night.
Outskirts of Perindor
A black mobile weapon stood amongst the wasteland, the wrecks of several Welsdines and Welspiners surrounding it, each impaled by an identical-looking sword. The machine pulled one sword from the ground, and took a relaxed pose, eyes set on the Citadel in the distance.
“Kusanagi, it would be best not to overexert yourself before the main stage, this is not a sprint, but a marathon. Preserve your energy until the right time.”
A black, angel-like machine emerged from the aether behind the sword-wielding machine, floating effortlessly above the ground.
“Xifas, are we still safe?”
A woman’s voice came from the first machine.
“Yes. I’ve taken the measures to cover our steps, we should remain undetected until we’re at their gates. That said, they might take notice when their soldiers aren't reporting in.”
The deep, older voice resonated from the Angel.
“Isn’t this dangerous? We’re jumping headfirst into the enemy’s capital with only the two of us. This seems like suicide.”
“What we require is a shocking display of force and maneuvering. Information tells us the young Reine has brought outside help into Crescentia to aid in their war efforts. While it's a shame we missed the chance to strike them all at once, with their numbers few, it actually works well as a boon for us.”
“...Right, if you say so.”
The black machine stepped forward, swinging its blade to the side, flinging off any residual oil and other machinery guts still on it.
“Just tell me where to go and who to fight, it’s been awhile since I’ve been able to go all-out. I’ll follow your lead.”
The blonde woman gave a smile and clenched the controls of her motion-link system. Once again it was time to remind them of the Nightmare of Perindor.
“Breakthrough to the frontlines, once you’ve done so, the Angelois will be right behind you. If you encounter the outsiders, engage them, test them. And if you can, kill them.”
The black angel faded backwards into the Aether, off to do its job as well.
Perindor Citadel
A guard came running onto the balcony where the four people were, labored breaths between words.
“A singular Knight Frame was seen approaching Perindor. Three squads have been lost already!”
“A singular unit? Just what is it?”
Heidel looked in shock at the man’s report.
“It's… It’s the Nightmare of Perindor, it’s returned.”
The man had a grim look on his face.
Heidel’s face switched to that of concern, placing her fingers on her chin.
“This is untimely… Laura, Asem, I need you two to sortie as soon as possible, intercept the Nightmare.”
She turned to her new allies, with a serious look on her face. It was a heavy command for their first task, but she wanted to believe they were capable enough. Or perhaps, it would be best to think that if they couldn't overcome the Nightmare, overcoming the Giants would be beyond them by miles.
And that was a possibility she didn't want to think of.